Sequelize - After findAll, delete with a single query - javascript

I have a table with an associated table. I am using beforeDestroy to remove any associated records up deletion.
Model.beforeDestroy(async (category: any) => {
const items = await Category.findAll({
where: {
attributes: ['id'],
raw: true,
console.log(items); // [ { id: 2 }, { id: 3364 }, { id: 3365 } ] any) => {
Category.destroy({ where: { id: } });
I am trying to delete the matching items with a single destroy query rather than mapping through.

Category.destroy({ where: {>} });


Two foreign key one table in sequalize

I have Offers table 2 row exit_customs and destination_customs. This 2 row has a my Customs table id. My problem is how to two(exit_customs and destination_customs) foreign key one(Customs) table?
Here is my list query function'/api/logistic/offers/get-offers', async (req, res) => {
const {limit, page, sortColumn, sortType, search} = req.body;
const total = await Offers.findAll();
const offersList = await Offers.findAll({
limit: limit,
offset: (page - 1) * limit,
order: [
[sortColumn, sortType]
where: {
offers_no: {
[Op.substring]: [
agreement_date: {
[Op.substring]: [
routes: {
[Op.substring]: [
type_of_the_transport: {
[Op.substring]: [
total: total.length,
data: offersList
this solution connects the two data in the first table to the id in the other table as you want. hope it helps
Offers.belongsTo(Customs, {as: 'Exit_customs', foreignKey: 'exit_customs'});
Offers.belongsTo(Customs, {as: 'Destination_customs', foreignKey: 'destination_customs'});'/api/logistic/offers/get-offers', async (req, res) => {
const {limit, page, sortColumn, sortType, search} = req.body;
const total = await Offers.findAll();
const offersList = await Offers.findAll({
limit: limit,
offset: (page - 1) * limit,
order: [
[sortColumn, sortType]
where: {
[Op.or]: [
offers_no: {
[Op.substring]: [
agreement_date: {
[Op.substring]: [
routes: {
[Op.substring]: [
type_of_the_transport: {
[Op.substring]: [
include: [{
model: Customs,
as: 'Exit_customs'
}, {
model: Customs,
as: 'Destination_customs'
total: total.length,
data: offersList
You can give foreign key using "as" keyword, please add below code in your Offers models file
static associate(models) {
models.Offers.belongsTo(models.Customs, {
foreignKey: "exit_customs",
as: "exitCustomsDetails",
models.Offers.belongsTo(models.Customs, {
foreignKey: "destination_customs",
as: "destinationCustomsDetails",

How to write custom where condition raw query?

How to write this sql query as sequelize query?
select * from chats where senderId + receiverId = 25
I want to use above query where condition in where clause of sequelize which is written below.
const options = {
page: req.params.pageNo, // Default 1
paginate: 25, // Default 25
order: [['id', 'DESC']],
include: [
model: db.users,
required: true,
as: 'senderUser',
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'email', 'mobileNumber', 'profilePic'],
model: db.users,
required: true,
as: 'receiverUser',
attributes: ['id', 'name', 'email', 'mobileNumber', 'profilePic'],
where: {
//here i need condition
.then(result => {
let apiData = { pages: result.pages, total:, chats: };
return _RL.apiResponseOk(res, 'Messages', apiData);
.catch(error => {
return _RL.serverError(res);
You'll have to write aggregate query
await Chats.aggregate([
I'm assuming both senderId & receiverId are Numbers

