I have a foreach function which listing all members of array. I want that member of array is a link which change input value.
I have function for reading input like this
<input type="text" id="syote" name="syote" value="" />
<button id="myBtn" onclick="submitti()">Submit</button>
function submitti(){
let current ="syote"
var txt = ""
let array2 = [
'tee popup',
'input alas',
'input ylös',
if(syote.value.toLowerCase() == "listaaa"){
document.getElementById("vas-col").className = "vasen";
document.getElementById("result1").innerHTML = txt;
function myFunction(value, array2) {
txt = txt + "<a href=# onclick=Muuta()>" + value + "</a>" + "<br>";
function Muuta(value) {
input.value = "asdasdasd";
This is working and it change input value to asdasdasd.
I want it change input value same than member of array list.
I tried these without succes:
function myFunction(value, array2) {
txt = txt + "<a href=# onclick=Muuta(value)>" + value + "</a>" + "<br>";
function Muuta(value) {
input.value = value;
function myFunction(value, array2) {
txt = txt + "<a href=# title=value onclick=Muuta(this.title)>" + value + "</a>" + "<br>";
function Muuta(value) {
input.value = value;
Found some examples also and not working in my case. Like this: javascript change input value by link title
After many hours i find solution for this problem.
With this it works:
if(syote.value.toLowerCase() == "listaa"){
// Näissä kohdissa missä id:ssä on väliviiva täytyy käyttää edessä document.getElementById. Ilman sitä ei muuta classia ja näin ollen scroll ei ilmesty.
document.getElementById("vas-col").className = "vasen scroll";
result1.innerHTML = txt;
function ListaaKomennot(value, array) {
txt = txt + "<a href='#' title='" + value + "' onclick='MuutaArvo(this.title);'>" + value + "</a>" + "<br>";
function MuutaArvo(arvo) {
syote.value = arvo;
In title is very important to be ' before " and same vice versa after value. Without ' ' it cuts out after whitespace when change value of input to title. If you have only words without whitespace that is not a problem.
It is best to solve yourself, i learned many new things at same time. Inter alia if your html id name is with - tag like i have in oik-col you must use document.getElementById without it, className won't work.
below is the js code for wikipedia search project. I am getting infinite for loop even though it had condition to stop repeating the loop. I am stuck in this problem.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.enter').click(function() {
var srcv = $('#search').val(); //variable get the input value
//statement to check empty input
if (srcv == "") {
alert("enter something to search");
else {
$.getJSON('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=' + srcv + '&format=json&limit=20&callback=?', function(json) {
$('.content').html("<p> <a href ='" + json[3][0] + "'target='_blank'>" + json[1][0] + "</a><br>" + json[2][0] + "</p>");
/*for loop to display the content of the json object*/
for (i = 1; i < 20; i++) {
$('p').append("<p><a href ='" + json[3][i] + "'target='_blank'>" + json[1][i] + "</a>" + json[2][i] + "</p>");
You are appending to each and every one of <p> in page.
Since your for loop appends even more <p> (and you possibly have a high number of <p> elements in your page beforehand) you overflow your call stack.
You probably wanted to append to a specific <p>. Try giving an id to your selector.
