angular select element looses data when calling ngrenderer.selectRootElement - javascript

I have a select element:
<select [id]="item.value.controlName" [(ngModel)]="item.value.outputVarianteValue"
<option *ngFor="let c of item.value.produkte" [ngValue]="">{{c.wert}}</option>
I rebuild my GUI programmaticaly and want to reset the focus to the element selected before (focusedcontrol)
setTimeout(() => {
const element = this.ngrenderer.selectRootElement('#' + this.focusedControl);
console.log('set root focus: ', this.focusedControl, element)
}, 0)
This works without a problem on normal inputs but not on the selects. After callling ngrenderer.selectRootElement(#myselect) my select field is empty.

answer is here:
Renderer multiple selectRootElement Issue
If you want to preserve content then use the second boolean parameter
to true, like this: (using Angular 6+)


cannot get dynamic added custom select to work in jQuery Mobile

I have looked through all of the similar questions available at the time of this question, and none of the solutions presented worked in the below code. Google was also not helpful except that I did find a few issues with dynamic code where the entire menu was not wrapped, but those issues should be fixed with either the trigger or enhanceWithin methods - which have been tried here.
I am a fairly new with javascript and the jquery library and this is my first app with jquery mobile.
The raw html as generated from the php file:
<div class="cell_container force_org_select">
<label for"force_org[new_555]" class="ui-hidden-accessible">Troop Type</label>
<select name="force_org[new_555]" id="force_org[new_555]" class="roster_cell" data-mini="true">
<option value="hq">HQ</option>
<option value="elite">Elite</option>
<option value="solo">Solitaire</option>
<option value="formation">Std Formation</option>
The Javascript function that handles the dynamic injection:
$(document).on('click','.add_item', function(event) {
var the_link = $(this).attr('href')
var area = getParameterByName(the_link, 'area');
var type = getParameterByName(the_link, 'type');
var squad_id = getParameterByName(the_link, 'squad_id');
var vehicle = getParameterByName(the_link, 'vehicle');
var divider = getParameterByName(the_link, 'divider');
var preset = $('#preset').val();
$.post(cmd_ajax.ajaxurl,{action: 'cmd_add_item_mobile', type: type, preset: preset, squad_id: squad_id, vehicle: vehicle, divider: divider}, function(data) {
if(type == 'squad' || type == 'divider') {
contentCloning: true,
trigger: 'custom',
triggerOpen: {
click: true,
tap: true
triggerClose: {
click: true,
tap: true
else {
$('#' + area).append(data).enhanceWithin();
return false;
I also tried adding the .selectmenu("refresh",true) within the function and that seems to do nothing. The custom selects that are not dynamically generated work fine.
If I use the data-native-menu="false" attribute on the generated select menus, the popup does not function and you cannot select anything, if I remove the attribute, the native select works as it should.
I thought about using a selectmenu() refresh at the very end of the function, but I can't seem to catch the element id of the select menu either. My only guess is that it isn't created yet in the DOM when I try to retrieve it.

Update value of input type time (rerender) and focus on element again with React

In the spec for my app it says (developerified translation): When tabbing to a time element, it should update with the current time before you can change it.
So I have:
<input type="time" ref="myTimeEl" onFocus={this.handleTimeFocus.bind(null, 'myTimeEl')} name="myTimeEl" value={this.model.myTimeEl} id="myTimeEl" onChange={this.changes} />
Also relevant
changes(evt) {
let ch = {};
ch[] =;
handleTimeFocus(elName, event)
if (this.model[elName].length === 0) {
let set = {};
set[elName] = moment().format('HH:mm');
The component will update when the model changes. This works well, except that the input loses focus when tabbing to it (because it gets rerendered).
Please note, if I would use an input type="text" this works out of the box. However I MUST use type="time".
So far I have tried a number of tricks trying to focus back on the element after the re-render but nothing seems to work.
I'm on react 0.14.6
Please help.
For this to work, you would need to:
Add a focusedElement parameter to the components state
In getInitialState(): set this parameter to null
In handleTimeFocus(): set focusElement to 'timeElem` or similar
Add a componentDidUpdate() lifecycle method, where you check if state has focusedElement set, and if so, focus the element - by applying a standard javascript focus() command.
That way, whenever your component updates (this is not needed in initial render), react checks if the element needs focus (by checking state), and if so, gives the element focus.
A solution for savages, but I would rather not
handleTimeFocus(elName, event)
if (this.model[elName].length === 0) {
let set = {};
set[elName] = moment().format('HH:mm');
try using autoFocus attrribute.
follow the first 3 steps mention by wintvelt.
then in render function check if the element was focused, based on that set the autoFocus attribute to true or false.
var isTimeFocused = this.state.focusedElement === 'timeElem' ? true : false;
<input type="time" ref="myTimeEl" onFocus={this.handleTimeFocus.bind(null, 'myTimeEl')} name="myTimeEl" value={this.model.myTimeEl} id="myTimeEl" onChange={this.changes} autoFocus={isTimeFocused} />

