Cloud Functions: Avoid Nesting Promises for different conditions - javascript

I am trying to write a function that takes into account 3 conditions whenever Stores/{storeId}/{departmentId}/{productId} gets triggered and write new data in ref.child('Home').child('Chiep').child(departmentId).child(productId).
1) When there is no data in firestore, I need to fill up all the fields in Realtime DB, by making queries in 2 different firestore's nodes: Stores and Products in order to take their images.
2) When a change is made in Stores node and it comes from the same {storeId}, I just need to update some data without making any additional query.
3) And finally, when a change is made in Stores node and it comes from other {storeId}, I need to make only one query in the Stores node.
exports.homeChiepest = functions.firestore
.onWrite((change, context) => {
const storeId = context.params.storeId;
const departmentId = context.params.departmentId;
const productId = context.params.productId;
const ref = admin.database().ref();
// Get an object with the current document value.
// If the document does not exist, it has been deleted.
const document = change.after.exists ? : null;
// Get an object with the previous document value (for update or delete)
const oldDocument = change.before.exists ? : null;
// Prevent infinite loops
if (!change.after.exists) {
return null;
const newPrice = document.price;
const newTimestamp = document.timestamp;
return ref.child('Home').child('Chiep')
.then(dataSnapshot => {
if (dataSnapshot.val() !== null) {
console.log('CHIEP DOES exist');
const oldPrice = dataSnapshot.val().price;
const storeKey = dataSnapshot.val().storeKey;
if (storeId === storeKey) {
console.log('SAME STORE - Change price and timestamp');
var newChiepest = {
timestamp: newTimestamp,
price: newPrice
return dataSnapshot.ref.update(newChiepest);
} else {
console.log('OTHER STORE - Verify if price is chieper...');
if (newPrice <= oldPrice) {
console.log('NEW PRICE: '+newPrice+' is chieper than the older one: '+oldPrice);
return change.after.ref.parent.parent.get().then(doc => { // HERE Avoid nesting promises
newStoreImg =;
var newStoreChiep = {
price: newPrice,
storeImg: newStoreImg,
storeKey: storeId,
timestamp: newTimestamp
return dataSnapshot.ref.update(newStoreChiep);
} else {
console.log('NEW PRICE: '+newPrice+' is mode EXPENSIVE than the older one: '+oldPrice);
return null;
} else {
console.log('data does NOT exist, so WRITE IT!');
let getStoreData = change.after.ref.parent.parent.get();
let getProductData = admin.firestore().collection('Products').doc('Departments').collection(departmentId).doc(productId).get();
return Promise.all([getStoreData, getProductData]).then(values => { // HERE Avoid nesting promises
const [store, product] = values;
var newHomeChiepest = {
depId: departmentId,
price: newPrice,
prodKey: productId,
storeKey: storeId,
timestamp: newTimestamp
return dataSnapshot.ref.set(newHomeChiepest);
.catch(error => {
console.log('Catch error reading Home: ',departmentId ,'/', productId,'; message: ',error);
return false;
The problem is: different possibilities of querying or not querying another firestore node led me to a warning while uploading the Clound Function, that is:
warning Avoid nesting promises promise/no-nesting
I appreciate any help to refactor this code.

