Node.js global variable only works once - javascript

I have a global variable in my server side code inside a post route and i am trying to access it within another post route. The code executes perfectly when the second post route is called for the first time, but when the second post route is triggered a second time, the value of the global variable becomes undefined.
Snippet of first post route that declares the global variable:"/login", function(req, res) {
fs.readFile('results.json', function (err, data) {
} else{
var json = JSON.parse(data)
global.Identifier = Identifier;
return global.Identifier;
snippet of second post request that accesses global variable:"/addtask", function(req, res) {
var gloablIdentifier = global.Identifier;
(When the second post request is accessed a second time, the value of gloablIdentifier = undefined )
NOTE: I understand that using global variables is VERY BAD PRACTICE and should be avoided in most situations at all costs, but I would still like to work on this problem.
Thanks in advance

You did not wait readFile has to be finished and return response. Since, fs.readFile is async, global.Identifier will update later. You can await to read the file and then return;"/login", function(req, res) {
fs.readFile("results.json", function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
var json = JSON.parse(data);
global.Identifier = Identifier;
return global.Identifier;
// wait for read file
// res.redirect("/");
async-await version:
const { promisify } = require("util");
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);"/login", async function(req, res) {
try {
const data = await readFile("results.json");
var json = JSON.parse(data);
global.Identifier = Identifier;
return res.redirect("/");
} catch (error) {
return res.redirect("/");

From the looks of it, you are using something like Express.
Even though this might be a bad practice I think that you should give a try to using the set functionality provided by express itself.
As such, in your app.js do it like this:
app.set("identifier", Identifier)
Then, in your routes:"/addtask", function(req, res) {
var gloablIdentifier = app.get('identifier')
I did not test this, it's based on the documentation and on this answer
EDIT: I tested this and it works. Also, to change the variable again just do this on your route:
app.set('identifier', newValue)
I hope the answer is complete now!


Why do async functions not work within a controller's get() handler?

I am using Node and Express with the the mssql npm package to connect to an SQL Server database. I do this in my app.js file which sets up a global variable to create a connectionPool to the database like so (I omitted some boilerplate stuff for brevity):
const mssql = require('mssql/msnodesqlv8'); // needs to use msnodesqlv8 driver for Windows Authentication to work
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const DB_MYDB_Config = {
server: "localhost",
database: "MYDB",
options: {
trustedConnection: true // Windows auth enabled hence no username/password required
global.MSSQL_MYDB = new mssql.ConnectionPool(DB_MYDB_Config); //connectionPool available to whole app
I have a Model file called offer.js which just does this:
async function getOffersAll() {
await MSSQL_MYDB.connect(); // connects to the database
try {
var result = await MSSQL_MYDB.request(MSSQL_MYDB).query('SELECT Top(1) * FROM [dbo].[Offer]');
return result; // returns the recordset of data
} catch (error) {
} finally {
try {
await MSSQL_MYDB.close(); // closes the DB connection
catch (error) {
console.log('Error closing connection');
exports.getOffersAll = getOffersAll;
So far so good. I then have a Controller file index.js which doesn't really work (explained with comments):
var router = require('express').Router();
const Offer = require('../models/offer'); // the `offer.js` file
/* the function below works perfectly */
(async function () {
var rsOffersAll = await Offer.getOffersAll();
console.dir(rsOffersAll); // works great! recordset rsOffersAll is printed to console
/* this is where it goes wrong even after commenting out the test function above */
router.get('/', async function(req, res) {
var rsOffersAll = await Offer.getOffersAll(); // this just hangs and eventually I get a login failed error for SQL Server.
res.render('index', { pagetitle: 'Homepage'}); // never renders
module.exports = router;
My question is why does the first async function() that awaits a result from Offer.getOffersAll() not fail, but the same async function placed within the router.get('/') handler fails with a login error? If I remove the var rsOffersAll = await Offer.getOffersAll(); from the router.get('/') handler then the page renders, but of course I have no data to pass to it.
The exact same thing happens even if I store the test function's value in a variable and try to put it in the router.get() handler like this:
async function getOffersTest() {
return await Offer.getOffersAll();
router.get('/', async function(req, res) {
var rsOffersAll = await getOffersTest(); // still breaks
res.render('index', { pagetitle: 'Homepage'}); // still never renders
My ultimate question how do I fix this so it just works the way it should in that when the homepage is visited, the router waits for the data to be returned from the database and then I can pass it to my view or just print to the console if I want?
because of this line global.MSSQL_MYDB = new mssql.ConnectionPool(DB_MYDB_Config);,
when you execute this code outside of router,
(async function () {
var rsOffersAll = await Offer.getOffersAll();
console.dir(rsOffersAll); // works great! recordset rsOffersAll is printed to console
getOffersAll has access to global variable,
and you can successfully connect with db in line await MSSQL_MYDB.connect(); //
but as for router, global scope is the current module.exports object, not the global object.
you can set MSSQL_MYDB in app like this,
then you can get this same variable in following function like this
router.get('/', async function(req, res) {
var rsOffersAll = await getOffersTest(MSSQL_MYDB );
res.render('index', { pagetitle: 'Homepage'}); // still never renders
This whole problem was just solved and it is a bug or something in node mssql package. It only works if you provide a username and password. If you use options: {trustedConnection: true } to enable windows authentication, then the router can never log in. I don't know why this is the case, but if you just supply a username and password (I used sa for testing) then it works fine.