knockout: remove one element from multiselect control when other is selected

I'm using knockout and I have a list of item, let say:
all those item are allowed to user to select from multiselect form-control.
<select class="form-control" multiple
data-bind="selectPicker: Types,
optionsText: 'Name',
optionsValue: 'VegetableTypeId',
selectPickerOptions: { optionsArray: AvailableVegetableTypes }">
Except one scenario - when the user selects tomato, potato should unselect.
I was trying to use subscription on selected items array:
this.Types.subscribe(changes => {
var VegetableTypes = this.AvailableVegetablesTypes();
var company = VegetableTypes.First(element => element.VegetableTypeId == changes[0].value);
if (changes[0].status == "added") {
if (Vegetable.IsTomato) {
this.Types.remove(element =>
VegetableTypes.First(baseElement =>
baseElement.VegetableTypesTypeId == element && baseElement.IsPotato));
} else if (Vegetable.IsPotato) {
this.Types.remove(element =>
VegetableTypes.First(baseElement =>
baseElement.VegetableTypesTypeId == element && baseElement.IsTomato));
}, null, "arrayChange");
Problem is that I'm using ObservableArray.Remove, so it's again call my function before current run is finish. This should not be a problem, because after remove first change is "deletion" type, so whole logic should not be executed.
But after this, when I select tomato/potato again, nothing is fired. In the end I actually have both tomato and potato selected.
Then, when I deselect one of these two and select it again, everything works fine, and then the whole situation repeats.
Do you have any ideas?
I didn't understand why you are using selectPicker bindings instead of the normal options and selectedOptions bindings available in Knockout.
However, I built a simple demo which implements the desired behaviour. You can find it here:,js,console,output
Note that, whenever you select Tomato after Potato, Potato will become unselected.
You were on the right track: you need to subscribe to the array of selected items and check if there are any invalid selections. I hope this helps.
For reference, here is the code:
<select class="form-control" multiple="true"
data-bind="options: availableVegetableTypes, selectedOptions: selected">
var availableVegetableTypes = ['Tomato',
var selected = ko.observableArray();
var unselectMap = {
'Tomato': 'Potato'
var keysToUnselect = [];
console.log("Selected", selectedOptions);
if (unselectMap[selectedOption] != null) {
// This key exists in the unselect map
// Let's check if the value is in the array
if (_.contains(selectedOptions, unselectMap[selectedOption])) {
// The invalid key exists. Let's mark it for removal.
if (keysToUnselect.length > 0) {
console.log("Unselect", keysToUnselect);
var reject = function(v){
return _.contains(keysToUnselect, v);
filteredSelectedOptions = _.reject(selectedOptions, reject);
console.log("Filtered", filteredSelectedOptions);
selected: selected

