Im working with this part of code which one render simple loading bar
const smallSpinner = document.getElementById('spinner-small').getContext('2d');
let pointToFill = 4.72;
let cw = smallSpinner.canvas.width; //Return canvas width
let ch = smallSpinner.canvas.height; //Return canvas height
let diff;
let = fillSmallSpinner = (startingPointSmall = 0) => {
diff = ((startingPointSmall / 100) * Math.PI * 2 * 10);
smallSpinner.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
smallSpinner.lineWidth = 5;
smallSpinner.strokeStyle = '#d40511';
/* smallSpinner.textAlign = 'center';
smallSpinner.font = "25px monospace";
smallSpinner.fillText(no + '%', 50, 55); */ //uncomment this if you need percent progress inside spinner
smallSpinner.arc(50, 50, 40, pointToFill, diff / 10 + pointToFill);
if (startingPointSmall >= 100) {
let small = setInterval(fillSmallSpinner, 50);
The point is that when "startingPointSmall" is defined like normal variable
let startingPointSmall = 0;
it works totaly fine but i want to make this a little bit more usable and pass the starting point as a function parameter. When i do this like this with predefined starting point on 0% it doesnt work. Can someone explain me how to fix this?
Every time that setInterval queues up a call to fillSmallSpinner it will receive its default parameter - over and over!
A more common pattern is to wrap the function in a way that preserves the desired variable's scope:
const startFiller(callback, interval = 50, start = 0) {
let current = startPoint;
let timer = setInterval(() => {
if (current >= 100) {
}, interval);
You would then remove any existing timer-related logic from your fillSmallSpinner function. This approach has the added benefit of Separation of Concerns - if you decide you want to use a different function to render your spinner it no longer needs to concern itself with timers.
const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas')
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
let rectX = 0 ;
let rectY = 0;
let secondsPassed = 0;
let timeStamp = 0
let oldTimeStamp = 0;
let movingSpeed = 50;
function draw() {
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.fillRect(rectX, rectY, 150, 100);
function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Calculate how much time has passed
secondsPassed = (timeStamp - oldTimeStamp) / 1000;
oldTimeStamp = timeStamp;
function update(secondsPassed) {
rectX += (movingSpeed * secondsPassed);
rectY += (movingSpeed * secondsPassed);
rectX and rectY initially have a number value, movingSpeed also has a number value, secondsPassed as well.My question is why the function "update" gives NaN to the variables rectX and rectY ? No errors are shown in console. I tried to log and used typeof to check if every variable had a value with a type number and I noticed that rectX is once considered a string, I tried to parseFloat the rectX but still it was giving me NaN. Normally, we use timeStamp to return a value that can help us calculate the fps. In this case I'm using timeStamp to see how many seconds have passed before running the function gameLoop. I'm doing this because it's no longer the frame rate (and hardware) that decides the speed of the game, but it's time.
Update: is solved thanks to
#epascarello, #James and #Kaiido. There's the updated code for you guys:
const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas')
const context = canvas.getContext('2d')
let rectX = 0;
let rectY = 0;
let secondsPassed = 0;
let oldTimeStamp = 0;
let timeStamp = 0
let movingSpeed = 50;
let timePassed = 0
function draw() {
context.fillStyle = 'red';
context.fillRect(rectX, rectY, 150, 100);
function gameLoop(timeStamp) {
// Calculate how much time has passed
secondsPassed = (timeStamp - oldTimeStamp) / 1000;
oldTimeStamp = timeStamp;
// Pass the time to the update
function update(secondsPassed) {
// Use time to calculate new position
rectX += (movingSpeed * secondsPassed);
rectY += (movingSpeed * secondsPassed);
your problem is let rectX; in line 3 creates an "undefined"
if you use rectX += 1 js tries to add undefined + 1 (automaticly string converting from undefined)
sting + int = NaN
let rectX = 0;
let rectY = 0;
let speed = 1;
function update(seconds){
rectX += (speed * seconds);
rectY += (speed * seconds);
// test:
console.log(rectX, rectY); // output is 5 5
The problem is that you're not passing timeStamp into the gameLoop function when you call it initially. inside gameLoop, timeStamp is undefined, which breaks the other variables.
