Japavascript and P5.js - Optimizing a 4D projection code - javascript

I know that "how to optimize this code?" kind of question is generally not welcomed in stack overflow. But I think this is only the way i could phrase my question. I wrote a code that projects a 4 dimensional points onto a 3 dimensional space. I then draw the 3d points using the p5.js library.
Here is my code: https://jsfiddle.net/dfq8ykLw/
Now my question here is, how am I supposed to make this run faster, and optimize the code? Since I am supposed to draw few thousand points (sometimes more) per frame, and calculate the rotation for each of those points, my code tend to run incredibly slowly (mac devices can run this a little faster for some reason).
I tried drawing points instead of vertices, which ended up running even slower.
Are there any suggestion of how to improve the performance? Or an advice of what kind of library to use for drawing 3 dimensional shapes?
Just to explain, my program stores the points as nested array, just like [[Point object, Point object, ...], ...].
Each array in the data works as a face, with each Point object being the vertices.
I first rotate each of these points by applying 6 rotations (for axis xy, xz, xw, yz, yw and zw), then draw them by projecting them onto the 3d space.
Any help is appreciated, as I am terribly stuck!

in source code
Begin shape drawing. However in WEBGL mode, application
performance will likely drop as a result of too many calls to
beginShape() / endShape(). As a high performance alternative,
So we may want to avoid too many beginShape calls.
Idem call it on cube instead of face
data.forEach((hyperobject, i) => {
// face
for (var p in hyperobject){
hyperobject[p].rotate(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], angles[3], angles[4], angles[5])
if (i % 6 === 0) {
However there are some ugly drawn line, because default mode is TRIANGLE_FAN
_main.default.RendererGL.prototype.beginShape = function(mode) {
this.immediateMode.shapeMode =
mode !== undefined ? mode : constants.TRIANGLE_FAN;
So we may specify TRIANGLES instead:
function draw(){
// translate(250, 250);
for (var a in angles){
angles[a] += angleSpeeds[a];
data.forEach((hyperobject, i) => {
// face
const [a, b, c, d] = hyperobject.map(a => {
a.rotate(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], angles[3], angles[4], angles[5])
return a
//first triangle
if (i % 6 === 0) {
Note that you could factorize the rotation
const [axy, axz, axw, ayz, ayw, azw] = angles
const f = x => [Math.cos(x), Math.sin(x)]
const [Ca, Sa] = f(axy)
const [Cb, Sb] = f(axz)
const [Cc, Sc] = f(axw)
const [Cd, Sd] = f(ayz)
const [Ce, Se] = f(ayw)
const [Cf, Sf] = f(azw)
const R = [
[Ca*Cb*Cc, -Cb*Cc*Sa, -Cc*Sb, -Sc],
[Ca*(-Cb*Sc*Se-Ce*Sb*Sd)+Cd*Ce*Sa, -Sa*(-Cb*Sc*Se-Ce*Sb*Sd)+Ca*Cd*Ce, -Cb*Ce*Sd+Sb*Sc*Se, -Cc*Se],
[Ca*(Sb*(Sd*Se*Sf+Cd*Cf)-Cb*Ce*Sc*Sf)+Sa*(-Cd*Se*Sf+Cf*Sd), -Sa*(Sb*(Sd*Se*Sf+Cd*Cf)-Cb*Ce*Sc*Sf)+Ca*(-Cd*Se*Sf+Cf*Sd), Cb*(Sd*Se*Sf+Cd*Cf)+Ce*Sb*Sc*Sf, -Cc*Ce*Sf],
[Ca*(Sb*(-Cf*Sd*Se+Cd*Sf)+Cb*Ce*Cf*Sc)+Sa*(Cd*Cf*Se+Sd*Sf),-Sa*(Sb*(-Cf*Sd*Se+Cd*Sf)+Cb*Ce*Cf*Sc)+Ca*(Cd*Cf*Se+Sd*Sf), Cb*(-Cf*Sd*Se+Cd*Sf)-Ce*Cf*Sb*Sc, Cc*Ce*Cf]
Point.prototype.rotate = function (R) {
const X = [this.origx, this.origy, this.origz, this.origw]
const [x,y,z,w] = prod(R, X)
Object.assign(this, { x, y, z, w })
but this is not the bottleneck, (like 1ms to 50ms for drawing), so keeping your matrix decomposition may be preferable.
I can't put the code snippet here since webgl not secure

