Process multiple unique Express JS requests - javascript

I've got a small Express JS api that I'm building to handle and process multiple incoming requests from the browser and am having some trouble figuring out the best approach to handle them.
The use case is that there's a form, with potentially up-to 30 or so people submitting form data to the Express JS api at any given time, the API then POSTS this data of to some place using axios, and each one needs to return a response back to the browser of the person that submitted the data, my endpoint so far is:'/api/process', (req, res) => {
if (!req.body) {
res.status(400).send({ code: 400, success: false, message: "No data was submitted" })
const application = req.body.Application'', application)
.then(response => {
res.status(200).send({ code: 200, success: true, message: response })
.catch(error => {
res.status(200).send({ code: 200, success: false, message: error })
If John and James submit form data from different browsers to my Express JS api, which is forwarded to another api, I need the respective responses to go back to the respective browsers...

Let's make clear for you, A response of a request will only send to the requester, But if you need to send a process request and send a response like, hey i received your request and you can use another get route to get the result sometimes later, then you need to determine which job you mean. So You can generate a UUID when server receives a process request and send it back to the sender as response, Hey i received your process request, you can check the result of process sometimes later and this UUID is your reference code. Then you need to pass the UUID code as GETparam or query param and server send you the correct result.
This is the usual way when you are usinf WebSockettoo. send a process req to server and server sends back a reference UUID code, sometime later server sends the process result to websocket of requester and says Hey this is the result of that process with that UUID reference code.
I hope i said clear enough.


Service Worker: Send message to client before redirect

I wish to give the client feedback before a redirect occurs, so they can store it in session storage, then when the cached page arrive from the service worker, they check session storage while the page is being rendered (not after!), and can handle the cached response accordingly.
I tried:
Adding a custom header to the response, but the client JavaScript can't read it for security reasons.
I have tried to edit the response directly. This only works for GET requests. Unfortunately when I sync a POST request, because it returns a redirect, so then it looks like a normal GET. So I need some additional way of saying, this is a GET after a sync POST, tell the user the POST was saved, its not just a normal "get the page"
Post Message, but slow as.
LocalStorage and SessionStorage is forbidden for the service worker
I could write to IndexedDB in the service worker, and then read from the client. But IndexedDB is such a confusing beast I really don't want to go down this route.
URL search parameters, redirect and url cleaning strategy became spaghetti code very quickly. The server would have to clean up URLs, and so would the service worker for the injected query args.
Is there any recommended machanism for relaying information to a client that would suite this purpose?
Side note about the post message being slow:
I currently use post message, but the problem is its really slow, and the reason I think is this:
Client attempts offline POST
Service worker serializes and stores it for when online again. In the fetch interrupt it responds with the cached response. It also calls an async postmessage to tell the client it was saved. Unfortunately if I await the postmessage, it errors out the fetch. So then one has to leave it to be async. Which means the post message happens only after the redirect
Client receive redirect response
Client redirects
Client paints the page
The cahed paged is showed
Only after about two seconds later it shows the 'was saved banner'
Heres some code if applicable:
Note: Orginally the code would set a value in the session storage when receiving the message (assumed it would receive the message before the redirect), and then pop it after the redirect at page render. However because the post message was coming so much later, I changed to performing the change on the page directly.
async function msgClientSyncSaved(event) {
const data = {
const client = await getClient(event);
// Applicable parts of runFetch:
async function runFetch(event) {
const urlObj = new URL(event.request.url);
if (utils.getIsMethodTx(event.request.method)) {
// If a Sync URL
const clonedRequest = event.request.clone();
const response = await new strategies.NetworkOnlyStratey(log, event, cacheMutator).run();
if (!response.isDefaultResponse && !response.isCachedResponse) {
return response;
} else {
const [syncKey, syncValue] = settings.PWA_SYNC_POST_URL_PARAM.split("=");
if (urlObj.searchParams.get(syncKey) === syncValue) {
// A failed POST, that requires SYNCING
console.log(`SW: Sync later: ${event.request.method} to ${event.request.url}`);
event.waitUntil(storeRequest(clonedRequest)); // no need to wait for this to finish before returning response
event.waitUntil(msgClientSyncSaved(event)); <--- HERE message client
// After a post, return a redirect
const redirectUrl = String(urlObj);
// 302 means GET the redirect, 307 means POST to the redirect
console.log('REDIRECT TO', redirectUrl)
return Response.redirect(redirectUrl, 302);
function handleFetch(event) {
self.addEventListener("fetch", handleFetch);
Reciever on client side:
async function handleMessage(event) {
switch ( {
document.body.setAttribute('data-pwa-cached-page', 'true data-tx')
navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener("message", handleMessage);