You could pass in the current time stamp when you first call it. Instead of
gameLoop() try
intitialing the variable rectX and rectY might help.
try this:
rectX = 0;
rectY = 0;
Here is a demo of my Canvas.
The canvas generates a random rectangle and animates it by scaling it from 1.0 to 1.2 and back to 1.0 again. (Kinda like a human heart). This animation takes approximately 2 seconds to complete. There are 60 totalIterations. It starts with 0 and increments by one for every frame until it reaches 60. Once it reaches 60, the iteration is set back to 0 and animates from 1.2 scale back to 1.0.
What I want to do is before the execution of the next cycle (cycle meaning from 1.0 scale, to 1.2, and back to 1.0), I want to defer the scale.
Here is what I tried to do:
this.intermission = 3; // time to wait, or "defer" for
elapsed = ( - this.initTime) / 1000; // time elapsed since initialization (in seconds)
if((elapsed % this.intermission >= (this.intermission - (this.intermission-1))) && (elapsed % this.intermission <= (this.intermission + (this.intermission-1)))) {
ctx.scale(this.easing, this.easing);
Condition Explained (Probably makes no sense):
If the remainder from dividing the elapsed time by 3 is greater than or equal to 2 AND the remainder from dividing the elapsed time by 3 is less than or equal to 5, scale the rectangle using the ease function.
... I wanted to give it some "buffer" room to complete the animation
If I were to increase the intermission to 10, the above condition would not work anymore, so I need a much better solution.
I thought about using setTimeout(function(){...}, x), but this is inside the JavaScript class.
Animation Lists / Stacks.
The best way would be to set up code to manage keyframes so you could just create a list of keyframes for each property of an object you wish to change over time. This allows you to create very complex animations that can be serialized to a JSON file. This decouples the animation from the code, but requires a lot more code.
Animation List
If it is just a simple animation then you can create an animation stack (or list if animation order is static), which is just a set of functions that get called in turn for each part of the animation.
You set a startTime for each part of the animation, being careful to set it consistently so you do not get any time drift. If the animation cycle is 4 seconds long then it should repeat every 4 seconds and in 4,000,000 seconds it should be just as precise.
Always use requestAnimationFrame (rAF) when animating anything on the page. rAF calls the callback passing as the first argument the time in ms (1/1000th) with a precision of 1/1,000,000 (0.001ms).
Endless animation using animation list
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.height = canvas.width = 300;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// ease function
function easeInOut(x, pow = 2) {
x = x < 0 ? 0: x > 1 ? 1 : x;
var xx = Math.pow(x,pow);
return xx/(xx+Math.pow(1-x,pow));
function MyObj(){
this.x = 100;
this.y = 100;
this.size = 40;
this.scale = 1;
MyObj.prototype = {
getUnitTime(duration){ // get the unit time
var unitTime = (globalTime - startTime) / duration;
if(unitTime >= 1){ // if over time
unitTime = 1; // make sure that the current frame is not over
startTime = startTime + duration; // next frame start (could be in the past)
currentAnim += 1; // next animation in the list
return unitTime;
drawText("Grow 1s");
// grow for 1 second
this.scale = easeInOut(this.getUnitTime(1000)) * 0.6 + 1;
drawText("Shrink 1s");
// shrink for 1 second
this.scale = 1.6 - easeInOut(this.getUnitTime(1000)) * 0.6 ;
drawText("Wait 2s");
this.getUnitTime(2000); // wait two seconds
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size * this.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
function drawText(text){
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
var obj = new MyObj(); // create the object
// holds the animation list
const animationList = [
obj.grow.bind(obj), // bind the function calls to the object
var currentAnim; // index of current animation
var startTime; // start time of current animation
var globalTime; // time from the requestAnimationFrame callback argument
ctx.font = "32px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
// main animation loop
function update(time){
globalTime = time; // set the global
if(currentAnim === undefined){ // if not set then
startTime = time; // set start time
currentAnim = 0; // set the index of the first animation
// clear the screen
// call the animation function
animationList[currentAnim % animationList.length]();
// draw the object
// request next frame
// start it all happening
Stacks are much the same but used when the animation is conditional. You use some event to push the animation functions onto the stack. Then you shift the animation functions from the stack as needed. Or you may want the animation to repeat 10 times, then do something else, then start again. The animation stack lets you do this rather than have a huge list of animations.
Stack example using click event.