from what i can see in the url you need to do the following:
loop over the terms found and select the link based on the index of the element, chose a single element .contentto append the data not a set of elements p, this will increase the number of duplicated results
$.getJSON('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search='+srcv+'&format=json&limit=20&callback=?', function(json){
$('.content').append("<p><a href ='"+json[2][i]+"'target='_blank'>"+json[0]+"</a>"+v+"</p>");
see demo: https://jsfiddle.net/x79zzp5a/
Try this
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.enter').click(function() {
var srcv = $('#search').val(); //variable get the input value
//statement to check empty input
if (srcv == "") {
alert("enter something to search");
else {
$.getJSON('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&search=' + srcv + '&format=json&limit=20&callback=?', function(json) {
$('.content').html("<p> <a href ='" + json[3][0] + "'target='_blank'>" + json[1][0] + "</a><br>" + json[2][0] + "</p>");
/*for loop to display the content of the json object*/
var i = 1;
for (i; i < 20; i++) {
$('p').append("<p><a href ='" + json[3][i] + "'target='_blank'>" + json[1][i] + "</a>" + json[2][i] + "</p>");
I´m populating webpage with sharepoint so I do a json to get data with ajax like these:
function completeFleet(data, target, eng) {
var items = data.d.results;
var prefix = "<div class='row'>";
var sufix = "</div>";
var menu = "<div class='col-md-4'>";
var cat = "";
var spec = "";
var counter = 0;
var obj = null;
for (item in items) {
spec = "";
if (counter == 1) {
menu += "</div><div class='col-md-4'>";
counter = 0;
if (eng) {
obj = JSON.parse(items[item].Specifications);
for (var key in obj) {
spec += "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12 ftBottomSeparator'><span class=' t10'>" + key + "</span> <span class='t06' style='float:right;'>" + obj[key] + "</span></div></div>";
menu += "<div class='row ftContainerOut'><div class='col-md-12 ftContainer'><div class='row ftHeader'><div class='col-xs-9 t09'>" + items[item].Title + "</div><div class='col-xs-3 text-right'></div></div><div class='row'><div class='col-md-6' style='padding-top:10px'><img src='" + items[item].Imagen.Url + "' class='img-responsive img-center' style='border:0px solid blue; max-width:150px;max-height:120px;' /></div><div class='col-md-6'>" + spec + "</div></div></div></div>";
} else {
obj = JSON.parse(items[item].Especificaciones);
for (var key in obj) {
spec += "<div class='row'><div class='col-md-12 ftBottomSeparator'><span class=' t10'>" + key + "</span> <span class='t06' style='float:right;'>" + obj[key] + "</span></div></div>";
menu += "<div class='row ftContainerOut'><div class='col-md-12 ftContainer'><div class='row ftHeader'><div class='col-xs-9 t09'>" + items[item].Title + "</div><div class='col-xs-3 text-right'></div></div><div class='row'><div class='col-md-6' style='padding-top:10px'><img src='" + items[item].Imagen.Url + "' class='img-responsive img-center' style='border:0px solid blue; max-width:150px;max-height:120px;' /></div><div class='col-md-6'>" + spec + "</div></div></div></div>";
$(target).html("<div class='panel-body'><div class='container-fluid'>" + prefix + menu + sufix + "</div></div>");
I have 5 objects different, but one of these don´t show data, my webpage is in english and spanish, in english it charge all data, but in spanish one of these
doesn´t works and I get error at position 36, and position 36 is the item don´t show. Any idea what is wrong here? Regards
These one works
and this no works
If I comment this line:
//obj = JSON.parse(items[item].Especificaciones);
and put
it now runs with image, but now I don´t have my "Especificaciones" lists
Now when I use
var stringifyObj = JSON.stringify(items[item].Especificaciones);
var obj = JSON.parse(stringifyObj);
I get something like these:
make sure value is not null for the corresponding key inside JSON.parse. For example-
make sure items have value in item index and items[item] has the property Specifications.
you can check if items[item].Specifications is not null before JSON.parse.
JSON.parse() is used to convert a string containing JSON notation into a Javascript object. To be valid JSON, strings must be in double quotes.
Try stringify the object and then parse again.
var stringifyObj = JSON.stringify(items[item].Especificaciones);
var obj = JSON.parse(stringifyObj);
The reason for the error is that JSON.parse() expects a String value and items[item].Especificaciones is an Array
"Eslora":100 pies"
You should probably opening the quotes when you start writing a string value
I'm trying to use my text input as a string variable and use that variable as a part of a URL to pull up JSON data but I can't seem to get it to work properly.
