How to create new object as default arg object - javascript

So we may have this in a reducer:
const defaultState = {...};
export const userReducer = (state = defaultState, action: any) => {
// ...
is there some way to get a defaultState object for each call to userReducer?
Something like this:
const getDefaultState = () => ({...});
export const userReducer = (state = getDefaultState(), action: any) => {
// ...
is this possible in JS? It might not be useful for a Redux reducer, but in general am curious.

Yes, as #blex, pointed out, your intentions are completely doable.
Your snippet has a minor typo that may be causing you issues: parameters with default values (i.e. state) must be ordered after parameters with non-default values (i.e. action).
Here's a minimalist example:
let x = () => 3;
let y = (a, b = x()) => a + b;
console.log(y(5)); // 8
console.log(y(5, 1)); // 6


React useState hook with dependency

Why there is no dependency array for useState(), something like:
const [state, setState] = useState<T>(initialState, [initialState]);
In React I often end up in this situation
export function EditComponent<T>(props: {
initialState: T,
onSave: (value: T) => void,
}) {
const { initialState, onSave } = props;
const [state, setState] = useState<T>(initialState);
useEffect(() => setState(initialState), [initialState]);
function revert() {
function save() {
return (
Where I have an outer component that provides some data and an inner component that lets the user edit it (by modifying a copy of the data) to then eventually save or revert. Of course, I need the inner component to be reactive to any outer change (maybe new data has been fetched from the network or whatever).
What I dislike is doing this:
const [state, setState] = useState<T>(initialState);
useEffect(() => setState(initialState), [initialState]);
Cause from my understanding of React this is rendering the component twice when initialState changes:
First to render its parent's children (due to initialState change). In this cycle, the useEffect update is added to the queue to be performed after rendering.
and then a second type after the useEffect update has been performed.
What I need is a dependency array on useState, to do:
const [state, setState] = useState<T>(initialState, [initialState]);
It seems something straightforward, the same as initialState is synchronously consumed, and made available, during the first rendering cycle, when the dependency list changes this operation shall be performed again.
I attempted to implement it myself, but what I came up with seems more like a hack:
import { DependencyList, Dispatch, SetStateAction, useRef, useState } from 'react';
interface MemoContext<S> {
deps: DependencyList | undefined;
state?: S
// Is dependency list equal (L327 areHookInputsEqual)
function areHookInputsEqual(a: DependencyList | undefined, b: DependencyList | undefined): boolean {
if (!a) {
console.error('Prev deps should not be null')
return false;
} else if (!b) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length && i < b.length; i++) {
if (![i], b[i])) {
return false;
return true;
export function useMemoState<S>(
initialState: S | (() => S),
deps?: DependencyList,
): [S, Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>] {
function resetInitialState() {
const s: S = typeof initialState === 'function' ? (initialState as any)() : initialState;
ctx.state = s;
ctx.deps = deps;
return s;
const ctx = useRef<MemoContext<S>>({ deps: undefined, state: undefined }).current;
// this is actually used just to preserve the rendering behaviour
const [state, setState] = useState<S>(resetInitialState);
if (!areHookInputsEqual(ctx.deps, deps)) {
// They are different, perform the update
function dispatch(action: SetStateAction<S>) {
setState(prevState => {
const s: S = typeof action === 'function' ? (action as any)(prevState) : action;
ctx.state = s;
ctx.deps = deps;
return s;
return [ctx.state!, dispatch];
To be honest React Core seems like something that should not be touched. So I'm wondering if I'm missing something and if there is a clear reason why such a feature does not exist. Or maybe there is a better solution to this?
A short answer - we do not need it=)
This is your refactored code snippet:
export function EditComponent<T>(props: {
initialState: T,
onSave: (value: T) => void,
}) {
const { initialState, onSave } = props;
const [state, setState] = useState<T>(initialState);
if (initialState !== state){
function revert() {
function save() {
return (
Just conditionally update state during rendering.
There are 2 links which you may find helpful:

Are there any drawbacks to eliminating the defaultstore?

I am refactoring my code to eliminate the default store and use ES6+ defaults as follows:
That is I am moving defaults from an object passed in as follows:
const store = createStore(reducers, defaultstore, middleware);
to directly into the reducers. This way I can locate them easier. The two methods are shown below ...
Menu: {
current: 'Articles'
reducer function
// People is the default
const Menu = (state = {current: 'People'}, action) => {
const newState = { ...state };
switch(action.type) {
case 'updateMenu':
newState.current = action.current;
return newState;
return state;
Is there any reason not to do this. It makes the code more readable.

