redux store is not rendered on deleting item - javascript

I'm new to react hooks. I need help in re-rendering the store (from redux) after deleting items from it. The deleted item is removed from the redux store, but it doesn't render unless I reload the page. I used window.location.reload(false), but I need an alternative that wont require page reload. Help is so much appreciated.
case "REMOVE_POST": {
const deletePost = [
...state.posts.filter(item => !==
return {
posts: deletePost
import { store } from "../../store";
const PostsComponent = () => {
const storedPosts = store.getState();
const updatedPosts = storedPosts.posts.posts;
const deletePost = id => {
type: "REMOVE_POST",
posts: { id }
return updatedPosts;
onClick={() => {
// window.location.reload(false);

Thanks. The question wasn't formatted correctly. I wasn't referring to redux, but to re-render the state after an action. I realise the state in the component was not included. Simply including useState helped.
Thanks again.

Well, you cannot access store by just importing it. Or more precisely if you import it directly you should manually subscribe() for its changes and unsubsrcibe() on unmount(to prevent memory leaks).
You better follow guides and official docs and either use connect() HOC or useSelector hook. Then your component will re-render automatically after changes in the store.


How to trigger useEffects before render in React?

I have a prop being passed from a parent component to a child component which changes based on the user's input.
I want to trigger a data fetch in the child component when that prop changes before the child component is rendered. How can I do it?
I tried in the following manner by using useEffects(()=>{},[props.a, props.b]) but that is always called after the render. Please help!
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
export default function parentComponent() {
const [inputs, setInputs] = useState({ a: "", b: "" });
return (
onChange={(event) => {
const value =;
setInputs((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, a: value };
onChange={(event) => {
const value =;
setInputs((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, b: value };
<ChildComponent a={inputs.a} b={inputs.b} />
function ChildComponent(props) {
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true);
const [data, setData] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
console.log("updating new data based on props.a: " + props.a);
setData({ name: "john " + props.a });
return () => {};
}, [props.a, props.b]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("data successfully changed");
if (Object.keys(data).length !== 0) {
return () => {};
}, [data]);
function renderPartOfComponent() {
console.log("rendering POC with props.a: " + props.a);
return <div>data is: {}</div>;
return (
<div className="App">{isLoading ? null : renderPartOfComponent()}</div>
In the console what I get is:
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
updating new data based on props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
data successfully changed
Object {name: "john fe"}
rendering POC with props.a: fe
rendering POC with props.a: fe
If you know how I can make the code more efficient, that would be a great help as well!
Here's the codesandbox link for the code:
You can use useMemo, which doesn't wait for a re-render. It will execute as long as the dependencies are changed.
doSomething() //Doesn't want until render is completed
}, [dep1, dep2])
You can use function below:
// utils.js
const useBeforeRender = (callback, deps) => {
const [isRun, setIsRun] = useState(false);
if (!isRun) {
useEffect(() => () => setIsRun(false), deps);
// yourComponent.js
useBeforeRender(() => someFunc(), []);
useEffect is always called after the render phase of the component. This is to avoid any side-effects from happening during the render commit phase (as it'd cause the component to become highly inconsistent and keep trying to render itself).
Your ParentComponent consists of Input, Input & ChildComponent.
As you type in textbox, ParentComponent: inputs state is modified.
This state change causes ChildComponent to re-render, hence renderPartOfComponent is called (as isLoading remains false from previous render).
After re-render, useEffect will be invoked (Parent's state propagates to Child).
Since isLoading state is modified from the effects, another rendering happens.
I found the solution by creating and maintaining state within the ChildComponent
So, the order of processes was this:
props modified -> render takes place -> useEffect block is executed.
I found the workaround by simply instantiating a state within the childComponent and making sure that the props state is the same as the one in the child component before rendering, else it would just show loading... This works perfectly.
Nowadays you can use useLayoutEffect which is a version of useEffect that fires before the browser repaints the screen.

Is it possible to share states between components using the useState() hook in React?

