I have an simple Node application that allows me to pass an AWS S3 URL link to a file (in this case video files). It uses the FFMPEG library to read the video file and return data like codecs, duration, bitrate etc..
The script is called from PHP script which in turn send the data to the Node endpoint and passes the Amazon S3 URL to node. Sometimes for no obvious reasons the video file fails to return the expected values regarding container, codec, duration etc... and just returns '0'. But when I try the exact same file/request again it returns this data correctly e.g container:mp4
I'm not sure but I think the script somehow needs the createWriteStream to be closed but I cannot be sure, the problem is the issue I have found doesn't happen all the time but sporadically so its hard to get to the issue when its difficult to replicate it.
Any ideas?
router.post('/', async function(req, res) {
const fileURL = new URL(req.body.file);
var path = fileURL.pathname;
path = 'tmp/'+path.substring(1); // removes the initial / from the path
let file = fs.createWriteStream(path); // create the file locally
const request = https.get(fileURL, function(response) {
// after file has saved
file.on('finish', function () {
var process = new ffmpeg(path);
process.then(function (video) {
let metadata = formatMetadata(video.metadata);
res.send ({
status: '200',
data: metadata,
errors: errors,
response: 'success'
}, function (err) {
console.warn('Error: ' + err);
res.send ({
status: '400',
data: 'Something went wrong processing this video',
response: 'fail',
file.on('error', function (err) {
function formatMetadata(metadata) {
const data = {
'video' : metadata.video,
'audio' : metadata.audio,
'duration' : metadata.duration
return data;
// Expected output
// Actual output
Note - this happens sporadically
You are not accounting for a failed fetch from AWS. You should check the status code of the response before you move on to your pipe.
const request = https.get(fileURL, function(response) {
if(response.statusCode == 200)
// Handle error case
I am trying to use TestCafe's request hooks to get the body of a response. I am able to log the body of the request and can see the xml of the request body no problem. For the response though I am getting globby gook. I am thinking I am having some kind of ssl issue but not exactly sure. It seems strange because I am getting a 200 status code, and am able to see the headers of the response. If it was an ssl thing do think I should see the headers.
anyway here is my code
the custom requestHook
import { RequestHook} from 'testcafe'
export default class AdultHomeScreenHook extends RequestHook{
constructor(requestFilter:any, responceOptions:any){
onRequest (event:any) {
console.log('Request Body')
let buf = event._requestContext.reqBody as Buffer
onResponse (event:any) {
let buf = event.body as Buffer
this is the important parts of the test fixture
import AdultHomeHook from '../requestHooks/adultHomeScreenHook'
let adultHomeHook = new AdultHomeHook({url:'https://url.com/login?language=en',
method:'post'},{ includeHeaders: true, includeBody: true })
fixture.only`Adult Home Screen
and then the code to launch the webapp and start the tests
const fs = require('fs');
const selfSigned = require('openssl-self-signed-certificate');
const createTestCafe = require('testcafe');
let testcafe = null;
var options = {
key: selfSigned.key,
cert: selfSigned.cert
createTestCafe('localhost', 1337, 1338, options)
.then(tc => {
testcafe = tc;
const runner = testcafe.createRunner();
return runner
.startApp('node scripts/run start', 45000)
.browsers('chrome --allow-insecure-localhost')
selectorTimeout: 30000
.then(failedCount => {
console.log('Tests failed: ' + failedCount);
I have tried a couple of different things for the ssl options object, tried a self-signed cert and also using the cert for the webapp and a good number of other things to no avail.
when I run everything I am able to see the body of the request as expected
but the response body is not right something like this
U�Os�0��~n� ��锶3m��������$h�Z�=���{ﷇ��2��.۾���]I=�!/ylƴ�4p%��P�G�����~��0�jݧ�NUn��(���IQ�
I can also see the headers for both request and response no problem
turns out this was not an ssl issue at all. the response body from the server was coming in a zipped format. I had to unzip the response body buffer and then could run .toString() on the unzipped Buffer
onResponse (event:any) {
let buf = event.body as Buffer
let unzippedBody = zlib.gunzipSync(buf) as Buffer
I'm working on this project using IPFS and I'm trying to create a website that allows users to upload files directly from their browser to IPFS. My goal was that the website would be a front-end website but whenever I add a file to IPFS and I check it's hash on https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/hash-here nothing happens, which made me think that the files are probably not getting uploaded to IPFS because I'm not running it on my local machine. Is this correct?
