jQuery effect for resizing text - javascript

so, I'm trying to make two adjacent divs, such that on mouseover the div on the right is moving left and the div in left is resizing (getting tighter). The div on the left contains text that when div is getting tighter the words in the must go to next line to fit new size, and that's exactly what I want. but the problem is that when words go to next line they just disappear from line and appear in the next. I want them to move to the next line instead of disappearing and appearing, like this:
here is the code
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".SideMenu").mouseout(function() {
width: '900px',
}, {
queue: false,
right: '-500px',
}, {
queue: false,
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".SideMenu").mouseover(function() {
width: '400px',
}, {
queue: false,
right: '0px',
}, {
queue: false,

Here are options to achieve Fitting Text to a container
<h1>Fit Me</h1>
#import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Bowlby+One+SC');
h1 {
text-align: center;
font-family: 'Bowlby One SC', cursive;
font-size: 25.5vw;
USING jQUERY Library such FitText
Here is a sample after including the library in your HTML file
Here are link to other library


Javascript animate Method Accumulation Problem

I am trying to do an animation example but there is a problem about accumulation. At first click on the button, the translate animation is done and the position of the element changes permanently. However, on second click it does the translate animation again but this time does not keep the last position. How to overcome this? I went through MDN document and applied the optional section but failed to complete this challenge. Regards,
document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
{transform: 'translate(100%, 0)'}
], {
duration: 250,
composite: "accumulate",
iterationComposite: "accumulate",
fill: "forwards"
If I'm understanding this correctly, you want to be able to let the object slide again from the position it ended in earlier. To do this we can get the boundingClientRect each time the button is clicked and calculate the new translation distance by basically taking the width of the object and adding the left distance of the client rect, this will effectively allow the rectangle to keep moving from the distance it ended in before. Also I removed the composite property because it caused the rectangle to jump over the correct position.
document.getElementsByTagName("button")[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
const clientRect = document.querySelectorAll("div")[0].getBoundingClientRect();
const translationX = clientRect.width + clientRect.left;
transform: `translate(${translationX}px, 0)`
}], {
duration: 250,
iterationComposite: "accumulate",
fill: "forwards"
body {
margin: 0;
div {
position: relative;
height: 150px;
width: 150px;
background-color: yellow;
text-align: center;
line-height: 150px;
<div>Moving Object</div>

Plotly.js display tooltip on hover over graph title

Plotly.js allows you to specify a graph title, but there doesn't seem to be an option for specifying a longer description to be shown on hovering over the title.
So, I added a title attribute to the text element that encloses the title text, and then activated JQueryUI Tooltips on the page. But nothing seems to happen when I hover over the title. Here's how I added the title attribute and activated the tooltips:
$('div#myDiv g.g-gtitle > text.gtitle')[0].title = 'This is a long description that should show on hover over the title';
$( document ).tooltip();
I've also tried the following, which doesn't work either:
$('div#myDiv g.g-gtitle > text.gtitle').attr('title', 'This is a long description that should show on hover over the title');
$( document ).tooltip();
Full example code here: https://codepen.io/synaptik/pen/eKBYbE
Any idea how I can display a tooltip when hovering over the graph title?
I checked your code, Jquery-ui-tooltip is causing some problems when working together with plotly, I don't want to get into specifics, but basically, on hover a new element is getting added to the previous hover element.
This is my version of a solution for your question, plotly has set all the graph elements to pointer-events:none where no events will happen on those elements, so I disabled this using the CSS pointer-events: all, Also we need to wrap the graph inside a div and a span containing the contents of the tooltip, thus using javascript events mouseover and mouseout, we can hide/show the tooltip.
Please go through the below code and let me know if any doubts, also let me know if your issue is resolved, Thanks!
var data_x = ['2018-05-01', '2018-05-02', '2018-05-03', '2018-05-04', '2018-05-05', '2018-05-06', '2018-05-07', '2018-05-08', '2018-05-09'];
// data
var Data = {
type: 'scatter',
x: data_x,
y: [4, 2, -1, 4, -5, -7, 0, 3, 8],
mode: 'lines+markers',
name: 'Data',
showlegend: true,
hoverinfo: 'all',
line: {
color: 'blue',
width: 2
marker: {
color: 'blue',
size: 8,
symbol: 'circle'
// layout
var layout = {
title: 'My Title',
xaxis: {
zeroline: false
yaxis: {
range: [data_x[0], data_x[data_x.length - 1]],
zeroline: false
Plotly.plot('myDiv', [Data], layout);
$('#myDiv text.gtitle').on('mouseover', function(e) {
var hovertext = $('span.custom-tooltip');
var pos = e.target.getBoundingClientRect();
hovertext.css("left", (pos.left - (hovertext.width() / 2) + (pos.width / 2)) + "px");
hovertext.css("top", pos.top * 1.5 + "px");
hovertext.css("visibility", "visible");
$('#myDiv text.gtitle').on('mouseout', function(e) {
var hovertext = $('span.custom-tooltip');
hovertext.css("visibility", "hidden");
.wrapper {
position: relative;
.wrapper .custom-tooltip {
visibility: hidden;
display: inline;
width: fit-content;
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
#myDiv text.gtitle {
pointer-events: all !important;
.wrapper .custom-tooltip.show {
visibility: visible;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"></script>
<!-- Plotly chart will be drawn inside this DIV -->
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="myDiv"></div>
<span class="custom-tooltip">This is a really long title</span>
Instead of using JQuery Tooltips, I went with Tippy. However, I still had to modify the Plotly chart like this (thanks to #Naren-Murali):
$('div#myDiv g.g-gtitle > text.gtitle').addClass('graphWrapperPointerEvents');
with the CSS:
.graphWrapperPointerEvents {
pointer-events: all !important;

