I want to build a custom component in JSF that could :
retrieve a value from its value attribute
display this value
be able to update this value through Javascript (will update bean attribute used in value component attribute)
<t:myComponent value="#{myBean.value}" />
will display
<input id="my_input" type="text" value="my_value" />
<button onclick="update_value(document.getElementById('my_input').value)">update</button>
function update_value(val) {
// ???
and when we click the button, it will change myBean.value by the current content of the input (that user can change obviously).
As I understand, it looks easy to display the value in the component with the ResponseWriter but I do not understand how to build Javascript to call the component to change the value of the component.
// myBean.value = "foo"
<t:myComponent value="#{myBean.value}" />
// displays
<input id="my_input" type="text" value="foo" />
<button ...>update</button>
// user change input content by "bar"
// user click the update button
// myBean.value = "bar" now
Pass Bean Values to Javascript
There are some ways to do this. I think the most obvious way of doing this is rendering a script tag and putting the information in this.
Single Value:
writer.write("var value = '" + yourValue + "';");
Map Values:
String s = "var values = {";
for (Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
s += entry.getKey() + ": '" + entry.getValue() + "',\n";
s = s.trim().substring(1, s.length() - 1); // removes last ','
s += "};";
List Values:
String s = "var values = [";
for (String value : list) {
s += "'" + value + "', ";
s = s.trim().substring(1, s.length() - 1); // removes last ','
s += "];";
I would recommend not to put everthing in this script because this would be very much code in the encode methods. Rather have the static javascript code in a .js file and just write the dynamic content in the script tag. See how to get variables from other scripts.
Another way does not need a script tag. This way would call a js method like this:
function init(values) {
// ...
In the Renderer just call the js method:
facesContext.getPartialViewContext().getEvalScripts().add("init(" + yourValue + ");");
Pass Javascript values to Server-Side
Just include an input like this:
// just a random unique id
String generatedId = context.getClientId(context) + ":utility";
// ...
writer.startElement("input", null);
writer.writeAttribute("id", generatedId, null);
writer.writeAttribute("name", generatedId, null);
writer.writeAttribute("type", "hidden", null);
Then pass the generatedId with the other values to javascript.
In Javascript:
function setValues(value) {
// hiddenInputId is the server-side generatedId
var input = document.getElementId(hiddenInputId);
input.value = value;
Then just send an ajax request and get the values in the decode method like this:
// same id as in the encode methods
String generatedId = context.getClientId(context) + ":utility";
Map<String, String> map = facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String value = map.get(generatedId);
// ...
I am creating a web page using Python and generating both html as well as javascript in my code. Additionally, I am parsing through csv files and converting their table data to html. I want to be able to click on a line of text and the associated table data for that text would then be loaded into an iframe on the currently active web page. The problem I am having, is that my javascript function is not recognizing the key I send it to retrieve the corresponding table data. If I manually enter the key to return the table data, the correct data is returned - though the table doesn't load. However, if I generate the key programmatically, it returns as 'undefined' even though the strings appear to be identical.
I need to figure out if there is something wrong with either the syntax, or the format of the key I am using to try and retrieve the table data. Secondly, I need to figure out why the table data is not being correctly loaded into my iframe.
import pandas
opening_html = """<!DOCTYPE html><h1> Test</h1><div style="float:left">"""
table_html = pandas.DataFrame({'Col_1':['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']}).to_html()
tables_dict = {'test-1 00': table_html}
java_variables = "%s" % json.dumps(tables_dict)
table_frame = """<iframe name="table_frame" style="position:fixed; top:100px; width:750; height:450"></iframe>"""
test_link_text = """ test-1<br>"""
java = """<script type='text/javascript'>
var table_filename = """ + java_variables + ";"
java += """function send_table_data(obj) {
var t = obj.text + ' 00';
//This line below will not work
var table_data = table_filename[t];
//But this line will return the correct value
var table_data = table_filename['test-1 00'];
//This line should load the data, but does nothing
document.getElementsByName('table_frame').src = table_data;
html_text = """<head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
</head>""" + test_link_text + table_frame + """<body>""" + "</div>" + java + '</body>'
with open('test_table_load.html', 'w') as w:
EDIT: I did just figure out that for some reason there was a default space at the beginning of the var t - so using trim() seemed to fix that. Now, the only issue left is why the data doesn't load into the table.