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.height = canvas.width = 300;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// ease function
function easeInOut(x, pow = 2) {
x = x < 0 ? 0: x > 1 ? 1 : x;
var xx = Math.pow(x,pow);
return xx/(xx+Math.pow(1-x,pow));
function MyObj(){
this.x = 100;
this.y = 100;
this.size = 40;
this.scale = 1;
MyObj.prototype = {
getUnitTime(duration){ // get the unit time
var unitTime = (globalTime - startTime) / duration;
if(unitTime >= 1){ // if over time
unitTime = 1; // make sure that the current frame is not over
startTime = startTime + duration; // next frame start (could be in the past)
currentAnim = undefined
return unitTime;
drawText("Grow 1s");
// grow for 1 second
this.scale = easeInOut(this.getUnitTime(1000)) * 0.6 + 1;
drawText("Shrink 1s");
// shrink for 1 second
this.scale = 1.6 - easeInOut(this.getUnitTime(1000)) * 0.6 ;
drawText("Click to Animate");
currentAnim = undefined;
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size * this.scale, 0, Math.PI * 2);
function drawText(text){
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
var obj = new MyObj(); // create the object
// holds the animation list
const animationStack = [obj.timeup.bind(obj)];
var currentAnim; // index of current animation
var startTime; // start time of current animation
var globalTime; // time from the requestAnimationFrame callback argument
ctx.font = "26px arial";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
function startAnim(){
animationStack.length = 0;
if(currentAnim === undefined){// only restart if animation is not running
startTime = undefined;
currentAnim = undefined;
// main animation loop
function update(time){
globalTime = time; // set the global
if(startTime === undefined){ // if not set then
startTime = time; // set start time
if(currentAnim === undefined){
if(animationStack.length > 0){
currentAnim = animationStack.shift();
if(currentAnim === undefined){
// clear the screen
// call the animation function
// draw the object
// request next frame
// start it all happening
I've got several functions all linked so it will ...
create new elements and set their properties and stuff
once elements are in place they should trigger function.
And they do! Kind of...
More like they trigger half of a function that's attached to them upon creation. The part where they onclick trigger a function that starts a loading on my progress bar (which is their purpose) is alright. But the much simpler part, where they hide after click, doesn't.
As the code is quite complex I'll place here larger part of it, so don't panic. Problem might be somewhere else then I expect. Here it is...
// defines function for checkpoint
function checkpointed() { = 'none'; // !here dwells the douch part!
if (toLoad < 100) {
toLoad += 100/$(this).attr('numButs');
var sim = setInterval(progressSim, 50);
// defining creation of checkpoints
function checkpoints(num) {
var angle = 4.72,
step = (2 * Math.PI) / num;
for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) {
var x = $('#progressBar').width()/2 + radius * Math.cos(angle) ;
var y = $('#progressBar').height()/2 + radius * Math.sin(angle);
angle += step;
var newContent = document.createElement('IMG');
var newCheckpoint = document.createElement('SPAN');
var numButs = document.createAttribute('numButs');
numButs.value = num;
var Class = document.createAttribute('class');
Class.value = 'checkpoint';
var img = document.createAttribute('src');
img.value = 'img/lock.png';
x -= 24;
y -= 24;
$(newCheckpoint).offset({top:y, left: x});
newCheckpoint.onclick = checkpointed;
// creates checkpoints upon clicking on create button
document.getElementById('create').onclick = function(){
I should probably sum up what is this all about.
I have circular progressBar that measures progression of users project. User says "Hey, my project has like 5 steps (or 20 idc)" and "create" button will make 5 checkpoints placed on the progressBar evenly. By clicking on checkpoints you load the progress bar by 20% per clicked checkpoint.
Don't worry though, I've already figured out the code for loading and the geometrics.
However I'm bit stuck here... on simple onclick functions. Please if you have an idea try achieve it with plain JavaScript or jQuery (trying to do this without other frameworks, libraries or plugins).
EDIT: Just found out that checkpoint are set alright, as they really hide after clicking. Problem is in creation of checkpoints as the loop creates about 15 more checkpoints stacked one on another. So you have to click each of them to hide them all... So problem is in the loop.
EDIT2: Figured it out. The loop for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) had the numparameter as a String coming from input field. So simple parseInt() did the trick.
