Why is this function initiating before it is called? [duplicate] - javascript

I need to perform a huge calculation. So, I refer here to create a simple loading screen. Unfortunately, the loading screen is shown after the calculation complete.
Here is my code
class RosterScheduler
var startDate=parseInt($("#autoPlannStartDate").val());
var endDate=parseInt($("#autoPlanEndDate").val());
if (startDate>endDate)
alert("Invalid start date or end date selection");
if (this.rosterTable.haveInvalidPreferredShift(startDate,endDate))
alert("Invalid shift requirement detected");
var self=this;
var finalRoster;
var roster,tempAverageSD,lowestAverageSD=100.0;
for (var i=0;i<100;i++)
I found that if I remark the for loop, the loading screen working properly.
If I uncomment the for loop, the loading screen is shown after the "Done" is shown in the console. How can I fix the problem? I have tried to convert the function _genRoster into a Promise function, however, it does not work.

It looks like _genRoster is blocking the browser, and not giving it any resources to re-render/repaint until the loop is completed. One possibility would be to run the loop after giving the browser a few ms to render the .loading:
this.theLowestSDRosters = [];
this.theLowestMissingShiftRosters = [];
setTimeout(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
this._genRoster(startDate, endDate);
}, 50);
It might be more elegant to call a function with 0 timeout after a single requestAnimationFrame, thus giving the browser time to repaint and then running the heavy loop immediately afterwards:
(warning: the following code will block your browser for a bit)
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
console.log('start, setting timeout');
setTimeout(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {


problem with naturalHeight and naturalWidth Javascript

I try to sort Images by landscape/portrait format therefor I first select all images on the page with the selectFunction() then I sort them with the function "hochquer" which triggers further actions.
my Problem:
One image shows up with a width and height of 0 in console.log() even though it is properly displayed on my page and has a actual width and height. If I reload the Page for a second time it works perfectly fine and I get a width and height for this Image.
can anyone help me with this?
//Screenshot of the console added
function selectFunction() {
img = document.querySelectorAll(".img");
let imgSelector = Array.from(img);
if (imgSelector % 2 != 0) {
return imgSelector;
function hochquer(callback) {
for (let i = 0; i < selectFunction().length; i++) {
let Width = selectFunction()[i].naturalWidth;
console.log(Width, "w");
let Height = selectFunction()[i].naturalHeight;
console.log(Height, "h");
let Ratio = Width / Height;
if (Ratio >= 1) {
} else {
if (Ratio < 1) {
} else {
Screenshot of the console:
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Jr6P8.png
some more code I use which I think addresses what #54ka mentioned
function newImg() {
let createImg = [];
let imgSrc = [];
const imgContainer = document.querySelector(".gallery");
for (let i = 0; i < Gallery.length; i++) {
createImg.push(new Image());
imgSrc.push(Pfad + Gallery[i]);
createImg[i].setAttribute("src", imgSrc[i]);
createImg[i].setAttribute("class", "Img");
function checkImage(path) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
createImg[i].onload = () => resolve({ path, status: "ok" });
createImg[i].onerror = () => resolve({ path, status: "error" });
loadImg = function (...path) {
return Promise.all(path.map(checkImage));
loadImg(imgSrc).then(function (result) {
I have made the following changes basing on your comment below after executing previous code.
I'm now adding the event listeners to all images in imgLoadCallback( ) and created a callback function containing code from hochquer( ) function. Please try to run this code.
const imgLoadCallback = function(){
for (let i = 0; i < selectFunction().length; i++) {
let Width = selectFunction()[i].naturalWidth;
console.log(Width, 'w');
let Height = selectFunction()[i].naturalHeight;
console.log(Height, 'h');
let Ratio = Width / Height;
if (Ratio >= 1) {
} else {
if (Ratio < 1) {
} else {
function selectFunction() {
img = document.querySelectorAll(".img");
img.forEach(i => i.addEventListener('load', imgLoadCallback))
let imgSelector = Array.from(img);
if (imgSelector % 2 != 0) {
return imgSelector;
function hochquer(callback) {
From before edit:
Like #54ka has mentioned in the comments, it is possible that the
image does not load immediately, usually stuff like loading images
from src etc happen in the WEB API Environment asynchronously while
execution , in order to not block the primary execution thread.
Remainder of your code is synchronous, including console.log( )s that
you are performing in order to log the width and height to the
console, so those happen pretty much immediately as soon as that
particular line of code is reached.
Therefore, what I have done in the below code is basically add an
event handler for each of the image tags and only when the image has
completed 'load' the below code inside the handler will be executed
(this is where we are printing the width and height to console now).
Now, this callback function that I have added will only execute after
image loads. So, with this, it will most likely print the correct
width and height to console. But I cannot be sure until we run it at
your end because you are calling a callback at the very end.
It was about a delay in the loading of the picture I fixed it with a new approach by using the onload event and code from the link #54ka provided.
comment of #54ka:
The reason is that when you first load, you take a size from a picture that has not yet been loaded. In the refresh browser, it lays it down and manages to show it before the script passes. To resolve this issue, add an "onload Event" such as: <body onload="myFunction()"> or try this link: Javascript - execute after all images have loaded

