Stripe connect transfers and payouts without verification - javascript

I am trying to clarify things associated with Stripe Connect's paymentIntent and transfers endpoints. The thing is that I do think that I do not understand the flow perfectly and even do not know if I did choose the best solution for my application.
I am using the separate charges and transfers method and for the account type I did choose custom.
What I want to achieve is the following:
Get money from user A and send it to user B (user in this context is my platform user not the Stripe Account or Customer). I want to take my cut while I send the money to user B. It leads to a question, if I do need to create both the Stripe Customer and Account. And if the user B who gets the money after transfer is not acting as a company, why would I need to collect industry and other legal information from him/her just to make payout?
What I did:
First of all I do create Stipe Customer and Account for my platform users. Then I:
Create PaymentIntent to take money from (Stripe Customer A). Includes the Stripe fees
Create Transfer of the PaymentIntent and transfer it to (Stripe Account B).
Now I want to create payout of the transferred money. Do I have to trigger the payout endpoint for this case?
The 3 last steps in code:
Create paymentIntent
const paymentIntent = {description, amount, currency, customer_id, transfer_group, payment_method, confirmation_method: 'manual', confirm: true};
const response = await stripe.paymentIntents.create(paymentIntent);
Create transfer
const transfer = { amount, currency, destination: destinationAccount, transfer_group };
const response = await stripe.transfers.create(transfer);
stripe.paymentIntents.confirm(response.client_secret, {payment_method: response.payment_method})
Now money is taken from Customer A and transferred to Account B but I have no idea what legal information I need from my platform users to be able to create payouts? All my Stripe accounts/customers did accept the tos_acceptance also while adding a new source. None of my platform users are industry nor a company. They are individuals doing their things.

To follow the flow which you mentioned you need to create stripe Connect account for each of your customer B. As you need to do payouts to there bank accounts they need to be completely verified by stripe this shows legal information required for verification as per country
Though your end users are individuals you need to completely prove them for authenticity as you are involving them in legal fund transfer and making there sub-merchant accounts.
And you don't have to trigger the payout end point as it is automatically handled by stripe and you can also change it either you want to do payout weekly/daily/monthly etc and also set for custom payouts from dashboard settings.


How to get payout data in Stripe Connect?

I'm adding Stripe Connect to my app to send payments to the users,I need to create a payment dashboard where each user can see all the payments that were sent to them( like payment history). I've read here that I can retrieve list of all payouts or individual payout(by submitting payout id), but I can't find information on how to get payout data per user. For example, if I have user John Doe, I want to get all the payout information for John only with 1 API call, is it possible in Stripe Connect?
If you want to retrieve the list of payments on the connected account, you should retrieve the list of Charges using the stripeAccount header.
You can also make use of the auto-pagination built into Stripe SDKs to loop through the list.
for await (const charge of stripe.charges.list({stripeAccount: 'connected_account_id'})) {
// Do something with charge
You may want to reach out to Stripe to check if you're eligible to use this beta where you can embed a payments dashboard component into your site :
If I understand goodly your question, you want to retrieve connected accounts' payouts.
You have to know that payout api using is when you move money on your account. In the other hand, if you want to move money to any connected account you need to use transfert api.
You need to know user connect account
const stripe = require('stripe')('API_KEY');
const transfers = await stripe.transfers.list({
destination: 'acct_id.....',

Update Stripe credit card that was saved with SetupIntent

I've saved the credit card for later usage with SetupIntent to the customer. Let's say that the user wants to edit his card (expiration/cvc/billing, etc..) after 5 days.
What would be the workflow for it?
Documentation got me confused because they propose to create a new SetupIntent and attach it to the customer. If that's so, what should we do with the previously added card?
For very good privacy reasons, there's very little you can "edit" on a user's payment methods. Stripe allows an almost unlimited number of paymentMethods attached to a customer. The recommended flow (as I also answered on Discord) is to attach the new paymentMethod - you can simply delete the previous one(s). When you query the API for a customer's payment Methods (list), they are returned in reverse chronological order - the first one is the most recent.