first see this (and all sub links) for inspiration:
how should i handle (morphing) 4D objects in opengl?
especially the 4D rotations and reper4D links.
Use 5x5 4D homogenuous transform matrices
this will convert all your transformations into single matrix * vector operation without any goniometrics (repeated for each vertex) so it should be much faster. Even allows to stack operations and much more.
You can port to GLSL
You can move much of the computations (transformations included) into shaders. I know GLSL suports only 4x4 matrices but You can compute mat5 * vec5 by using mat4 and vec4 too... You just add the missing stuff into separate variable and use dot product for the missing col/row
Use of VAO/VBO
This can improve speed a lot as you would not need to pass any data to GPU during rendering anymore... However you would need to do the projection on GPU side (which is doable as unlike cross-section the projection is easy to implement).


PixiJS consuming enormous amounts of GPU

So I have a scene in Pixi, with about 7-8 textures in it. A couple are just looping simple transforms (e.g spinning like a fan, etc), some are static.
Without interacting with it at all (it's in a separate window to this), the mere presence of it makes my 16BG i7 MacBook Pro heat up like crazy and it's occupying 50% CPU.
Here's an example of how I'm setting up one of the spinning animations. Does anything in there look suspicious? I can't believe how much power it's consuming, and I'm about to throw out all my Pixi code and just use CSS as it seems much more efficient.
rotorPositions.forEach((rotor, index) => {
const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite(resources.rotor.texture)
sprite.position.set(foregroundContainer.width/100 * rotor[0], foregroundContainer.height/100 * rotor[1])
sprite.anchor.x = 0.5
sprite.anchor.y = 0.616
let speed = 0.03
sprite.zIndex = 3
if(index == 1){
speed = 0.04
sprite.rotation = 0.5
app.ticker.add(() => {
sprite.rotation += speed
Preload your textures and try using cacheAsBitmap property. It takes snapshot of the display object resulting in better performance.
Here is an example: multiple textures example with cacheAsBitmap
Edit: You are using foreach loop. Loops can be very tricky, maybe use console.log and print a counter variable to see how many times the loop executes.

Three.js - What is PlaneBufferGeometry

What is PlaneBufferGeometry exactly and how it is different from PlaneGeometry? (r69)
PlaneBufferGeometry is a low memory alternative for PlaneGeometry. the object itself differs in a lot of ways. for instance, the vertices are located in PlaneBufferGeometry are located in PlaneBufferGeometry.attributes.position instead of PlaneGeometry.vertices
you can take a quick look in the browser console to figure out more differences, but as far as i understand, since the vertices are usually spaced on a uniform distance (X and Y) from each other, only the heights (Z) need to be given to position a vertex.
The main differences are between Geometry and BufferGeometry.
Geometry is a "user-friendly", object-oriented data structure, whereas BufferGeometry is a data structure that maps more directly to how the data is used in the shader program. BufferGeometry is faster and requires less memory, but Geometry is in some ways more flexible, and certain operations can be done with greater ease.
I have very little experience with Geometry, as I have found that BufferGeometry does the job in most cases. It is useful to learn, and work with, the actual data structures that are used by the shaders.
In the case of a PlaneBufferGeometry, you can access the vertex positions like this:
let pos = geometry.getAttribute("position");
let pa = pos.array;
Then set z values like this:
var hVerts = geometry.heightSegments + 1;
var wVerts = geometry.widthSegments + 1;
for (let j = 0; j < hVerts; j++) {
for (let i = 0; i < wVerts; i++) {
//+0 is x, +1 is y.
pa[3*(j*wVerts+i)+2] = Math.random();
pos.needsUpdate = true;
Randomness is just an example. You could also (another e.g.) plot a function of x,y, if you let x = pa[3*(j*wVerts+i)]; and let y = pa[3*(j*wVerts+i)+1]; in the inner loop. For a small performance benefit in the PlaneBufferGeometry case, let y = (0.5-j/(hVerts-1))*geometry.height in the outer loop instead.
geometry.computeVertexNormals(); is recommended if your material uses normals and you haven't calculated more accurate normals analytically. If you don't supply or compute normals, the material will use the default plane normals which all point straight out of the original plane.
Note that the number of vertices along a dimension is one more than the number of segments along the same dimension.
Note also that (counterintuitively) the y values are flipped with respect to the j indices: vertices.push( x, - y, 0 ); (source)

