How can I push() without firebase generating a random ID - Webapp - javascript

Here's the code, set() will not work as I will like to add more names and values because when I want to delete from the program I won't know the autogenerated id. Is there any alternative push() method that will not generate this ID?
var database = firebase.database();
var ref_income = database.ref('Income');
var ref_expense = database.ref('Expense');
//Add month tracker for firebase
var now = new Date();
var months = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
var month = now.getMonth();
var ref_budget = database.ref('Budget/' + months[month]);
//To eliminate income or expense
return {
addItem: function(type, des, val){
var newItem,
// Create new ID
if(data.allItems[type].length > 0){
ID = data.allItems[type][data.allItems[type].length-1].id+1;
else {
ID = 0;
// Create new item based on "inc" or "exp" type
if(type === "exp"){
newItem = new Expense(ID,des,val);
//Identifying using indexes to determine the parameters of the object
var key_des = Object.keys(newItem)[1];
var key_val = Object.keys(newItem)[2];
//Object including descritption as name and income as value to be pushed to firebase
var Expense_data = {
[newItem[key_des]]: newItem[key_val]
//Checking on console whether Firebase has recieved it
//Adding the objects into firebase
else if(type === "inc") {
newItem = new Income(ID,des,val);
var key_des = Object.keys(newItem)[1];
var key_val = Object.keys(newItem)[2]
//Object including descritption as name and income as value to be pushed to firebase
var Income_data = {
[newItem[key_des]]: newItem[key_val]
//Checking on console whether Firebase has recieved it
//Adding the objects into firebase
// Push it into our data structure (Not for firebase)
// Return the new element
return newItem;
deleteItem: function(type,id,des){
var ids,
ids = data.allItems[type].map(function(el){
index = ids.indexOf(id);
if(index !== -1){
data.allItems[type].splice(index, 1);
And this is what firebase shows, I won't be able to know the id -M2CsPaog...:


How to compare a value with each item of range

for the last 3 days (my first 3 days of coding) i've been trying to code an script to get my google contacts that have certain keyword, it being "Catamarca", on their name and also to delete that keyword after they've been added to the spreadsheet leaving only their name.
I've been succesfull in all of this. But now i want to only run the script on an existing database, and only run it if the new contacts are not on the sheet already, and not write over the existing ones.
Here is my code so far:
function impContacts() {
// variables
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("GContacts");
var grupo = ContactsApp.getContactGroupById("")
const contactos = grupo.getContacts();
const arraycontacts = [];
// get the last row on B with data on it
const lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
const Avals = sheet.getRange("B2:B" + lastRow).getValues();
const Alast = lastRow - Avals.reverse().findIndex(c => c[0] != '');
var rangeInteres = sheet.getRange(2, 1, Alast, sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
// look for contacts that has in their name the word "Catamarca", and save them with their id, name and phone.
contactos.forEach(contacto => {
var phone = ""
if (contacto.getPhones()[0]) {
phone = contacto.getPhones()[0].getPhoneNumber()
var name = ""
if (contacto.getFullName().match("Catamarca")){
name = contacto.getFullName();
var idcont = ""
if (name == rangeInteres.forEach(namme =>
oldName = namme[1];
idcont =
rangeInteres.forEach(id => {
oldId= id[0];
idcont = contacto.getId().replace(/\D/g, '')
const datoscont = [idcont, name, phone];
// save new contact
sheet.getRange(2, 1, arraycontacts.length, 3).setValues(arraycontacts);
// look for "catamarca"
range = sheet.getRange("B2:B")
var textFind = range.createTextFinder("Catamarca");
var textFound = textFind.findNext();
// Si encuentra coincidencia reemplazar por ""
if (textFound !== null) {
var vals = textFound.getValues();
What i need to keep the most is the ID of the existing contacts (the IDs are different from the ones coming from google contacts but the names are the same), because they are linked to an app created using AppSheet.
I believe there should be a way to accomplish this by editing this part of the code
var idcont = ""
if (name == rangeInteres.forEach(namme =>
oldName = namme[1];
idcont =
rangeInteres.forEach(id => {
oldId= id[0];
idcont = contacto.getId().replace(/\D/g, '')
In my head and with my current knowledge, the code should be working, but it's not, I mean, it runs, but overwrites everything.