The mixed Jquery and plain Javascript is messing with my head... Any way how about when you create a new element, give it some sort of class. Instead of giving setting onclick, use jQuery's on selector to bind click events to those dynamic elements. Try The Following:
$(document).on("click", ".Checkpoint", function(event) {
if (toLoad < 100) {
toLoad += 100 / $(this).attr('numButs');
var sim = setInterval(progressSim, 50);
// defining creation of checkpoints
function checkpoints(num) {
var angle = 4.72,
step = (2 * Math.PI) / num;
for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) {
var x = $('#progressBar').width() / 2 + radius * Math.cos(angle);
var y = $('#progressBar').height() / 2 + radius * Math.sin(angle);
angle += step;
var newContent = $('<img></img>');
var newCheckpoint = $('<span></span>');
newContent.attr("numButs", num);
newContent.attr("src", 'img/lock.png');
x -= 24;
y -= 24;
top: y,
left: x
// creates checkpoints upon clicking on create button
$(document).on("click","#create",function(e) {
Changed stuff to work more in jQuery, hope you don't mind...
Into this simple code I use an eventListener which doesn't look to work at all. The canvas display an image and the given hitpaint() function is supposed determines whether a click occurs. I cant understand why the eventListener behaves like that. Any insight would be helpful.
mycanv.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var output = document.getElementByID("output");
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
if (hitpaint) {
output.innerHTML = "hit";
} else {
output.innerHTML = "miss";
}, false);
The hitpaint() function is defined as:
function hitpaint(mouse_event) {
var bounding_box = mycanv.getBoundingClientRect();
var mousex = (mouse_event.clientX - bounding_box.left) *
(mycanv.width / bounding_box.width);
var mousey = (mouse_event.clientY - *
(mycanv.height / bounding_box.height);
var pixels = ctx.getImageData(mousex, mousey, 1, 1);
for (var i = 3; i <; i += 4) {
// If we find a non-zero alpha we can just stop and return
// "true" - the click was on a part of the canvas that's
// got colour on it.
if ([i] !== 0) return true;
// The function will only get here if none of the pixels matched in
return false;
Finally, the main loop which display the picture in random location into the canvas:
function start() {
// main game function, called on page load
setInterval(function() {
ctx.clearRect(cat_x, cat_y, 100, 100);
cat_x = Math.random() * mycanv.width - 20;
cat_y = Math.random() * mycanv.height - 20;
draw_katy(cat_x, cat_y);
}, 1000);
There are a some issues here:
As Grundy points out in the comment, the hitpaint is never called; right now it checks for it's existence and will always return true
The mouse coordinates risk ending up as fractional values which is no-go with getImageData
Scaling the mouse coordinates is usually not necessary. Canvas should preferably have a fixed size without an additional CSS size
Add boundary check for x/y to make sure they are inside canvas bitmap
I would suggest this rewrite:
mycanv.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
var output = document.getElementByID("output");
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
if (hitpaint(e)) { // here, call hitpaint()
output.innerHTML = "hit";
} else {
output.innerHTML = "miss";
}, false);
Then in hitpaint:
function hitpaint(mouse_event) {
var bounding_box = mycanv.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = ((mouse_event.clientX - bounding_box.left) *
(mycanv.width / bounding_box.width))|0; // |0 cuts off any fraction
var y = ((mouse_event.clientY - *
(mycanv.height / bounding_box.height))|0;
if (x >= 0 && x < mycanv.width && y >= 0 && y < mycanv.height) {
// as we only have one pixel, we can address alpha channel directly
return ctx.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1).data[3] !== 0;
else return false; // x/y out of range
How could I calculate the FPS of a canvas game application? I've seen some examples, but none of them use requestAnimationFrame, and im not sure how to apply their solutions there. This is my code:
(function(window, document, undefined){
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
width = canvas.width,
height = canvas.height,
fps = 0,
game_running = true,
show_fps = true;
function showFPS(){
context.fillStyle = "Black";
context.font = "normal 16pt Arial";
context.fillText(fps + " fps", 10, 26);
function gameLoop(){
//Clear screen
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (show_fps) showFPS();
if (game_running) requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
}(this, this.document))
border: 3px solid #fd3300;
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="300" height="150"></canvas>
By the way, is there any library I could add to surpervise performance?
