copy selected file from an input on electron app form - javascript

I have this form
<input type="file" name="idp" id="idp" onchange="uploadFiles();"/>
When the user chooses a picture I need to copy it to a specified folder and store its full name into a variable to save it into the database.
I've tried this code:
const electron = require('electron');
const { dialog } = electron; // electron.remote; (if in renderer process)
const fs = require('fs'); // module that interacts with the file system
const path = require("path");
function uploadFiles(){
// opens a window to choose file
dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ['openFile']}).then(result => {
// checks if window was closed
if (result.canceled) {
console.log("No file selected!")
} else {
// get first element in array which is path to file selected
const filePath = result.filePaths[0];
// get file name
const fileName = path.basename(filePath);
// path to app data + fileName = "C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\app_name\picture.png"
imgFolderPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), fileName);
// copy file from original location to app data folder
fs.copyFile(filePath, imgFolderPath, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(fileName + ' uploaded.');
and it gives me this error message on the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'showOpenDialog' of undefined
at uploadFiles
at HTMLInputElement.onchange

const { dialog } = electron; // electron.remote; (if in renderer process)
It appears that you are calling this from a renderer process. Therefore you need to use electron.remote in order to access the dialog module (as the code example you are using above indicates).
It's worth taking the time to read up on themain and renderer processes in Electron – they are fundamental concepts that you will encounter over and over and they are especially important in IPC messaging


Flushing file's with webkit's filesystem API with Safari

I am trying to use filesystem api to create permanent files, write and read data from them.
Although I succeeded creating the file and writing data to it, after calling flush() the file becomes empty (and it's size is 0).
The files that I created exist and I can still see them in a different running of safari, but the data is lost and the file's are all 0 sized.
Even if I try to read the file just after writing to it and flushing, the data is lost and it's size returns to 0.
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
I tried running this:
async function files() {
// Set a Message
const message = "Thank you for reading this.";
const fileName = "Draft.txt";
// Get handle to draft file
const root = await;
const draftHandle = await root.getFileHandle(fileName, { create: true });
console.log("File Name: ", fileName);
// Get sync access handle
const accessHandle = await draftHandle.createSyncAccessHandle();
// Get size of the file.
const fileSize = await accessHandle.getSize();
console.log("File Size: ", fileSize); // getting 0 here
// Read file content to a buffer.
const buffer = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(fileSize));
const readBuffer =, { at: 0 });
console.log("Read: ", readBuffer); // getting 0 here because the file was just created
// Write the message to the file.
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const encodedMessage = encoder.encode(message);
const writeBuffer = accessHandle.write(encodedMessage, { at: readBuffer });
console.log("Write: ", writeBuffer); // writing 27 bytes here, succeeding
// Persist changes to disk.
// Always close FileSystemSyncAccessHandle if done.
console.log("Closed file ");
// Find files under root/ and print their details.
for await (const handle of root.values()) {
console.log('Item in root: ',;
if (handle.kind == "file") {
let f = await handle.getFile();
console.log("File Details: ", f); // I can see here the file I created now and earlier created files, but all of them are 0 sized

How do I get access to the variables / methods in static files in Node.js + Expressjs at the server-side without using POST request?