You could use a variable to manage a "shunting", depending on the different cases, as follows (untested):
exports.homeChiepest = functions.firestore
.onWrite((change, context) => {
const storeId = context.params.storeId;
const departmentId = context.params.departmentId;
const productId = context.params.productId;
const ref = admin.database().ref();
const document = change.after.exists ? : null;
// Prevent infinite loops
if (!change.after.exists) {
return null;
const newPrice = document.price;
const newTimestamp = document.timestamp;
let shunting; // <-- We manage the shunting through this variable
let chiepRef;
return ref.child('Home').child('Chiep')
.then(dataSnapshot => {
chiepRef = dataSnapshot.ref;
if (dataSnapshot.val() !== null) {
console.log('CHIEP DOES exist');
const oldPrice = dataSnapshot.val().price;
const storeKey = dataSnapshot.val().storeKey;
if (storeId === storeKey) {
shunting = 1
console.log('SAME STORE - Change price and timestamp');
var newChiepest = {
timestamp: newTimestamp,
price: newPrice
return chiepRef.update(newChiepest);
} else {
console.log('OTHER STORE - Verify if price is chieper...');
if (newPrice <= oldPrice) {
console.log('NEW PRICE: ' + newPrice + ' is chieper than the older one: ' + oldPrice);
shunting = 2
return change.after.ref.parent.parent.get();
} else {
console.log('NEW PRICE: ' + newPrice + ' is mode EXPENSIVE than the older one: ' + oldPrice);
shunting = 3
return null;
} else {
console.log('data does NOT exist, so WRITE IT!');
shunting = 4;
let getStoreData = change.after.ref.parent.parent.get();
let getProductData = admin.firestore().collection('Products').doc('Departments').collection(departmentId).doc(productId).get();
return Promise.all([getStoreData, getProductData])
.then(result => {
if (shunting === 2) {
const newStoreImg =;
var newStoreChiep = {
price: newPrice,
storeImg: newStoreImg,
storeKey: storeId,
timestamp: newTimestamp
return chiepRef.update(newStoreChiep);
} else if (shunting === 4) {
const [store, product] = result;
const newHomeChiepest = {
depId: departmentId,
price: newPrice,
prodKey: productId,
storeKey: storeId,
timestamp: newTimestamp
return chiepRef.set(newHomeChiepest);
} else {
return null;
.catch(error => {
console.log('may be adapted, function of shunting', error);
return null;


How to skip undefined/missing values in key-value pairs

I'm trying to build a citation generator from json in an API with data about images, stored in key-value pairs. I can get the data to return to the screen, but it always includes undefined in the citation. Sample manifest returns undefined as the creator since that isn't listed in this particular record. How can I keep any undefined value from being returned? I've tried changing the forEach to map, filtering at allMetadata by string length, using if !== undefined at insertCitation, and versions of those in different spots in the code.
EDIT: updated to provide full code, including print to page
(function () {
'use strict';
const buildCitation = {
buildMetadataObject: async function (collAlias, itemID) {
let response = await fetch('/iiif/info/' + collAlias + '/' + itemID + '/manifest.json');
let data = await response.json()
let allMetadata = data.metadata
let citationData = {};
allMetadata.forEach(function (kvpair) {
if (kvpair.value == undefined) {
return false;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Title') {
citationData.itemTitle = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Creator') {
citationData.itemCreator = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Repository') {
citationData.itemRepository = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Collection Name') {
citationData.itemCollection = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Owning Institution') {
citationData.itemOwning = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Date') {
citationData.itemDate = kvpair.value;
} else if (kvpair.label === 'Storage Location') {
citationData.itemStorage = kvpair.value;
return true;
return citationData;
insertCitation: function (data) {
var testTitle = data.itemTitle;
const itemCite = `Citation: "${data.itemTitle}," ${data.itemDate}, ${data.itemCreator}, ${data.itemCollection}, ${data.itemOwning}, ${data.itemStorage}, ${data.itemRepository}.`;
const citationContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'citation';
citationContainer.innerHTML = itemCite;
// CHANGED to innerHTML instead of innerText because you may want to format it at some point as HTML code.
if (testTitle) {
document.addEventListener('cdm-item-page:ready', async function (e) {
const citationData = await buildCitation.buildMetadataObject(e.detail.collectionId, e.detail.itemId);
console.log({ citationData });
document.addEventListener('cdm-item-page:update', async function (e) {
const citationData = await buildCitation.buildMetadataObject(e.detail.collectionId, e.detail.itemId);
console.log({ citationData });
I've simplified your program. The undefined is coming from the fact that there is no item with label Date
const mappings = {
Date: 'itemDate',
Title: 'itemTitle',
Creator: 'itemCreator',
Repository: 'itemRepository',
'Storage Location': 'itemStorage',
'Owning Institution': 'itemOwning',
'Collection Name': 'itemCollection',
async function buildMetadataObject(collAlias, itemID) {
let response = await fetch('');
let data = await response.json()
return data.metadata.reduce(
(acc, { label, value }) => ({ ...acc, [ mappings[label] ]: value }),
function insertCitation(data) {
var testTitle = data.itemTitle;
const fieldBlackList = ['itemTitle'];
const itemCite = `Citation: "${data.itemTitle}," ${
Object.values(mappings).reduce((acc, cur) => {
if (fieldBlackList.includes(cur)) return acc;
const value = data[cur];
return value ? [...acc, value] : acc
}, []).join(', ')
(async() => {
const citationData = await buildMetadataObject();

trouble with displaying data from firestore

I'm having two issues this moment
I am having trouble displaying the data from my firestore document after the user signs in and they do have a document with data
I have a button that lets the user upload a document and I will parse it to extract all important data. That data is then put into the document with Ids, which is basically the userId + what number doc it is belonging to the user. When they upload the data it seems that all data extracted uses the same ID and only the last one extracted gets displayed.