I don't know if I'm setting the variables incorrectly but any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
$(document).ready(function() {
var p = document.querySelector('p');
var input = document.getElementById('search').value;
$("#go").click(function() {
if (input === '') {
p.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
p.classList.add = 'hide';
p.innerHTML = '';
} else {
$.getJSON("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&datatype=json&limit=5&search=" + input + "&callback=?", function(data) {
p.innerHTML = "<br> Click the links below";
var i = 0
for (i; i < 5; i++){
if (data[3][i] !== undefined){
p.innerHTML += '<h2> <a href ="' + data[3][i] + '" target = "_blank">' + data[1][i] + '<br>' + '<h3>' + data[2][i] + '</h3>' + '</h2>'
} else {
p.innerHTML = ' <h2> No matching result </h2>';
At the time you assign the variable value, it is empty because it is run when the site is loaded and there is probably no text in the search box yet. You want the content at the time #go is clicked, so just assign it inside the click event handler:
$(document).ready(function() {
var p = document.querySelector('p');
// the text field value is empty at this point
$("#go").click(function() {
// this is run when user clicks #go
var input = document.getElementById('search').value;
if (input === '') {
p.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
p.classList.add = 'hide';
p.innerHTML = '';
else {
// encode user input
$.getJSON("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=opensearch&datatype=json&limit=5&search=" + encodeURIComponent(input) + "&callback=?", function(data) {
p.innerHTML = "<br> Click the links below";
var i = 0
for (i; i < 5; i++){
if (data[3][i] !== undefined){
p.innerHTML += '<h2> <a href ="' + data[3][i] + '" target = "_blank">' + data[1][i] + '<br>' + '<h3>' + data[2][i] + '</h3>' + '</h2>'
else {
p.innerHTML = ' <h2> No matching result </h2>';
Additionally, you should always encode user input if you include it in a URI. Otherwise you'll experience unexpected behaviour when using any non alphanumerical character (including whitespace) in the search box. For a more detailed explanation of how and why, see the documentation.
I have a set of urls that i need to get a specific part of . The format of the url is :
I need to get the 1234567 bit and store that in a var.
Well you can do splits
or a regular expression
You should be able to get it to work with your JSON string by checking the URL with a function. Something like this should work:
function checkForMatches(str) {
var res = str.match(/.*\/(.*)_1.jpg/);
if(res) {
output = res[res.length-1];
} else {
output = false;
return output;
$.get("test.php", function (data) {
// now you can work with `data`
var JSON = jQuery.parseJSON(data); // it will be an object
$.each(JSON.deals.items, function (index, value) {
//console.log( value.title + ' ' + value.description );
tr = $('<tr/>');
tr.append("<td>" + "<img class='dealimg' src='" + value.deal_image + "' >" + "</td>");
tr.append("<td>" + "<h3>" + value.title + "</h3>" + "<p>" + value.description + "</p>" + "</td>");
//tr.append("<td>" + value.description + "</td>");
tr.append("<td> £" + value.price + "</td>");
tr.append("<td class='temperature'>" + value.temperature + "</td>");
tr.append("<td>" + "<a href='" + value.deal_link + "' target='_blank'>" + "View Deal</a>" + "</td>");
myvar = checkForMatches(value.deal_link);
if(myvar == false) {
myvar = value.deal_link; //if no matches, use the full link
tr.append("<td>" + "<a href='" + myvar + "' target='_blank'>" + "Go To Argos</a>" + "</td>");
Earlier, more basic examples.
You can use a regular expression to find the match.
Something like this would work:
var str = "http:\/\/xxx.xxxxx.com\/xxxx\/xxxx\/1234567_1.jpg";
var res = str.match(/.*\/(.*)_1.jpg/);
If you wanted to go a little further with it, you could create a function and pass the strings you wanted to test, and it would return the matched value if found, or boolean false if no matches exist.
Something like this would work:
function checkForMatches(str) {
var res = str.match(/.*\/(.*)_1.jpg/);
if(res) {
output = res[res.length-1];
} else {
output = false;
return output;
alert(checkForMatches("this is an invalid string"))
You can see it working here: https://jsfiddle.net/9k5m7cg0/2/
Hope that helps!
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
to split 1 / 2/ 3/ 4...