Child elements starting opacity while using velocity.js and blast.js

I have a simple wrapper div that I animate in using velocity.js UI pack. In the complete callback function, I am using a combination of UI pack and blast.js to animate three sentences.
The problem is that my sentences are initially shown, and only after that they are animated. They shouldn't be visible after the wrapper div is animated into view.
Everything is working fine if I don't animate the wrapper div, guess the opacity settings during animation are messing with child elements.
$('.wrap').velocity('transition.slideUpIn', {
delay: 1000,
display: null,
complete : function(){
.blast({ delimiter: "character" })
.velocity("transition.fadeIn", {
display: null,
duration: 1000,
stagger: 60,
delay: 400
Here is the fiddle to see the problem : http://jsfiddle.net/vcsr6aqj/1/
The problem is that your p tags aren't at opacity: 0, but only their characters, which are inside a span having as class blast. Since your invisible characters are only created when you call $(".animated").blast({ delimiter: "character" }), which means once your wrapper has completed its apparition, the sentences will be visible until then. So you have two possibilities that I can think of.
Create your span characters with blast at the page load, instead at the wrapper velocity complete and then call velocity on your created spans:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".animated").blast({ delimiter: "character" });
$('.wrap').velocity('transition.slideUpIn', {
delay: 1000,
display: null,
complete : function(){
$(".animated .blast").velocity("transition.fadeIn", {
display: null,
duration: 1000,
stagger: 60,
delay: 400
JSFiddle example
Add a class to your p tags having opacity: 0:
<p class="animated no-opacity">Sentence number one.</p>
<p class="animated no-opacity">Sentence number two.</p>
<p class="animated no-opacity">Just one sentence more.</p>
.no-opacity {
opacity: 0;
When your wrapper has completed the velocity, remove the class from your p tags. Also, remove delay: 400 from your velocity attributes, otherwise the sentences will show for 400 milliseconds:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.wrap').velocity('transition.slideUpIn', {
delay: 1000,
display: null,
complete : function(){
$animated = $(".animated");
$animated.blast({ delimiter: "character" })
.velocity("transition.fadeIn", {
display: null,
duration: 1000,
stagger: 60
JSFiddle example
Here you go (fiddle). I'm sure there are more elegant solutions.
It appears that the slideUpIn animates opacity from 0 to 1, including the opacity of .animated which is probably 'inherited'. Setting it to 0 to hide it fixes it, but then .blast() doesn't work, so we enable it again.

Working with JQuery animate and "this" selector

I'm working on what I thought would be a simple chunk of code, trying to dynamically (using 'this') animate div blocks to scale (zoom) to the size of the parent container (section tag) on click.
<div id="project"></div><div id="project"></div><div id="project"></div>
<div id="project"></div><div id="project"></div><div id="project"></div>
My JavaScript:
$("#project").click(function() {
opacity: 0.75,
width: 100%,
height: 100%
}, 5000, function() {
Both Jquery and Jquery UI are linked correctly from Google Libraries (so says my console), my console also tells me that there is a syntax error with an unexpected ",", however I am taking this syntax straight from JqueryUI.com. Any help is appreciated!
Additionally, I want to be able to dynamically select all other divs except the currently clicked div and remove them from the DOM (using display:none), just so it looks cleaner, but I don't know how to go about 'selecting' them in my code...
Thanks all! :)
you are missing quotes around 100% so your code will be correct like this
$("#project").click(function() {
opacity: 0.75,
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}, 5000, function() {
and please use unique IDs
for using classes you can use something like that
$(".project").click(function() {
opacity: 0.75,
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}, 5000, function() {
I want to be able to dynamically select all other divs except the currently clicked div and remove them from the DOM (using display:none), just so it looks cleaner, but I don't know how to go about 'selecting' them in my code...
var $project = $(".project");
$project.click(function() {
var thisDiv = this;
$project.each(function(index, elem) {
if (elem!==thisDiv) $(elem).css('display', 'none');
opacity: 0.75,
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}, 5000, function() {});

carouFredSel: Show partial items?

I'm using carouFredSel to create a vertical carousel. Everything works great, except I would prefer if partial items would be shown at the bottom, cropped, rather than being hidden. This way it would indicate to users that there are additional items that can be scrolled.
I have been reading the documentation, but so far can't tell if what I am after is possible.
Check out the JSFiddle to see what I mean. Watch the bottom most item on the page.
direction: "up",
align: "top",
width: 100,
height: "100%",
items: {
visible: "variable",
width: 100,
height: "variable"
scroll: {
items: 1,
mousewheel: true,
easing: "swing",
duration: 500
auto: false,
prev: {
button: ".prev",
key: "up"
next: {
button: ".next",
key: "down"
This is a bit of a hack, but it works. Set the height of the scroller (in this case, ul) to 150% and the parent element (in this case, body) to overflow: hidden. Now the bottom most element is off screen.
height: "150%"
body {
overflow: hidden;
Ha, caroufredsel supports it, no hacks required :))! You can achieve it with the following option:
items: {
visible: '+1'
EDIT: This suffers from a problem though. If number of whole visible items + 1 == number of all items, then carousel cannot be scrolled even though one image is visible just partially. You can overcome this issue by setting e.g. minimum: 1 but it is not always a way to go (e.g. if number of images is dynamic and you don't want scroll handlers to appear when there is just one or two images.).
The next not visible element in the vertical carousel is pushed down by the margin.
I'm currently overriding it by the following function:
function cropCarousel () {
var visibleElements = this.triggerHandler("currentVisible"), // show all visible
$lastElement = $(visibleElements[visibleElements.length - 1]); // get the last one
$lastElement.css('margin-bottom', '30px'); // amend the margin
The downside of it that you will have to call this function on carousel init and on up and down events. But it works ;)
