Ive been developing a Simon says game recently that adds to the score if you click the correct button which there are 3,
1) green 1
2) red 2
3) trick
I've noticed that when I run the game and click the appropriate buttons only one will add to the score whilst the other two subtract from it (Regardless of what the statement says). Im unsure why this is the case and was wondering if anyone had any insights). My thought is that the if functions don't seem to correlate to the new statement that is generated.
Any suggestions are appreciated,
var answers = [
"Simon says click red !",
"Simon says click green !",
"Simon says click 1 !",
"Simon says click 2 !",
"Click green",
"Click red",
"Click 1",
"Click 2!"
var score = 0;
var total = document.getElementById("score");
var statement = document.getElementById("instruct");
var randomStatement = answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)];
function refresh(){
var randomStatement = answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)];
statement.innerHTML = randomStatement;
function pressTrick(){
if(randomStatement === "Click green" || randomStatement === "Click red" || randomStatement === "Click 1" || randomStatement === "Click2!"){
total.style.color = "green";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
} else {
total.style.color = "red";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
function pressRed(){
if(randomStatement === "Simon says click red !" || randomStatement === "Simon says click 2 !"){
total.style.color = "green";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
} else {
total.style.color = "red";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
function pressGreen(){
if(randomStatement === "Simon says click 1 !" || randomStatement === "Simon says click green !"){
total.style.color = "green";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
} else {
total.style.color = "red";
total.innerHTML = "Total score: " + score;
function start(){
var i = 60;
var count = setInterval(timer,1000);
function timer() {
var display = document.getElementById("timer");
var finished = document.getElementById("heading");
if(i < 1){
finished.innerHTML = "Game Over! Your final Score is : " + score;
display.style.color = "red";
display.style.fontWeight = "bold";
document.body.style.backgroundColor = "black";
} else if(i <= 10) {
display.style.color = " red";
display.style.fontWeight = "bold";
display.innerHTML = i + " Seconds Left";
} else {
display.style.color = "green";
display.style.fontWeight = "bold";
display.innerHTML = i + " Seconds Left";
<title> Simon Says! </title>
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "simonsays.css"/>
<h1> Test Your Reflexes! </h1>
<div id = "heading"; class = "h2"> Click on Simon to Begin! </div>
<img src = "boy.jpg" onclick = "start()"; onclick = "timer()"; onclick = "returnStatement";/>
<div id = "instruct" class="statement"></div>
<div class = "align">
<input type = "button" class = "button2" id = "button2" value = "1" onclick = "pressGreen()"; ></input>
<input type = "button" class = "button" id = "button" value = "2" onclick = "pressRed()"; ></input>
<input type = "button" class = "button3" id = "button3 " value = "Trick" onclick = "pressTrick()";></input>
<div id = "score" class = "score"><b> Score: </b></div>
<div id = "timer" class = "timer"><b> Time left: </b></div>
<script src = "simonsays.js"></script>
Thank you!
There's just one word too much: var. In
function refresh(){
var randomStatement = answers[Math.floor(Math.random() * answers.length)];
statement.innerHTML = randomStatement;
the var causes a new, local variable randomStatement to be defined, and the global randomStatement remains unchanged, so all comparisons in the rest of the program use the initial rather than the refreshed value of randomStatement. Drop the var here, and it works as expected.
Im creating a guessing game and the user has 5 attempts to make the correct guess. I want to save their previous guesses (inputs) to show it to them. I have been using the snippet below to save one attempt when the user types into an <input> field, but how can I save the next 4 attempts in new variables such as userGuess2, userGuess3, etc.
var userGuess = document.getElementById("inputField").value;
Ok then let's pretend this is your input
<input type="text" id="inputField">
You can create an index that will increment everytime the users presses enter to save another answer
var i=1;
And the id name your autogenerated spans will have
var name = "previousGuesses";
Now on your function you will save the value when the user presses enter like you described and when that happens it will create a new span element where it will display the value stored
function myFunction(){
$("#inputField").keypress(function( event ) {
if ( event.which == 13 || event.which == 9) {
var userGuess = document.getElementById("inputField").value;//get value of the answer
var span = document.createElement('SPAN');//create a new span
span.innerHTML = userGuess + "<br>";//answer value goes here
span.id = name+i;//this is the id of your new span, remember ids are unique so we attach var i to the name var we declared before
now call your function
You can just simply add an element for the user's last attempts and add to it.