How to select option in drop down protractorjs e2e tests

I am trying to select an option from a drop down for the angular e2e tests using protractor.
Here is the code snippet of the select option:
<select id="locregion" class="create_select ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-invalid-required" required="" ng-disabled=" !== undefined" ng-options=" as for o in organizations" ng-model="organization.parent_id">
<option value="?" selected="selected"></option>
<option value="0">Ranjans Mobile Testing</option>
<option value="1">BeaverBox Testing</option>
<option value="2">BadgerBox</option>
<option value="3">CritterCase</option>
<option value="4">BoxLox</option>
<option value="5">BooBoBum</option>
I have tried:
ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('select option:1')).click();
This gives me the following error:
An invalid or illegal string was specified
Build info: version: '2.35.0', revision: 'c916b9d', time: '2013-08-12 15:42:01'
System info: 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.9', java.version: '1.6.0_65'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown
I have also tried:
This gives me the following error:
ElementNotVisibleError: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with
Command duration or timeout: 9 milliseconds
Build info: version: '2.35.0', revision: 'c916b9d', time: '2013-08-12 15:42:01'
System info: 'Mac OS X', os.arch: 'x86_64', os.version: '10.9', java.version: '1.6.0_65'
Session ID: bdeb8088-d8ad-0f49-aad9-82201c45c63f
Driver info: org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver
Capabilities [{platform=MAC, acceptSslCerts=true, javascriptEnabled=true, browserName=firefox, rotatable=false, locationContextEnabled=true, version=24.0, cssSelectorsEnabled=true, databaseEnabled=true, handlesAlerts=true, browserConnectionEnabled=true, nativeEvents=false, webStorageEnabled=true, applicationCacheEnabled=false, takesScreenshot=true}]
Can anyone please help me with this problem or throw some light on what i might be doing wrong here.
For me worked like a charm
element(by.cssContainingText('option', 'BeaverBox Testing')).click();
I had a similar problem, and eventually wrote a helper function that selects dropdown values.
I eventually decided that I was fine selecting by option number, and therefore wrote a method that takes an element and the optionNumber, and selects that optionNumber. If the optionNumber is null it selects nothing (leaving the dropdown unselected).
var selectDropdownbyNum = function ( element, optionNum ) {
if (optionNum){
var options = element.all(by.tagName('option'))
I wrote a blog post if you want more detail, it also covers verifying the text of the selected option in a dropdown:
An elegant approach would involve making an abstraction similar to what other selenium language bindings offer out-of-the-box (e.g. Select class in Python or Java).
Let's make a convenient wrapper and hide implementation details inside:
var SelectWrapper = function(selector) {
this.webElement = element(selector);
SelectWrapper.prototype.getOptions = function() {
return this.webElement.all(by.tagName('option'));
SelectWrapper.prototype.getSelectedOptions = function() {
return this.webElement.all(by.css('option[selected="selected"]'));
SelectWrapper.prototype.selectByValue = function(value) {
return this.webElement.all(by.css('option[value="' + value + '"]')).click();
SelectWrapper.prototype.selectByPartialText = function(text) {
return this.webElement.all(by.cssContainingText('option', text)).click();
SelectWrapper.prototype.selectByText = function(text) {
return this.webElement.all(by.xpath('option[.="' + text + '"]')).click();
module.exports = SelectWrapper;
Usage example (note how readable and easy-to-use it is):
var SelectWrapper = require('select-wrapper');
var mySelect = new SelectWrapper('locregion'));
# select an option by value
# select by visible text
Solution taken from the following topic: Select -> option abstraction.
FYI, created a feature request: Select -> option abstraction.
To access a specific option you need to provide the nth-child() selector:
ptor.findElement(protractor.By.css('select option:nth-child(1)')).click();
This is how i did my selection.
function switchType(typeName) {
$('.dropdown').element(By.cssContainingText('option', typeName)).click();
Here's how I did it:
$('select option=["' + optionInputFromFunction + '"]').click();
// This looks useless but it slows down the click event
// long enough to register a change in Angular.
Try this, it is working for me:
You can try this hope it will work
element.all('locregion')).then(function(selectItem) {
expect(selectItem[0].getText()).toEqual('Ranjans Mobile Testing')
selectItem[0].click(); //will click on first item
selectItem[3].click(); //will click on fourth item
Another way to set an option element:
var select = element(by.model('organization.parent_id'));
To select items (options) with unique ids like in here:
ng-options="bar as bar.title for bar in bars track by">
I'm using this:
element(by.css('[value="' + neededBarId+ '"]')).click();
We wrote a library which includes 3 ways to select an option:
selectOption(option: ElementFinder |Locator | string, timeout?: number): Promise<void>
selectOptionByIndex(select: ElementFinder | Locator | string, index: number, timeout?: number): Promise<void>
selectOptionByText(select: ElementFinder | Locator | string, text: string, timeout?: number): Promise<void>
Additional feature of this functions is that they wait for the element to be displayed before any action on the select is performed.
You can find it on npm #hetznercloud/protractor-test-helper.
Typings for TypeScript are provided as well.
Maybe not super elegant, but efficient:
function selectOption(modelSelector, index) {
for (var i=0; i<index; i++){
This just sends key down on the select you want, in our case, we are using modelSelector but obviously you can use any other selector.
Then in my page object model:
selectMyOption: function (optionNum) {
selectOption('myOption', optionNum)
And from the test:
The problem is that solutions that work on regular angular select boxes do not work with Angular Material md-select and md-option using protractor. This one was posted by another, but it worked for me and I am unable to comment on his post yet (only 23 rep points). Also, I cleaned it up a bit, instead of browser.sleep, I used browser.waitForAngular();
element.all(by.css('md-select')).each(function (eachElement, index) {; // select the <select>
browser.waitForAngular(); // wait for the renderings to take effect
