redux-form: How to throw new SubmissionError in Promise? - javascript

I got two variants of code - want to throw SubmissionError (redux-form), in first code it works fine, and I got "Uncaught (in promise)" in second. Tried to fix second code. Can any one tell why the second code cant throw SubmissionError? Tried do it with reject, but its not work too. Is it possible to throw SubmissionError with new Promise?
handleSubmit = async (values) => {
const { addItem, reset } = this.props;
await addItem({ item: values }).catch ((e) => {
throw new SubmissionError({ _error: e.message });
second not works:
handleSubmit = (values) => {
const { addItem, reset } = this.props;
const promise = (item) => new Promise((resolve) => {
return promise(values).catch((e) => {
throw new SubmissionError({ _error: e.message });
"addItem" function (if its needed):
export const addItem = ({ text }) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const url = routes.Url();
const response = await, { item: { text } });
dispatch(addItemSuccess({ item: }));
} catch (e) {
throw e;

hmm, I think the problem in that you don't await your the promise. You return promise instead of the promise result, as result your code is not sync and SubmissionError lost context
Try it:
handleSubmit = (values) => {
const { addItem, reset } = this.props;
const promise = (item) => new Promise((resolve) => {
return await promise(values).catch((e) => {
throw new SubmissionError({ _error: e.message });
Exists alternative way to set async errors to the form via stopSubmit
handleSubmit = (values) => {
const { addItem, reset } = this.props;
const promise = (item) => new Promise((resolve) => {
return promise(values).catch((e) => {
dispatch(stopSubmit('FORM_NAME', { _error: e.message }));


Function created using "crypto" won't return the bearerToken I created with it

I am sure this is something basic that I am missing but it's late and my brain gets like that. So I have this function:
export const createRandomHex = () => {
try {
return crypto.randomBytes(127, (_err, buf) => {
console.log("[create] bearerToken: ", buf.toString("hex"));
const bearerTokenString = buf.toString("hex");
return bearerTokenString;
} catch (e) {
return e;
And I am calling it in another function as such:
export const createBearerToken = () => {
const bearerToken = createRandomHex();
For some reason, the value of bearerToken in the createBearerToken is undefined or null. Can anyone help me with this?
randomBytes is asynchronous and takes a callback. You could return a promise in your function:
export const createRandomHex = async () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
return crypto.randomBytes(127, (_err, buf) => {
console.log("[create] bearerToken: ", buf.toString("hex"));
const bearerTokenString = buf.toString("hex");
} catch (e) {

How to make two api calls using Promise.all within Angular9?

I making an api call using Promise.all as below:
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
The above code is working fine.
Now I want to make another api call after the successful completion of this.serviceB.retry(oretry).
The second api is this.serviceB.createDbEntry(sentry) and sentry looks as below:
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length),
reason: this.reason
And, I am doing it as below
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length),
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
The above code is giving an error:
error: "SequelizeValidationError: string violation: Id cannot be an array or an object"
It is looks like it is not calling the second api for every Id
You may want to take a look a forkJoin
import { Observable, forkJoin } from 'rxjs';
And then
ngOnInit() {
let one = this.http.get('some/api/1') //some observable;
let two = this.http.get('some/api/2') // another observable;
forkJoin([one, tow]).subscribe(response => {
// results[0] is our one call
// results[1] is our second call
let var1 = response[1];
let var2 = response[0];
}/*, error => { in case error handler } */);
Wouldn't it be better to use Promise.all() once more?
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
And using toPromise() will make the code more concise.
Promise.all(this.hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
return this.serviceB.retry(oretry).toPromise();
.then(() => {
return Promise.all(this.Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
Use combineLatest, in Angular we use RxJs not promises.
[this.http.get('call1'), this.http.get('call2')]
).subscribe(([result1, result2]) => {
// do stuff with result1 and result2
promise.all takes input in an array and gives response in an array,
Create 2 functions each with your asynchronous logic returning a promise,
Say funcA and funcB, then use below to invoke them parellely
Promise.all([funcA(this.hostName), funcB(])
.then(respones => {
console.log(responses[0]); //return value for funcA
console.log(responses[1]); //return value for funcB
.catch(err => console.log(err));
I am assuming your logic of functions are correct, I just copy-pasted from your question and gave them structure
const funcA = (hostName) => {
hostName.slice(0, this.Id.length).map((hostName) => {
return this.serviceC.status(hostName)
.then(res => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const oretry: ORInterface = {
oQid: res.rows[0].qid,
reason: this.reason
const funcB = (Id) => {
Id.slice(0, this.Id.length).map(id => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const sretry: SDInterface = {
Id: id,
reason: this.reason