I was experimenting with the new Hook feature in React. Considering I have the following two components (using React Hooks) -
const HookComponent = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('Abrar');
const [count, setState] = useState();
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<input name="userName" value={username} onChange={handleChange}/>
<p>From HookComponent: {count}</p>
const HookComponent2 = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(999);
return (
<p>You clicked {count} times</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Click me
Hooks claim to solve the problem of sharing stateful logic between components but I found that the states between HookComponent and HookComponent2 are not sharable. For example the change of count in HookComponent2 does not render a change in the HookComponent.
Is it possible to share states between components using the useState() hook?
If you are referring to component state, then hooks will not help you share it between components. Component state is local to the component. If your state lives in context, then useContext hook would be helpful.
Fundamentally, I think you misunderstood the line "sharing stateful logic between components". Stateful logic is different from state. Stateful logic is stuff that you do that modifies state. For e.g., a component subscribing to a store in componentDidMount() and unsubscribing in componentWillUnmount(). This subscribing/unsubscribing behavior can be implemented in a hook and components which need this behavior can just use the hook.
If you want to share state between components, there are various ways to do so, each with its own merits:
1. Lift State Up
Lift state up to a common ancestor component of the two components.
function Ancestor() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(999);
return <>
<DescendantA count={count} onCountChange={setCount} />
<DescendantB count={count} onCountChange={setCount} />
This state sharing approach is not fundamentally different from the traditional way of using state, hooks just give us a different way to declare component state.
2. Context
If the descendants are too deep down in the component hierarchy and you don't want to pass the state down too many layers, you could use the Context API.
There's a useContext hook which you can leverage on within the child components.
3. External State Management Solution
State management libraries like Redux or Mobx. Your state will then live in a store outside of React and components can connect/subscribe to the store to receive updates.
It is possible without any external state management library. Just use a simple observable implementation:
function makeObservable(target) {
let listeners = []; // initial listeners can be passed an an argument aswell
let value = target;
function get() {
return value;
function set(newValue) {
if (value === newValue) return;
value = newValue;
listeners.forEach((l) => l(value));
function subscribe(listenerFunc) {
return () => unsubscribe(listenerFunc); // will be used inside React.useEffect
function unsubscribe(listenerFunc) {
listeners = listeners.filter((l) => l !== listenerFunc);
return {
And then create a store and hook it to react by using subscribe in useEffect:
const userStore = makeObservable({ name: "user", count: 0 });
const useUser = () => {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(userStore.get());
React.useEffect(() => {
return userStore.subscribe(setUser);
}, []);
const actions = React.useMemo(() => {
return {
setName: (name) => userStore.set({ ...user, name }),
incrementCount: () => userStore.set({ ...user, count: user.count + 1 }),
decrementCount: () => userStore.set({ ...user, count: user.count - 1 }),
}, [user])
return {
state: user,
And that should work. No need for React.Context or lifting state up
This is possible using the useBetween hook.
See in codesandbox
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { useBetween } from 'use-between';
const useShareableState = () => {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('Abrar');
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return {
const HookComponent = () => {
const { username, setUsername, count } = useBetween(useShareableState);
const handleChange = (e) => {
return (
<input name="userName" value={username} onChange={handleChange}/>
<p>From HookComponent: {count}</p>
const HookComponent2 = () => {
const { count, setCount } = useBetween(useShareableState);
return (
<p>You clicked {count} times</p>
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>
Click me
We move React hooks stateful logic from HookComponent to useShareableState.
We call useShareableState using useBetween in each component.
useBetween is a way to call any hook. But so that the state will not be stored in the React component.
For the same hook, the result of the call will be the same. So we can call one hook in different components and work together on one state. When updating the shared state, each component using it will be updated too.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of the use-between package.
the doc states:
We import the useState Hook from React. It lets us keep local state in a function component.
it is not mentioned that the state could be shared across components, useState hook just give you a quicker way to declare a state field and its correspondent setter in one single instruction.
I've created hooksy that allows you to do exactly this -
import { createStore } from 'hooksy';
interface UserData {
username: string;
const defaultUser: UserData = { username: 'Foo' };
export const [useUserStore] = createStore(defaultUser); // we've created store with initial value.
// useUserStore has the same signature like react useState hook, but the state will be shared across all components using it
And later in any component
import React from 'react';
import { useUserStore } from './userStore';
export function UserInfo() {
const [user, setUser] = useUserStore(); // use it the same way like useState, but have state shared across any component using it (eg. if any of them will call setUser - all other components using it will get re-rendered with new state)
function login() {
setUser({ username: 'Foo' })
return (
{!user && <strong>You're logged out<button onPress={login}>Login</button></strong>}
{user && <strong>Logged as <strong>{user.username}</strong></strong>}
With hooks its not directly possible.
I recommend you to take a look at react-easy-state.
I use it in big Apps and it works like a charm.
I'm going to hell for this:
// src/hooks/useMessagePipe.ts
import { useReducer } from 'react'
let message = undefined
export default function useMessagePipe() {
const triggerRender = useReducer((bool) => !bool, true)[1]
function update(term: string) {
message = term.length > 0 ? term : undefined
return {message: message, sendMessage: update}
Full explanation over at:
Yes, this is the dirtiest and most concise way i could come up with for solving that specific use case. And yes, for a clean way, you probably want to learn how to useContext, or alternatively take a look at react-easy-state or useBetween for low-footprint solutions, and flux or redux for the real thing.
You will still need to lift your state up to an ancestor component of HookComponent1 and HookComponent2. That's how you share state before and the latest hook api doesnt change anything about it.