JavaScript "pixel"-perfect collision detection for rotating sprites using math (probably linear algebra)

I'm making a 2D game in JavaScript. For it, I need to be able to "perfectly" check collision between two sprites which have x/y positions (corresponding to their centre), a rotation in radians, and of course known width/height.
After spending many weeks of work (yeah, I'm not even exaggerating), I finally came up with a working solution, which unfortunately turned out to be about 10,000x too slow and impossible to optimize in any meaningful manner. I have entirely abandoned the idea of actually drawing and reading pixels from a canvas. That's just not going to cut it, but please don't make me explain in detail why. This needs to be done with math and an "imaginated" 2D world/grid, and from talking to numerous people, the basic idea became obvious. However, the practical implementation is not. Here's what I do and want to do:
What I already have done
In the beginning of the program, each sprite is pixel-looked through in its default upright position and a 1-dimensional array is filled up with data corresponding to the alpha channel of the image: solid pixels get represented by a 1, and transparent ones by 0. See figure 3.
The idea behind that is that those 1s and 0s no longer represent "pixels", but "little math orbs positioned in perfect distances to each other", which can be rotated without "losing" or "adding" data, as happens with pixels if you rotate images in anything but 90 degrees at a time.
I naturally do the quick "bounding box" check first to see if I should bother calculating accurately. This is done. The problem is the fine/"for-sure" check...
What I cannot figure out
Now that I need to figure out whether the sprites collide for sure, I need to construct a math expression of some sort using "linear algebra" (which I do not know) to determine if these "rectangles of data points", positioned and rotated correctly, both have a "1" in an overlapping position.
Although the theory is very simple, the practical code needed to accomplish this is simply beyond my capabilities. I've stared at the code for many hours, asking numerous people (and had massive problems explaining my problem clearly) and really put in an effort. Now I finally want to give up. I would very, very much appreciate getting this done with. I can't even give up and "cheat" by using a library, because nothing I find even comes close to solving this problem from what I can tell. They are all impossible for me to understand, and seem to have entirely different assumptions/requirements in mind. Whatever I'm doing always seems to be some special case. It's annoying.
This is the pseudo code for the relevant part of the program:
function doThisAtTheStartOfTheProgram()
function detectCollision(sprite1, sprite2)
// This easy, outer check works. Please ignore it as it is unrelated to the problem.
if (bounding_box_match)
This part is the entire problem.
I must do a math-based check to see if they really collide.
These are the relevant variables as I have named them:
sprite1.rotation // in radians
sprite1.diagonal // might not be needed, but is provided
sprite2.rotation // in radians
sprite2.diagonal // might not be needed, but is provided
Can you please help me construct the math expression, or the series of math expressions, needed to do this check?
To clarify, using the variables above, I need to check if the two sprites (which can rotate around their centre, have any position and any dimensions) are colliding. A collision happens when at least one "unit" (an imagined sphere) of BOTH sprites are on the same unit in our imaginated 2D world (starting from 0,0 in the top-left).
if (accurate_check_goes_here)
return true;
return false;
In other words, "accurate_check_goes_here" is what I wonder what it should be. It doesn't need to be a single expression, of course, and I would very much prefer seeing it done in "steps" (with comments!) so that I have a chance of understanding it, but please don't see this as "spoon feeding". I fully admit I suck at math and this is beyond my capabilities. It's just a fact. I want to move on and work on the stuff I can actually solve on my own.
To clarify: the 1D arrays are 1D and not 2D due to performance. As it turns out, speed matters very much in JS World.
Although this is a non-profit project, entirely made for private satisfaction, I just don't have the time and energy to order and sit down with some math book and learn about that from the ground up. I take no pride in lacking the math skills which would help me a lot, but at this point, I need to get this game done or I'll go crazy. This particular problem has prevented me from getting any other work done for far too long.
I hope I have explained the problem well. However, one of the most frustrating feelings is when people send well-meaning replies that unfortunately show that the person helping has not read the question. I'm not pre-insulting you all -- I just wish that won't happen this time! Sorry if my description is poor. I really tried my best to be perfectly clear.
Okay, so I need "reputation" to be able to post the illustrations I spent time to create to illustrate my problem. So instead I link to them:
(censored by Stackoverflow)
(censored by Stackoverflow)
OK. This site won't let me even link to the images. Only one. Then I'll pick the most important one, but it would've helped a lot if I could link to the others...
First you need to understand that detecting such collisions cannot be done with a single/simple equation. Because the shapes of the sprites matter and these are described by an array of Width x Height = Area bits. So the worst-case complexity of the algorithm must be at least O(Area).
Here is how I would do it:
Represent the sprites in two ways:
1) a bitmap indicating where pixels are opaque,
2) a list of the coordinates of the opaque pixels. [Optional, for speedup, in case of hollow sprites.]
Choose the sprite with the shortest pixel list. Find the rigid transform (translation + rotation) that transforms the local coordinates of this sprite into the local coordinates of the other sprite (this is where linear algebra comes into play - the rotation is the difference of the angles, the translation is the vector between upper-left corners - see http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node99.html).