f(guessCount === 1) {
guesses.textContent = 'Previous guesses: ';
guesses.textContent += userGuess + ' ';
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
var guesses = document.querySelector('.guesses');
var lastResult = document.querySelector('.lastResult');
var lowOrHi = document.querySelector('.lowOrHi');
var guessSubmit = document.querySelector('.guessSubmit');
var guessField = document.querySelector('.guessField');
var guessCount = 1;
var resetButton;
function checkGuess() {
var userGuess = Number(guessField.value);
if(guessCount === 1) {
guesses.textContent = 'Previous guesses: ';
guesses.textContent += userGuess + ' ';
if(userGuess === randomNumber) {
lastResult.textContent = "Good job! You win!";
lastResult.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
lowOrHi.textContent = '';
} else if(guessCount === 10) {
lastResult.textContent = 'Hahaha You suck!';
lowOrHi.textContent = '';
} else {
lastResult.textContent = "Oops! You're Wrong!";
lastResult.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
if(userGuess < randomNumber) {
lowOrHi.textContent = 'Last guess was too low!';
} else if(userGuess > randomNumber) {
lowOrHi.textContent = 'Last guess was too high!';
guessField.value = '';
guessSubmit.addEventListener('click', checkGuess);
console.log('cheat is: ' + randomNumber);
function setGameOver() {
guessField.disabled = true;
guessSubmit.disabled = true;
resetButton = document.createElement('button');
resetButton.textContent = 'Play Again?';
resetButton.addEventListener('click', resetGame);
function resetGame() {
guessCount = 1;
var resetParas = document.querySelectorAll('.resultParas p');
for(var i = 0 ; i < resetParas.length ; i++) {
resetParas[i].textContent = '';
guessField.disabled = false;
guessSubmit.disabled = false;
guessField.value = '';
lastResult.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;
background-image: linear-gradient(to left top, #c6fced, #a3efda, #7fe3c7, #54d5b3, #00c89f);
color: #2F3139;
margin: 10rem auto;
h1 {
font-size: 1.5rem;
.lastResult {
color: white;
padding: 3px;
button {
margin-left:3rem ;
<h3 class="display-4 text-center text-muted text-capitalize"></h3>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 ">
<h1 class="text-muted text-capitalize">
<span class="text-primary">JavaScript</span> Number guessing game</h1>
<p class="lead">Simply enter a number between 1 - 100 then click the button</p>
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="mt-4 d-inline-block">
<div class="form">
<label for="guessField">Guess a number : </label><input type="text" id="guessField" class="guessField">
<input type="submit" value="Submit guess" class="guessSubmit">
<div class="resultParas text-center lead">
<p class="guesses"></p>
<p class="lastResult"></p>
<p class="lowOrHi"></p>
</div> </div>
JavaScript number guessing game
I am making a little project for my self. So basically its main function is to create a base counter for each game.
For example: If there are two players it should create three bases. (This is for the card game "smash up" if that helps you understand better.) But when the Buttons populate they all only effect the last input. I can not figure out how to make them effect their respective inputs.
The problem I am having is that every button I click only effects the last input.
<title> Base Maker </title>
<hl> Score Keeper </h1>
<input type = "text" placeholder = "How many players?">
<button id = "enter" onclick = "baseMaker()">
var parent = document.querySelector("p");
var input = document.querySelector("input");
var enter = document.getElementById("enter");
function baseMaker()
for(var i = 0; i <= input.value; i++)
var base = document.createElement("p");
base.textContent = "Base " + (i + 1) + ":";
var score = document.createElement( "input");
score.setAttribute("id", "score" + i);
score.value = 20;
var upButton = document.createElement( "button");
upButton.textContent = "+";
upButton.setAttribute("id", "upButton" + i)
upButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
score.value++; });
var downButton = document.createElement( "button");
downButton.textContent = "-";
downButton.setAttribute("id", "downButton" + i)
downButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
score.value--; });
//populate data
input.value = "";
This is a common thing to run into especially when not using a framework in javascript.
I am not sure why this happens but when a function is defined directly in a loop, the closure for these created functions becomes whatever it is after the last iteration. I believe it is because the closure for each callback function is only "sealed up" (for lack of a better word) at the end of the loop-containing-function's execution which is after the last iteration. It's really beyond me, though.