React stateless functional components and component lifecycle

So I just switched to using stateless functional components in React with Redux and I was curious about component lifecycle. Initially I had this :
// actions.js
export function fetchUser() {
return {
payload: {
name: 'username',
career: 'Programmer'
Then in the component I used a componentDidMount to fetch the data like so :
// component.js
componentDidMount() {
After switching to stateless functional components I now have a container with :
// statelessComponentContainer.js
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
user: fetchUser().payload
As you can see, currently I am not fetching any data asynchronously. So my question is will this approach cause problems when I start fetching data asynchronously? And also is there a better approach?
I checked out this blog, where they say If your components need lifecycle methods, use ES6 classes.
Any assistance will be appreciated.
Firstly, don't do what you are trying to to do in mapStateToProps. Redux follows a unidirectional data flow pattern, where by component dispatch action, which update state, which changes component. You should not expect your action to return the data, but rather expect the store to update with new data.
Following this approach, especially once you are fetching the data asynchronously, means you will have to cater for a state where your data has not loaded yet. There are plenty of questions and tutorials out there for that (even in another answer in this question), so I won't worry to put an example in here for you.
Secondly, wanting to fetch data asynchronously when a component mounts is a common use case. Wanting to write nice functional component is a common desire. Luckily, I have a library that allows you to do both: react-redux-lifecycle.
Now you can write:
import { onComponentDidMount } from 'react-redux-lifecycle'
import { fetchUser } from './actions'
const User = ({ user }) => {
return // ...
cont mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
user = state.user
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(onComponentDidMount(fetchUser)(User))
I have made a few assumptions about your component names and store structure, but I hope it is enough to get the idea across. I'm happy to clarify anything for you.
Disclaimer: I am the author of react-redux-lifecycle library.
Don't render any view if there is no data yet. Here is how you do this.
Approach of solving your problem is to return a promise from this.props.fetchUser(). You need to dispatch your action using react-thunk (See examples and information how to setup. It is easy!).
Your fetchUser action should look like this:
export function fetchUser() {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
payload: {
name: 'username',
career: 'Programmer'
Then in your Component add to lifecycle method componentWillMount() following code:
componentDidMount() {
.then(() => {
this.setState({ isLoading: false });
Of course your class constructor should have initial state isLoading set to true.
constructor(props) {
// ...
isLoading: true
Finally in your render() method add a condition. If your request is not yet completed and we don't have data, print 'data is still loading...' otherwise show <UserProfile /> Component.
render() {
const { isLoading } = this.state;
return (
<div>{ !isLoading ? <UserProfile /> : 'data is still loading...' }</div>

How to simulate events using React-Redux?