It looks like you figured out your typo with the space that was messing with your key, so this is for your second question.
Your code
So to get your table to populate in the iframe you need to fix three things:
To edit the HTML contents of your iframe you should be setting the .srcdoc element, not .src
The document.getElementsByName() function will return an array of HTML elements so in order to get the element you want you should do one of the following:
(recommended) switch to using document.getElementById and use id='table_frame' in your iframe tags
select the first element of the array by using document.getElementsByName('table_frame')[0]
The anchor tag that you're using as the trigger for your function is redirecting you back to the original HTML page, stopping you from seeing any of the changes your javascript function is making. A simple solution to this is to switch to using a <button> element in place of <a>.
Here is what your code looks like with the fixes:
import pandas
import json
opening_html = """<!DOCTYPE html><h1>Test</h1><div style="float:left">"""
table_html = pandas.DataFrame({'Col_1':['this', 'is', 'a', 'test']}).to_html()
tables_dict = {'test-1 00': table_html}
java_variables = "%s" % json.dumps(tables_dict)
table_frame = """<iframe id="table_frame" style="position:fixed; top:100px; width:750; height:450"></iframe>"""
test_link_text = """<button href='' onclick="send_table_data(this);"> test-1</button><br>"""
java = """<script type='text/javascript'>
var table_filename = """ + java_variables + ";"
#for the button, innerText needs to be used to get the button text
java += """function send_table_data(obj) {
var t = obj.innerText + ' 00';
//This line below will not work
var table_data = table_filename[t];
//But this line will return the correct value
var table_data = table_filename['test-1 00'];
//This line should load the data, but does nothing
document.getElementById('table_frame').srcdoc = table_data;
html_text = """<head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
</head>""" + test_link_text + table_frame + """<body>""" + "</div>" + java + '</body>'
with open('test_table_load.html', 'w') as w:
Other Recommendations
I strongly suggest looking into some python frameworks that can assist you in generating your website, either using HTML templates like Flask, or a library that can assist in generating HTML using Python. (I would recommend Dash for your current use case)
I have a jsp file with a scriptlet tag, I am getting the values of .properties file in it .I have a java script tag in which I am storing the value from the dropdown in a variable. On selecting some value in the dropdown I want to compare it with the property in the scriptlet and if it is equal a value from properties file must populate in my textbox. I have tried the following code but it is not working
My scriplet tag
Properties prop = new Properties();
String propFileName = "server. properties";
InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(propFileName);
if (inputStream != null) {
} else {
throw new FileNotFoundException("property file '" + propFileName + "'not found in the classpath");
String appName = prop.getProperty("Demo_name");
String link = prop.getProperty("Demo_Links");
String database = prop.getProperty("DemoApps_DataBase");
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnSelectionChange(serverName) {
var selectedOption = serverName.options[serverName.selectedIndex];
var txtbox=document.getElementById('serverLink');
var appName=<%=appName%>;
var links=<%=link%>
Try this code. Is Your selected value is case sensitive?
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnSelectionChange(serverName) {
var selectedOption = serverName.options[serverName.selectedIndex].value;
var txtbox=document.getElementById('serverLink');
var demoName='<%=demoServer%>';
var testName='<%=testingServer%>';
var PNGName='<%=pngServer%>';
var DCPName='<%=dcpServer%>';
var demoLink='<%=demoLink%>';
var testLink='<%=testingLink%>';
var pngLink='<%=pngLink%>';
var dcpLink='<%=dcpLink%>';
Using scriplets populate the values in a hidden field from your scriplet like :
<input id=hiddenPops type="hidden" name="Language" value="English">prop1=value2;prop2=value3</input>
In your javascript get the value of the above field using getElementById(hiddenPops )
Split the value string into array or as desired and you can work with it to match the keys and fetch the corresponding values.
Note: Its a solution but your approach is not great. Try to use modern JS frameworks which could allow you to talk to the server directly or simply use Ajax
I would really appreciate some guidance. This is probably simple to some of you, but i can't figure it out.
Thanks for any input.
I have a multi-tabbed control. One each tab, I have a custom reportviewer control.
I have added a custom attribute to the reportviewer in the code behind called "data-report-param".
I need to access the value of custom attribute "data-report-param" on the current tab on the client-side using javascript.