More Specifically, I have a blob initialized and processed in a .js file in the 'public' (static folder) folder. Since that has been processed at the client-side, I want to know if there's a way I can somehow get access to the blob at the server-side without using a POST request. The file we talking about has been processed and is stored in a variable in a static file (script.js), Now I need to upload that variable/blob onto the Database. But, in a static file, I don't have access to the Database and can't even export the variable to the server. How do I get access to that variable which is within the static file? Someone, please edit if they have understood my requirement.
What my program does is that it records audio through the microphone of the client And that audio file has to be uploaded onto the Database. Now, I can add the functionality of 'Download' for the client and let the client download the file and then the client uses <input> tag to send a POST request to the server, But, now the client can upload any audio file into that input tag, Basically, this is a web app for live monitoring students writing exam, So that don't they don't cheat I capture their audio and save it to the DB. Please refer to my folder Structure for more details and then read the question again.
My Folder Structure:
---scipt.js (This contains the code for audio processing)
---test.ejs (Main HTML page)
--index.js (server file)
Here is a small diagram for reference :
And here is my Folder Structure :
Folder Structure
One way of doing is this to download it on the client-side and then ask the client to upload but that doesn't work for me due to some reasons.
Here is my script.js, But I don't have access of the variables such as chunk_audio[] on the server.
const chunks_audio = [];
mediaRecorder.onstop = async function (e) {
console.log("DONE WITH AUDIO");
const blob = new Blob(chunks_audio, {
'type': "audio/ogg codecs=opus"
const audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var link = document.getElementById("downloadaudio");
link.href = audioURL;
var audioMIMEtypes = ["audio/aac", "audio/mpeg", "audio/ogg", "audio/opus", "audio/wav"]
const audio = blob
const audiodb = new AudioSchema({
name : "Audio"[5]
const new_audio = await;
console.log("AUDIO UPLOADED" + new_audio);
}catch (err){
function saveAudio(audiodb, audioEncoded) {
if (audioEncoded == null) return;
console.log("before parse: " + audioEncoded);
const audio = JSON.parse(audioEncoded);
console.log("JSON parse: " + audio);
if (audio != null && audioMIMEtypes.includes(audio.type)) { = new Buffer.from(, "base64");
audiodb.audioType = audio.type;
// module.exports = chunks_audio; (This doesn't work for obvious reasons)
Here is my server file (index.js) , I tried to use POST request where the user posts the audio file after it gets downloaded, But the user could post any other file in the <input> tag, So that doesn't match with my requirement:
var audioMIMEtypes = ["audio/aac", "audio/mpeg", "audio/ogg", "audio/opus", "audio/wav"]'/', async ( req, res, next)=>{
const audio = blob // 'blob' is a variable in script.js , Hence don't have access here
const audiodb = new AudioSchema({
name : "Audio"[5]
const new_audio = await;
console.log("AUDIO UPLOADED" + new_audio);
}catch (err){
function saveAudio(audiodb, audioEncoded) {
if (audioEncoded == null) return;
console.log("before parse: " + audioEncoded);
const audio = JSON.parse(audioEncoded);
console.log("JSON parse: " + audio);
if (audio != null && audioMIMEtypes.includes(audio.type)) { = new Buffer.from(, "base64");
audiodb.audioType = audio.type;

Saving text from an element on a web page using javascript

Let's say there's some text inside a particular element on a web page that I want to save. Using Javascript, how could I save that text/append it to a file "myfile.txt" on my hard drive? The element dynamically changes over time so whenever it updates i'd like it to append the new text to the file.
I've been doing some research on web scraping, and it just seems too over the top/complicated for this task.
I've written a Node.js program that fetches a webpage url every X seconds, and compare the previous and new value of a specific html element. It will only save changes to a specific output file.
Note that the previous value record will be deleted after each run of this program, meaning that the first time you run this program it will always save the extracted text ( Because there's nothing to compare to )
This program uses node-fetch and jsdom npm packages.
fs is a build in package for Node.js.
If you are new to Node.js, you can follow this to install in your computer.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const fs = require('fs');
// Local previous extracted text variable to compare and determine changes
let prevExtractedText;
// The webpage URL to fetch from
const url = '';
// Setting your file's output path
const outputFilepath = 'myfile.txt';
// Setting timeout every 5 seconds
const timeout = 5000;
const handleOnError = (err) => {
console.error(`! An error occurred: ${err.message}`);
const handleFetchAndSaveFile = async () => {
let html;
try {
console.log(`* Fetching ${url}...`);
const resp = await fetch(url);
console.log('* Converting response into html text...');
html = await resp.text();
} catch (err) {
// Convert into DOM in Node.js enviroment
const dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(html);
// Example with element of id "footer-places-privacy"
const extractedText = dom.window.document.getElementById("footer-places-privacy").textContent;
console.log(`* Comparing previous extracted text (${prevExtractedText}) and current extracted text (${extractedText})`);
if (prevExtractedText !== extractedText) {
// Update prevExtractedText
prevExtractedText = extractedText;
console.log(`* Updating ${outputFilepath}...`);
try {
// Writing new extracted text into a file
await fs.appendFileSync(outputFilepath, extractedText);
console.log(`* ${outputFilepath} has been updated and saved.`);
} catch (err) {
console.log(`* Polling ${url} every ${timeout}ms`);
setInterval(handleFetchAndSaveFile, timeout);
Working demo:

Image File Upload and Retrieve in Electron

I am trying to build an application in Electron which has a html form with image Upload button. So my purpose is to ask the user to upload an image and i want to save the image file somewhere in the local folder within the app and retrieve the image whenever i need.How would i achieve this ?
If I understand you correctly, you intend to store the image on the user's computer so there's no need to do a remote upload. You simply have to copy the file from its original location to the application local data path.
To achieve this, you could add to your form a button which would first trigger a dialog to let the user browse for the file.
Then you would copy the chosen file to your application local data path.
After that, the idea would be to store some information about the image file so that you can retrieve it for later use.
const { app, dialog } = require('electron');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require("path");
// The function triggered by your button
function storeImageFile() {
// Open a dialog to ask for the file path
const filePath = dialog.showOpenDialog({ properties: ['openFile'] })[0];
const fileName = path.basename(filePath);
// Copy the chosen file to the application's data path
fs.copyFile(filePath, (app.getPath('userData') + fileName), (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Image ' + fileName + ' stored.');
// At that point, store some information like the file name for later use
Updated answer:
The dialog.showOpenDialog() returns a promise
const electron = require('electron');
const { dialog } = electron; // electron.remote; (if in renderer process)
const fs = require('fs'); // module that interacts with the file system
const path = require("path"); // utilities for working with directory paths
function uploadImageFile() {
// opens a window to choose file
dialog.showOpenDialog({properties: ['openFile']}).then(result => {
// checks if window was closed
if (result.canceled) {
console.log("No file selected!")
} else {
// get first element in array which is path to file selected
const filePath = result.filePaths[0];
// get file name
const fileName = path.basename(filePath);
// path to app data + fileName = "C:\Users\John\AppData\Roaming\app_name\picture.png"
imgFolderPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), fileName);
// copy file from original location to app data folder
fs.copyFile(filePath, imgFolderPath, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log(fileName + ' uploaded.');
// click event to trigger upload function
// In html: <input type="button" class="upload-image" value="Upload Image">
$(".upload-image").on("click", () => {

why does this JavaScript function stop execution?

I have the following JS function which serves as a first prototype for a mozilla thunderbird extension.
The goal is to connect to a server and download a sample file, then unzipping it and storing the contents in the thunderbird profile folder.
Now this all works fine, except that the execution of the function stops after creating the zip file on the file system. So i have to restart the function again, in order to get the second part of the function executed which extracts the user.js file from the zip file.
Any ideas what the problem could be?
function downloadFile(httpLoc) {
// get profile directory
var file = Components.classes[";1"].
get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
var profilePath = file.path;
// change profile directory to native style
profilePath = profilePath.replace(/\\/gi , "\\\\");
profilePath = profilePath.toLowerCase();
// download the zip file
try {
//new obj_URI object
var obj_URI = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService).newURI(httpLoc, null, null);
//new file object
var obj_TargetFile = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
//set to download the zip file into the profil direct
obj_TargetFile.initWithPath(profilePath + "\/" + "");
//if file the zip file doesn't exist, create it
if(!obj_TargetFile.exists()) {
alert("zip file wird erstellt");
//new persitence object
var obj_Persist = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist);
// with persist flags if desired ??
const nsIWBP = Components.interfaces.nsIWebBrowserPersist;
obj_Persist.persistFlags = flags | nsIWBP.PERSIST_FLAGS_FROM_CACHE;
//save file to target
} catch (e) {
} finally {
// unzip the user.js file to the profile direc
// creat a zipReader, open the zip file
var zipReader = Components.classes[";1"]
//new file object, thats where the user.js will be extracted
var obj_UnzipTarget = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
//set path for the user.js
obj_UnzipTarget.initWithPath(profilePath + "\/" + "user.js");
// if user.js doesn't exist, create it
if(!obj_UnzipTarget.exists()) {
alert("user.js wird erstellt");
// extract the user.js out of the zip file, to the specified path
zipReader.extract("user.js", obj_UnzipTarget);
var hello = {
click: function() {
saveURI is asynchronous, so you need to set the progress listener on the persist object to know when it has finished. Here's an example of setting a progress listener and later on there's a check to see whether the transfer has finished.