There are some easy ways to avoid this behavior:
use bind to ensure a callback gets called with the correct input (used in solution at bottom)
create a function which creates a handler function for you and use that in the loop body
function createIncrementHandler(input, howMuch){
return () => input.valueAsNumber += howMuch;
/// then in your loop body:
downButton.addEventListener('click', createIncrementHandler(score, 1));
get the correct input by using the event parameter in the handler
downButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => event.target.valueAsNumber += 1);
make the entire body of the loop into a function, for example:
function createInputs(i) {
var base = document.createElement("p");
base.textContent = "Base " + (i + 1) + ":";
var score = document.createElement("input");
score.type = "number";
score.setAttribute("id", "score" + i);
score.value = 20;
var upButton = document.createElement( "button");
upButton.textContent = "+";
upButton.setAttribute("id", "upButton" + i)
upButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
score.value++; });
var downButton = document.createElement( "button");
downButton.textContent = "-";
downButton.setAttribute("id", "downButton" + i)
downButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
score.value--; });
//populate data
Here is a full example of one of the possible fixes.
<title> Base Maker </title>
<hl> Score Keeper </h1>
<input type="text" placeholder="How many players?">
<button id="enter" onclick="baseMaker()">
var parent = document.querySelector("p");
var input = document.querySelector("input");
var enter = document.getElementById("enter");
function incrementInput(input, byHowMuch) {
input.valueAsNumber = input.valueAsNumber + byHowMuch;
function baseMaker() {
for (var i = 0; i <= input.value; i++) {
var base = document.createElement("p");
base.textContent = "Base " + (i + 1) + ":";
var score = document.createElement("input");
score.type = "number";
score.setAttribute("id", "score" + i);
score.value = 20;
var upButton = document.createElement("button");
upButton.textContent = "+";
upButton.setAttribute("id", "upButton" + i)
upButton.addEventListener('click', incrementInput.bind(null, score, 1));
var downButton = document.createElement("button");
downButton.textContent = "-";
downButton.setAttribute("id", "downButton" + i)
downButton.addEventListener('click', incrementInput.bind(null, score, -1));
//populate data
input.value = "";
I will do that this way :
AllBases = document.querySelector('#bases')
, bt_Start = document.querySelector('#game-go')
, bt_newGame = document.querySelector('#new-game')
, playerCount = document.querySelector("#play-start > input")
playerCount.value = ''
playerCount.oninput = () =>
bt_Start.disabled = (playerCount.value === '' || isNaN(playerCount.value))
playerCount.value = (bt_Start.disabled) ? ''
: (playerCount.valueAsNumber > playerCount.max) ? playerCount.max
: (playerCount.valueAsNumber < playerCount.min) ? playerCount.min
: playerCount.value
bt_newGame.onclick = () =>
playerCount.value = ''
playerCount.disabled = false
bt_Start.disabled = true
bt_newGame.disabled = true
AllBases.innerHTML = ''
bt_Start.onclick = () =>
playerCount.disabled = true
bt_Start.disabled = true
bt_newGame.disabled = false
for(let i = 0; i <= playerCount.valueAsNumber; i++)
let base = document.createElement('p')
base.countValue = 20 // create a counter property on <p>
base.innerHTML = `Base ${i+1} : <span>${base.countValue}</span> <button>+</button> <button>−</button>\n`
AllBases.onclick = ({target}) =>
if (!target.matches('button')) return // verify clicked element
let countElm = target.closest('p')
if (target.textContent==='+') countElm.countValue++
else countElm.countValue--
countElm.querySelector('span').textContent = countElm.countValue
#bases p span {
display : inline-block;
width : 6em;
border-bottom : 2px solid aqua;
padding-right : .2em;
text-align : right;
margin : 0 .3em;
#bases p button {
width : 2em;
margin : 0 .1em;
cursor : pointer;
<hl> Score Keeper </h1>
<div id="play-start" >
<input type="number" placeholder="How many players?" min="2" max="4">
<button id="game-go" disabled> Enter </button>
<button id="new-game" disabled> new </button>
<div id="bases"></div>
If it helps, I can add more explanations
I have a quiz system that is created in JS. I am using input elements to display each quiz option. I am trying to make it so when you click submit, it will loop through each input element and set the styling of the input text to green if it is a correct answer and red if it an incorrect answer. I am having trouble actually getting the text that is next to the input value however.
