I have the following function:
var PE_AudioManager_playSe = AudioManager.playSe;
AudioManager.playSe = function(se) {
if (se.name.substring(0,5) === `data:`) {
let audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
let gainNode = audioContext.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = (se.volume / 100) || 0;
let panNode = audioContext.createStereoPanner();
panNode.pan.value = (se.pan / 100) || 0;
let source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
audioContext.decodeAudioData(se.name.split(`,`)[1].base64ToArrayBuffer(), function(buffer) {
source.buffer = buffer;
source.detune.value = (se.pitch - 100);
} else {
It is an alias for an existing function, that handles the playing of audio sound effects. This alias "intercepts" the routine and uses the AudioContext interface to play the sound if the source object's .name property is a data URI / base64 rather than a filename.
The sound effect plays without problem, except I don't think I am doing the panning (.createStereoPanner) or volume (.createGain) correctly- I don't think I hear a difference if I adjust the pan or volume. But I could be wrong / crazy.
Does this code look correct? Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance.
The Gain- and PannerNodes have min and max values. Control your input so that those ranges are honored. But the problem lies elsewhere.
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const gainNode = ctx.createGain();
const panNode = ctx.createStereoPanner();
console.log(gainNode.gain.minValue, gainNode.gain.maxValue);
console.log(panNode.pan.minValue, panNode.pan.maxValue);
The connection of the nodes is critical. What helps for me is to look at it like it is a guitar (or any other electrical instrument) with wires that have to be connected. One wire goes from the guitar to the gain pedal, that wire goes to the pan pedal and that wire goes to the amp to output the signal.
Same goes for your nodes. Connect the source (guitar) to the gainNode (gain pedal) then the gainNode to the panNode (pan pedal) and the panNode to the audioContext.destination (the amp).
audioContext.decodeAudioData(se.name.split(`,`)[1].base64ToArrayBuffer(), function(buffer) {
source.buffer = buffer;
source.detune.value = (se.pitch - 100);
Really try to visualize it like that. Maybe even draw it on paper if you will make it more complex.
Multiple nodes can be connected to a single destination. Like having multiple sources which flow through the same effects to the destination. You can even make a switchboard out of this by connecting and disconnecting your nodes to and from different destinations, depending on what you need.
Hope this helps. If you have any question or I have been unclear, please let me know.
I am trying to develop a simple game using nw.js (node.js + chromium page).
<canvas width="1200" height="800" id="main"></canvas>
var Mouse = {x: 0, y: 0, fire: false};
(async function() {
"use strict";
const reload = 25;
var ireload = 0;
const audioCtx = new AudioContext();
let fire = await fetch('shotgun.mp3');
let bgMusic = await fetch('hard.mp3');
fire = await fire.arrayBuffer();
bgMusic = await bgMusic.arrayBuffer();
const bgMdecoded = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(bgMusic);
const fireDecoded = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(fire);
const bgM = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
bgM.buffer = bgMdecoded;
bgM.loop = true;
let shot = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
shot.buffer = fireDecoded;
document.getElementById('main').onmousedown = function(e) {
Mouse.x = e.layerX;
Mouse.y = e.layerY;
Mouse.fire = true;
function main(tick) {
var dt = lastTick - tick;
lastTick = tick;
///take fire
if(--ireload < 0 && Mouse.fire) {
ireload = reload;
shot = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
shot.buffer = fireDecoded;
Mouse.fire = false;
/* moving objects, rendering on thread with offscreen canvas */
let lastTick = performance.now();
I have stripped code to minimal working example.
The problem is with shooting, everytime I fire (///take fire), the game drops FPS. Exactly the same happens in Kaiido example (https://jsfiddle.net/sLpx6b3v/). This works great, using it in long periods, but playing multiple sounds (the game is shooter) several times, gives framerate drop and after some time GC hiccups.
Less than one year old gaming laptop is dropping 60fps to about 40fps, and about 44fps on Kaidos example.
What could be fixed with sound?
Desired behaviour is no lagging / no gc / no framedrops due to sound. The one in background works well.
I will try AudioWorklet, but it is hard to create one and process instantenous sounds (probably another question).