Firebase .orderByChild().on runs more and more times every time it is called

I'm creating a guest list program that stores the guest list in Firebase RTDB and when I check people in and out my function runs several times more than it is supposed to. I've sent alerts to the console so I know how many times it has run. I have separate functions for both check in and check out operations so it may be that I am calling my db too many times?
//-------------------- Check In and Check In Helper Functions -------------------------
//Helper Function to Grab current List index
function printArray() {
var ref = database.ref('guestList')
ref.on('value', readData, errData);
function readData(data){
var scores = data.val();
var keys = Object.keys(scores)
for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++){
var k = keys[i]
var name = scores[k].name;
var inside = scores[k].Inside;
var timeIn = scores[k].TimeIn;
var timeOut = scores[k].TimeOut;
guestList[i] = {
name: name,
Inside: inside,
TimeIn: timeIn,
TimeOut: timeOut,
function errData(err){
//Helper Function to set text box to selected name
function checkInn(name){
document.getElementById('checkIn').value = name;
//Check in
function checkIn(list) {
//Grabs current guest to be added or deleted from form text box
var name = document.getElementById('checkIn').value;
//Checks to see if user is in list of guests and isn't in the list of guest in the party
var guestsRef = firebase.database().ref("guestList/");
guestsRef.orderByChild("name").on("child_added", function(data) {
if (name == data.val().name) {
objIndex = list.findIndex((obj => == name));
guestsRef = firebase.database().ref("guestList/" + objIndex)
Inside: "Yes",
TimeIn: getTime(),
document.getElementById('checkIn').value = "";
alerts(name, true)
//------------------------- Check Out ------------------------------------------------------------
//Helper Function to Grab current List index
function printArrayy() {
var ref = database.ref('guestList')
ref.on('value', readOutData, errData);
function readOutData(data){
var scores = data.val();
var keys = Object.keys(scores)
for (var i=0; i < keys.length; i++){
var k = keys[i]
var name = scores[k].name;
var inside = scores[k].Inside;
var timeIn = scores[k].TimeIn;
var timeOut = scores[k].TimeOut;
guestList[i] = {
name: name,
Inside: inside,
TimeIn: timeIn,
TimeOut: timeOut,
//Helper Function to set text box to selected name
function checkOutt(name){
document.getElementById('checkOut').value = name;
//Check Out
function checkOut(list) {
//Grabs current guest to be added or deleted from form text box
var name = document.getElementById('checkOut').value;
//Checks to see if user is in list of guests and isn't in the list of guest in the party
var guestsRef = firebase.database().ref("guestList/");
guestsRef.orderByChild("name").on("child_added", function(data) {
if (name == data.val().name) {
objIndex = list.findIndex((obj => == name));
guestsRef = firebase.database().ref("guestList/" + objIndex)
Inside: "No",
TimeOut: getTime(),
document.getElementById('checkOut').value = "";;
alerts(name, false)
//Placeholder to alert user when a succesful check in or check out function runs
function alerts(name, Boolean){
console.log(name + " has been checked in!")
console.log(name + " has been checked out!")
Here is the screenshot of my output. Thanks in advance!
Edit: Forgot to mention and apologize for my excessive use of helper functions! My HTML form calls printArrayy() and printArray first for each function!
have you tried once instep on, i mean:
ref.once('value', readOutData, errData); }

Update JSON values with associated key

I am trying to collect the unique json data, I mean if the key exists the update its value. But not succeed to update the value of existing key.
var fpr_data = [{"rfr_id":"7","user_id":"5","fp_id":"10","raw_id":"3","raw_qty":"20.00","raw_wastage":"2","raw_name":"Buttons"},
var qty = 2, coll={}, _qty=0.00,_wastage=0.00;
// Filter and modify JSON data
$.each(fpr_data, function(i, data) {
_qty = data.raw_qty * qty;
_wastage = data.raw_wastage * qty;
// Next time add on existing keys
if( coll[data.raw_id] == data.raw_id ) {
var q = coll[data.raw_id].qty + _qty;
var w = coll[data.raw_id].wastage + _wastage;
coll[data.raw_id] = {"qty":q, "wastage":w};
else {
coll[data.raw_id] = {"qty":_qty, "wastage":_wastage};
In fpr_data there is raw_id that i want to collect unique ids and if the raw_id found in object then update its qty and wastage with raw_qty and raw_wastage. I got Unique JSON data but quantity and wastage are not getting update. What wrong i have done? You can find the same codes in fiddle and check the result in console.
Expected: The value of qty in 3 should be 80
Below condition will not give you correct comparison, when object already exists in array.
if( coll[data.raw_id] == data.raw_id ) {
I think you should just do:
if(coll[data.raw_id]) {
If I understand you correctly try this example
if(coll[data.raw_id]) {
var q = coll[data.raw_id].qty + _qty;
var w = coll[data.raw_id].wastage + _wastage;
coll[data.raw_id] = {"qty":q, "wastage":w};
else {
coll[data.raw_id] = {"qty":_qty, "wastage":_wastage};
You use jQuery, so enjoy the jQuery.extend() function :
var fpr_data = [{"rfr_id":"7","user_id":"5","fp_id":"10","raw_id":"3","raw_qty":"20.00","raw_wastage":"2","raw_name":"Buttons"},{"rfr_id":"9","user_id":"5","fp_id":"10","raw_id":"4","raw_qty":"500.00","raw_wastage":"0","raw_name":"Yarn"},{"rfr_id":"8","user_id":"5","fp_id":"10","raw_id":"5","raw_qty":"2.00","raw_wastage":"1","raw_name":"Needle"}, {"rfr_id":"7","user_id":"5","fp_id":"10","raw_id":"3","raw_qty":"20.00","raw_wastage":"2","raw_name":"Buttons"}];
var qty = 2, coll={}, _qty=0.00,_wastage=0.00;
// Filter and modify JSON data
$.each(fpr_data, function(i, data) {
_qty = data.raw_qty * qty;
_wastage = data.raw_wastage * qty;
// Next time add on existing keys
var currentObj = coll[data.raw_id]; // Try not to repeat yourself ;-)
if( currentObj == data.raw_id ) {
var q = currentObj.qty + _qty;
var w = currentObj.wastage + _wastage;
coll[data.raw_id] = $.extend(data, {"qty":q, "wastage":w});
else {
coll[data.raw_id] = $.extend(data, {"qty":_qty, "wastage":_wastage});
I hope this is what you were looking for.