this is my code:
const loansRef = firebase.firestore().collection('goals');
const [ courseGoals, setCourseGoals ] = useState([]);
const [goalCounter, setGoalCounter] = useState(0)
//let the user upload doc, what gets called when they press button
const pickDocument = async () => {
try {
let input = await DocumentPicker.getDocumentAsync({
type: "text/plain",
setUserOut(await FileSystem.readAsStringAsync(input.uri));
} catch (error) {
//extracts important info and returns array with all info for one loan
const fileParser = () => {
const parsedLoans = [];
var newUserOut = userOut;
if (newUserOut.length == 0) {
//remove the grants
var grantPos ="Grant Type:");
var pos ="Loan Type:");
//hopefully just the loans now
newUserOut = newUserOut.slice(pos, grantPos);
while (newUserOut.length > 0) {
var lastPos = newUserOut.lastIndexOf("Loan Type:");
parsedLoans.push(newUserOut.slice(lastPos, newUserOut.length));
newUserOut = newUserOut.slice(0, lastPos);
//console.log('parsed loans: ' + parsedLoans)
return parsedLoans;
//where we actually create loans and get the important data for each loan
const createLoans = () => {
const newLoans = fileParser();
const title= 'Loan Amount:$'
const interest = 'Loan Interest Rate:'
for(let i =0; i < newLoans.length; i++){
let loan = newLoans[i]
let goalTitle=loan.substring(loan.indexOf(title)+title.length,loan.indexOf('Loan Disbursed Amount:'))
//console.log("goalTitle: " + goalTitle)
let interestRate = loan.substring(loan.indexOf(interest)+interest.length,loan.indexOf('Loan Repayment Plan Type'))
//console.log("Interest rate: "+ interestRate)
let years = 0
let paidOff = 0
useEffect(() => {
let isMounted = true;
if (isMounted) {
(docSnapshot) => {
if(!docSnapshot.exists){console.log('doc doesnt exist, start from scratch')}
console.log('loaded successfully '
(error) => {
return () => {
isMounted = false;
}, []);
const addGoalHandler = (goalTitle, interestRate, years, paidOff) => {
//setCourseGoals([...courseGoals, enteredGoal])
setCourseGoals((prevGoals) => [
id:userId.toString() + goalCounter.toString(),
value: goalTitle,
interest: interestRate,
years: years,
paidOff: paidOff
addToFB(goalTitle, interestRate,years,paidOff)
//var oldIDS = docIDS
//oldIDS.push(userId.toString() + goalCounter.toString())
const cancelGoalAdditionHandler = () => {
const addToFB = async (goalTitle, interestRate, years, paidOff) => {
//adding data to firebase, takes into account if doc exists already
const loadDoc = await loansRef.doc(userId).get()
.then((docSnapshot)=> {
const updateLoansArr = loansRef.doc(userId).update({
loans: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion({
id: userId+goalCounter.toString(),
value: goalTitle,
interest: interestRate,
years: years,
paidOff: paidOff
const addDoc = loansRef.doc(userId).set({
loans: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion({
id: userId+goalCounter.toString(),
value: goalTitle,
interest: interestRate,
years: years,
paidOff: paidOff
const removeGoalHandler = async (goalId) => {
setCourseGoals((currentGoals) => {
loansRef.doc(goalId).delete().then(console.log('removed correctly'))
return currentGoals.filter((goal) => !== goalId);
//need to use the value and not the goalId
const removeGoal = await loansRef.doc(goalId).update({
goals: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove(goalId)
setCourseGoals((currentGoals)=> {
return currentGoals.filer((goal)=> !== goalId)

Vuelidate isUnique causing infinite loop

i have a problem in vuelidate that causing infinite loop. Here's a brief process of my project. I have a datatable, I used Firebase OnSnapShot function to paginate the table. The table have action column that will show a modal when clicked. When i'm updating the value came from the table, vuelidate isUnique functions fires an infinite loop.
