Why is my code executing although it should pause? - javascript

I have an API which is limited regarding how many requests per minute (50/minute) I can send to any endpoint provided by that API.
In the following code-section, I filter the objects orders with an URL as property, every object with an URL that provides data should be stored in successfullResponses in my app.component.ts.
orders.map(order => this.api.getURL(order.resource_url).catch(() => null))
).then(responses => {
const successfulResponses = responses.filter(response => response != null)
for(let data of successfulResponses) {
// some other requests should be sent with data here
There are more than 50 orders to check, but I just can check maximum 50 orders at once, so I try to handle it in my service. I set the first date when the first request is sent. After that I compare the dates of the new request with the first one. If the difference is over 60, I set the current date to the new one and set maxReq again to 50. If it is under 60, I check if there are requests left, if yes I send the request and if not I just wait one minute :
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async getURL(){
let date = new Date();
this.date = date;
if((new Date().getSeconds() - this.date.getSeconds() > 60 )){
this.maxReq = 50;
this.date = new Date();
return this.http.get(url, this.httpOptions).toPromise();
} else {
if(this.maxReq > 0){
this.maxReq -= 1;
return this.http.get(url, this.httpOptions).toPromise();
} else{
await this.sleep(60*1000);
this.maxReq = 50;
this.date = new Date();
return this.http.get(url, this.httpOptions).toPromise();
However the code in app.component.tsis not waiting for the function getURL() and executes further code with requests which leads to the problem that I send ´too many requests too quickly´.
What can I do about that?

I had a similar problem while trying to use promises with multiple async functions. It's an easy thing to forget, but in order to make them all wait, you have to use await on the root line that calls the function in question.
I'm not entirely certain, but my presumption is that your await this.sleep(60*1000); line is indeed waiting for a timeout to occur, but whilst it is doing this, the code that called getURL() is executing the rest of its lines, because it did not have an await (or equivalent, like .then) before getURL().
The way I discovered this in my case was by using a good debugging tool (I used Chrome DevTools's own debugging features). I advise you do the same, adding breakpoints everywhere, and see where your code is going with each line.
Here is a short, rough example to show what I mean:
// This code increments a number from 1 to 2 to 3 and returns it each time after a delay of 1 second.
async function loop() {
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
console.log('Input start');
/* The following waits for result of aSync before continuing.
Without 'await', it would execute the last line
of this function whilst aSync's own 'await'
waited for its result.
--- This is where I think your code goes wrong. --- */
await aSync(i);
console.log('Input end');
async function aSync(num) {
console.log('Return start');
/* The following waits for the 1-second delay before continuing.
Without 'await', it would return a pending promise immediately
each time. */
let result = await new Promise(
// I'm not using arrow functions to show what it's doing more clearly.
function(rs, rj) {
function() {
/* For those who didn't know, the following passes the number
into the 'resolved' ('rs') parameter of the promise's executor
function. Without doing this, the promise would never be fulfilled. */
}, 1000
console.log('Return end');


How to execute variable number of async calls(coming dynamically at runtime) serially?