element(by.css('md-option')).click(); // select the first md-option
browser.waitForAngular(); // wait for the renderings to take effect
There's an issue with selecting options in Firefox that Droogans's hack fixes that I want to mention here explicitly, hoping it might save someone some trouble:
Even if your tests are passing locally with Firefox, you might find that they're failing on CircleCI or TravisCI or whatever you're using for CI&deployment. Being aware of this problem from the beginning would have saved me a lot of time:)
Helper to set the an option element:
selectDropDownByText:function(optionValue) {
element(by.cssContainingText('option', optionValue)).click(); //optionValue: dropDownOption
If below is the given dropdown-
<select ng-model="operator">
<option value="name">Addition</option>
<option value="age">Division</option>
Then protractorjs code can be-
var operators=element(by.model('operator'));
Select option by Index:
var selectDropdownElement= element('select-dropdown'));
.then(function (options) {
I've improved a bit the solution written by PaulL.
First of all I fixed the code to be compatible with the last Protractor API. And then I declare the function in 'onPrepare' section of a Protractor config file as a member of the browser instance, so it can be referenced form any e2e spec.
onPrepare: function() {
browser._selectDropdownbyNum = function (element, optionNum) {
/* A helper function to select in a dropdown control an option
* with specified number.
return element.all(by.tagName('option')).then(
function(options) {
The below example is the easiest way . I have tested and passed in Protractor Version 5.4.2
//Drop down selection using option's visibility text
Or use this, it $ isshort form for .By.css
//To select using index
var select = element('userSelect'));
select.$('[value="1"]').click(); // To select using the index .$ means a shortcut to .By.css
Full code
describe('Protractor Demo App', function() {
it('should have a title', function() {
expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual('Protractor practice website - Banking App');
element(by.buttonText('Bank Manager Login')).click();
element(by.buttonText('Open Account')).click();
//Drop down selection using option's visibility text
//This is a short form. $ in short form for .By.css
// element(by.model('currency')).$('[value="Dollar"]').click();
//To select using index
var select = element('userSelect'));
select.$('[value="1"]').click(); // To select using the index .$ means a shortcut to .By.css
browser.sleep(7500);// wait in miliseconds
I've been trawling the net for an answer on how to select an option in a model dropdown and i've used this combination which has helped me out with Angular material.
it appears that when throwing the code all in one line it could find the element in the dropdown.
Took a lot of time for this solution I hope that this helps someone out.
If none of the answer's above worked for you, try this
works with async/await too
For selecting options by text
let textOption = "option2"
await element(by.whichever('YOUR_DROPDOWN_SELECTOR'))
or by number
let optionNumber = 2
await element(by.whichever('YOUR_DROPDOWN_SELECTOR'))
Of course you may need to modify the xpath of child options
Don't ask me why, but this is the only way I could automate my dropdowns, when I lost hope already
There was actually one case when even this approach didnt work. THe work around was a bit ugly but worked. I simply had to select the value two times
We wanted to use the elegant solution up there using angularjs material but it didnt work because there are actually no option / md-option tags in the DOM until the md-select has been clicked. So the "elegant" way didn't work for us (note angular material!) Here is what we did for it instead, don't know if its the best way but its definately working now
element.all(by.css('md-select')).each(function (eachElement, index) {; // select the <select>
browser.driver.sleep(500); // wait for the renderings to take effect
element(by.css('md-option')).click(); // select the first md-option
browser.driver.sleep(500); // wait for the renderings to take effect
We needed to have 4 selects selected and while the select is open, there is an overlay in the way of selecting the next select. thats why we need to wait 500ms to make sure we don't get into trouble with the material effects still being in action.
Another way to set an option element:
var setOption = function(optionToSelect) {
var select = element('locregion'));;
select.all(by.tagName('option')).filter(function(elem, index) {
return elem.getText().then(function(text) {
return text === optionToSelect;
// using the function
setOption('BeaverBox Testing');
// Item[x] = > // x is [0,1,2,3]element you want to click
Item[0].click(); //first item
Item[3].click(); // fourth item
expect(Item[0].getText()).toEqual('Ranjans Mobile Testing')
You can select dropdown options by value:
Here is how to do it by either option value or index. This example is a bit crude, but it shows how to do what you want:
<mat-form-field id="your-id">
<mat-option [value]="1">1</mat-option>
<mat-option [value]="2">2</mat-option>
function selectOptionByOptionValue(selectFormFieldElementId, valueToFind) {
const formField = element(; => {
.getAttribute('aria-owns').then((optionIdsString: string) => {
const optionIds = optionIdsString.split(' ');
for (let optionId of optionIds) {
const option = element(;
option.getText().then((text) => {
if (text === valueToFind) {;
function selectOptionByOptionIndex(selectFormFieldElementId, index) {
const formField = element(; => {
.getAttribute('aria-owns').then((optionIdsString: string) => {
const optionIds = optionIdsString.split(' ');
const optionId = optionIds[index];
const option = element(;;
selectOptionByOptionValue('your-id', '1'); //selects first option
selectOptionByOptionIndex('your-id', 1); //selects second option
static selectDropdownValue(dropDownLocator,dropDownListLocator,dropDownValue){
let ListVal ='';
for( let i =0;i<=selectItem.length;i++)
We can create a custom DropDown class for this and add a method as:
async selectSingleValue(value: string) {
await this.element.element(by.xpath('.//option[normalize-space(.)=\'' + value + '\']')).click();
Also, to verify what value is currently selected, we can have:
async getSelectedValues() {
return await this.element.$('option:checked').getText();
This is a simple one line answer in which angular has special locator which can help to select and index from list.
element.all(by.options(' as for o in organizations')).get(Index).click()