P.S I'm detaching the listener before viewing the modal
Output of infinite loop :
Here's my function to load the datatable:
async loadData(firebasePagination) {
// query reference for the messages we want
let ref = firebasePagination.db;
// single query to get startAt snapshot
ref.orderBy(firebasePagination.orderColumn, 'asc')
.then((snapshots) => {
// save startAt snapshot
firebasePagination.start =[ - 1]
// create listener using endAt snapshot (starting boundary)
let listener = ref.orderBy(firebasePagination.orderColumn)
.onSnapshot((datas) => {
if(!datas.empty){, index) => {
//remove duplicates
console.log("here") = => !==
//push to the data{id : },
if( === index){
//sort, b) => (a[firebasePagination.orderColumn] > b[firebasePagination.orderColumn]) ? 1 : -1)
//get the current data
firebasePagination.currentData = this.getCurrentData(firebasePagination)
// push listener
return firebasePagination;
Here's my function when clicking the action (Modal):
switch(items.action) {
case 'edit':
//detaching listener
this.firebasePagination.listeners.forEach(d => {
}); = true;
Here's my isUnique function:
validations: {
department: {
name: {
async isUnique(value){
if(value.trim() === ''){
return false;
if(strictCompareStrings(this.departmentName, value)){
this.departmentError.isActive = true;
this.departmentError.isValid = true;
return true;
const result = await checkIfUnique(DB_DEPARTMENTS, {nameToLower :});
console.log("GOES HERE")
result.errorMessage = result.isActive ?
'Department already exists.' : 'Department has been archived.';
this.departmentError = Object.assign({}, result);
return this.departmentError.isValid;
Here's my checkUnique function :
export const checkIfUnique = (db, nameObj, isTrim = true) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const nameObjKey = Object.keys(nameObj)[0];
const name = isTrim ? nameObj[nameObjKey].replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim().toLowerCase() : nameObj[nameObjKey].trim();
db().where(nameObjKey, '==', name).get()
.then((doc) => {
let result = {isActive: false, isValid: true, errorMessage: ''};
result.isActive =[0].data().isActive;
result.isValid = false;
Looked into another example of using isUnique from here and considered that you might have to return the Promise itself from the isUnique itself.
isUnique(value) {
if (value === '') return true
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(result => resolve(result))
.catch(e => reject(false));
But then again, we still have an open issue regarding Infinite loop when using a promise-based validate #350.

Firebase Cloud Functions: Promise not resolving

I am having some issues with my a particular call in my cloud function that doesn't seem to be resolving correctly.
This is the code that doesn't want to resolve:
console.log('Getting Search Patterns');
let searchPatterns: FirebaseFirestore.QuerySnapshot;
try {
searchPatterns = await admin
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Search Patterns Received: ${searchPatterns}`);
As you can see in the log, my function runs up until the console log before the try block, then stops until the function times out. I'm not sure what it is that is causing this issue.