I have tried several ways including the following, but can't get to the value that is being created in the DOM.
//Attempt 1
var reportparamattribute = $('#ReportViewer1');
var reportparametervalue = reportparamattribute.getAttribute('data-report-param');
//Attempt 2
var reportparamattribute = document.getElementById('<%= ReportViewer1.ClientID %>');
var reportparametervalue = reportparamattribute.getAttribute('data-report-param');
//Also tried accessing the dataset
var reportparametervalue = reportparamattribute.dataset.report-param;
('ctl00_m_g_66e41117_8ff5_4650_bf4d_7a4a25e326f3_ctl01_ReportViewer1_ctl04').control.HideActiveDropDown();" data-report-param="1068" interactivedeviceinfos="(Collection)">
('ctl00_m_g_9d6a6c3c_11d0_4e03_bbd2_b907172c437d_ctl01_ReportViewer1_ctl04').control.HideActiveDropDown();" data-report-param="1068" interactivedeviceinfos="(Collection)">
The key was passing the custom data attribute from the code behind and then accessing it in the $.cache as #popnoodles below indicated, and passing the clientID of the reportviewer into the javascript function to get to the current instance of the webpart child controls.
<input type="hidden" id="<%= ASP_SSRS.ClientID %>_myDataState"
onchange="compareUnitValues(this.id, this.parentNode.id, '<%= ReportViewer1.ClientID %>', '<%= ASP_SSRS.ClientID %>', '<%= btnSendHiddenField.ClientID %>');" />
<script type ="text/javascript">
function compareUnitValues(elemt, parent, reportviewerID, value1, value2) {
var myDataUnit = $("#" + elemt),
parentObject = $("#" + parent),
reportviewerObject = $("#" + reportviewerID),
ssrs = $("#" + value1),
btnSend = $("#" + value2);
var myDataUnitValue = myDataUnit.val();
var myDataUnitJSON = jQuery.parseJSON(myDataUnitValue);
var currentmyDataUnit = myDataUnitJSON.currentUnit.objectId;
var sessioncurrentObjectId = document.getElementById('<%= hiddenCurrentObjectId.ClientID %>').value;
var currentReportViewerParam = $("#" + reportviewerID).attr("data-report-param");
if (currentmyDataUnit != currentReportViewerParam) {
ReportViewer1.Attributes.Add("data-report-param", parsedObjectId)
getAttribute will only give you the value that was in the generated or modified HTML not what is in the DOM. The data method never updates the HTML.
jQuery creates an empty object $.cache, which is used to store the values you set via the data method. Each DOM element you add data to is assigned a unique ID which is used as a key in the $.cache object.
$('#ReportViewer1').data('report-param', 1234);
var id = $('#ReportViewer1').data('report-param');
If you can use jquery why not just:
I'm attempting to duplicate the original img tag's functionality in custom img tag that will be added to the pagedown converter.
e.g I'm copy the original behavior:
![image_url][1] [1]: http://lolink.com gives <img src="http://lolink.com">
into a custom one:
?[image_url][1] [1]: http://lolink.com gives <img class="lol" src="http://lolink.com">
Looking at the docs the only way to do this is through using the preblockgamut hook and then adding another "block level structure." I attempted doing this and got an Uncaught Error: Recursive call to converter.makeHtml
here's the code of me messing around with it:
converter.hooks.chain("preBlockGamut", function (text, dosomething) {
return text.replace(/(\?\[(.*?)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g, function (whole, inner) {
return "<img src=" + dosomething(inner) + ">";
I'm not very experienced with hooks and everything so what would I do to fix it? Thanks.
UPDATE: found out that _DoImages runs after prespangamut, will use that instead of preblockgamut
Figured it out! The solution is very clunky and involves editing the source code because I am very bad at regex and the _DoImage() function uses a lot of internal functions only in the source.