Create an loading screen for long calculation

I need to perform a huge calculation. So, I refer here to create a simple loading screen. Unfortunately, the loading screen is shown after the calculation complete.
Here is my code
class RosterScheduler
var startDate=parseInt($("#autoPlannStartDate").val());
var endDate=parseInt($("#autoPlanEndDate").val());
if (startDate>endDate)
alert("Invalid start date or end date selection");
if (this.rosterTable.haveInvalidPreferredShift(startDate,endDate))
alert("Invalid shift requirement detected");
var self=this;
var finalRoster;
var roster,tempAverageSD,lowestAverageSD=100.0;
for (var i=0;i<100;i++)
I found that if I remark the for loop, the loading screen working properly.
If I uncomment the for loop, the loading screen is shown after the "Done" is shown in the console. How can I fix the problem? I have tried to convert the function _genRoster into a Promise function, however, it does not work.
It looks like _genRoster is blocking the browser, and not giving it any resources to re-render/repaint until the loop is completed. One possibility would be to run the loop after giving the browser a few ms to render the .loading:
this.theLowestSDRosters = [];
this.theLowestMissingShiftRosters = [];
setTimeout(() => {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
this._genRoster(startDate, endDate);
}, 50);
It might be more elegant to call a function with 0 timeout after a single requestAnimationFrame, thus giving the browser time to repaint and then running the heavy loop immediately afterwards:
(warning: the following code will block your browser for a bit)
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'green';
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
console.log('start, setting timeout');
setTimeout(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {

How to wait for multiple WebWorkers in a loop

I have the following issue with Web Workers in JS. I have a heavy duty application doing some simulation. The code runs in multiple Web Workers.
The main thread is running on a WebPage. But could also be a Web Worker, if it makes sense.
var myWebWorkers = [];
function openWorker(workerCount){
for(var i = 0; i < workerCount; i++){
myWebWorkers[i] = new Worker('worker.js');
myWebWorkers[i].onmessage = function(e){
this.result = e.data;
this.isReady = true;
function setWorkerData(somedata){
// somedata.length is always a multiple of myWebWorkers.length
var elementCntPerWorker = somedata.length / myWebWorkers.length;
myWebWorkers.forEach(function(worker, index){
worker.isReady = false;
somedata.slice(index * elementCntPerWorker,
(index + 1) * elementCntPerWorker - 1));
var somedata = [...];
for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++){
if(x % 100) updateSVGonWebPage
function waitUntilWorkersAreDoneButAllowBrowserToReact(){
/* wait for all myWebWorkers-onchange event, but
allow browser to react and don't block a full Web Worker
Following example is my intension. But will not work, because
events are not executed until code excution stops.
somedata = [];
for(var i = 0; i < myWebWorkers.length; i++){
somedata = somedata.concat(myWebWorkers.result);
What I need is really the waitUntilWorkersAreDoneButAllowBrowserToReact function or a concept to get this running. Every searching reagarding Mutex, sleep, etc ends in the following sentences: "JS is single threaded", "This will only work if you are not in a loop", "There is no reason to have a sleep function". etc.
Even when passing the main task to another Worker, I got the problem, that this thread is 100 % duty on checking, if the others are ready, which is waste of energy and processing power.
I would love to have a blocking function like myWebWorker.waitForReady(), which would allow events still to be handled. This would bring javascript to its next level. But may be I missed a simple concept that will do exactly this.
Thank you!
I would love to have a blocking function like myWebWorker.waitForReady()
No, that's not possible. All the statements you researched are correct, web workers stay asynchronous and will only communicate by messages. There is no waiting for events, not even on worker threads.
You will want to use promises for this:
function createWorkers(workerCount, src) {
var workers = new Array(workerCount);
for (var i = 0; i < workerCount; i++) {
workers[i] = new Worker(src);
return workers;
function doWork(worker, data) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
worker.onmessage = resolve;
function doDistributedWork(workers, data) {
// data size is always a multiple of the number of workers
var elementsPerWorker = data.length / workers.length;
return Promise.all(workers.map(function(worker, index) {
var start = index * elementsPerWorker;
return doWork(worker, data.slice(start, start+elementsPerWorker));
var myWebWorkers = createWorkers(8, 'worker.js');
var somedata = [...];
function step(i) {
if (i <= 0)
return Promise.resolve("done!");
return doDistributedWork(myWebWorkers, somedata)
.then(function(results) {
if (i % 100)
return step(i-1)
Promise.all does the magic of waiting for concurrently running results, and the step function does the asynchronous looping using a recursive approach.