returning the result from my function

How do I return my result please,
I get an error
Can't find variable: convertToArray
I have a function in my api.js
export function apiGet() {
return axios
.then(res => {
const convertToArray = []
for (const key in {
convertToArray.push({[key], id: key })
//console.log confirms my convertToArray has the info I expect in it
return convertToArray;
.catch(e => {
in my vuex store I have
// Get list of cases
loadCasess ({ commit, context }) {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
resolve(commit('LIST_CASES', convertToArray))
.catch(e => {
// reject('/')
You're receiving this error because convertToArray doesn't exist in the context of your Vuex Store. You're returning it, but doesn't mean that on the function that calls the apiGet() it will exist. You should write like:
// Get list of cases
loadCases ({ commit, context }) {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
const convertToArray = apiGet()
resolve(commit('LIST_CASES', convertToArray))
}).catch(e => {
// reject('/')
}, // ...

How to resolve promises and catch an error

I am trying to user webgazer.js where my code basically checks to see whether the webgazer is initialized and when it is initialized it resolves a promise which dispatches an action. This works however if for example there is no webcam I need to throw an error. The error in my code never gets called.
Here is my code
export function detectJsCamera() {
return async(dispatch) => {
dispatch({type: types.JS_DETECTING_CAMERA});
try {
await detectCamera();
await dispatch({type: types.JS_CAMERA_DETECTED});
} catch (error) {
await dispatch({type: types.CAMERA_DETECTION_FAILED, error: error.message});
throw error;
// this.props.history.push('/setup/positioning')
const detectCamera = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const checkIfReady = () => {
if (webgazer.isReady()) {
} else {
setTimeout(checkIfReady, 100);
You will need to reject in order to throw an exception like below
const detectCamera = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const checkIfReady = () => {
if (webgazer.isReady()) {
} else {
reject("some error");
You need to call reject() in your detectCamera method when your webgazer is not initialised then it would be caught in your catch block in detectJsCamera method.

Jest/enzyme: How to test for .then and .catch of an nested asynchronous function

I'm trying to do some enzyme/jest unit testing for a asynchronous function in my reactJS component, which gets injected as prop.
My Problem is to test for a value in the then() part of the function and to test for catch() if an error occures.
This is how the function of my component (<CreateAccount />) looks like:
_onSubmit = (event) => {
const { username, password } = this.state
variables: { username, password }
}).then(response => {
const token =
if (token) {
Cookies.set('auth-token', token, { expires: 1 })
}).catch(error => {
The first test should check for .catch(error => {}) as data is undefined:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', () => {
const createUserMutation = () => {
return Promise.resolve({})
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
const state = wrapper.instance().state
expect(wrapper).toThrow() // <-- How to do it correctly?
And the second test should check if cookie is set correctly. Here I don't know how to do that? I think I have to mock Cookie
it('_onSubmit() should get token', () => {
const createUserMutation = () => {
return Promise.resolve({
data: {
createUser: { token: 'token' }
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
// How to check for token value and Cookies?
What I usually have to do when I want to see if the spy worked on the catch or then, is to add another then() on the test. For example:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', () => {
const createUserMutation = jest.fn(() => Promise.reject(new Error()));
const spy = jest.spyOn(console,"warn");
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
return createUserMutation.catch(() => {
.then(() => {
I guess it is somehow related to how NodeJS handles the queues, promises, ticks, etc, internally.
That is the rejected/catch branch. If you want to test the IF path, just use a Promise.resolve and return a promise.then() instead of catch.
Why are you using console.warn for an error? Use console.error instead. You will need to mock it out to a spy as well to test it.
First test:
it('_onSubmit() should throw error if data is missing', (done) => {
const createUserMutation = () => new Promise();
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.update().find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
const state = wrapper.instance().state
createUserMutation.resolve().then(() => {
If you are running this in a mock browser environment and not a real browser then you must mock out Cookies.set.
Second test:
it('_onSubmit() should get token', (done) => {
const createUserMutation = () => new Promise();
const wrapper = shallow(<CreateAccount createUserMutation={createUserMutation} />)
wrapper.find(Form).simulate('submit', {
preventDefault: () => {}
jest.spyOn(window.Cookies, 'set');
const response = {
data: {
createUser: { token: 'token' }
createUserMutation.resolve(response).then(() => {
afterEach(() => {
// Reset the spies so that they don't leak to other tests