So to get path 2 it would be:
var setLocation = pathArray[1];
Well This should do
function getLastFolder(){
var path = window.location.href;
var folders =path.split("/");
return folders[folders.length-1]);
Here's the idea: take everything that comes after the final / character, and then take everything within that substring that comes before the first _ character.
var getUrlTerm = function(url) {
var urlPcs = url.split('/');
var lastUrlPc = urlPcs[urlPcs.length - 1];
return lastUrlPc.split('_')[0];
You can attribute the url to an 'A' element and use javascript's built in methods to make your life easier:
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = "YOUR URL HERE";
var fileName = parser.pathname.split('/').pop();
var code = fileName.split('_')[0];
code will have the value you want.
I would use a regular expression and sense it seems you are looking for numbers you can do the regex filter for that.
var path = window.location.pathname,
regFilter = /\d*/g,
filter = regFilter.exec(path);
The regular expression \d narrows your filter search to only look for digits. And the * grabs the group of digits.
Your result is in the filter var. The only thing about this is that the exec returns an array with your original string and the returned result which will be at the 1 index so you'll have to grab it from there like so.
var intFields = 0;
var maxFields = 10;
function addElement() {
"use strict";
var i, intVal, contentID, newTBDiv, message = null;
intVal = document.getElementById('add').value;
contentID = document.getElementById('content');
message = document.getElementById('message');
if (intFields !== 0) {
for (i = 1; i <= intFields; i++) {
contentID.removeChild(document.getElementById('strText' + i));
intFields = 0;
if (intVal <= maxFields) {
for (i = 1; i <= intVal; i++) {
intFields = i;
newTBDiv = document.createElement('div');
newTBDiv.setAttribute('id', 'strText' + intFields);
newTBDiv.innerHTML = "<input placeholder='recipient" + intFields + "#email.com' type='text' name='" + intFields + "'/><a href='javascript:removeElement();'><img id='strImg + " + intFields + "' src='images/minus.png' alt='Add A Field'/></a><input type='text' value='" + newTBDiv.id + "'/>";
message.innerHTML = "Successfully added " + intFields + " fields.";
} else {
for (i = 1; i <= maxFields; i++) {
intFields = i;
newTBDiv = document.createElement('div');
newTBDiv.setAttribute('id', 'strText' + intFields);
newTBDiv.innerHTML = "<input placeholder='recipient" + intFields + "#email.com' type='text' name='" + intFields + "'/><a href='javascript:removeElement();'><img id='strImg + " + intFields + "' src='images/minus.png' alt='Add A Field'/></a><input type='text' value='" + newTBDiv.id + "'/>";
message.innerHTML = "Unable to create more than 10 receipient fields!";
My script here dynamically adds up to 10 fields where users will be able to enter an email address and to the right of the text box i add an image of a minus sign that calls another script. I'm having trouble working out how to assign and keep track of the minus signs. I need to be able to have the minus sign script's recognize the text box it is by and remove it. I can write the remove script easily enough but I'm unsure of how to tell the image which text box to remove. Any help, suggestions, or comments are greatly appreciated.
Nick S.
You can add a class to the field called minus and then check through like that. I would suggest using jquery for this.
To add the class
To remove all elements with that class
$("body input").each(function (i) {
if($(this).attr("class") == "minus"){
The two best options, imo, would be 1) DOM-traversal, or 2) manipulating ID fragments.
Under the first way, you would pass a reference to the element where the event takes place (the minus sign) and then navigate the DOM from there to the get the appropriate text box (in jQuery you could use $(this).prev(), for example).
Under the second way, you would assign a prefix or a suffix to the ID of the triggering element (the minus sign), and the same prefix or suffix to the target element (the text box). You can then (again) generate the appropriate ID for your target element by simple string manipulation of the ID from the triggering element.
Is that sufficient to get you started?
Try adding a class to the field and the same class to the minus sign.
So add this right after the setAttribute id,
newTBDiv.setAttribute('class', 'field' + intFields);
then just remove any elements that have that class.