React: break dependency between 2 related contexts with top-level constant object

I'm working on a new major release for react-xarrows, and I came up with some messy situation.
It's not going to be simple to explain, so let's start with visualization:
consider the next example - 2 draggable boxes with an arrow drawn between them, and a wrapping context around them.
focused code:
<DraggableBox box={box} />
<DraggableBox box={box2} />
<Xarrow start={'box1'} end={'box2'} {...xarrowProps} />
Xwrapper is the context, DraggableBox and Xarrow are, well, you can guess.
My goal
I want to trigger a render on the arrow, and solely on the arrow, whenever one of the connected boxes renders.
My approach
I want to be able to rerender the arrow from the boxes, so I have to consume 'rerender arrow'(let's call it updateXarrow) function on the boxes, we can use a context and a useContext hook on the boxes to get this function.
I will call XelemContext to the boxes context.
also, I need to consume useContext on Xarrow because I want to cause a render on the arrow whenever I decide.
this must be 2 different contexts(so I could render xarrow solely). one on the boxes to consume 'updateXarrow', and a different context consumed on Xarrow to trigger the reredner.
so how can I pass this function from one context to another? well, I can't without making an infinite loop(or maybe I can but could not figure it out), so I used a local top-level object called updateRef.
// define a global object
const updateRef = { func: null };
const XarrowProvider = ({ children }) => {
// define updateXarrow here
// assign to updateRef.func
updateRef.func = updateXarrow;
return <XarrowContext.Provider value={updateXarrow}>{children}</XarrowContext.Provider>;
//now updateRef.func is defined because XelemProvider defined later
const XelemProvider = ({ children }) => {
return <XelemContext.Provider value={updateRef.func}>{children}</XelemContext.Provider>;
the thing is, that this object is not managed by react, and also, i will need to handle cases where there is multiple instances of Xwrapper, and I'm leaving the realm of React, so i have 2 main questions:
there is a better approach? maybe I can someone achieve my goal without going crazy?
if there is no better option, is this dangerous? I don't want to release a code that will break on edge cases on my lib consumer's apps.
const DraggableBox = ({ box }) => {
console.log('DraggableBox render',;
const handleDrag = () => {
const updateXarrow = useXarrow();
return (
<Draggable onDrag={handleDrag} onStop={handleDrag}>
<div id={} style={{ ...boxStyle, position: 'absolute', left: box.x, top: box.y }}>
import React, { useContext, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { XelemContext } from './Xwrapper';
const useXarrow = () => {
const [, setRender] = useState({});
const reRender = () => setRender({});
const updateXarrow = useContext(XelemContext);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
return reRender;
export default useXarrow;
import React, { useState } from 'react';
export const XelemContext = React.createContext(null as () => void);
export const XarrowContext = React.createContext(null as () => void);
const updateRef = { func: null };
const XarrowProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [, setRender] = useState({});
const updateXarrow = () => setRender({});
updateRef.func = updateXarrow;
return <XarrowContext.Provider value={updateXarrow}>{children}</XarrowContext.Provider>;
const XelemProvider = ({ children }) => {
return <XelemContext.Provider value={updateRef.func}>{children}</XelemContext.Provider>;
const Xwrapper = ({ children }) => {
return (
export default Xwrapper;
const Xarrow: React.FC<xarrowPropsType> = (props: xarrowPropsType) => {
const svgRef = useRef(null);
....(more 1100 lines of code)
I left some logs.
on drag event of a single box you will get:
DraggableBox render box2
currently, this is working as expected.
after many hours of testing, this seems to work perfectly fine. I manage my own object that remember the update function for each Xwrapper instance, and this breaks the dependency between the 2 contexts. I will leave this post in case someone else will also come across this issue.
Update (bad one)
this architecture breaks on react-trees with <React.StrictMode>...</React.StrictMode> :cry:
any idea why? any other ideas ?
just in case someone would need something similar: here's a version that will work even with react strictmode(basically being rellyed of effect which called once and not renders):
import React, { FC, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
export const XelemContext = React.createContext(null as () => void);
export const XarrowContext = React.createContext(null as () => void);
// will hold a object of ids:references to updateXarrow functions of different Xwrapper instances over time
const updateRef = {};
let updateRefCount = 0;
const XarrowProvider: FC<{ instanceCount: React.MutableRefObject<number> }> = ({ children, instanceCount }) => {
const [, setRender] = useState({});
const updateXarrow = () => setRender({});
useEffect(() => {
instanceCount.current = updateRefCount; // so this instance would know what is id
updateRef[instanceCount.current] = updateXarrow;
}, []);
// log('XarrowProvider', updateRefCount);
return <XarrowContext.Provider value={updateXarrow}>{children}</XarrowContext.Provider>;
// renders only once and should always provide the right update function
const XelemProvider = ({ children, instanceCount }) => {
return <XelemContext.Provider value={updateRef[instanceCount.current]}>{children}</XelemContext.Provider>;
const Xwrapper = ({ children }) => {
console.log('wrapper here!');
const instanceCount = useRef(updateRefCount);
const [, setRender] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
delete updateRef[instanceCount.current];
}, []);
return (
<XelemProvider instanceCount={instanceCount}>
<XarrowProvider instanceCount={instanceCount}>{children}</XarrowProvider>
export default Xwrapper;