JSON: loop Invoice Items : add if InvoiceNo not exits, update value if it does, example included

I'm trying to loop through a list of Invoices, and their Individual LineItem Values,
and in the end have an Ojbect of [object Arrays] with an Invoice Number and the total value for all line items per Invoice.
var objInvoiceLineItem = function (strInvoiceNo,strValue) {
this.InvoiceNo= strInvoiceNo;
this.Value = strValue;
var objAllInvoices = [];
function AddValueTo_objAllInvoices(myInvoice){
//don't know how to look and see if the Invoice exists?
//for (var i = 0; i < objAllInvoices.length - 1; i++)?
if exists (myInvoice.InvoiceNo) = false{
var newObjInvoiceItem=
new objInvoiceLineItem(myInvoice.InvoiceNo, myInvoice.Value);
//need help here please
var obj = getobject;
objAllInvoices.obj.Value += myInvoice.Value;
var Invoice1A = new objInvoiceLineItem("Invoice1",20);
var Invoice1B = new objInvoiceLineItem("Invoice1",50);
var Invoice2A = new objInvoiceLineItem("Invoice2",30);
I think something like this will do what you want:
function AddValueTo_objAllInvoices(myInvoice)
for (var i = 0; i < objAllInvoices.length; i++)
if (objAllInvoices[i].InvoiceNo == myInvoice.InvoiceNo)
// invoice exists, update it and return
objAllInvoices[i].Value += myInvoice.Value;
// if the invoice already existed, we would have returned in the loop
// so we wouldn't have ever gotten here, so the invoice must not exist.
// create it now:
var newObjInvoiceItem = new objInvoiceLineItem(myInvoice.Container, myInvoice.Value);

Sorting the results of an indexedDB query

I want to sort results obtained from indexedDB.
Each record has structure {id, text, date} where 'id' is the keyPath.
I want to sort the results by date.
My current code is as below:
var trans = db.transaction(['msgs'], IDBTransaction.READ);
var store = trans.objectStore('msgs');
// Get everything in the store;
var keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("");
var cursorRequest = store.openCursor(keyRange);
cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
var result =;
if(!!result == false){
Actually you have to index the date field in the msgs objectStore and open an index cursor on the objectStore.
var cursorRequest = store.index('date').openCursor(null, 'next'); // or prev
This will get the sorted result. That is how indexes are supposed to be used.
Here's the more efficient way suggested by Josh.
Supposing you created an index on "date":
// Use the literal "readonly" instead of IDBTransaction.READ, which is deprecated:
var trans = db.transaction(['msgs'], "readonly");
var store = trans.objectStore('msgs');
var index = store.index('date');
// Get everything in the store:
var cursorRequest = index.openCursor();
// It's the same as:
// var cursorRequest = index.openCursor(null, "next");
// Or, if you want a "descendent ordering":
// var cursorRequest = index.openCursor(null, "prev");
// Note that there's no need to define a key range if you want all the objects
var res = new Array();
cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
var cursor =;
if (cursor) {
else {
//print res etc....
More on cursor direction here:
IDBIndex API is here:
Thanks to zomg, hughfdjackson of javascript irc, I sorted the final array. Modified code as below:
var trans = db.transaction(['msgs'], IDBTransaction.READ);
var store = trans.objectStore('msgs');
// Get everything in the store;
var keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound("");
var cursorRequest = store.openCursor(keyRange);
var res = new Array();
cursorRequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
var result =;
if(!!result == false){
**res.sort(function(a,b){return Number( - Number(;});**
//print res etc....