I'm building a desktop app using React and Electron.
Since it's growing fast, I realized I need some kind of state management like Redux to avoid passing many properties between components.
I started reading Redux official documentation but still cannot figure out how to implement it in my case. I'm stuck!
For example, I have a main App component that renders many sub-components. One of them has a button. When clicked, it should dispatch an "event" to the store so the main App can act in consequence. How can I accomplish that?
I cannot find the concept of events and I've hit a wall on how to even start using Redux.
Why events? Because it seems silly to me to dispatch an action and modify app state in this case. I just want to inform the root component to dispatch an action based on a user action.
User interacts with a presentational component that should tell a container component to make an API call or start capturing audio/camera for example.
For what I know up to now, the only way to accomplish this is to mutate state so another component listening for changes detects a special value that means "hey, let's do this", then mutate state again to say "hey, I'm doing this", and when it's done state changes again with "hey, it's done".
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
User interacts with a presentational component that should tell a container component to make an API call or start capturing audio/camera for example.
Perhaps your container component is doing more than it should. Consider a situation where React components do no more than two things:
Display DOM elements based on props
Handle user input (dispatch events)
If you were not using redux and wanted to make an API call when clicking a button, that might look something like:
class App extends Component {
state = { data: {} }
makeAPICall() {
fetch(url).then(data => this.setState({ data }))
render() {
let Child = ({ data, makeAPICall }) => (
<button onClick={makeAPICall}>Call API!</button>
The App component is responsible for storing global state and handling events, but we have to pass down that state and App's handlers through the component tree, quite possibly through components that will never themselves use those props.
By adding Redux your application now has a much better place to handle side effects like API calls or turning a camera on. Middleware!
Let this (crappy) illustration help you:
So now instead your App component can be just a normal presentational component like all of the others, simply displaying data based on store props and handling any user input / dispatching actions if need be. Let's update the above example using the thunk middleware
// actions.js
export let makeAPICall = () => {
return dispatch => {
fetch(url).then(data => dispatch({
type: 'API_SUCCESS',
payload: data,
})).catch(error => dispatch({ type: 'API_FAIL', payload: error }))
// Child.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { makeAPICall } from './actions'
let Child = ({ dispatch }) => (
<button onClick={() => dispatch(makeAPICall())}>Call API!</button>
export default connect()(Child)
Thinking about React applications this way is very powerful. The separation of concerns is very well laid out. Components display stuff and handle events. Middleware takes care of any side effects (if there need to be any) and the store simply is an object that will cause React to re-render in case its data changes.
UPDATE: "The Modal Problem"
React apps may have some global stuff like modals and tooltips. Don't think about the "open modal" event.. think "what is the current modal content?".
A modal setup may look something along these lines:
// modalReducer.js
function reducer (state = null, action) {
if (action.type === 'UPDATE_MODAL') {
return action.payload
// return default state
return state
// App.js
let App = connect(state => ({ modal: state.modal }))(
props =>
<OtherStuff />
<Modal component={props.modal} />
// Modal.js
let Modal = props =>
position: 'fixed',
width: '100vw', height: '100vh',
opacity: props.component ? 1 : 0,
// Child.js
let Child = connect()(props =>
<button onClick={e =>
payload: <YourAwesomeModal />
Open your awesome modal!
This is just an example, but would work great! when state.modal is null your Modal has 0 opacity and won't show. When you dispatch UPDATE_MODAL and pass in a component, the modal will show whatever you dispatch and change the opacity to 1 so you can see it. Later you can dispatch { type: 'UPDATE_MODAL', payload: null } to close the modal.
Hopefully this gives you some things to think about!
Definitely read this answer by Dan. His approach is similar but stored modal "metadata" vs the component itself which lends itself better to Redux fanciness like time travel etc.
Is the reason you think it seems silly because you don't want your presentational components to be redux-aware? If so mapDispatchToProps and bindActionCreators might help tidy things up, for example:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { someAction } from './actions';
import Button from './Button';
const App = ({ onButtonClick }) => (
<Button onClick={onButtonClick}>Click me.</Button>
export default connect(null, dispatch => {
return bindActionCreators({
onButtonClick: someAction
}, dispatch);
// Button.js
import React from 'react';
export default Button = ({ onClick, children }) => <button onClick={onClick}>{children}</button>;
As you can see only the connected container component is aware of the action, the Button (and even the App) are unaware that click triggers an action.
For what it's worth, I had a similar problem (click a button elsewhere in the tree and cause a map to reset its viewport) and solved it with a simple incremental key.
Button dispatches action:
export const RESET_MAP = "RESET_MAP";
export const resetMap = () => {
return {
type: RESET_MAP,
In reducer:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
setvar: state.setvar + 1
In map:
static getDerivedStateFromProps(newProps, state) {
var newState = null;
if (newProps.setvar !== state.setvar) {
newState = {
setvar: newProps.setvar,
[other magic to reset the viewport]
return newState;

Run reducer after state is updated by another reducer

Let's say I've got an app with two reducers - tables and footer combined using combineReducers().
When I click on some button two actions are being dispatched - one after another: "REFRESH_TABLES" and "REFRESH_FOOTER".
tables reducer is listening for the first action and it modifies the state of tables. The second action triggers footer reducer. The thing is it needs current state of tables in order to do it's thing.
My implementation looks something like below.
Button component:
import React from 'react';
const refreshButton = React.createClass({
refresh () {
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.refresh}>Refresh</button>
export default refreshButton;
export function refreshTables() {
return {
export function refreshFooter(tables) {
return {
The problem is that the props didn't update at this point so the state of tables that footer reducer gets is also not updated yet and it contains the data form before the tables reducer run.
So how do I get a fresh state to the reducer when multiple actions are dispatched one after another from the view?
Seems you need to handle the actions async so you can use a custom middleware like redux-thuk to do something like this:
function refreshTables() {
return {
function refreshFooter(tables) {
return {
export function refresh() {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
.then(() => dispatch(refreshFooter(getState().tables)))
const refreshButton = React.createClass({
refresh () {
{/* ... */}
Although splitting it asynchronous may help, the issue may be in the fact that you are using combineReducers. You should not have to rely on the tables from props, you want to use the source of truth which is state.
You need to look at rewriting the root reducer so you have access to all of state. I have done so by writing it like this.
const rootReducer = (state, action) => ({
tables: tableReducer(state.tables, action, state),
footer: footerReducer(state.footer, action, state)
With that you now have access to full state in both reducers so you shouldn't have to pass it around from props.
Your reducer could then looks like this.
const footerReducer = (state, action, { tables }) => {
That way you are not actually pulling in all parts of state as it starts to grow and only access what you need.