Making a get request from within a get request

I'm pretty new to node.js and express and I was wondering if there's a way to define a route that calls upon another route simply to collect data and not to completely reroute.
I've got a route set up as follows:
app.get("/databases/list", function(req, res) {
db.listDatabases().then(names => {
Subsequently I'd like to have a different route, say:
app.get('/whatever', function(req, res) {
// here I'd like to make a call to retrieve the information from the first route
// then I'd like to do something with that information, I want to stay in the same route.
Is this possible?
Expanding #marcobiedermann answer, In your case simply make a controller and and use the FUNCTION in both the routes. You don't need to fetch anything.
/// --- Controller ----
class SimpleController {
this.db = db;
listDatabase(/*maybe optional callback*/){
return this.db.listDatabases();//or something....
whatever(/*maybe optional callback*/){
return this.listDatabase()
/// --- Routes ----
const sController = new SimpleController(db);
app.get("/databases/list", function(req, res) {
sController.ListDatabase().then(names => {
app.get('/whatever', function(req, res) {
Yes this is possible.
You have to fetch the data from your first endpoint.
.then( … )
This requires the /databases/list route to be defined before your /whatever route.
However, I would strongly advice you to NOT do this.
You should abstract your logic into a controller and call this controller in both of your routes:
const fetchController = {
fetchData: () => {
return fetch('path/to/data/to/fetch')
.then( … )
// or database call or wherever you might get the data from
app.get('/databases/list', (req, res) => fetchController.fetchData());
app.get('/whatever', (req, res) => fetchController.fetchData());
app.get("/databases/list", async function(req, res) {
return await db.listDatabases();
app.get('/whatever', async function(req, res) {
const result = await fetch('path/databases/list');
It might help you, But it's not recommended way. You can create method (common somewhere in the controller) and use that where ever you need.

Pass data from express route into node module export function

I am new to node, I think I need to use middleware, but I can't warp my head around what it is actually used for, or if this is where it is meant to be used. I have data that is being posted from my view into an express route.
ROUTE - route.js
var GetPlayer = require('./models/getPlayer.js');
module.exports = function(app) {'/api/getPlayer', function(req, res) {
console.log(req.body.username); //this logs the correct data
but now I need to pass that data into a node api call and send that response back to the client. But I can not get the route to call that function or pass the data into it.
MODULE.EXPORT - getPlayer.js
module.exports = {
apiGetPlayer: function(error, res) {
console.log("in get player");
You would only want to use an Express middleware if this is something you want to do for more than one route (ie. parsing request body's from JSON to actual Object using body-parser). That seems like it could be overkill based on the supplied code. One way to approach this is to just take the username and pass a callback function in to getPlayer. Then when the callback function passed to apiGetPlayer() returns, respond back to the requester based on the result of apiGetPlayer().
module.exports =
// callback is an error-first callback function
apiGetPlayer: function(username, callback) {
let err;
let player;
// Logic for getting player go here
// If an error occurs return an error to the callback
if (err)
return callback(err, null);
return callback(null, player);
/api/getPlayer route'/api/getPlayer', (req, res) => {
GetPlayer.apiGetPlayer(req.body.username, (err, player) => {
if (err)
return res.status(500).send(err);
return res.status(200).send(player);

It is possible to enhance the express.js req and res variables without using a middleware function?

