How can I load an existing pptx file with PptxGenJs [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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how can I load an existing pptx file? Our customers would like to create a master pptx file with their own coporate branding. They are users and not developers. Is it possible?

You can't do it with PptxGenJS, as you can see it is listed as a feature they will not be implementing:
If your data does not have to be in pptx format, then you can reproduce an HTML table and use it within PptxGenJS:


Detect if pdf has a password on clientside [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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in my application I want to allow the user to upload a PDF file. Before I send the file to the server, I want to validate with JavaScript that the PDF is not password protected. What is the best way to do this with Vanilla JS. I would like to avoid using a library if possible.

How to create a YAML based editor in html [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I have a website that is used in a local area environment. I need to give an option to the users to upload and edit the YAML file on this website. I have seen a lot of online editors like this. My only requirement is to validate and highlighted the syntax. Can someone please give me a hint is there any javascript library that gives me the option to add a YAML editor to the website?

How to delete a file from the web server using js [closed]

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Closed 9 days ago.
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I want to delete a file from this website when its loaded and replace it with a different file and this different file will be gotten from a link. a image of where the file is below.The file (script.js)
i tried delete "script.js" and other things in the ""

Make my page work for certain place [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am under developing a game website i would like to know how to make only certain point of my website to work? and the rest should be disabled!
Assuming you gonna host it on a apache webserver, you could block some directorys with a .htacces file like asked here

Bulk files rename [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have 10000 files (php, html, css, and png). They are interconnected, in other words that the site engine. How do I can to do a bulk rename files so that the website worked properly? I understand that in addition to rename files and folders, I need to rename the paths inside the files. But how to do it bulk?
Best solution can be to write a little custom program. That program can do what you want. It may be a php script.