All edits will be made to the markdown.converter file.
do a ctrl+f for the _DoImage function, you will find that it is named in two places, one in the RunSpanGamut and one defining the function. The solution is simple, copy over the DoImage function and related stuff to a new one in order to mimic the original function and edit it to taste.
next to DoImage function add:
function _DoPotatoImages(text) {
text = text.replace(/(\?\[(.*?)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g, writePotatoImageTag);
text = text.replace(/(\?\[(.*?)\]\s?\([ \t]*()<?(\S+?)>?[ \t]*((['"])(.*?)\6[ \t]*)?\))/g, writePotatoImageTag);
return text;
function writePotatoImageTag(wholeMatch, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7) {
var whole_match = m1;
var alt_text = m2;
var link_id = m3.toLowerCase();
var url = m4;
var title = m7;
if (!title) title = "";
if (url == "") {
if (link_id == "") {
link_id = alt_text.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, " ");
url = "#" + link_id;
if (g_urls.get(link_id) != undefined) {
url = g_urls.get(link_id);
if (g_titles.get(link_id) != undefined) {
title = g_titles.get(link_id);
else {
return whole_match;
alt_text = escapeCharacters(attributeEncode(alt_text), "*_[]()");
url = escapeCharacters(url, "*_");
var result = "<img src=\"" + url + "\" alt=\"" + alt_text + "\"";
title = attributeEncode(title);
title = escapeCharacters(title, "*_");
result += " title=\"" + title + "\"";
result += " class=\"p\" />";
return result;
if you look at the difference between the new _DoPotatoImages() function and the original _DoImages(), you will notice I edited the regex to have an escaped question mark \? instead of the normal exclamation mark !
Also notice how the writePotatoImageTag calls g_urls and g_titles which are some of the internal functions that are called.
After that, add your text = _DoPotatoImages(text); to runSpanGamut function (MAKE SURE YOU ADD IT BEFORE THE text = _DoAnchors(text); LINE BECAUSE THAT FUNCTION WILL OVERRIDE IMAGE TAGS) and now you should be able to write ?[image desc](url) along with 
The full line (not only the regex) in Markdown.Converter.js goes like this:
text = text.replace(/(!\[(.*?)\][ ]?(?:\n[ ]*)?\[(.*?)\])()()()()/g, writeImageTag);
so check the function writeImageTag. There you can see how the regex matching text is replaced with a full img tag.
You can change the almost-last line before its return from
result += " />";
result += ' class="lol" />';
Thanks for the edit to the main post.
I see what you mean now.
It is a bit weird how it uses empty capture groups to specify tags, but if it works, it works.
It looks like you would need to add on an extra () onto the regex string, then specify m8 as a new extra variable to be passed into the function, and then specify it as class = m8; like the other variables at the top of the function.
Then where it says var result =, instead of class =\"p\" you would just put class + title=\"" + .......
I'm trying to gain a better js-knowledge, and got a little problem.
I want to give a option more than one vaule, and from what i could find other places, arrays with split was the best solution. But I can't get it to work.
One side of the script is supposed to calculate a price, dependent on the selected destionation, while the other is the name on the destinaton.
<form name="ORDER" method="post" >
<select name="destination" id="destination_trV">
<OPTION VALUE="10,Cannes"> Cannes</option>
I want one part to grab the "10" to use this calculation purposes, and another to grab "Cannes" to write.
var dest_1 = (document.getElementById("destination_trV").value);
var vari_1 = dest_1.split(",",1);
var vari_2 = dest_1.split(",",1,2);
this is supposed to write out "10"
document.getElementById("linje5").innerHTML="Priceclass: " + vari_1 + "<br>";
this is supposed to write out "Cannes"
document.getElementById("linje6").innerHTML="Destination: " + vari_2 + "<br>";
But this doesn't work :)
What would happen if one of those values were to contain a , character? You'd need some form of encoding to preserve the original data. Instead of trying to jam multiple values into a single attribute, you'd be better off splitting those values into separate [data-*] attributes:
<option value="Cannes" data-destination="Cannes" data-price-class="10">Cannes</option>
That way, when you want the values, you can select the element and get the attribute values separately:
(function () {
var opt,
opt = document.getElementById("destination_trV");
destination = opt.getAttribute('data-destination');
priceClass = opt.getAttribute('data-price-class');
document.getElementById('linje5').innerHTML = 'Priceclass: ' + priceClass + '<br>';
document.getElementById('linje6').innerHTML = 'Destination: ' + destination + '<br>';
Split does not work that way MDN split
string.split([separator][, limit])
Just do the split once
var vals = dest_1.split(",");
var vari_1 = vals[0];
var vari_2 = vals[1];
A better way would be to use data attributes.