const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer;
export default function uploadFiles(node, files) {
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () => {
let byteData = reader.result.split('base64,')[1];
let fileData = Buffer.from(byteData);
node.files.add(fileData, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
throw err
let hash = res[0].hash
console.log(hash); ///////prints a hash that isnt visible on
node.files.cat(hash, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
throw err
let data = ''
res.on('data', (d) => {
data = data + d
res.on('end', () => {
// console.log(data);
// console.log(atob(data));
Are you running a js-ipfs node in your browser? Did you get the chance to look at the examples in the examples folder in js-ipfs repo? Url here: https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/tree/master/examples
If you add a file to your node and the node is on, the IPFS gateway node will be able to find the content from your browser node.
We have a web app (built using AngularJS) that we're gradually adding PWA 'features' too (service worker, launchable, notifications, etc). One of the features our web app has is the ability to complete a web form while offline. At the moment, we store the data in IndexedDB when offline, and simply encourage the user to push that data to the server once they're online ("This form is saved to your device. Now you're back online, you should save it to the cloud..."). We will do this automatically at some point, but that's not necessary at the moment.
We are adding a feature to these web forms, whereby the user will be able to attach files (images, documents) to the form, perhaps at several points throughout the form.
My question is this - is there a way for service worker to handle file uploads? To somehow - perhaps - store the path to the file to be uploaded, when offline, and push that file up once the connection has been restored? Would this work on mobile devices, as do we have access to that 'path' on those devices? Any help, advice or references would be much appreciated.
When the user selects a file via an <input type="file"> element, we are able to get the selected file(s) via fileInput.files. This gives us a FileList object, each item in it being a File object representing the selected file(s). FileList and File are supported by HTML5's Structured Clone Algorithm.
When adding items to an IndexedDB store, it creates a structured clone of the value being stored. Since FileList and File objects are supported by the structured clone algorithm, this means that we can store these objects in IndexedDB directly.
To perform those file uploads once the user goes online again, you can use the Background Sync feature of service workers. Here's an introductory article on how to do that. There are a lot of other resources for that as well.
In order to be able to include file attachments in your request once your background sync code runs, you can use FormData. FormDatas allow adding File objects into the request that will be sent to your backend, and it is available from within the service worker context.
One way to handle file uploads/deletes and almost everything, is by keeping track of all the changes made during the offline requests. We can create a sync object with two arrays inside, one for pending files that will need to be uploaded and one for deleted files that will need to be deleted when we'll get back online.
Key phases
Service Worker Installation
Along with static data, we make sure to fetch dynamic data as the main listing of our uploaded files (in the example case /uploads GET returns JSON data with the files).
Service Worker Fetch
Handling the service worker fetch event, if the fetch fails, then we have to handle the requests for the files listing, the requests that upload a file to the server and the request that deletes a file from the server. If we don't have any of these requests, then we return a match from the default cache.
Listing GET
We get the cached object of the listing (in our case /uploads) and the sync object. We concat the default listing files with the pending files and we remove the deleted files and we return new response object with a JSON result as the server would have returned it.
Uloading PUT
We get the cached listing files and the sync pending files from the cache. If the file isn't present, then we create a new cache entry for that file and we use the mime type and the blob from the request to create a new Response object that it will be saved to the default cache.
Deleting DELETE
We check in the cached uploads and if the file is present we delete the entry from both the listing array and the cached file. If the file is pending we just delete the entry from the pending array, else if it's not already in the deleted array, then we add it. We update listing, files and sync object cache at the end.
When the online event gets triggered, we try to synchronize with the server. We read the sync cache.
If there are pending files, then we get each file Response object from cache and we send a PUT fetch request back to the server.
If there are deleted files, then we send a DELETE fetch request for each file to the server.
Finally, we reset the sync cache object.