EDIT: I have reformatted my code by separating out each of the different parts in my cloud function into separate functions that I can call; the resulting getSearchTerms() function is as follows:
async function getSearchTerms(): Promise<FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData[]> {
try {
const snapshot = await admin
console.log('Get Returned');
return =>;
} catch (e) {
return [];
This still stops at the same point in the function execution, the full function is here, this has been updated to the latest version:
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as WordExtractor from 'word-extractor';
import * as textract from 'textract';
import suffixArray from './suffixArray';
// interface Location {
// lid: string;
// location_name: string;
// location_type: string;
// sentimental_value: number;
// }
// interface Context {
// lid: string;
// context_string: string;
// fid: string;
// }
export const processFile = file => {
const serviceAccount = require(__dirname + '/../config/serviceAccount.json');
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: '',
const firestore = admin.firestore();
const fileBucket: string = file.bucket;
const filePath: string =;
const fileDet: string = path.basename(filePath);
const fileNameSplit: string[] = fileDet.split('.');
const fileExt: string = fileNameSplit.pop();
const fileName: string = fileNameSplit.join('.');
const bucket =;
const fileRef = bucket.file(filePath);
const _path: string = `/tmp/${fileName}.${fileExt}`;
console.log(`File path ${filePath}`);
console.log('Getting Download URL');
try {
console.log(`Downloading to: ${_path}`);
await{ destination: _path });
console.log('File Saved');
console.log(`Getting Details: ${_path}`);
const text: string = await getText(_path, fileExt);
console.log(`Processing: ${fileName}`);
console.log('Creating Suffix Array');
const suffix_array = suffixArray(text);
console.log(`Suffix Array Created: ${suffix_array}`);
console.log('Getting Search Patterns');
const searchTerms: FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData[] = await getSearchTerms();
console.log('Search Patterns Received');
const promises = [];
const allContexts: Object[] = [];
for (const searchDoc of searchTerms) {
const searchTerm = searchDoc.location_name.toLowerCase();
const matchedIndexes = search(text, searchTerm, suffix_array);
const contexts = createContexts(matchedIndexes, searchDoc, text, fileName);
for (const context of allContexts) {
const p = admin
await Promise.all(promises);
const data = {
processed: 1,
return firestore.doc(`FYP_FILES/${fileName}`).update(data);
} catch (e) {
const data = {
processed: 2,
return firestore.doc(`FYP_FILES/${fileName}`).update(data);
async function getText(_path: string, fileExt: string) {
let text: string = '';
switch (fileExt) {
case 'docx':
case 'doc':
const extractor = new WordExtractor();
const extracted = await extractor.extract(_path);
text = extracted.getBody();
case 'pdf':
case 'txt':
textract.fromFileWithPath(_path, function(extractedError: any, string: string) {
if (extractedError) {
if (string !== null) {
text = string;
console.log('Unsupported File Type');
return text;
async function getSearchTerms(): Promise<FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData[]> {
try {
const snapshot = await admin
console.log('Get Returned');
return =>;
} catch (e) {
return [];
function createContexts(
matchedIndexes: number[],
searchDoc: FirebaseFirestore.DocumentData,
text: string,
fileName: string
) {
console.log('Creating Contexts');
const contexts = [];
const searchTerm = searchDoc.location_name.toLowerCase();
for (const index of matchedIndexes) {
let left = index - 25;
let right = index + searchTerm.length + 25;
if (left < 0) {
left = 0;
if (right > text.length) {
right = text.length;
const context = text.substring(left, right);
lid: searchDoc.lid,
context_string: context,
fid: fileName,
return contexts;
function search(text: string, searchTerm: string, suffix_array: number[]) {
console.log(`Beginning search for: ${searchTerm}`);
let start = 0;
let end = suffix_array.length;
const matchedIndexes: Array<number> = [];
while (start < end) {
const mid: number = (end - 1) / 2;
const index: number = suffix_array[mid];
const finalIndex: number = index + searchTerm.length;
if (finalIndex <= text.length) {
const substring: string = text.substring(index, finalIndex);
const match: number = searchTerm.localeCompare(substring);
if (match === 0) {
console.log(`Match Found at Index: ${index}`);
} else if (match < 0) {
end = mid;
} else if (match > 0) {
start = mid;
if (matchedIndexes.length === 0) {
console.log(`No matches found for search term: ${searchTerm}`);
return matchedIndexes;
Hopefully the full function provides a bit more context.
I have watched Doug's videos through a few times but I am still coming up against this, I did notice that removing the await that seems to be failing (as in removing the promise all together) seemed to cause an earlier await to fail. This is indicative of it being an issue with promises later on in the function but I cannot for the life of me find the issue, I will keep trying but hopefully that provides some useful context.
You aren't letting the function know when the async operations have finished.
I would guess that you want to collect all of the async operations in an array and wait for all of them to finish before letting the function exit.
