Define response structure in Adonisjs with Middleware - javascript

I want to define the response structure of my requests in the simplest way, and the first thing that comes in my mind to do this is a middleware.
My endpoints are returning the response content correctly:
{{base_url}}/users returns a list of users:
"id": 44,
"name": "some name"
What I want to do (in all requests) is to add the fields status and data (or any other I'd like to add), like this:
"status": 200,
"data": [
"id": 44,
"name": "some name"
I've created a middleware that waits for the resolution but I'm not able to get the content nor add some property to it.
async handle ({request, response}, next) {
await next()
const content = response._lazyBody.content
content.status = response.response.statusCode
I know this will not work but I want something similar to this. I've looked in Adonis docs and forum, but no answers fit to my needs.
Any help will be welcome

You can extend Response By extending the core. The simplest way is to create a file inside start folder and name it hooks.js and copy and paste the content below inside it:
const { hooks } = use('#adonisjs/ignitor')
const Response = use('Adonis/Src/Response')
hooks.after.providersBooted(() => {
Response.macro('customJson', function (status, data) {
this piece of code extends the Response module and add customJson method to it which takes two arguments, status and data, and send them back to the client.
And here you can see how to use it:
Route.get('/users', async ({ response }) => {
let status = ''// whatever you want
let data = ''// whatever you want
return response.customJson(status, data)


How to print specific part of json in Javascript?

I have a json, viewable at
or here
In python, I am able to print the yearlyWatts by doing:
where collection is the json, done by:
collection = (dweepy.get_dweets_for('shyam__5'))
I am trying to do the same thing in Javascript. Currently, I have done:
.then(currencyInfo => {
This does not work, I get no output.
Please do not pay attention to the function getCryptoCurrencyInfo, I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what to write in the console.log(HERE) in order to output the yearly watts of 111255.51
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Suppose you want a single yearlyWatt.
const data = {
"this": "succeeded",
"by": "getting",
"the": "dweets",
"with": [{
"thing": "shyam__5",
"created": "2020-07-03T08:38:01.184Z",
"content": {
"test": "test"
"thing": "shyam__5",
"created": "2020-07-03T08:37:58.068Z",
"content": {
"yearlyWatts": 111429.4
I figured out how to do it thanks to xMayank's help.
In the backend module, the code is:
import { fetch } from 'wix-fetch'
export function getCryptoCurrencyInfo() {
const url = ''
return fetch(url, { method: 'get' }).then(response => response.json())
To get it to work, the site page (front end) says this:
// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit
import { getCryptoCurrencyInfo } from 'backend/serviceModule'
import { fetch } from 'wix-fetch'
$w.onReady(function() {
//TODO: write your page related code here...
getCryptoCurrencyInfo().then(currencyInfo => {
const data = currencyInfo
considering global_obj your json_object, you can do this
global_obj.with.find(element => element.thing==="shyam__5");

Not able to autheticate google cloud vision api . How to autheticate it to use it further

My Code looks like this :-
var vision = require('#google-cloud/vision');
handleSubmit = () =>{
console.log("encoded string submitted=",this.state.files);
useVisionCloud = () =>{
const client = new vision.ImageAnnotatorClient();
const request_body = {
"requests": [
"image": {
"content": this.state.files
"features": [
client.textDetection(request_body).then(response => {
console.log("text got=",response);
// doThingsWith(response);
.catch(err => {
console.log("error got=",err);
I already tried setting environment variable but didn't work .
I have also created service account and downloaded the file.json
but dont know how to use it for authentication
im getting the following error :-
Uncaught Error: {"clientConfig":{},"port":443,"servicePath":"","scopes":["",""]}You need to pass auth instance to use gRPC-fallback client in browser. Use OAuth2Client from google-auth-library.
on triggering a post request to Google API .
Final Query is :- I am not able to understand how to authenticate API so that i can further use it to detect text in my images
Set the env variable eg:
I would recommend having a separate backend that calls vision api. Then have the javascript code in your browser call your backend.