Function which returns a promise not working as expected

I have this promise chain in my code and it works just fine. Document actually has a value and is not null
.then(() => {
return db.document.findOne({
where: {
id: _document.get('id', req.transaction)
include: [{
model: db.documentChildren,
attributes: ['id', 'reference', 'uri', 'contentType', 'type', 'page']
model: db.tag,
attributes: ['id', 'key', 'value'], // We don't want meta columns
through: { attributes: [] } // Exclude join table
transaction: req.transaction
.then(document => {
console.log('document = ', document)
Now I want to abstract that query into a function so that it can be reused.
I would have thought this would work, but for some reason document is always null and when I run the generated query it does have a result.
Why is document null when abstracting this query into its own function?
function findOneDocumentQuery (db, id, transaction) {
return db.document.findOne({
where: {
id: id
include: [{
model: db.documentChildren,
attributes: ['id', 'reference', 'uri', 'contentType', 'type', 'page']
model: db.tag,
attributes: ['id', 'key', 'value'], // We don't want meta columns
through: { attributes: [] } // Exclude join table
transaction: transaction
.then(() => {
return findOneDocumentQuery(db, _document.get('id', req.transaction))
.then(document => {
console.log('document = ', document)
I think the bracket to findOneDocumentQuery is wrong, it should be:
return findOneDocumentQuery(db, _document.get('id'), req.transaction);

Sequelize create include existing object

I'm having an issue with sequelize on create with associated model with an "unique" value. It works when I create a "book" with a new "category", but if the "category" already exists it throws an error because it tried to duplicate an "unique" value. Is there a way to make sequelize.create try to use findAndCreate on a associated model?
My setup
const Book = sequelize.define('book', {
title: Sequelize.STRING,
const Category = sequelize.define('category', {
id: Sequelize.BIGINT,
name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
unique: true,
and the relationship:
Book.belongsTo(Category, { foreignKey: 'category_id' })
So, when i create a book i can write:
title: 'Book',
category: {
name: 'Foo'
}, {
include: [
model: Category
if after that I create another book:
title: 'Another Book',
category: {
name: 'Foo'
}, {
include: [
model: Category
it throws the error saying must be unique
For anyone with the same question, this was my final solution:
On my services.js I created the function create that receives a request(req) and all my models already initialized.
create: (req, models) => {
const { category, } = req.body
if (category && && !rest.category_id) {
return models.Category
where: {
.then(([returnedCategory]) => {
return models.Book.create(
{ ...defaultOptions(models) }
} else {
return models.Book.create(rest, { ...defaultOptions(models) })
defaultOptions looks like this:
const defaultOptions = models => {
return {
attributes: {
exclude: ['category_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'],
include: [
{ model: models.Category, attributes: ['id', 'name'] },

How to query sequelize model by association, but include all associated objects?