I am making a chrome extension (mv3). Based on user activity, the content.js passes a message to the background.js which then calls an async function to add data in Google Docs using Docs API.
I want each request to execute only after the previous one has finished running. I am using chrome.runtime.sendMessage to send a message from content.js and don't see a way of calling background.js serially from there. So I need a way of executing them one by one in background.js only. The order of these requests is also important (but if the order of the requests gets changed by one/two places, I think that would still be okay from a user perspective).
I tried something and it is working but I am not sure if I am missing some edge cases, because I was unable to find the approach in any other answers -
Semaphore-like queue in javascript?
Run n number of async function before calling another method in nodejs
JavaScript: execute async function one by one
The approach I used is: I use a stack like structure to store requests, use setInterval to check for any pending requests and execute them serially.
let addToDocInterval = "";
let addToDocCalls = [];
async function addToDoc(msg) {
// Await calls to doc API
async function addToDocHelper() {
if(addToDocCalls.length === 0)
while(addToDocCalls.length > 0) {
let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
await addToDoc(msg);
addToDocInterval = setInterval(addToDocHelper, 1000);
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
// Some other logic
addToDocInterval = setInterval(addToDocHelper, 1000);
Is this approach correct? Or is there any better way to do this?
I'd suggest changing several things.
Don't use timers polling the array. Just initiate processing the array anytime you add a new item to the array.
Keep a flag on whether if you're already processing the array so you don't start duplicate processing.
Use a class to encapsulate this functionality into an object.
Encapsulate the addToDocCalls array and adding to it so your class is managing it and outside code just calls a function to add to it which also triggers the processing. Basically, you're making it so callers don't have to know how the insides work. They just call helper.addMsg(msg) and the class instance does all the work.
Here's an implementation:
async function addToDoc(msg) {
// Await calls to doc API
class docHelper {
constructor() {
this.addToDocCalls = [];
this.loopRunning = false;
addMsg(msg) {
// add item to the queue and initiate processing of the queue
async process() {
// don't run this loop twice if we're already running it
if (this.loopRunning) return;
try {
this.loopRunning = true;
// process all items in the addToDocCalls we have
while(this.addToDocCalls.length > 0) {
let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
await addToDoc(msg);
} finally {
this.loopRunning = false;
const helper = new docHelper();
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
// Some other logic
So, process() will run until the array is empty. Any interim calls to addMsg while process() is running will add more items to array and will call process() again, but the loopRunning flag will keep it from starting duplicate processing loops. If addMsg() is called while process is not running, it will start the process loop.
P.S. You also need to figure out what sort of error handling you want if addToDoc(msg) rejects. This code protects the this.loopRunning flag if it rejects, but doesn't actually handle a reject error. In code like this that is processing a queue, often times all you can really do is log the error and move on, but you need to decide what is the proper course of action on a rejection.
You don't need to use setTimeout. You do not even need a while loop.
let addToDocInterval = "";
let addToDocCalls = [];
let running = false;
async function addToDoc(msg) {
// Await calls to doc API
async function addToDocHelper() {
if(running || addToDocCalls.length === 0)
running = true;
let msg = addToDocCalls.shift();
await addToDoc(msg);
running = false;
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
// Some other logic
The code should be self explanatory. There is no magic.
Here is a generic way to run async tasks sequentially (and add more tasks to the queue at any time).
const tasks = [];
let taskInProgress = false;
async function qTask(newTask) {
if (newTask) tasks.push(newTask);
if (tasks.length === 0) return;
if (taskInProgress) return;
const nextTask = tasks.shift();
taskInProgress = true;
try {
await nextTask();
} finally {
taskInProgress = false;
//use setTimeout so call stack can't overflow
setTimeout(qTask, 0);
//the code below is just used to demonstrate the code above works
async function test() {
console.log(`queuing first task`);
qTask(async () => {
await delay(500); //pretend this task takes 0.5 seconds
console.log('first task started');
throw 'demonstrate error does not ruin task queue';
console.log('first task finished');
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
console.log(`queuing task ${i}`)
qTask(async () => {
await delay(200); //pretend this task takes 0.2 seconds
console.log(`task ${i} ran`);
await delay(1000); //wait 1 second
console.log(`queuing extra task`);
qTask(async () => {
console.log('extra task ran');
await delay(3000); //wait 3 seconds
console.log(`queuing last task`);
qTask(async () => {
console.log('last task ran');
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);

Question: Concurrent queue with max concurrency (per cacheKey)