It is possible to reuse buffer, a bit hackish way.
First create
const audioCtx = new AudioContext();
then fetch resource as usual:
let fire = await fetch('shotgun.mp3');
fire = await fire.arrayBuffer();
fire = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(fire);
const shot = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
shot.buffer = fire;
shot.loopEnd = 0.00001; //some small value to make it unplayable
Then, during event (mouse down in my case):
shot.loopEnd = 1; //that restarts sound and plays in a loop.
Next, after it was played, set again
shot.loopEnd = 0.00001;
In my case, I stop it inside requestAnimationFrame
<canvas width="1200" height="800" id="main"></canvas>
var Mouse = {x: 0, y: 0, fire: false};
(async function() {
"use strict";
const reload = 25;
var ireload = 0;
const audioCtx = new AudioContext();
let fire = await fetch('shotgun.mp3');
let bgMusic = await fetch('hard.mp3');
fire = await fire.arrayBuffer();
bgMusic = await bgMusic.arrayBuffer();
const bgMdecoded = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(bgMusic);
const fireDecoded = await audioCtx.decodeAudioData(fire);
const bgM = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
bgM.buffer = bgMdecoded;
bgM.loop = true;
let shot = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
shot.buffer = fireDecoded;
shot.loopEnd = 0.00001; //some small value to make it unplayable
document.getElementById('main').onmousedown = function(e) {
Mouse.x = e.layerX;
Mouse.y = e.layerY;
Mouse.fire = true;
function main(tick) {
var dt = lastTick - tick;
lastTick = tick;
///take fire
//asuming 60fps, which is true in my case, I stop it after a second
if(reload < -35) {
shot.loopEnd = 0.00001;
if(--ireload < 0 && Mouse.fire) {
ireload = reload;
shot.loopEnd = 1; //that restarts sound and plays in a loop.
Mouse.fire = false;
/* moving objects, rendering on thread with offscreen canvas */
let lastTick = performance.now();
A note about GC, it is true that it handles audiobuffers quickly, but I have checked, GC fires only when there are allocations, and memory reallocations. Garbage Collector interupts all script execution, so there is jank, lag.
I use memory pool in tandem to this trick, allocating pool at initialisation and then only reuse objects, and get literally no GC after second sweep, it runs once, after initialisation and kicks in second time, after optimisation and reduces unused memory. After that, there is no GC at all. Using typed array and workers gives really performant combo, with 60 fps, crisp sound and no lags at all.
You may think that locking GC is a bad idea. Maybe you are right, but after all, wasting resources only because there is GC doesn't seem like a good idea either.
After tests, AudioWorklets seem to work as intended, but these are heavy, hard to maintain and consumes a lot of resources and writing processor that simply copies inputs to outputs defies it's purpose. PostMessaging system is really heavy process, and you have to either connect the standard way and recreate buffers, or copy it to Worklet space and manage it via shared arrays and atomic operations manually.
You may be interested also in: Writeup about WebAudio design where the author share the concerns and gets exactly the same problem, quote
I know I’m fighting an uphill battle here, but a GC is not what we
need during realtime audio playback.
Keeping a pool of AudioBuffers seems to work, though in my own test
app I still see slow growth to 12MB over time before a major GC wipes,
according to the Chrome profiler.
And Writeup about GC, where memory leaks in JavaScript are described. A quote:
Consider the following scenario:
A sizable set of allocations is performed.
Most of these elements (or all of them) are marked as unreachable (suppose we null a reference pointing to a cache we no
longer need).
No further allocations are performed.
In this scenario, most GCs will not run any further collection passes.
In other words, even though there are unreachable references available
for collection, these are not claimed by the collector. These are not
strictly leaks but still, result in higher-than-usual memory usage.
i made this webapp to compose music, i wanted to add a feature to download the composition as .mp3/wav/whateverFileFormatPossible, i've been searching on how to do this for many times and always gave up as i couldn't find any examples on how to do it, only things i found were microphone recorders but i want to record the final audio destination of the website.