Code implementation
(Please read the inline comments)
Service Worker Install
const cacheName = 'pwasndbx';
const syncCacheName = 'pwasndbx-sync';
const pendingName = '__pending';
const syncName = '__sync';
const filesToCache = [
/* Start the service worker and cache all of the app's content */
self.addEventListener('install', function(e) {
caches.open(cacheName).then(async function(cache) {
let cacheAdds = [];
try {
// Get all the files from the uploads listing
const res = await fetch('/uploads');
const { data = [] } = await res.json();
const files = data.map(f => `/uploads/${f}`);
// Cache all uploads files urls
} catch(err) {
console.warn('PWA:install:fetch(uploads):err', err);
// Also add our static files to the cache
return Promise.all(cacheAdds);
// Create the sync cache object
caches.open(syncCacheName).then(cache => cache.put(syncName, jsonResponse({
pending: [], // For storing the penging files that later will be synced
deleted: [] // For storing the files that later will be deleted on sync
Service Worker Fetch
self.addEventListener('fetch', function(event) {
// Clone request so we can consume data later
const request = event.request.clone();
const { method, url, headers } = event.request;
fetch(event.request).catch(async function(err) {
const { headers, method, url } = event.request;
// A custom header that we set to indicate the requests come from our syncing method
// so we won't try to fetch anything from cache, we need syncing to be done on the server
const xSyncing = headers.get('X-Syncing');
if(xSyncing && xSyncing.length) {
return caches.match(event.request);
switch(method) {
case 'GET':
// Handle listing data for /uploads and return JSON response
case 'PUT':
// Handle upload to cache and return success response
case 'DELETE':
// Handle delete from cache and return success response
// If we meet no specific criteria, then lookup to the cache
return caches.match(event.request);
function jsonResponse(data, status = 200) {
return new Response(data && JSON.stringify(data), {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
Service Worker Fetch Listing GET
if(url.match(/\/uploads\/?$/)) { // Failed to get the uploads listing
// Get the uploads data from cache
const uploadsRes = await caches.match(event.request);
let { data: files = [] } = await uploadsRes.json();
// Get the sync data from cache
const syncRes = await caches.match(new Request(syncName), { cacheName: syncCacheName });
const sync = await syncRes.json();
// Return the files from uploads + pending files from sync - deleted files from sync
const data = files.concat(sync.pending).filter(f => sync.deleted.indexOf(f) < 0);
// Return a JSON response with the updated data
return jsonResponse({
success: true,
Service Worker Fetch Uloading PUT
// Get our custom headers
const filename = headers.get('X-Filename');
const mimetype = headers.get('X-Mimetype');
if(filename && mimetype) {
// Get the uploads data from cache
const uploadsRes = await caches.match('/uploads', { cacheName });
let { data: files = [] } = await uploadsRes.json();
// Get the sync data from cache
const syncRes = await caches.match(new Request(syncName), { cacheName: syncCacheName });
const sync = await syncRes.json();
// If the file exists in the uploads or in the pendings, then return a 409 Conflict response
if(files.indexOf(filename) >= 0 || sync.pending.indexOf(filename) >= 0) {
return jsonResponse({ success: false }, 409);
caches.open(cacheName).then(async (cache) => {
// Write the file to the cache using the response we cloned at the beggining
const data = await request.blob();
cache.put(`/uploads/${filename}`, new Response(data, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': mimetype }
// Write the updated files data to the uploads cache
cache.put('/uploads', jsonResponse({ success: true, data: files }));
// Add the file to the sync pending data and update the sync cache object
caches.open(syncCacheName).then(cache => cache.put(new Request(syncName), jsonResponse(sync)));
// Return a success response with fromSw set to tru so we know this response came from service worker
return jsonResponse({ success: true, fromSw: true });
Service Worker Fetch Deleting DELETE
// Get our custom headers
const filename = headers.get('X-Filename');
if(filename) {
// Get the uploads data from cache
const uploadsRes = await caches.match('/uploads', { cacheName });
let { data: files = [] } = await uploadsRes.json();
// Get the sync data from cache
const syncRes = await caches.match(new Request(syncName), { cacheName: syncCacheName });
const sync = await syncRes.json();
// Check if the file is already pending or deleted
const pendingIndex = sync.pending.indexOf(filename);
const uploadsIndex = files.indexOf(filename);
if(pendingIndex >= 0) {
// If it's pending, then remove it from pending sync data
sync.pending.splice(pendingIndex, 1);
} else if(sync.deleted.indexOf(filename) < 0) {
// If it's not in pending and not already in sync for deleting,
// then add it for delete when we'll sync with the server