Below is a picture of the quiz:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href ="style.css" rel ="stylesheet">
<!-- <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=OpenSans" rel="stylesheet"> -->
<script src = "main.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<h1>Chapter 1 Quiz</h1>
<form id = "quiz" name = "quiz">
<p class = "questions">What is the capital of Rhode Island?</p>
<input id = "textbox" type = "text" name = "question1">
<p class = "questions">What is the capital of Connecticut?</p>
<input type = "radio" id = "mc" name = "question2" value = "Hartford"> Hartford<br>
<input type = "radio" id = "mc" name = "question2" value = "Heartford"> Heartford<br>
<p class = "questions">What is the capital of New York?</p>
<input type = "radio" id = "mc" name = "question3" value = "Albany"> Albany<br>
<input type = "radio" id = "mc" name = "question3" value = "All Benny's"> All Benny's<br>
<input id = "button" type = "button" value = "Finish" onclick = "check();">
<div id = "after_submit">
<p id = "number_correct"></p>
<p id = "message"></p>
function check(){
var question1 = document.quiz.question1.value;
var question2 = document.quiz.question2.value;
var question3 = document.quiz.question3.value;
var correct = 0;
var total_questions = 3;
if (question1 == "Providence") {
if (question2 == "Hartford") {
if (question3 == "Albany") {
var score;
if (correct == 0) {
score = 2;
if (correct > 0 && correct < total_questions) {
score = 1;
if (correct == total_questions) {
score = 0;
$( "input" ).each(function( index ) {
console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).val() );
document.getElementById("after_submit").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Correct Answers:";
document.getElementById("number_correct").innerHTML = "Score: " + correct + " / " + total_questions + " (" + Math.trunc((correct / total_questions)*100) + "%)";
I was thinking I could store the correct answers in the array and if the input has the value then change the styling of the text to green otherwise change it to red.
why simple don't use class:
if(ans == correct) { $(this).toggleClass(corect); correct ++; } if(ans != correct) { $(this).toggleClass(wrong); }
// whidth text color you need on css
This code is not good. I decided to rewrite it with the correct answers in one place. Also I added labels to each input element so that I can manipulate the CSS better.
Here is the JS:
function check(){
var correct = 0;
var total_questions = 3;
var correct_answers = ["Providence", "Hartford", "Albany"];
$( "label" ).each(function( index ) {
console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() );
if (correct_answers.includes($( this ).text())) {
this.style.color = 'green'
} else {
this.style.color = 'red'
document.getElementById("after_submit").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = "Correct Answers:";
document.getElementById("number_correct").innerHTML = "Score: " + correct + " / " + total_questions + " (" + Math.trunc((correct / total_questions)*100) + "%)";
hi that is be done by just adding one else condition
border-color: red;
if (question2 == "Hartford") {
var element = document.getElementById("textbox");
check my fiddle here
My goal for this experiment is to have 2 blocks of trials, both which flash 10 words and then the participants have to click yes or no if they saw the word or not (answer yes or no to 20 words). After the 2 blocks I would like the data to be displayed and the experiment to end, although right now the experiment is infinite and displays data after every block. I also need to know how to save the data with a "Save Data" button after presenting both of the blocks data at the end. Any and all help appreciated!
If anyone has any ideas about how to create two blocks, as I have tried to initiate by declaring blocks = 0 at the beginning it would be greatly appreciated!
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyle.css">
<script src="342.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
let index = 0, blocks=0;
let words = ["fox", "tree", "wheel", "pillow", "target", "wool", "bread", "sport", "dog", "straw", "state",
"mountain", "cot" , "green" , "napkin" , "grape" , "glass" , "drum" , "grass",];
let stimuli = [];
let N = words.length/2;
let t;
window.onload = initialize;
function initialize() {
for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
stimuli.push(new Stimulus(words[i]));
for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (i < N) {
stimuli[i].presented = "1";
stimuli[i].presOrder = i;
else {
stimuli[i].presented = "0";
stimuli[i].presOrder = "-1"
function Stimulus(word) {
this.word = word;
Stimulus.prototype.toString = function () {
return "\t Order Presented: " + this.presOrder + "\t Order tested: " + this.testOrder + "\t Word Presented:" + this.word + "\t Response (0 or 1):"
+ this.resp + " \t Presented (0 or 1):" + this.presented;
function begin() {
document.getElementById("b").style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = "";
t = setInterval(nextWord, 250)
function nextWordTest() {
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = stimuli[index].word;
stimuli[index].testOrder = index;
if (blocks=1)
document.getElementById("b2").style.visibility = "visible";
function nextWord()
if (index < N)
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = stimuli[index].word;
stimuli[index].presOrder = index;
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = "Click yes if you saw the word and " +
"no if you did not see the word";
document.getElementById("yes").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("no").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("b2").style.visibility = "hidden";
index = 0;
N = words.length;
stimuli = shuffle(stimuli);
function record(resp) {
stimuli[index].resp = resp;
if (index < N) {
else {
if (blocks===0){
if (blocks===1)
document.getElementById("word").innerHTML = "finished";
data = "";
for (let i = 0; i < stimuli.length; i++)
data += stimuli[i] + "\n";
document.getElementById("word").innerText = data;
<h1> Attentional Blink Experiment </h1>
<p id="word">Push button to begin.</p>
<button type="button" id="yes" onclick="record(1)" style="visibility: hidden">yes</button>
<button type="button" id="no" onclick="record(0)" style="visibility: hidden">no</button>
<button type="button" id="b" onclick="begin()">Begin</button>
<button type="button" id="b2" onclick="begin()" style="visibility: hidden">Continue</button>
I have worked for a while on this code for learning purposes. I finally got the program to work, however when you "roll the dice", it only allows the dice to be rolled 1 time; If you wish to roll the dice a second time you must refresh the screen.