Do not use new Date()
This API has several flaws and is only useful for getting the current date + time. Not for measuring timespans.
The Date-API uses the operating system's internal clock, which is constantly updated and synchronized with NTP time servers. This means, that the speed / frequency of this clock is sometimes faster and sometimes slower than the actual time - and therefore not useable for measuring durations and framerates.
If someone changes the system time (either manually or due to DST), you could at least see the problem if a single frame suddenly needed an hour. Or a negative time. But if the system clock ticks 20% faster to synchronize with world-time, it is practically impossible to detect.
Also, the Date-API is very imprecise - often much less than 1ms. This makes it especially useless for framerate measurements, where one 60Hz frame needs ~17ms.
Instead, use
The Performance API has been specificly made for such use cases and can be used equivalently to new Date(). Just take one of the other answers and replace new Date() with, and you are ready to go.
Also unlike, the values returned by
always increase at a constant rate, independent of the system clock
(which might be adjusted manually or skewed by software like NTP).
Otherwise, performance.timing.navigationStart + will
be approximately equal to
And for windows:
[The time service] adjusts the local clock rate to allow it to
converge toward the correct time.
If the time difference between the local clock and the [accurate time sample] is too large to correct by adjusting the local
clock rate,
the time service sets the local clock to the correct time.
Chrome has a built-in fps counter:
Just open the dev-console (F12), open the drawer (Esc), and add the "Rendering" tab.
Here, you can activate the FPS-Meter overlay to see the current framerate (incl. a nice graph), as well as GPU memory consumption.
Cross-browser solution:
You can get a similar overlay with the JavaScript library stat.js:
It also provides a nice overlay for the framerate (incl. graph) and is very easy to use.
When comparing the results from stats.js and the chrome dev tools, both show the exact same measurements. So you can trust that library to actually do the correct thing.
You could keep track of the last time requestAnimFrame was called.
var lastCalledTime;
var fps;
function requestAnimFrame() {
if(!lastCalledTime) {
lastCalledTime =;
fps = 0;
delta = ( - lastCalledTime)/1000;
lastCalledTime =;
fps = 1/delta;
Here's another solution:
var times = [];
var fps;
function refreshLoop() {
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
const now =;
while (times.length > 0 && times[0] <= now - 1000) {
fps = times.length;
This improves on some of the others in the following ways: is used over for increased precision (as covered in this answer)
FPS is measured over the last second so the number won't jump around so erratically, particularly for applications that have single long frames.
I wrote about this solution in more detail on my website.
I have a different approach, because if you calculate the the FPS you'll get this flickering when returning the number. I decided to count every Frame and return it once a second
window.countFPS = (function () {
var lastLoop = (new Date()).getMilliseconds();
var count = 1;
var fps = 0;
return function () {
var currentLoop = (new Date()).getMilliseconds();
if (lastLoop > currentLoop) {
fps = count;
count = 1;
} else {
count += 1;
lastLoop = currentLoop;
return fps;
requestAnimationFrame(function () {
I was missing an implementation that allows to customize the size of the sample for the averaged FPS value. Here is mine , it has the following features :
Accurate : based
Stabilized : Returned FPS value is an averaged value ( fps.value | fps.tick() )
Configurable : FPS samples array size can be customized ( fps.samplesSize )
Efficient : Rotatory array for collecting samples (avoids array resizing)
const fps = {
sampleSize : 60,
value : 0,
_sample_ : [],
_index_ : 0,
_lastTick_: false,
tick : function(){
// if is first tick, just set tick timestamp and return
if( !this._lastTick_ ){
this._lastTick_ =;
return 0;
// calculate necessary values to obtain current tick FPS
let now =;
let delta = (now - this._lastTick_)/1000;
let fps = 1/delta;
// add to fps samples, current tick fps value
this._sample_[ this._index_ ] = Math.round(fps);
// iterate samples to obtain the average
let average = 0;
for(i=0; i<this._sample_.length; i++) average += this._sample_[ i ];
average = Math.round( average / this._sample_.length);
// set new FPS
this.value = average;
// store current timestamp
this._lastTick_ = now;
// increase sample index counter, and reset it
// to 0 if exceded maximum sampleSize limit
if( this._index_ === this.sampleSize) this._index_ = 0;
return this.value;
// *******************
// test time...