Trying to query by all association's attribute, but get all associations
# FAQs: { id: 1, name: 'How to do it?' }, { id: 2, name: 'How to FIX it?' }
# tags: { id: 1, slug: 'api' }, { id: 2, slug: 'beta' }
# taggings: { id: 1, faqId: 1, mainEntityId: 1, mainEntityType: 'faq' }, { id: 2, faqId: 1, mainEntityId: 2, mainEntityType: 'faq' }
const query = { slugs: ['api'] }
const foundFAQs = await this.models.FAQ.findAll({
where: {
'$taggings.tag.slug$': { $in: query.slugs },
include: [{
model: this.models.Tagging,
as: "taggings",
include: [{
model: this.models.Tag,
as: 'tag',
My model definition:
models.Tagging.belongsTo(models.Tag, { as: 'tag', onDelete: 'cascade' });
models.Tag.hasMany(models.Tagging, { as: 'taggings', onDelete: 'cascade' });
models.Tag.belongsToMany(models.FAQ, { through: models.Tagging, as: 'faqs' });
models.FAQ.hasMany(models.Tagging, { as: 'taggings', onDelete: 'cascade' });
models.FAQ.belongsToMany(models.Tag, { through: models.Tagging, as: 'tags' });
What do you expect to happen?
I want to get all FAQs what has associated TAG api and have all its tags.
id: 1,
name: 'How to do it?',
tags: [
{ id: 1, slug: 'api' },
{ id: 2, slug: 'beta' }
What is actually happening?
Query returns object:
id: 1,
name: 'How to do it?',
tags: [
{ id: 1, slug: 'api' }
SELECT \"faq\".\"id\", \"faq\".\"name\", \"faq\".\"bankId\", \"faq\".\"priority\",
\"faq\".\"publishedLocales\", \"faq\".\"createdAt\", \"faq\".\"updatedAt\", \"taggings\".\"id\"
AS \"\", \"taggings\".\"tagId\" AS \"taggings.tagId\", \"taggings\".\"locked\"
AS \"taggings.locked\", \"taggings\".\"sdkId\" AS \"taggings.sdkId\", \"taggings\".\"guideId\"
AS \"taggings.guideId\", \"taggings\".\"newsId\" AS \"taggings.newsId\", \"taggings\".\"faqId\"
AS \"taggings.faqId\", \"taggings\".\"apiId\" AS \"taggings.apiId\", \"taggings\".\"createdAt\"
AS \"taggings.createdAt\", \"taggings\".\"updatedAt\" AS \"taggings.updatedAt\", \"taggings->tag\".\"id\"
AS \"\", \"taggings->tag\".\"name\" AS \"\", \"taggings->tag\".\"slug\"
AS \"taggings.tag.slug\", \"taggings->tag\".\"tagType\" AS \"taggings.tag.tagType\", \"taggings->tag\".\"mainEntityId\"
AS \"taggings.tag.mainEntityId\", \"taggings->tag\".\"createdAt\"
AS \"taggings.tag.createdAt\", \"taggings->tag\".\"updatedAt\"
AS \"taggings.tag.updatedAt\" FROM \"faqs\" AS \"faq\" INNER JOIN \"taggings\"
AS \"taggings\" ON \"faq\".\"id\" = \"taggings\".\"faqId\" LEFT OUTER JOIN \"tags\"
AS \"taggings->tag\" ON \"taggings\".\"tagId\" = \"taggings->tag\".\"id\" WHERE \"faq\".\"bankId\" = 'bank.csas'
AND \"taggings->tag\".\"slug\" IN ('faq') ORDER BY \"faq\".\"priority\" DESC;
Dialect: postgres
Dialect version: pg#^6.1.0
Database version: PostgreSQL 10.1
Sequelize version: 4.23.2
Tested with the latest release: No (4.23.2)
Node: 8.6.0
I am not sure if it is a bug or I'm doing something wrong.
You're looking to include all related data for each record, but filter those records on that related data. You're going to want to get Sequelize to generate SQL similar to:
SELECT "faq"."id", ....
FROM "faqs" AS "faq"
INNER JOIN "taggings" AS "taggings" ON "faq"."id" = "taggings"."faqId"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" AS "taggings->tag" ON "taggings"."tagId" = "taggings->tag"."id"
LEFT OUTER JOIN "tags" AS "taggings->tagdata" ON "taggings"."tagId" = "taggings->tagdata"."id"
WHERE "faq"."bankId" = 'bank.csas' AND "taggings->tag"."slug" IN ('faq')
ORDER BY "faq"."priority" DESC;
Something like this might work:
const foundFAQs = await this.models.FAQ.findAll({
where: {
'$taggings.tag.slug$': { $in: query.slugs },
include: [{
model: this.models.Tagging,
as: "taggings",
include: [{
model: this.models.Tag,
as: 'tag',
model: this.models.Tag,
as: 'tagdata',
The idea here is that you're performing a join on which you are filtering, and then another join to get the extra records for the filtered rows.
This worked for me today -- nested includes:
getReferralPlanForThisCode(parent, args, context) {
let {referralCode} = args;
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
let referralPlan = connectors.ReferralPlans.findAll({
include: [{
model: connectors.ReferralCodes,
where: {unique_referral_code: referralCode},
include: [{
model: connectors.epUserData, as: 'referrer',
return referralPlan;
.then(referralPlan => {
return referralPlan;
.catch((err) => {