I am trying to build a reset function for this program so that I can roll the dice as many times as I wish without a screen-refresh.
I have built the reset function, but It is not working... It clear's the DIV's, but doesn't allow the program to be executed again.
Can someone please help me out?
*I am a semi-noobie at Javascript, I am making programs like this to practice my skills.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Dice Rolling</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">
<h1>Roll the Dice!</h1>
<h2>By: Jeff Ward</h2>
<h3>Setup your Dice!</h3>
<div id="left">
<form id="numberOfDiceSelection">
Number Of Dice Used:
<input id="numberOfDice" type="text" name="numberOfDice">
<div id="right">
<form id="diceSidesSelection">
Number of sides on each dice:
<input id="diceSides" type="text" name="diceSides">
<button type="button" onclick="roll()">Roll the Dice!</button>
<button type="button" onclick="reset()">Reset Roll</button>
<div id="output">
<div id="output1">
<script src="js/script.js"></script>
function roll() {
var text = "";
var sides = +document.getElementById("diceSides").value;
var dice = +document.getElementById("numberOfDice").value;
var rolls = [];
// --------Ensures both Numbers are Intergers-----------
if (isNaN(sides) || isNaN(dice)) {
alert("Both arguments must be numbers.");
// --------Loop to Print out Rolls-----------
var counter = 1;
do {
roll = Math.floor(Math.random() * sides) + 1;
text += "<h4>You rolled a " + roll + "! ----- with dice number " + counter + "</h4>";
while (counter <= dice)
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = text;
// --------Double Determination-----------
var cache = {};
var results = [];
for (var i = 0, len = rolls.length; i < len; i++) {
if (cache[rolls[i]] === true) {
} else {
cache[rolls[i]] = true;
// --------Print amount of Doubles to Document-----------
if (results.length === 0) {} else {
document.getElementById("output1").innerHTML = "<h5> You rolled " + results.length + " doubles</h5>";
// --------RESET FUNCTION-----------
function reset() {
document.getElementById("output1").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("diceSides").value = "";
document.getElementById("numberOfDice").value = "";
text = "";
rolls = [];
Thank you!!
JSFiddle Link = https://jsfiddle.net/kkc6tpxs/
I rewrote and did what you were trying to do:
var log = logger('output'),
rollBtn = getById('roll'),
resetBtn = getById('reset'),
nDices = getById('numofdices'),
nSides = getById('numofsides'),
dices = null,
sides = null,
rolls = [],
resetBtn.addEventListener('click', resetHandler);
function rollHandler() {
sides = nSides.value;
dices = nDices.value;
if(validateInput()) {
log('invalid input');
//rolling simulation
var rolled;
while (dices--) {
rolled = Math.ceil(Math.random()*sides);
log('For Dice #'+(dices+1)+' Your Rolled: '+ rolled +'!');
//finding doubles
//first sort: you can use any way to sort doesnt matter
return (a>b?1:(a<b)?0:-1);
for (var i =0; i < rolls.length; i++) {
if (rolls[i] == rolls[i+1]) {
if (doubles>0) log("You rolled " + doubles + " doubles");
function resetHandler(){
nDices.value = nSides.value = '';
function resetView() {
getById('output').innerText = '';
function validateInput(){
return (isNaN(sides) || sides == '' || isNaN(dices) || dices == '');
function logger(x) { var output = getById(x);
return function(text){
output.innerText += text + '\n';
function getById(x){ return document.getElementById(x); }