label inside combobox and conditional multiselect

I am building a pretty combobox with checkboxes and conditional entries. Everything works out alright, except for two features that I cannot figure out how to implement.
1) I would like to move the label inside the combobox, make it shift the values to the right, and appear in a slightly gray color.
2) I would like the value to ignore certain entries (group headers) selected. Those entries are there for functionality only - to select/unselect groups of other entries.
The entire project is in the zip file. You don't need a server, it's a client base app. Just download the archive, unpack, and launch app.html in your browser.
And here's a snapshot of what I would like to achieve.
Regarding your second issue, the best way I see is to override combobox onListSelectionChange to filter the values you don't want:
onListSelectionChange: function(list, selectedRecords) {
//Add the following line
selectedRecords = Ext.Array.filter(selectedRecords, function(rec){
//Original code unchanged from here
var me = this,
isMulti = me.multiSelect,
hasRecords = selectedRecords.length > 0;
// Only react to selection if it is not called from setValue, and if our list is
// expanded (ignores changes to the selection model triggered elsewhere)
if (!me.ignoreSelection && me.isExpanded) {
if (!isMulti) {
Ext.defer(me.collapse, 1, me);
* Only set the value here if we're in multi selection mode or we have
* a selection. Otherwise setValue will be called with an empty value
* which will cause the change event to fire twice.
if (isMulti || hasRecords) {
me.setValue(selectedRecords, false);
if (hasRecords) {
me.fireEvent('select', me, selectedRecords);
And change your onBoundlistItemClick to only select and deselect items in the boundlist not to setValue of the combo:
onBoundlistItemClick: function(dataview, record, item, index, e, eOpts) {
var chk = item.className.toString().indexOf('x-boundlist-selected') == -1;
if ( ! {
var d =;
for (var i in d) {
var s = d[i].data;
if (s.parent == {
if (chk) { // select
} else { // deselect
Regarding your first issue, it is easy to add the label using the displayTpl config option. But this will only add the text you need, without any style (grey color, etc). The combo is using a text input, which does not accept html tags. If you don't need the user to type text, than you may want to change the combo basic behavior and use another element instead of the text input.