Charging a saved card in stripe

I want to charge a saved card in stripe. But while charging the save card I also want user to enter the CVV, just as an additional check (kind of like what happens in amazon).
So far I've tried payment intent and payment method. So while creating the payment intent I'll pass the payment method id, which is in format of card_***. And I can see that the payment_intent.succeeded event on stripe dashboard and even in webhook. But in this flow I'm unable to ask the user for CVV information.
Is there anyway to achieve this through Stripe.
Here's some useful links that I found.
payment method
This is the link that I followed to achieve, it's just that I also want to ask for CVV before actual charging.
stripe doc for charging saved card
It is possible to recollect the CVC from your customer. As you mentioned, you’ll reuse the existing Payment Method, but additionally you’ll include a cardCvc element on the page where your customer can provide the CVC for their card. Then when you’re making the call to confirm the payment, you’ll pass that element into the payment_method_options.card.cvc parameter.
This is covered in more detail here:

Stripe - Refund Checkout Session

I’m trying to implement a method for my connected account owners to be able to refund charges collected via a Stripe Checkout Session.
In order to do so, I want to use the following code:
const refund = await stripe.refunds.create({
payment_intent: pi_id,
In order to obtain the payment_intent_id, I am listening to the checkout.session.completed webhook, and accessing data.object.payment_intent.
When I attempt to create a refund using this payment intent id, I get the No such paymentintent error from Stripe. I noticed in my Stripe test account that there is a charge ID associated with the payment, so maybe I should be using that - but I’m not sure how to retrieve that programmatically from the checkout session.
You're making the API call correctly.
“No such...” errors with Stripe are usually caused by either a mismatch in API keys (e.g. using a mixture of your test plus live keys) or by trying to access objects that exist on a different account (e.g. trying to perform an operation from your platform account on an object that was created on a connected account).

Accept Credit Card Payments via JavaScript

I have a Square Account. I also have a web page. On this web page, I'm collecting credit card details (name, number, expiration date, cvv). I want to charge the user an amount against the credit card details they've provided. I thought that Square had an API that allowed this. However, I don't see it. It looks like everything has to be done on the server.
Isn't there a way to securely do this from JavaScript purely on the client-side? It seems riskier to send details over the internet to a server, just to pass that information onto Square.
At this time, I have the following:
var creditCardNumber = '....';
var credidCardHolderName = 'Joe Smith';
var creditCardExpiration = '10/2020';
var creditCardCvv = '...';
var purchaseAmount = 50.50;
Is there a way to charge the purchaseAmount against the user's credit card using JavaScript on the client-side via Square? If so, how?
Thank you
You can't cut your own server out of the equation entirely. That would mean you would never get to know about the order. Money would just appear in your account.
You shouldn't be collecting credit card information though. Look at the Square Documentation for online transactions.
As part of the process, the user is redirected to Square's website where the credit card information is collected. You never need to send the credit card details to your server.
Merchant - Create a POST request: . Package the order information as a JSON message. NOTE: Currently, Square Checkout cannot calculate
shipping costs or taxes dynamically, those totals must be provided in
the POST request as line items in the order.
Add an authorization token to the header.
Merchant - Send the generated POST request to Square Checkout and process the response:
Save the returned checkout ID.
Automatically redirect the customer to the returned Checkout page URL.
Customer - Provide payment details using the Square Checkout UI.
Square Checkout - Process the transaction and sends email confirmation to merchant and customer.
Merchant - Verify the transaction results.
To process the payment you probably need to send some API credentials which wouldn't be safe to show on your frontend. That's why you may need some backend for that.
And of course you would allow customer to change the payment amount, which usually isn't OK.
Square documentation has got few nice diagrams and images showing how their API works and how to understand integrating it, e.g.
Take a look at "Get started" guide on their website, especially how it works.
Unfortunately, I am unable to find the specific documentation you would need to do this. It appears you need to log into the developer portal using your account credentials. If you are unable to find the documentation you need then you should reach out to Square support. That being said, I can give you some basic guidance.
DO NOT store any credit card information in your website. Do not store in javascript variables, send to your sever, or store them in any database. There is specific code Square will have you use that keeps that data secure and ensures it only ever is shared with Square.
Try digging around in the documentation of the product you're trying to use. What you are trying to accomplish should be found in some kind of "Setup" or "Get Started" type documentation that will be prominently displayed.