// Update the sync cache
caches.open(syncCacheName).then(cache => cache.put(new Request(syncName), jsonResponse(sync)));
// If the file is in the uplods data
if(uploadsIndex >= 0) {
// Updates the uploads data
files.splice(uploadsIndex, 1);
caches.open(cacheName).then(async (cache) => {
// Remove the file from the cache
// Update the uploads data cache
cache.put('/uploads', jsonResponse({ success: true, data: files }));
// Return a JSON success response
return jsonResponse({ success: true });
// Get the sync data from cache
const syncRes = await caches.match(new Request(syncName), { cacheName: syncCacheName });
const sync = await syncRes.json();
// If the are pending files send them to the server
if(sync.pending && sync.pending.length) {
sync.pending.forEach(async (file) => {
const url = `/uploads/${file}`;
const fileRes = await caches.match(url);
const data = await fileRes.blob();
fetch(url, {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
'X-Filename': file,
'X-Syncing': 'syncing' // Tell SW fetch that we are synching so to ignore this fetch
body: data
}).catch(err => console.log('sync:pending:PUT:err', file, err));
// If the are deleted files send delete request to the server
if(sync.deleted && sync.deleted.length) {
sync.deleted.forEach(async (file) => {
const url = `/uploads/${file}`;
fetch(url, {
method: 'DELETE',
headers: {
'X-Filename': file,
'X-Syncing': 'syncing' // Tell SW fetch that we are synching so to ignore this fetch
}).catch(err => console.log('sync:deleted:DELETE:err', file, err));
// Update and reset the sync cache object
caches.open(syncCacheName).then(cache => cache.put(syncName, jsonResponse({
pending: [],
deleted: []
Example PWA
I have created a PWA example that implements all these, which you can find and test here. I have tested it using Chrome and Firefox and using Firefox Android on a mobile device.
You can find the full source code of the application (including an express server) in this Github repository: https://github.com/clytras/pwa-sandbox.
The Cache API is designed to store a request (as the key) and a response (as the value) in order to cache a content from the server, for the web page. Here, we're talking about caching user input for future dispatch to the server. In other terms, we're not trying to implement a cache, but a message broker, and that's not currently something handled by the Service Worker spec (Source).
You can figure it out by trying this code:
<button id="get">GET</button>
<button id="post">POST</button>
<button id="put">PUT</button>
<button id="patch">PATCH</button>
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js', { scope: '/' }).then(function (reg) {
console.log('Registration succeeded. Scope is ' + reg.scope);
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log('Registration failed with ' + error);
document.getElementById('get').addEventListener('click', async function () {
console.log('Response: ', await fetch('50x.html'));
document.getElementById('post').addEventListener('click', async function () {
console.log('Response: ', await fetch('50x.html', { method: 'POST' }));
document.getElementById('put').addEventListener('click', async function () {
console.log('Response: ', await fetch('50x.html', { method: 'PUT' }));
document.getElementById('patch').addEventListener('click', async function () {
console.log('Response: ', await fetch('50x.html', { method: 'PATCH' }));
Service Worker:
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
var response;
event.respondWith(fetch(event.request).then(function (r) {
response = r;
caches.open('v1').then(function (cache) {
cache.put(event.request, response);
}).catch(e => console.error(e));
return response.clone();
Which throws:
TypeError: Request method 'POST' is unsupported
TypeError: Request method 'PUT' is unsupported
TypeError: Request method 'PATCH' is unsupported
Since, the Cache API can't be used, and following the Google guidelines, IndexedDB is the best solution as a data store for ongoing requests.
Then, the implementation of a message broker is the responsibility of the developer, and there is no unique generic implementation that will cover all of the use cases. There are many parameters that will determine the solution:
Which criteria will trigger the use of the message broker instead of the network? window.navigator.onLine? A certain timeout? Other?
Which criteria should be used to start trying to forward ongoing requests on the network? self.addEventListener('online', ...)? navigator.connection?
Should requests respect the order or should they be forwarded in parallel? In other terms, should they be considered as dependent on each other, or not?
If run in parallel, should they be batched to prevent a bottleneck on the network?
In case the network is considered available, but the requests still fail for some reason, which retry logic to implement? Exponential backoff? Other?
How to notify the user that their actions are in a pending state while they are?
This is really very broad for a single StackOverflow answer.