Webscokets vs Server Side Events - NodeJS backend and VueJs client

I have a front end client, which is written in VueJs and a Backend API which is written in Node Js. The Node API communicates with other third party APIs and in turn sent responses back to the client. Now for some of the APIs, it is taking a long time, more than a minute to complete the request and send the response back to the client. As the Node App is proxied over Akamai, it sends a 503 error after a certain time and thus and error will be thrown to the enduser. But the actual process that the third party API do is still in progress and it will send a success response back to the Node App once it is completed. As the client already received the error, it will not receive the success message.
I have this issue with the account creation flow. The client form data is posted to NodeJS backend, which eventually post to another third party API. While waiting for the call to finish, the Akamai proxy will send 503 HTTPS status with Zero Size object response. Client receives this error message and a custom error will be shown. But the account is being created in the backend and eventually it will send success response to the node app, but this never reaches the client and so the user. There is a chance that user will create another account.
The front end call is as follows:
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const config = {}
config.method = 'POST'
config.url = APIaddress = data
config.params = params
config.withCredentials = true
config.httpsAgent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true })
console.log('Config: ', config)
axios(config).then(response => {
console.log('RESPONSE: ', response)
}).catch(error => {
console.log('ERROR: ', error.response)
Here I added the KeepAlive option, but it has no effect and I still get the error.
Now, in the backend also, I use agentkeepalive, and the call is as follows:
const HttpsAgent = agentkeepalive.HttpsAgent
const keepaliveAgent = new HttpsAgent({
const options = {
method: 'POST',
url: config.endpoint.url,
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
'Accept': 'application/json',
authorization: 'Bearer ' + token
data: data,
json: true,
.then(response =>
.then(response => {
.catch(function (error) {
message: `Error while creating account: ${error}`
Now in order to account for the delays, I am planning to use Server Side Events or WebSockets. I am very new to this and not sure which one to use. I think by using one of these, I can send response back to the client once the account is created. Currently the client is waiting for the account to be created, but I want to make it in such a way that client will send the initial requests and then the server will send notification to the client, once the account is created. This will avoid the unnecessary timeouts and other related issues.
I not sure which solution has to be used here. It will be helpful if someone can shed some light. Thanks for reading.
I switched from SSE and RestAPI to WebSocket on my Node and React app. My setup is as follows:
Create WebSocket server in Node
Create connection from client to server
Then I use "publish-subscribe" pattern.
When client needs something from server, it sends WebSocket message to server with specific sign (In my case it is called "route".) Server filters the message and sends it to proper router (not the Express one, these are routes in my server handling the WebSocket requests.)
As it is processed, server sends WebSocket message back to client, which filters it and processes.
This allows me to have always opened connection to server, what is very swift, and - that's what you are looking for - wait for some message from server without blocking the connection or risking timeout.
Very simple code example:
ws.on('message', m => {
if (m.route === DO_SOMETHING) { something...
ws.send(JSON.stringify({route: DO_SOMETHING_RESPONSE}, message: 'Something was
// I want something to be done from server:
ws.send(JSON.stringify({route: DO_SOMETHING, message: 'something should be done'}))
// this is send and you can wait a year for a response, which is catched with:
ws.on('message', m => {
if (m.route === DO_SOMETHING_RESPONSE) {
console.log('Yupeee, something was done!')
This way you can handle unlimited number of requests. You can make them independent as in this example. Or you can force client to wait for the answger from server.