Now scan the opaque pixel list, transforming the local coordinates of the pixels to the local coordinates of the other sprite. Check if you fall on an opaque pixel by looking up the bitmap representation.
This takes at worst O(Opaque Area) coordinate transforms + pixel tests, which is optimal.
If you sprites are zoomed-in (big pixels), as a first approximation you can ignore the zooming. If you need more accuracy, you can think of sampling a few points per pixel. Exact computation will involve a square/square collision intersection algorithm (with rotation), more complex and costly. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland%E2%80%93Hodgman_algorithm.
Here is an exact solution that will work regardless the size of the pixels (zoomed or not).
Use both a bitmap representation (1 opacity bit per pixel) and a decomposition into squares or rectangles (rectangles are optional, just an optimization; single pixels are ok).
Process all rectangles of the (source) sprite in turn. By means of rotation/translation, map the rectangles to the coordinate space of the other sprite (target). You will obtain a rotated rectangle overlaid on a grid of pixels.
Now you will perform a filling of this rectangle with a scanline algorithm: first split the rectangle in three (two triangles and one parallelogram), using horizontal lines through the rectangle vertexes. For the three shapes independently, find all horizontal between-pixel lines that cross them (this is simply done by looking at the ranges of Y values). For every such horizontal line, compute the two intersections points. Then find all pixel corners that fall between the two intersections (range of X values). For any pixel having a corner inside the rectangle, lookup the corresponding bit in the (target) sprite bitmap.
No too difficult to program, no complicated data structure. The computational effort is roughly proportional to the number of target pixels covered by every source rectangle.
Although you have already stated that you don't feel rendering to the canvas and checking that data is a viable solution, I'd like to present an idea which may or may not have already occurred to you and which ought to be reasonably efficient.
This solution relies on the fact that rendering any pixel to the canvas with half-opacity twice will result in a pixel of full opacity. The steps follow:
Size the test canvas so that both sprites will fit on it (this will also clear the canvas, so you don't have to create a new element each time you need to test for collision).
Transform the sprite data such that any pixel that has any opacity or color is set to be black at 50% opacity.
Render the sprites at the appropriate distance and relative position to one another.
Loop through the resulting canvas data. If any pixels have an opacity of 100%, then a collision has been detected. Return true.
Else, return false.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
This method should run reasonably fast. Now, for optimization--the bottleneck here will likely be the final opacity check (although rendering the images to the canvas could be slow, as might be clearing/resizing it):
reduce the resolution of the opacity detection in the final step, by changing the increment in your loop through the pixels of the final data.
Loop from middle up and down, rather than from the top to bottom (and return as soon as you find any single collision). This way you have a higher chance of encountering any collisions earlier in the loop, thus reducing its length.
I don't know what your limitations are and why you can't render to canvas, since you have declined to comment on that, but hopefully this method will be of some use to you. If it isn't, perhaps it might come in handy to future users.
Please see if the following idea works for you. Here I create a linear array of points corresponding to pixels set in each of the two sprites. I then rotate/translate these points, to give me two sets of coordinates for individual pixels. Finally, I check the pixels against each other to see if any pair are within a distance of 1 - which is "collision".
You can obviously add some segmentation of your sprite (only test "boundary pixels"), test for bounding boxes, and do other things to speed this up - but it's actually pretty fast (once you take all the console.log() statements out that are just there to confirm things are behaving…). Note that I test for dx - if that is too large, there is no need to compute the entire distance. Also, I don't need the square root for knowing whether the distance is less than 1.
I am not sure whether the use of new array() inside the pixLocs function will cause a problem with memory leaks. Something to look at if you run this function 30 times per second...
<script type="text/javascript">
var s1 = {
'pix': new Array(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0),
'x': 1,
'y': 2,
'width': 4,
'height': 3,
'rotation': 45};
var s2 = {
'pix': new Array(1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0),
'x': 0,
'y': 1,
'width': 4,
'height': 3,
'rotation': 90};
console.log("now rotating the second sprite...");
console.log("collision detector says " + collision(s1, s2));
function pixLocs(s) {
var i;
var x, y;
var l1, l2;
var ca, sa;
var pi;
s.locx = new Array();
s.locy = new Array();
pi = Math.acos(0.0) * 2;
var l = new Array();
ca = Math.cos(s.rotation * pi / 180.0);
sa = Math.sin(s.rotation * pi / 180.0);
i = 0;
for(x = 0; x < s.width; ++x) {
for(y = 0; y < s.height; ++y) {
// offset to center of sprite
if(s.pix[i++]==1) {
l1 = x - (s.width - 1) * 0.5;
l2 = y - (s.height - 1) * 0.5;
// rotate:
r1 = ca * l1 - sa * l2;
r2 = sa * l1 + ca * l2;
// add position:
p1 = r1 + s.x;
p2 = r2 + s.y;
console.log("rotated pixel [ " + x + "," + y + " ] is at ( " + p1 + "," + p2 + " ) " );
else console.log("no pixel at [" + x + "," + y + "]");
function collision(s1, s2) {
var i, j;
var dx, dy;
for (i = 0; i < s1.locx.length; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < s2.locx.length; j++) {
dx = Math.abs(s1.locx[i] - s2.locx[j]);
if(dx < 1) {
dy = Math.abs(s1.locy[i] - s2.locy[j]);
if (dx*dx + dy+dy < 1) return 1;
return 0;