// *******************
function loop(){
let fpsValue = fps.tick();
window.fps.innerHTML = fpsValue;
requestAnimationFrame( loop );
// set FPS calulation based in the last 120 loop cicles
fps.sampleSize = 120;
// start loop
<div id="fps">--</div>
Actually none of the answers were sufficient for me. Here is a better solution which:
Calculates the actual average fps per second
Average per second and decimal places are configurable
// Options
const outputEl = document.getElementById('fps-output');
const decimalPlaces = 2;
const updateEachSecond = 1;
// Cache values
const decimalPlacesRatio = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
let timeMeasurements = [];
// Final output
let fps = 0;
const tick = function() {
const msPassed = timeMeasurements[timeMeasurements.length - 1] - timeMeasurements[0];
if (msPassed >= updateEachSecond * 1000) {
fps = Math.round(timeMeasurements.length / msPassed * 1000 * decimalPlacesRatio) / decimalPlacesRatio;
timeMeasurements = [];
outputEl.innerText = fps;
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
Just check the difference in time between the AFR-callbacks. AFR already passes the time as an argument to the callback. I updated your fiddle to show it:
Just a proof of concept. Very simple code. All we do is set our frames per second and intervals between each frame. In the drawing function we deduct our last frame’s execution time from the current time to check whether the time elapsed since the last frame is more than our interval (which is based on the fps) or not. If the condition evaluates to true, we set the time for our current frame which is going to be the “last frame execution time” in the next drawing call.
var GameLoop = function(fn, fps){
var now;
var delta;
var interval;
var then = new Date().getTime();
var frames;
var oldtime = 0;
return (function loop(time){
interval = 1000 / (this.fps || fps || 60);
now = new Date().getTime();
delta = now - then;
if (delta > interval) {
// update time stuffs
then = now - (delta % interval);
// calculate the frames per second
frames = 1000 / (time - oldtime)
oldtime = time;
// call the fn
// and pass current fps to it
var set;
document.onclick = function(){
set = true;
if(set) this.fps = 30;
}, 5);
My fps calculation uses requestAnimationFrame() and the matching timestamp argument for its callback function.
See and
No need for new Date() or!
The rest is inspired heavily by other answers in this thread, especially
var fps = 1;
var times = [];
var fpsLoop = function (timestamp) {
while (times.length > 0 && times[0] <= timestamp - 1000) {
fps = times.length;
The best way that I use with
Simple I passed TIME on gameLoop function and
calculate fps
fps = 1 / ( ( - LAST_FRAME_TIME) / 1000 );
(function(window, document, undefined){
var canvas = document.getElementById("mycanvas"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
width = canvas.width,
height = canvas.height,
fps = 0,
game_running = true,
show_fps = true,
function showFPS(){
context.fillStyle = "Black";
context.font = "normal 16pt Arial";
context.fillText(fps + " fps", 10, 26);
function gameLoop(TIME){
//Clear screen
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (show_fps) showFPS();
fps = 1 / (( - LAST_FRAME_TIME) / 1000);
LAST_FRAME_TIME = TIME /* remember the time of the rendered frame */
if (game_running) requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
}(this, this.document))
border: 3px solid #fd3300;
<canvas id="mycanvas" width="300" height="150"></canvas>
i had to create a function which sets on which fps should animation run, because i have a 240hz monitor and animations on my screen are much faster then on other screens, so that my end projects was always slower on other monitors
function setFPSandRunAnimation(fps, cb) {
let frameCount = 0;
let fpsInterval, startTime, now, then, elapsed;
function runAnimating(fps) {
fpsInterval = 1000 / fps;
then =;
startTime = then;
function animate(timestamp) {
now =;
elapsed = now - then;
if (elapsed > fpsInterval) {
then = now - (elapsed % fpsInterval);
const sinceStart = now - startTime;
const currentFps = Math.round(1000 / (sinceStart / ++frameCount) * 100) / 100;
const elapsedTime = Math.round(sinceStart / 1000 * 100) / 100;
cb(timestamp, currentFps, elapsedTime)
this is how to you use it
setFPSandRunAnimation(fpsSpeedYouWant, cbFunctionWhereYouGet timestamp, currentfps and elapsedTime).
inside of the cb function you can run any code you would run in animation function