Redux enhancer example

I am new to redux. I would like know how I could create my own enhancer in redux. I didn't find any example to create enhancer. To create enhancers, So what arguments do I need to pass and what do I need to return? Is there any rule on creating custom enhancer?
In redux documentation about enhancer, found below two links (no sample or example code)
using store enhancer
Redux documentation said that,
Middleware adds extra functionality to the Redux dispatch function; enhancers add extra functionality to the Redux store. ... A middleware which logs dispatched actions and the resulting new state. An enhancer which logs the time taken for the reducers to process each action.
So, I am not sure that custom middleware and custom enhancer coding rule are the same like below
const loggerMiddleware = storeAPI => next => action => {
console.log('dispatching', action)
let result = next(action)
console.log('next state', storeAPI.getState())
return result
So, my question is how to create custom enhancer?
Here is the store enhancer interface
export type StoreEnhancer<Ext = {}, StateExt = never> = (
next: StoreEnhancerStoreCreator<Ext, StateExt>
) => StoreEnhancerStoreCreator<Ext, StateExt>
export type StoreEnhancerStoreCreator<Ext = {}, StateExt = never> = <
S = any,
A extends Action = AnyAction
reducer: Reducer<S, A>,
preloadedState?: PreloadedState<S>
) => Store<ExtendState<S, StateExt>, A, StateExt, Ext> & Ext
enhancers are high-order functions that take createStore and return a new enhanced version of createStore. Take a look at this sample implementation.
const ourAwesomeEnhancer = createStore => (reducer, initialState, enhancer) => {
const store = createStore(monitoredReducer, initialState, enhancer);
// add enhancer logic
return {
// you can override the some store properties or add new ones
There is an example in official doc:
const round = number => Math.round(number * 100) / 100
const monitorReducerEnhancer = createStore => (
) => {
const monitoredReducer = (state, action) => {
const start =
const newState = reducer(state, action)
const end =
const diff = round(end - start)
console.log('reducer process time:', diff)
return newState
return createStore(monitoredReducer, initialState, enhancer)
export default monitorReducerEnhancer

Structuring the store in Redux

Is there a way to structure const reducer = (state = initialState, action) in such a manner that the method isn't bloated by a bunch of switch cases?
My idea was to put related actions in arrays and check them with Array.prototype.includes() when handling an action.
I would then extract the switch cases that correlate to specific actions in new methods (for example the List component would have LIST_ADD, LIST_REMOVE etc.) and call those methods instead of just running through 100 cases in the const reducer = (state = initialState, action)method.
That would tax performance but it would be at least structured.
Any better ideas?
The offical Redux docs provide this very handy reducer creator:
function createReducer(initialState, handlers) {
return function reducer(state = initialState, action) {
if (handlers.hasOwnProperty(action.type)) {
return handlers[action.type](state, action)
} else {
return state
which lets you create your reducer as follows:
const reducer = createReducer(initialState, {
[actionType.ACTION1]: specificActionReducer1,
[actionType.ACTION2]: specificActionReducer2,
No switch statements!
I use a library called reduxsauce which removes the need for large switch statements.
Instead it binds actions to methods with this syntax:
export const INITIAL_STATE = {
values: {},
export const reducerFunction = (state, action) => {
const values = action.value;
return {
// map the action types to the reducer functions
export const HANDLERS = {
[Type.ACTION_NAME]: reducerFunction,
// call createReducer to magically tie it all together
export default createReducer(INITIAL_STATE, HANDLERS);
You could try redux-named-reducers for this as well. Allows you to compose reducers like so:
moduleA.reduce(SOME_ACTION, action => ({ state1: action.payload }))
moduleA.reduce(SOME_OTHER_ACTION, { state2: "constant" })
It has the added benefit of being able to access the reducer state anywhere, like in mapDispatchToProps for example:
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
onClick: () => {