Performance concerns when storing data in large arrays with Javascript

I have a browser-based visualization app where there is a graph of data points, stored as an array of objects:
data = [
{x: 0.4612451, y: 1.0511} ,
... etc
This graph is being visualized with d3 and drawn on a canvas (see that question for an interesting discussion). It is interactive and the scales can change a lot, meaning the data has to be redrawn, and the array needs to be iterated through quite frequently, especially when animating zooms.
From the back of my head and reading other Javascript posts, I have a vague idea that optimizing dereferences in Javascript can lead to big performance improvements. Firefox is the only browser on which my app runs really slow (compared to IE9, Chrome, and Safari) and it needs to be improved. Hence, I'd like to get a firm, authoritative answer the following:
How much slower is this:
// data is an array of 2000 objects with {x, y} attributes
var n = data.length;
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
var d = data[i];
// Draw a circle at scaled values on canvas
var cx = xs(d.x);
var cy = ys(d.y);
canvas.moveTo(cx, cy);
canvas.arc(cx, cy, 2.5, 0, twopi);
compared to this:
// data_x and data_y are length 2000 arrays preprocessed once from data
var n = data_x.length;
for (var i=0; i < n; i++) {
// Draw a circle at scaled values on canvas
var cx = xs(data_x[i]);
var cy = ys(data_y[i]);
canvas.moveTo(cx, cy);
canvas.arc(cx, cy, 2.5, 0, twopi);
xs and ys are d3 scale objects, they are functions that compute the scaled positions. I mentioned the above that the above code may need to run up to 60 frames per second and can lag like balls on Firefox. As far as I can see, the only differences are array dereferences vs object accessing. Which one runs faster and is the difference significant?
It's pretty unlikely that any of these loop optimizations will make any difference. 2000 times through a loop like this is not much at all.
I tend to suspect the possibility of a slow implementation of canvas.arc() in Firefox. You could test this by substituting a canvas.lineTo() call which I know is fast in Firefox since I use it in my PolyGonzo maps. The "All 3199 Counties" view on the test map on that page draws 3357 polygons (some counties have more than one polygon) with a total of 33,557 points, and it loops through a similar canvas loop for every one of those points.
Thanks to the suggestion for JsPerf, I implemented a quick test. I would be grateful for anyone else to add their results here.
http://jsperf.com/canvas-dots-testing: results as of 3/27/13:
I have observed the following so far:
Whether arrays or objects is better seems to depend on the browser, and OS. For example Chrome was the same speed on Linux but objects were faster in Windows. But for many they are almost identical.
Firefox is just the tortoise of the bunch and this also helps confirm Michael Geary's hypothesis that its canvas.arc() is just super slow.