Problem with React making Get request to Node(express)

As the title says, i have a part of my react app that tries to get some data from my database, making a select based on the value I passed to it. So im gonna go ahead and first show the code where i think the problem lies:
So first, this is the function from one of my forms that sends the request to the server, i know code is probably ugly, but i can tell from the console.logs that the parameters im sending are what i intend to send(a string called "licenciaInput"
async handleClickLicencia (event) {
console.log("licenciaInput: "+this.state.licenciaInput);
const datoBuscar = this.state.licenciaInput;
.then(response =>{
.catch(error =>{
And then, i have this function which is called in that localhost route which attempts to get "licencia", and launch a select in my postgresql db where licencia="whatever", you can see the sentence in the code:
const getAtletasByLicencia = (request, response) => {
const licencia = request.body.licenciaInput;
console.log("Request: "+request);
console.log("what the server gets: "+licencia);
// const licencia = request.licenciaInput;
const sentencia ="SELECT * FROM atleta WHERE licencia ='"+licencia+"'";
pool.query(sentencia, (error, results) =>{
throw error
As you can see, i have console.logs everywhere, and i still cannot access whatever element i send, because i always get on the server console "undefined" value.
TLDR:How can i access the "licenciaInput" i passed from my client form to my server, i have tried request.body.licenciaInput, request.params.licenciaInput, and request.licenciaInput, but none of those seem to work
I also know i have to treat after that the data i receive from the server, but i need to solve this before looking two steps ahead. Im also really new to React and node/express, so feel free to burn me with good practices im not meeting.Thanks in advance
EDIT: Im also adding this code that i have which shows the route for my method in the server:
app.get('/atletas/:licencia', db.getAtletasByLicencia)
As #Gillespie59 suggested that i should send a POST request, but i dont think i should if im both trying to send a parameter to the server to make a select, and then send the results back to the client
Change your request to:
and your route (if you are using express) should look like this:
app.get('/atletas/:licencia', function (req, res) {
var licencia = req.params.licencia
As you are using request.body you should send a POST request with axios and add a body.

axios will not send request body data to my express server?

I am using axios to do AJAX calls to my Express web server. Whenever I make a post request and pass in a piece of data, the data is for some reason never sent to the server. Whenever I check the request.body, no data is ever there even though I clearly added it.
<script>"/api/users", {
firstname: 'fred'
The above is the AJAX Post request I am making with axios. As you can see, I passed in a piece of data: "firstname" to be sent to "/api/users"."/api/users", function(req, res){
res.send({newData: req.body.firstname});
This is my very simple post route that it is sending to. I am simply passing the data that I sent back to the client. Whenever this runs, "firstname" is never found. When I check the console.log, the req.body is empty, and the .then console.log on the client side only shows some random "_proto_" object, but not what I sent. I've done exactly as the documentation says, why isn't "firstname" going through??
EDIT: I just tried with fetch, it still didn't work. It seems like any AJAX request is just not working right, the data doesn't go through.

node.js and hapi: fetching data from a database synchronously

Coming from a .net world where synchronicity is a given I can query my data from a back end source such as a database, lucene, or even another API, I'm having a trouble finding a good sample of this for node.js where async is the norm.
The issue I'm having is that a client is making an API call to my hapi server, and from there I need to take in the parameters and form an Elasticsearch query to call, using the request library, and then wait for the instance to return before populating my view and sending it back to the client, problem being is that the request library uses a callback once the data is returned, and the empty view has long been returned to the client by then.
Attempting to place the return within the call back doesn't work since the EOF for the javascript was already hit and null returned in it's place, what is the best way to retrieve data within a service call?
var request = require('request');
var options = {
url: 'localhost:9200',
path: {params},
body: {
request.get(options, function(error, response){
// do data manipulation and set view data
// generate the view and return the view to be sent back to client
Wrap request call in your hapi handler by nesting callbacks so that the async tasks execute in the correct logic order. Pseudo hapi handler code is as following
function (request, reply) {
Elasticsearch.query((err, results) => {
if (err) {
return reply('Error occurred getting info from Elasticsearch')
//data is available for view
As I said earlier in your last question, use hapi's pre handlers to help you do async tasks before replying to your client. See docs here for more info. Also use wreck instead of request it is more robust and simpler to use