(Those youtube videos by Doug, mentioned in the comments above are quite good and do a more thorough job of explaining why)
const requests = [];
const things = [1,2,3];
for (let index = 0; index < things.length; index++) {
const element = things[index];
const promise = firebase.firestore().push(element);
return Promise.all(requests);

Node JS: How to Promise For Loop

I'm trying to create a NodeJS app. Below is code that is supposed to be called when an admin creates a new product. Most of the code works, but I'm having trouble rendering the view only after the rest of the code has executed (the DB functions are asynchronous). I've wrapped much of the code in promises (to make certain blocks execute in the right order) and console logs (to pinpoint problems).
I'd like to point out that the console.dir(rejProducts)just below console.log(111) logs and empty array. Also, adding console.dir(rejProducts) just before the end bracket of the for loop logs an empty array. Thanks! Please let me know if you need more information.'/products/new', function (req, res, next) {
// Async function: find all categories
Category.find(function(err, categories) {
// Hidden count that tells num products to be created by form
var numProducts = req.body[`form-item-count`];
// Array of all rejected products adds
var rejProducts = [];
var promiseLoopProducts = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var promiseProducts = [];
// Loop through all addded products
for (let i = 0; i < numProducts; i++) {
var promiseProductCheck = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var name = validate.sanitize(req.body[`name_${i}`]);
var category = validate.sanitize(req.body[`category_${i}`]);
var price = validate.sanitize(req.body[`price_${i}`].replace(/\$/g, ""));
var stock = validate.sanitize(req.body[`stock_${i}`]);
var image = validate.sanitize(req.body[`image_${i}`]);
var description = validate.sanitize(req.body[`description_${i}`]);
var rejProduct;
var rejFields = { 'name': name, 'category': category, 'price': price,
'stock': stock, 'image': image,
'description': description };
var rejErrors = {};
var productData = {
name: name,
category: category,
price: price,
stock: stock,
image: image,
description: description
var promiseCategoryCheck = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
if (ObjectId.isValid(category)) {
var promiseCategoryCount = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
Category.count({'_id': category}, function(error, count) {
rejErrors['name'] = validate.isEmpty(name);
if (count == 0) rejErrors['category'] = true;
rejErrors['price'] = !validate.isPrice(price);
rejErrors['stock'] = !validate.isInt(stock);
if( validate.isEmpty(name) || !validate.isPrice(price) ||
count == 0 || !validate.isInt(stock) ) {
rejProduct = { 'fields': rejFields, 'errors': rejErrors };
return resolve();
else {
Product.create(productData, function (error, product) {
if (error) return next(error);
return resolve();
if (error) return next(error);
promiseCategoryCount.then(function() {
return resolve();
} else {
rejErrors['category'] = true;
rejProduct = { 'fields': rejFields, 'errors': rejErrors };
promiseCategoryCheck.then(function() {
return resolve();
promiseProductCheck.then(function() {
Promise.all(promiseProducts).then(function() {
console.dir(rejProducts); // Empty array!
return resolve();
promiseLoopProducts.then(function() {
console.dir(rejProducts); // Empty array!
res.render('products/new', { categories: categories, rejProducts: rejProducts });
Edit: I've made some changes to the code. There it seems like util.promisify is not being recognized as a function. I am using Node 9.4.