I play audio in this way:
const a_ctx = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
function playAudio(buf){
const source = a_ctx.createBufferSource()
source.buffer = buf
source.playbackRate.value = pitchKey;
//Other code to modify the audio like adding reverb and changing volume
where buf is the AudioBuffer.
To sum up, i want to record the whole window audio but can't come up with a way.
link to the whole website code on github
Maybe you could use the MediaStream Recording API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStream_Recording_API):
The MediaStream Recording API, sometimes simply referred to as the Media Recording API or the MediaRecorder API, is closely affiliated with the Media Capture and Streams API and the WebRTC API. The MediaStream Recording API makes it possible to capture the data generated by a MediaStream or HTMLMediaElement object for analysis, processing, or saving to disk. It's also surprisingly easy to work with.
Also, you may take a look at this topic: new MediaRecorder(stream[, options]) stream can living modify?. It seems to discuss a related issue and might provide you with some insights.
The following code generates some random noise, applies some transform, plays it and creates an audio control, which allows the noise to be downloaded from the context menu via "Save audio as..." (I needed to change the extension of the saved file to .wav in order to play it.)
const context = new(window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
async function run()
var myArrayBuffer = context.createBuffer(2, context.sampleRate, context.sampleRate);
// Fill the buffer with white noise;
// just random values between -1.0 and 1.0
for (var channel = 0; channel < myArrayBuffer.numberOfChannels; channel++) {
// This gives us the actual array that contains the data
var nowBuffering = myArrayBuffer.getChannelData(channel);
for (var i = 0; i < myArrayBuffer.length; i++) {
// audio needs to be in [-1.0; 1.0]
nowBuffering[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
function playAudio(buf){
const streamNode = context.createMediaStreamDestination();
const stream = streamNode.stream;
const recorder = new MediaRecorder( stream );
const chunks = [];
recorder.ondataavailable = evt => chunks.push( evt.data );
recorder.onstop = evt => exportAudio( new Blob( chunks ) );
const source = context.createBufferSource()
source.onended = () => recorder.stop();
source.buffer = buf
source.playbackRate.value = 0.2
source.connect( streamNode );
function exportAudio( blob ) {
const aud = new Audio( URL.createObjectURL( blob ) );
aud.controls = true;
document.body.prepend( aud );
<body onload="javascript:run()">
<input type="button" onclick="context.resume()" value="play"/>
Is this what you were looking for?
Alright, so I'm trying to determine the intensity (in dB) on samples of an audio file which is recorded by the user's browser.
I have been able to record it and play it through an HTML element.
But when I try to use this element as a source and connect it to an AnalyserNode, AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData always returns an array full of -Infinity, getByteFrequencyData always returns zeroes, getByteTimeDomainData is full of 128.
Here's my code:
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var source;
var analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser();
var bufferLength = analyser.frequencyBinCount;
var data = new Float32Array(bufferLength);
mediaRecorder.onstop = function(e) {
var blob = new Blob(chunks, { 'type' : 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus' });
chunks = [];
var audioURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// audio is an HTML audio element
audio.src = audioURL;
audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function() {
source = audioCtx.createMediaElementSource(audio);
Any idea why the AnalyserNode behaves like the source is empty/mute? I also tried to put the stream as source while recording, with the same result.
I ran into the same issue, thanks to some of your code snippets, I made it work on my end (the code bellow is typescript and will not work in the browser at the moment of writing):
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(this.result as ArrayBuffer).then(function (buffer: AudioBuffer) {
soundSource = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
soundSource.buffer = buffer;
//soundSource.connect(audioCtx.destination); //I do not need to play the sound
setInterval(() => {
calc(); //In here, I will get the analyzed data with analyser.getFloatFrequencyData
}, 300); //This can be changed to 0.
// The interval helps with making sure the buffer has the data
Some explanation (I'm still a beginner when it comes to the Web Audio API, so my explanation might be wrong or incomplete):
An analyzer needs to be able to analyze a specific part of your sound file. In this case I create a AudioBufferSoundNode that contains the buffer that I got from decoding the audio data. I feed the buffer to the source, which eventually will be able to be copied inside the Analyzer. However, without the interval callback, the buffer never seems to be ready and the analysed data contains -Inifinity (which I assume is the absence of any sound, as it has nothing to read) at every index of the array. Which is why the interval is there. It analyses the data every 300ms.