That being said, here is a minimal working solution:
<input id="file" type="file">
<button id="sync">SYNC</button>
<button id="get">GET</button>
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/service-worker.js', { scope: '/' }).then(function (reg) {
console.log('Registration succeeded. Scope is ' + reg.scope);
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log('Registration failed with ' + error);
document.getElementById('get').addEventListener('click', function () {
document.getElementById('file').addEventListener('change', function () {
fetch('api', { method: 'PUT', body: document.getElementById('file').files[0] });
document.getElementById('sync').addEventListener('click', function () {
Service Worker:
const { openDB, deleteDB, wrap, unwrap } = idb;
const dbPromise = openDB('put-store', 1, {
upgrade(db) {
const idbKeyval = {
async get(key) {
return (await dbPromise).get('put', key);
async set(key, val) {
return (await dbPromise).put('put', val, key);
async delete(key) {
return (await dbPromise).delete('put', key);
async clear() {
return (await dbPromise).clear('put');
async keys() {
return (await dbPromise).getAllKeys('put');
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
if (event.request.method === 'PUT') {
let body;
event.respondWith(event.request.blob().then(file => {
// Retrieve the body then clone the request, to avoid "body already used" errors
body = file;
return fetch(new Request(event.request.url, { method: event.request.method, body }));
}).then(response => handleResult(response, event, body)).catch(() => handleResult(null, event, body)));
} else if (event.request.method === 'GET') {
event.respondWith(fetch(event.request).then(response => {
return response.ok ? response : caches.match(event.request);
}).catch(() => caches.match(event.request)));
async function handleResult(response, event, body) {
const getRequest = new Request(event.request.url, { method: 'GET' });
const cache = await caches.open('v1');
await idbKeyval.set(event.request.method + '.' + event.request.url, { url: event.request.url, method: event.request.method, body });
const returnResponse = response && response.ok ? response : new Response(body);
cache.put(getRequest, returnResponse.clone());
return returnResponse;
// Function to call when the network is supposed to be available
async function sync() {
const keys = await idbKeyval.keys();
for (const key of keys) {
try {
const { url, method, body } = await idbKeyval.get(key);
const response = await fetch(url, { method, body });
if (response && response.ok)
await idbKeyval.delete(key);
catch (e) {
console.warn(`An error occurred while trying to sync the request: ${key}`, e);
self.addEventListener('message', sync);
Some words about the solution: it allows to cache the PUT request for future GET requests, and it also stores the PUT request into an IndexedDB database for future sync. About the key, I was inspired by Angular's TransferHttpCacheInterceptor which allows to serialize backend requests on the server-side rendered page for use by the browser-rendered page. It uses <verb>.<url> as the key. That supposes a request will override another request with the same verb and URL.
This solution also supposes that the backend does not return 204 No content as a response of a PUT request, but 200 with the entity in the body.
I was also stumbling upon it lately. Here is what I am doing to store in index db and return response when offline.
const storeFileAndReturnResponse = async function (request, urlSearchParams) {
let requestClone = request.clone();
let formData = await requestClone.formData();
let tableStore = "fileUploads";
let fileList = [];
let formDataToStore = [];
//Use formData.entries to iterate collection - this assumes you used input type= file
for (const pair of formData.entries()) {
let fileObjectUploaded = pair[1];
//content holds the arrayBuffer (blob) of the uploaded file
key: pair[0],
value: fileObjectUploaded,
content: await fileObjectUploaded.arrayBuffer(),
let fileName = fileObjectUploaded.name;
fileName: fileName,
let payloadToStore = {
parentId: parentId,
fileList: fileList,
formDataKeyValue: formDataToStore,
(await idbContext).put(tableStore, payloadToStore);
return {
UploadedFileList: fileList,
I am currently building a Web based SSH client. I am using node and SSH2 module to connect to Linux machine . The issue is trying to identify when the server is waiting for a response from the client say "sudo" .
this.onWsMessage = function(packet) {
log('Message Received from ');
if (cmd != '') {
log('----------------------------------------->' + cmd);
source[this.getId()].sshStream.write(cmd + '\n');
var client = clients[cid];
.on('ready', function() {
sshClient.shell({pty: true}, function(err, stream) {
_shellHandler(err, stream, client);
.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('ERROR', err);
function _shellHandler(err, stream, client) {
source[client.getId()].sshStream = stream;
.on('close', function() {
log('ssh connection close');
.on('data', function(data) {
var msg = data.toString().replace(msgPattern, '');
this.sendUTF(msg, 'ssh');
I have been going through the documentation and i was unable to identify any event that trigger as a result.
There is no easy way to do this. Basically you have to either buffer stream output and continually search that buffer for expected (sudo) prompts or use a module like streamsearch to search the stream for a particular string without explicitly buffering and continual searching.