this is more of a opinionated question. I do have a working solution, but I'm not 100% comfortable with it, as it has it's flaws.
Maybe someone can help me to improve this.
I have an external api that only allows 4 calls to be made concurrently against it (for each user). Our app can impersonate multiple users at once.
So the issue comes, if more than 4 calls are made against the api simultaneously. (sometimes more than 20 calls are made)
Using a batched approach with Promise.all and chunking would be very inefficient, as the calls have a different runtime each.
Ideally, the queue would work FIFO and as soon as one call finishes, the next call is started. At the current standing, I created 4 own FIFO queues with somewhat of a Promise chain and I fill these evenly (if all are running).
The problem that I have is, that I do not know how long a request is running.
So choosing one of the queues can lead to an overall longer runtime as necessary.
The calls are automatically rejected after 30s from the external api, so no dead lock here.
Another problem that I have is, that I have to return the data provided from the api to a dependency. The queue is called/filled from withan a callback function...
This is wrapped in a Promise itself, so we can wait as long as we want.
But storing the values in a cache for later retrieval is no option either.
So long story short, here is the code
class QueuingService {
/** ~FIFO queue */
private static queue: Record<string, { promise: Promise<Function>, uuid: string }[]> = {};
private static MAX_CONCURRENCY = 4
/** cacheKey is used as cachekey for grouping in the queue */
public static async addToQueueAndExecute(func: Function, cacheKey: string) {
let resolver: Function | null = null;
let promise = new Promise<Function>(resolve => {
resolver = resolve;
//in the real world, this is a real key created by nanoId
let uuid = `${Math.random()}`;
? this.queue[cacheKey].push({ promise: promise, uuid: uuid })
: this.queue[cacheKey] = [{ promise: promise, uuid: uuid }];
//queue in all calls, until MAX_CONCURRENCY is reached. After that, slice the first entry and await the promise
if (this.queue[cacheKey].length > this.MAX_CONCURRENCY) {
let queuePromise = this.queue[cacheKey].shift();
if (queuePromise){
await queuePromise.promise;
//console.log("elements in queue:", this.queue[cacheKey].length, cacheKey)
//technically this wrapping is not necessary, but it makes to code more readable imho
let result = async () => {
let res = await func();
if (resolver) {
//resolve and clean up
this.queue[cacheKey] = this.queue[cacheKey].filter(elem => elem.uuid !== uuid);
//console.log(res, cacheKey, "finshed after", new Date().getTime() - enteredAt.getTime(),"ms", "entered at:", enteredAt)
return res;
return await result();
async function sleep(ms:number){
return await new Promise(resolve=>window.setTimeout(resolve,ms))
async function caller(){
/* //just for testing with fewer entries
for(let i=0;i<3;i++){
let groupKey = Math.random() <0.5? "foo":"foo"
QueuingService.addToQueueAndExecute(async ()=>{
await sleep(Math.floor(4000-Math.random()*2000));
console.log(i, new Date().getSeconds(), new Date().getMilliseconds(),groupKey)
return Math.random()
for(let i=0;i<20;i++){
let groupKey = Math.random() <0.5? "foo":"foo";
let startedAt = new Date();
QueuingService.addToQueueAndExecute(async ()=>{
await sleep(Math.floor(4000-Math.random()*2000));
console.log(i, new Date().getTime()-startedAt.getTime(),groupKey)
return Math.random()
Also, here is a playground with the code to play around with:

How do I wait for multiple promises to resolve but also include a set minumum delay?

I am calling two APIs with two different functions and having a setTimeout for both, is it possible to handle their timeouts in such a way that they finish in 10s instead of 15s.
function delay(s){
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,s));
async function getXml(){
let ans;
await delay(10000)
const {data} = await axios.get('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/SwayamShah97/a3619c5828ac8ed8085c4ae295a855d9/raw/e4e372552e042bd8bd9e8ab87da93eb030114f86/people.xml');
xml2js.parseString(data, (err, result) => {
if(err) {
throw err;
ans = result
return ans;
async function getPeople(){
await delay(5000)
const { data } = await axios.get('https://gist.githubusercontent.com/SwayamShah97/0f2cb53ddfae54eceea083d4aa8d0d65/raw/d7d89c672057cf7d33e10e558e001f33a10868b2/people.json');
return data; // this will be the array of people objects
Is there a way to run this code only in 10s, so that both the APIs get called in 10s time period
Forcing either one or both axios.get() functions to complete below some time limit (other than failing on a timeout), isn't doable, since you don't control the transport.
One thing you can do is force one or more functions to complete at or after some time threshold, with something like this...
function padToTime(promise, interval) {
// delay returns a promise that resolves after an interval
const delay = interval => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, interval));
// caller can provide a singular or an array of promises, avoiding the extra .all
let promises = Array.isArray(promise) ? promise : [promise];
return Promise.all([...promises, delay(interval)])
.then(results => results.slice(0, -1));
EDIT good idea from #VLAZ to append an extra promise that forces minimal time (then slice its result off later).
The caller can say:
async function getXml(){
// op function, no calls to "delay"
async function getPeople(){
// op function, no calls to "delay"
// run these both together, have them take *no fewer than* 10s
padToTime([getXml(),getPeople()], 10000).then(results => {
// we'll get here in no fewer than 10sec with the promise all results