I'm working in a restful service using express.js and i want to enhance the req and res variables so for example you could write something like
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.Ok = function (data) {
res.InternalError = function (err) {
And later
router.get('/foo', function (req, res) {
This will send 'foo' in the body of the response and set the status code to 200 and is working perfectly.
My first question is if it is possible to add such functionality without a middleware function, lets say in a property or the prototype of the app variable?
The second question is if there are performance issues if you add many functionality with middleware functions at the app level. Are this functions attached to the request and response object per request or once on the application startup?
I know the Sails framework already do this but I'm wondering if they use middleware functions as well.
I keep digging and turns out that the request and response object are exposed in express using the __proto__ property.
var express = require('express'),
app = express(); = function (data) {
And later in the router
router.get('/foo', function (req, res, next) {'test');
This will print test in your browser so it is possible to add functionality without using any middleware.
Note: I'm sure there are some drawbacks to this approach (overwriting express predefined properties, for example) but for testing purposes and adding very simple functionality I think is slightly better in terms of performance.
I'm not aware of any other way than using middleware. But in my opinion you could do the following to achieve nearly the same thing.
// Some Route
router.get('/foo', function(req, res, next) {
// ...
if(err) {
return next(err);
return res.send('ok');
// Another route
router.get('/bar', function(req, res, next) {
// ...
if(badUserId) {
return next('Invalid userId.');
req.result = 'hello';
return next();
router.use(function(req, res) {
// I prefer to send the result in the route but an
// approach like this could work
return res.send(req.result);
// Error Middleware
router.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
if(res.statusCode === 500) {
// Log the error here
return res.send('Internal server error');
} else {
return res.send(err);

LoopBack: cannot call method 'post' of undefined

I am new to loopback and node.js.
I have created two models: Rating and RatingsAggregate
using the loopback explorer, I can query and post against the API just fine.
I am try to setup some basic business logic so I am editing the file Rating.js in common/models
Here is the content of it:
module.exports = function(Rating) {
Rating.afterRemote('**', function(ctx, inst, next) {
var loopback = require('loopback');
var app = loopback();
var ratingsaggregate = app.models.ratingsaggregate;{"source":"foobar","restaurantID":"foobar","itemMenuName":"foobar","itemSectionName":"foobar","itemName":"foobar","nRatings1":123,"nRatings2":123,"nRatings3":123,"nRatings4":123,"nRatings5":123,"hasImage":true,"imageSize":123,"latestImageRatingID":"foobar","imageCount":123,"lastUpdated":"foobar"}, function(err, response) {
if (err) console.error(err);
I can load my API, but whenever I run a get statement against it, I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot call method 'post' of undefined
My guess is that somehow ratingsaggregate never gets a value... but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Obviously this is not the end state of my business logic, but I am trying some basic CRUD right now between two models
And... here is the answer. There was a getModel function hidden in the documentation
module.exports = function(Rating) {
Rating.afterRemote('create', function(ctx, inst, next) {
var loopback = require('loopback');
var ratingsaggregate = loopback.getModel('ratingsaggregate');
ratingsaggregate.create({"source":"foobar","restaurantID":"foobar","itemMenuName":"foobar","itemSectionName":"foobar","itemName":"foobar","nRatings1":123,"nRatings2":123,"nRatings3":123,"nRatings4":123,"nRatings5":123,"hasImage":true,"imageSize":123,"latestImageRatingID":"foobar","imageCount":123,"lastUpdated":"foobar"}, function(err, response) {
if (err) console.error(err);
Fixes everything and the behaviour is the expected one