module.exports = function(app){
const util = require('util');
const validate = require('../functions/validate');
const Category = require('../db/categories');
const Product = require('../db/products');
var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId;
//Category.find as function that returns a promise
const findCategories = util.promisify(Category.find);
const countCategories = (categoryId) => {
util.promisify(Category.count({'_id': categoryId}));
const bodyToProduct = (body, i) => {
var name = validate.sanitize(body[`name_${i}`]);
var category = validate.sanitize(body[`category_${i}`]);
var price = validate.sanitize(body[`price_${i}`].replace(/\$/g, ""));
var stock = validate.sanitize(body[`stock_${i}`]);
var image = validate.sanitize(body[`image_${i}`]);
var description = validate.sanitize(body[`description_${i}`]);
return {
name: name,
category: category,
price: price,
stock: stock,
image: image,
description: description
};'/products/new', function (req, res, next) {
// Async function: find all categories
return findCategories()
// Hidden count that tells num products to be created by form
var numProducts = req.body[`form-item-count`];
// Array of all rejected products adds
var rejProducts = [];
return Promise.all(
Array.from(new Array(numProducts),(v,i)=>i)
.map(//map [0...numProducts] to product object
product => {
var rejErrors;
var rejName = validate.isEmpty(name);
var rejCategory;
var rejPrice = !validate.isPrice(price);
var rejStock = !validate.isInt(stock);
if (ObjectId.isValid(product.category)) {
return countCategories()
count=> {
if (count == 0) rejCategory = true;
if(rejName || rejCategory || rejPrice || rejStock ) {
rejErrors = {
name: rejName,
category: rejCategory,
price: rejPrice,
stock: rejStock
rejProduct = { 'fields': product, 'errors': rejErrors };
} else {
Product.create(productData, function (error, product) {
if (error) return next(error);
).catch(function() {
console.log("Count function failed.");
} else {
rejCategory = true;
rejErrors = {
name: rejName,
category: rejCategory,
price: rejPrice,
stock: rejStock
rejProduct = { 'fields': product, 'errors': rejErrors };
).then(function() {
res.render('products/new', { categories: categories, rejProducts: rejProducts });
}).catch(function() {
console.log("Promise all products failed.");
).catch(function() {
console.log("Find categories failed.");
Some tips: if your function is over 100 lines you may be doing to much in the function.
If you have to get data from your request the way you get products of it then write better client side code (products should be an array of product objects that should not need to be sanitized). Validation is needed on the server because you an never trust what the client is sending you. But looking at the sanitize you don't even trust what your client script is sending you.
Try to write small functions that do a small thing and try to use those.
Use .map to map type a to type b (for example req.body to array of products as in the example code).
Use the result of .map as an argument to Promise.all
Use util.promisify to change a callback function into a function that returns a promise, since you are using an old version of node I've added an implementation of promisify:
var promisify = function(fn) {
return function(){
var args = [].slice.apply(arguments);
return new Promise(
var results = [].slice.apply(arguments);
(results[0])//first argument of callback is error
? reject(results[0])//reject with error
: resolve(results.slice(1,results.length)[0])//resolve with single result
module.exports = function(app){
const validate = require('../functions/validate');
const Category = require('../db/categories');
const Product = require('../db/products');
var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId;
//Category.find as function that returns a promise
const findCategories = promisify(Category.find.bind(Category));
const countCategories = (categoryId) => {
promisify(Category.count.bind(Category))({'_id': categoryId});
const createProduct = promisify(Product.create.bind(Product));
const REJECTED = {};
const bodyToProduct = (body, i) => {
var name = validate.sanitize(body[`name_${i}`]);
var category = validate.sanitize(body[`category_${i}`]);
var price = validate.sanitize(body[`price_${i}`].replace(/\$/g, ""));
var stock = validate.sanitize(body[`stock_${i}`]);
var image = validate.sanitize(body[`image_${i}`]);
var description = validate.sanitize(body[`description_${i}`]);
return {
name: name,
category: category,
price: price,
stock: stock,
image: image,
description: description
const setReject = product => {
var rejErrors;
var rejName = validate.isEmpty(;
var rejCategory;
var rejPrice = !validate.isPrice(product.price);
var rejStock = !validate.isInt(product.stock);
const countPromise = (ObjectId.isValid(product.category))
? countCategories()
: Promise.resolve(0);
return countPromise
count => {
if (count == 0) rejCategory = true;
if (rejName || rejCategory || rejPrice || rejStock) {
rejErrors = {
name: rejName,
category: rejCategory,
price: rejPrice,
stock: rejStock
return rejErrors;
return false;
const productWithReject = product =>
const saveProductIfNoRejected = ([product,reject]) =>
? Product.create(product)
: reject;'/products/new', function (req, res, next) {
// Async function: find all categories
return findCategories()
categories => {
// Hidden count that tells num products to be created by form
var numProducts = req.body[`form-item-count`];
// Array of all rejected products adds
var rejProducts = [];
return Promise.all(
Array.from(new Array(numProducts), (v, i) => i)
.map(//map [0...numProducts] to product object
i => bodyToProduct(req.body, i)
results =>
categories: categories,
rejProducts: results.filter(x=>(x&&x.type)===REJECTED)
console.log("Promise all products failed.",error)
console.log("Find categories failed.",error)