Error serving HTML files from an Azure function

I am trying to open, read and return an HTML files using Azure functions. I am developing locally and the logs says that the function executed successfully however on the browser I am getting 500 internal server error. Am I doing something wrong in here?
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const mime = require('../node_modules/mime-types');
module.exports = function (context, req) {
const staticFilesFolder = 'www/build/';
const defaultPage = 'index.html';
getFile(context, req.query.file);
function getFile(context, file) {
const homeLocation = process.env["HOME"];
if(!file || file == null || file === undefined){
context.done(null,{status:200,body:"<h1>Define a file</h1>",headers:{
"Content-Type":" text/html; charset=utf-8"
fs.readFile(path.resolve(path.join(homeLocation, staticFilesFolder, file)),
(err, htmlContent) => {
if (err) {
getFile(context, "404.html");
else {
const res = {
status: 200,
body: htmlContent,
"Content-Type": mime.lookup(path.join(homeLocation, staticFilesFolder, file))
I am sure that 404.html exists and index.html exists. When I log the contents of htmlContent it is giving the correct output.
"disabled": false,
"bindings": [
"authLevel": "anonymous",
"type": "httpTrigger",
"direction": "in",
"name": "req"
"type": "http",
"direction": "out",
"name": "res"
Response on Chrome
If I removed "Content-Length" header the status code changes to 406.
Update 1 The code seems to be running normally on Azure Portal but it is not working when running it locally.
It looks like you are combining two methods of returning data from an http triggered function(context.res and context.done()):
Since you are using context.res, try removing context.done();
You are making an incorrect use of context.res, you shouldn't be overwriting it but instead leveraging the methods provided by the Response class provided in the Azure NodeJS worker. If you are using using VSCode you'll get intellisense for these methods. Otherwise see:
Your code should look something like this instead.
context.res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
Using context.res.raw or context.res.send will already perform the context.done call for you.
Make sure you use content-type=text/html; charset-utf8 instead of content-type=text/html or you'll trigger an issue with the returned content-type. Instead of returning content-type=text/html you end up getting content-type=text/plain which will fail to render your html.
Addressed on:

Using Fetch API with Rails application?

I am trying to use the Fetch API with my Rails application. I can pass parameters to the controller as part of a query string, but still can't figure out how to pass JSON data or where to find it in the controller. A sample call looks like the below. Where can I access my test data on in the controller? Happy Sunday :)
export const fetchControllerData = () => {
return fetch('api/users',), {
body: { "test": "test" }
.then(res => res.json());
I'm in the process of working out my own issues with fetch and Rails. But I'll take a stab at this.
I expect that fetch is using GET as the default method - which won't use the body at all. You will likely need to set the method to be POST to get the body through. Further to that you might need to set the Content-Type header (to application/json) in order to send the data through as JSON.
May be u need to send params in this way for get request and use this link for
export const fetchControllerData = () => {
params = { body: { "test": "test" } }
return HTTP.get('api/users', params)
.then((response) => {
if (response.success) {
// do something here
} else {
// handle error condtion here

Node.js - Can't post nested/escaped JSON to body using Fermata REST client

The problem may be with the actual client, but he's not responding on github, so I'll give this a shot!
I'm trying to post, in the body, nested JSON:
When I remove the columnvalue's json string, the POST works. Maybe there's something I'm missing regarding escaping? I've tried a few built in escape utilities to no avail.
var jsonString='the json string above here';
var sys = require('sys'),
rest = require('fermata'), //
stack = require('long-stack-traces');
var token = ''; // Username
var accountId = ''; // Password
var api = rest.api({
url : 'http://url/v0.1/',
user : token,
password : accountId
var postParams = {
body: jsonString
(api(postParams)).post(function (error, result) {
if (error)
The API I'm posting to can't deserialize this.
Dual problems occuring at the same occurred led me to find an issue with the fermata library handling large JSON posts. The JSON above is just fine!
I think the real problem here is that you are trying to post data via a URL parameter instead of via the request body.
You are using Fermata like this:
path = fermata.api({url:"");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};
What path(data) represents is still a URL, with data showing up in the query part. So your code is posting to "" with an empty body.
Since your data is large, I'm not surprised if your web server would look at such a long URL and send back a 400 instead. Assuming your API can also handle JSON data in the POST body, a better way to send a large amount of data would be to use Fermata like this instead:
path = fermata.api({url:"");
data = {key1:"value1", key2:"value2"};, callback);
This will post your data as a JSON string to "" and you would be a lot less likely to run into data size problems.
Hope this helps! The "magic" of Fermata is that unless you pass a callback function, you are getting local URL representations, instead of calling HTTP functions on them.