Mocking promises and Timers in a recursive function with Jest

I'm trying to cover some code in a unit test (specifically, the code inside the catch block) and I believe it's failing due to memory leak errors probably due to timers that are not properly mocked.
Here's an example of the main code:
const delay = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000);
const readCustomerStatus = async (retry = 2) => {
let content = '';
await delay;
content = await fs.readFileSync(CUSTOMER_PATH,'utf8');
while(retry > 0){
readCustomerStatus(retry - 1);
return content;
And here's the unit test code:
test('Should return error when readFileSync fails'),async()=>{
fs.readFileSync = jest.fn()
.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('readFileSync failed'))
.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error('readFileSync failed'));
const customerStatusResult = await readCustomerStatus();
expect(customerStatusResult).toThrow(‘readFileSync failed’);
When I remove the recursive call from the main code, the unit test works. It looks like somehow the delay promise might be somehow affecting the test. I have also tried adding jest.useFakeTimers() in the beforeAll function but that doesn't seem to be helping either.
It looks like your code has multiple issues, most of them related to the way you are (not) awaiting Promises.
When you create a Promise this way, it will start executing right away, and will be resolved only once:
// Timer starts right away, which I believe it is not what you wanted
const delay = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(), 1000);
So this is the behavior:
await delay // Awaits `delay` Promise to be resolved.
// Depending on when it started, might be less than 1 second
await delay // This second invocation will be already resolved. 0 seconds delay.
Same is happening to your recursive version. You are awaiting that same delay Promise multiple times (on each recursion), so you are not actually pausing for 1 second on each iteration.
Here you have another issue:
while(retry > 0){
readCustomerStatus(retry - 1); // issue: readCustomerStatus is async
In this line you are invoking an async function without await, so you are just creating a new unhandled Promise, and completing the execution of the first one with success (because you trapped the error and ignored it).
You also shouldn't use a while loop in your retries, because that will cause a never ending loop, since retry variable is local to each call. Replacing by an if will fix it.
Finally, you are missing to raise the original error if all retries failed (will show how to fix below).
I wouldn't recommend using recursion to handle retries, I think it makes the code less readable and also there is some unnecessary stack allocation. However, for educational purposes, let's fix this code:
const delay = (ms=1000)=>new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const readCustomerStatus = async (retry = 2) => {
let content = '';
try {
// Notice we invoked function here to create a new Promise on each iteration
await delay();
content = await fs.readFileSync(CUSTOMER_PATH,'utf8');
} catch(error) {
if (retry > 0) {
// it is important to use await here and assign the result to `content`
content = await readCustomerStatus(retry - 1);
} else {
// This is our base case, so we just raise whatever error we found
throw error;
return content;

How do you run a setTimeout once a second inside a forEach loop?

My code in order to create multiple placements in an online service that has a 60 write constraint per minute:
placementsToAdd.forEach((placement, index) => {
setTimeout(() => {
options.url = `https://api.company.com/placement?publisher_id=${existingPub ? existingPub : placementsJson[0].PublisherId}&site_id=${placement.siteId}`
options.body = `{"placement":{"name":"${placement.placement}"}}`
request(options, callback);
},1000 * (index + 1))
It works this way but I am concerned about the wait time if there are a list of placements of 2000 or 3000 at one time, the wait time might be excessively long.
Is there a better way to refactor this code in order to get my requests built one per second no matter what? Without that "* (index + 1)," it seems to keep trying to build all at once hitting the wall after 60.
I've tried to use promises and async await (which is new to me) but it doesn't seem to change the behavior.
As requested, show how I've tried to use promises with this code:
async function createThePlacements() {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (let i = 0; i < placementsToAdd.length; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
options.url = `https://api.company.com/placement?publisher_id=${existingPub ? existingPub : placementsJson[0].PublisherId}&site_id=${placementsToAdd[i].siteId}`
options.body = `{"placement":{"name":"${placementsToAdd[i].placement}"}}`
request(options, callback);
let result = await promise; // pause till the promise resolves
console.log('result - ', result);
So, bit of a disclaimer - as mentioned, I've never used Async Await before so reading up to try to understand how it works as well. This seems to be the syntax but my result doesn't seem to be anything at the moment but the code also continues to do what it's supposed to do, just trying to make all the calls in my test of 300 all at once.
Also, of note, i have a resolve inside the callback of the request call. It resolves so even the next parts of my app finish up all the way to the end. That's why I don't have a reject or resolve here.
How do you run a setTimeout once a second inside a forEach loop?
The most straightforward approach would be:
const wait = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
for (const placement of placementsToAdd) {
const options = {...};
request(options, callback);
await wait(1000);
await works predictably inside plain for-loops, not inside forEach.
I haven't touched your callback but it would need to handle errors. More refactoring is possible.
The most significant improvement here, I think, is that we're not pushing requests ahead of time. This way we retain control, and should needs change or anything go haywire, we can break out of the loop without spamming the server for another minute.
The best option would be to have a request method that returns a Promise.
Then you could rewrite your code like this.
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
function requestPlacement(placement) {
const options = {...};
return request(options);
async function requestAllPlacements(placements) {
for(let i = 0; i < placements.length; i+=60) {
if (i > 0) {
// wait 1 minute
await Promise.all(
.slice(i, 60)