How can I expand the radius of a light bloom?

I am writing a software filter object and trying to implement a light bloom effect. I'm using a simple, two pass convolution approach which works fine except that the effect radius is tiny and I can't seem to control the radius. I've played with larger box filters and adjusted the weights of the various pixels, but none of that seems to have any effect. The effect seems to have a maximum size (which is not very big) and then all changes to the parameters just serve to make it smaller.
I'd like to be able to create a light bloom with an arbitrary radius. After a LOT of experimentation and searching online, I'm starting to wonder if this just can't be done. I've been thinking about alternate approaches--plasmas, gradients, and various seeding schemes--but I'd like to hound this path into the ground first. Does anyone out there know how to create an arbitrarily sized light bloom (in software)?
The javascript is as follows (this operates on an HTML5 canvas; I can add comments to the code if needed):
// the kernel functions are called via Array.map on this.backBuffer.data, a canvas surface color array
this.kernelFirstPass = function(val, index, array)
if(index<pitch || index>=array.length-pitch || index%pitch<4 || index%pitch>pitch-5 || index%4==3)
var c = 1,
l1 = 1,
l2 = 1,
l3 = 1,
r1 = 1,
r2 = 1,
r3 = 1;
var avg =
//this.frontBuffer.data[index] = avg;
array[index] = avg;
this.kernelSecondPass = function(val, index, array)
if(index<pitch || index>=array.length-pitch || index%pitch<4 || index%pitch>=pitch-4 || index%4==3)
var c = 1,
l1 = 1,
l2 = 1,
l3 = 1,
r1 = 1,
r2 = 1,
r3 = 1;
var avg =
array[index] = avg;
Perhaps an important point that I missed in my original question was to explain that I'm not trying to simulate any real or particular phenomenon (and it probably doesn't help that I call it a "light" bloom). It could be that, when dealing with real light phenomenon, in order to have a penumbra with arbitrary radius you need a source (ie. "completely saturated area") with arbitrary radius. If that were in fact the way a real light bloom behaved, then Jim's and tskuzzy's explanations would seem like reasonable approaches to simulating that. Regardless, that's not what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to control the radius of the "gradient" portion of the bloom independently from the size/intensity/etc. of the source. I'd like to be able to set a single, white (max value) pixel in the center of the screen and have the bloom grow out as far as I want it, to the edges of the screen or beyond if I feel like it.
In order to achieve a good bloom effect, you should be using high-dynamic range rendering . Otherwise, your whites will not be bright enough.
The reason for this is that pixel brightnesses are typically represented from the range [0,1]. Thus the maximum brightness is clamped to 1. However in a real world situation, there isn't really a maximum. And although really bright lights are all perceived as a "1", the visual side-effects like bloom are not the same.
So what you have to do is allow for really bright areas to exceed the maximum brightness, at least for the bloom convolution. Then when you do the rendering, clamp the values as needed.
Once you have that done, you should be able to increase the bloom radius simply by increasing the size of the Airy disk used in the convolution.
The simple summary of tskuzzy's answer is: use a floating-point buffer to store the pre-bloom image, and either convolve into a second floationg-point buffer (whence you saturate the pixels back into integer format) or saturate on the fly to convert each output pixel back to integer before storing it directly in an integer output buffer.
The Airy convolution must be done with headroom (i.e. in either fixed-point or floating-point, and these days the former isn't usually worth the hassle with fast FPUs so common) so that brighter spots in the image will bleed correspondingly more over their neighbouring areas.
Note: on-the-fly saturation for colour isn't as simple as individually clipping the channels - if you do that, you might end up with hue distortion and contours around the spots that clip.