General Exception Error from word-win32-16.00.js:19:150094)\n at yi

I have a 100 or so Word Open XML (.xml, not .docx, saved as "Word XML Document")documents (components) stored on SharePoint.
I use AJAX to load these by selection, as xml, 1 to many into an array, in which I also manage the selection sequence.
Once the user has selected the "components" they can then insert them into Word, the insertion is done via an array traversal (there is probably a better way to do this - but for now it does work),
wordBuild does the loading
function writeDocSync(){
// run through nameXMLArray to find the right sequence
var x = 0;
var countXMLAdds = 0;
$('.progress-button').progressInitialize("Building Word");
// only run if we have data present
if(nameXMLArray.length > 0){
// increment through sequentially until we have all values
while (countXMLAdds <= checkedList.length){
// repeatedly traverse the array to get the next in sequence
while (x < nameXMLArray.length){
if (Number(nameXMLArray[x].position) === countXMLAdds && nameXMLArray[x].useStatus === true){
progHold = countXMLAdds;
wordBuild(nameXMLArray[x].xml, nameXMLArray[x].filename, countXMLAdds);
countXMLAdds ++;
document.getElementById("showCheck").className = "results";
writeSelections("<b>You just built your proposal using<br/>the following components:</b><br/>");
function wordBuild(xmlBody, nameDoc, progress){
var aryLN = checkedList.length;
var progPCT = (progress/aryLN)*100;
Word.run(function (context) {
var currentDoc = context.document;
var body = currentDoc.body;
body.insertOoxml(xmlBody, Word.InsertLocation.end);
body.insertBreak(Word.BreakType.page, Word.InsertLocation.end);
return context.sync().then(function () {
showNotification("Written " + nameDoc);
.catch(function (error) {
showNotification('Error: ' + nameDoc + ' :' + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
showNotification('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
All the documents will load singly, and all will load in batches of say 10 - 30 or more.
The problem comes when I load the entire set (I have a "check all" option).
Sometimes 50 will build before I get an exception, sometimes 60, rarely more than 60, but very occasionally I get a gap where the exception doesn't occur, then it continues later.
The exception (which is repeated for each file) is:
Debug info: {}
Error: componentABC.xml :{"name":"OfficeExtension.Error","code":"GeneralException","message":"An internal error has occurred.","traceMessages":[],"debugInfo":{},"stack":"GeneralException: An internal error has occurred.\n at Anonymous function (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:150094)\n at yi (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163912)\n at st (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163999)\n at d (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:163819)\n at c (https://customerportal.sharepoint.com/sites/components/Shared%20Documents/componentAssembler/Scripts/Office/1/word-win32-16.00.js:19:162405)"}
Any help with what might cause this would be hugely appreciated.
Oh I should also say, the files where the exception is raised don't get inserted into Word. But in smaller batches - they work without issue.
Word.run() is an asynchronous call, and there's a limit to the number of concurrent Word.run() calls you can make. Since you're executing Word.run() inside a while loop, all of them get kicked off at the same time and run simultaneously.
There are a few ways to work around this.
Put everything inside one Word.run() call. This puts everything in one giant batch, avoiding multiple roundtrip calls to Word.
if (nameXMLArray.length > 0 {
Word.run(function(context) {
while(...) {
wordBuild(context, nameXMLArray[x].xml, nameXMLArray[x].filename, countXMLAdds);
return context.sync();
function wordBuild(context, xmlBoxy, nameDoc, progress) {
//everything as it currently is, except without the Word.run and the context.sync
Implement wordBuild as a promise, and use AngularJS’s $q service to chain the promises, something vaguely like this:
function wordBuild(...) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
Word.run( function(context) {
// current code
return context.sync().then(function() {
return deferred.promise;
//Somewhere else
for (var x…)
Angularjs $q.all
Chain the wordBuild calls yourself, as something like this:
var x = 0;
var context;
function (wordBuild() {
if (x >= nameXMLArray.length)
else {
context.document.body.insertOoxml(ooxml, Word.InsertLocation.end);
return context.sync().then(wordBuild);
Word.run(function (ctx) {
context = ctx;
return wordBuild();
This sort of approach is difficult to maintain, but it could work.
Incidentally, the progress meter in your original code only updates when the call to Word starts, not when it actually returns. You might want to move the progress meter update code into the callback.
I ended up using jQuery deferreds, I was already using jQuery for treeview and checkboxes etc. so it made sense.
This is a mix of Geoffrey's suggestions and my own! I cannot claim it to be good code, only that is does work. (If it is good code or not will take me more time to understand!)
I run batches of 49 xml doc inserts, at 51 the Async call "Word.run" failed in tests, and inserts of 80 or so documents in one Word.run caused Word to freeze, so although not proven 49 inserts within 1 Word.run seems like a good starter for 10! 50 inserts of 49 pieces allows for 2450 inserts, which is way beyond anything I can see being needed, and would probably break Word!
To get the deferreds and sent variables to keep their values once launched as asynch deferreds I had to create a variable to transfer both new deferreds, and values, so I could use the "bind" command.
As Word async returns context.sync() I check the count of the batch, when the batch is completed, I then call the next batch - inside the context.sync()
A sort of recursive call, still a combination of Geoffrey's suggestion, and batches. This has a theoretical limit of 50 batches of 49 document sections. So far this has worked in all tests.
The progress meter exists in its own timed call, but as JavaScript prioritises code over UI it does hop. For example 120 documents it will hop just below half way fairly quickly, then a while later jump to almost complete, then complete (effectively 3 hops of a massively fast sequential percentage increases, various tricks suggested have zero effect (forceRepaint() is the latest experiment!).
function startUILock(){
// batch up in groups of 49 documents (51 and more were shown to fail, 49 gives manouvre room)
$('.progress-button').progressInitialize("Building Word");
$.blockUI({message: "Building word..."});
setTimeout(forceRepaint, 3000);
function forceRepaint(){
var el = document.getElementById('progDiv');
el.style.cssText += ';-webkit-transform:rotateZ(0deg)';
el.style.cssText += ';-webkit-transform:none';
function UIUnlock(insertedCount){
var pct = (insertedCount/checkedList.length)*100
//showNotification('Progress percent is: ' + pct);
if (insertedCount !== checkedList.length ){
} else {
function writeDocDeffered(){
insertedCounter = 0;
var lastBatch = 0;
var x = 49;
var z = checkedList.length + 1;
if(x > z){
deferreds = buildDeferredBatch(x, lastBatch);
$.when(deferreds).done(function () {
.fail(function () {
//showNotification('One of our promises failed');
function buildDeferredBatch(batch, lastBatch) {
// this ensures the variables remain as issued - allows use of "bind"
var deferredsa = [];
var docSender = {
defr : $.Deferred(),
POSITION: batch,
runMe : function(){
this.defr.resolve(writeDocBatchedDeferred(this.POSITION, this.LASTPOSITION, this.defr));
// small timeout might not be required
deferredsa.push(setTimeout(docSender.runMe.bind(docSender), 10));
return deferredsa;
function writeDocBatchedDeferred(batch, lastBatch, defr){
// write the batches using deferred and promises
var x;
var countXMLAdds = lastBatch;
x = 0;
var fileName;
// only run if we have data present
if(nameXMLArray.length > 0){
var aryLN = checkedList.length;
// increment through sequentially until we have all values
Word.run(function (context) {
var currentDoc = context.document;
var body = currentDoc.body;
while (countXMLAdds <= batch){
// repeatedly traverse the array to get the next in sequence
while (x < nameXMLArray.length){
if (Number(nameXMLArray[x].position) === countXMLAdds && nameXMLArray[x].useStatus === true){
fileName = nameXMLArray[x].filename;
body.insertOoxml(nameXMLArray[x].xml, Word.InsertLocation.end);
body.insertBreak(Word.BreakType.page, Word.InsertLocation.end);
insertedCounter = countXMLAdds;
var latest = insertedCounter;
var timerIt = {
LATEST: latest,
runMe : function(){
countXMLAdds ++;
return context.sync().then(function () {
if(countXMLAdds = batch){
var lastBatch = batch + 1;
// set for next batch
var nextBatch = batch + 50;
var totalBatch = checkedList.length + 1;
// do not exceed the total batch
if(nextBatch > totalBatch){
// any left to process keep going
if (nextBatch <= totalBatch && lastBatch < nextBatch){
deferreds = deferreds.concat(buildDeferredBatch(nextBatch, lastBatch));
// this batch done
.catch(function (error) {
showNotification('Error: ' + nameXMLArray[x].filename + " " + JSON.stringify(error));
if (error instanceof OfficeExtension.Error) {
showNotification('Debug info: ' + JSON.stringify(error.debugInfo));
document.getElementById("showCheck").className = "results";
writeSelections("<b>You just built your document using<br/>the following components:</b><br/>");
return defr.promise;

Calling function from function WEIRD RESULTS

I was trying to show a text gradually on the screen (like marquee). e.g. H.. He.. Hell.. Hello. when I'm tracing it in debug in VS2010 it's working! but when it's actually running it shows the whole sentence at once.
I made a certain "delay" for about 3 seconds between each letter so it would suppose to take a while, but in reality it's shows everything immediately.
Who's the genius to solve this mystery? (please don't give me advices how to create the marquee effect, it's not the issue anymore. now it's just a WAR between me and javascript!) I'm assuming that it has to do with synchronization when calling function from function?
Thanks to whomever will help me get my sanity back.
you can download the code from here (VS project):
or view it here:
<script type="text/javascript">
//trying to display this source sentence letter by letter:
var source = "hi javascript why are you being such a pain";
var target = "";
var pos = 0;
var mayGoOn = false;
//this function calls another function which suppose to "build" the sentence increasing index using the global var pos (it's even working when following it in debug)
function textticker() {
if (pos < source.length) {
if (mayGoOn == true) {
mayGoOn = false;
function flash() {
//I tried to put returns everywhere assuming that this may solve it probably one of them in not necessary but it doesn't solve it
if (mayGoOn == true) { return; }
while (true) {
var d = new Date();
if (d.getSeconds() % 3 == 0) {
//alert('this suppose to happen only in about every 3 seconds');
target = source.substring(0, pos);
mayGoOn = true;
You're obviously doing it wrong. Take a look at this.
var message = "Hello World!";
function print(msg, idx) {
if(!idx) {
idx = 0;
$('#hello').html(msg.substring(0, idx));
if(idx < msg.length) {
setTimeout(function() { print(msg, idx + 1) }, 200);
Demo: http://jsbin.com/evehus