Hope this helps someone!
You need to fetch the audio file and decode the audio buffer.
The url to the audio source must also be on the same domain or have have the correct CORS headers as well (as mentioned by Anthony).
Note: Replace <FILE-URI> with the path to your file in the example below.
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var source;
var analyser = audioCtx.createAnalyser();
var button = document.querySelector('button');
var freqs;
var times;
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
fetch("<FILE-URI>", {
headers: new Headers({
"Content-Type" : "audio/mpeg"
return response.arrayBuffer()
}).then((ab) => {
audioCtx.decodeAudioData(ab, (buffer) => {
source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
source.buffer = buffer;
// Watch the changes in the audio buffer
function viewBufferData() {
freqs = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
times = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = 0.8;
analyser.fftSize = 2048;
}, 1000)
If the source file from a different domain? That would fail in createMediaElementSource.
I am recording browser audio input from the microphone, and sending it via websocket to a nodeJs service that writes the stream to a .wav file.
My problem is that the first recording comes out fine, but any subsequent recordings come out sounding very slow, about half the speed and are therefore unusable.
If I refresh the browser the first recording works again, and subsequent recordings are slowed down which is why I am sure the problem is not in the nodeJs service.
My project is an Angular 5 project.
I have pasted the code I am trying below.
I am using binary.js ->
this.client = BinaryClient(`ws://localhost:9001`)
createStream() {
window.Stream = this.client.createStream();
window.navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(stream => {
stopRecording() {
this.recording = false;
success(e) {
var audioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var context = new audioContext();
// the sample rate is in context.sampleRate
var audioInput = context.createMediaStreamSource(e);
var bufferSize = 2048;
var recorder = context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, 1, 1);
recorder.onaudioprocess = (e) => {
if (!this.recording) return;
var left = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
convertoFloat32ToInt16(buffer) {
var l = buffer.length;
var buf = new Int16Array(l)
while (l--) {
buf[l] = buffer[l] * 0xFFFF; //convert to 16 bit
return buf.buffer
I am stumped as to what can be going wrong so if anyone has experience using this browser tech I would appreciate any help.
I've had this exact problem - your problem is the sample rate you are writing your WAV file with is incorrect.
You need to pass the sample rate used by the browser and the microphone to the node.js which writes the binary WAV file.
Client side:
After a successfull navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia (in your case, success function), get the sampleRate variable from the AudioContext element:
var _smapleRate = context.sampleRate;
Then pass it to the node.js listener as a parameter. In my case I used:
binaryClient.createStream({ SampleRate: _smapleRate });
Server (Node.js) side:
Use the passed SampleRate to set the WAV file's sample rate. In my case this is the code:
fileWriter = new wav.FileWriter(wavPath, {
channels: 1,
sampleRate: meta.SampleRate,
bitDepth: 16
This will prevent broken sounds, low pitch sounds, low or fast WAV files.
Hope this helps.
I am attempting to use a ChannelSplitter node to send an audio signal into both a ChannelMerger node and to the destination, and then trying to use the ChannelMerger node to merge two different audio signals (one from the split source, one from the microphone using getUserMedia) into a recorder using Recorder.js.
I keep getting the following error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: An invalid or illegal string was specified."
The error is at the following line of code:
Where audioSource is an instance of ThreeAudio.Source from the library ThreeAudio.js, splitter is a channel splitter I instantiated myself by modifying the prototype, and merger is my merger node. The code that precedes it is:
merger = context.createChannelMerger(2);
Where userInput is the stream from the user's microphone. That one connects without throwing an error. Sound is getting from the audioSource to the destination (I can hear it), so it doesn't seem like the splitter is necessarily wrong - I just can't seem to connect it.
Does anyone have any insight?
I was struggling to understand the ChannelSplitterNode and ChannelMergerNode API. Finally I find the missing part, the 2nd and 3rd optional parameters of the connect() method - input and output channel.
connect(destinationNode: AudioNode, output?: number, input?: number): AudioNode;
When using the connect() method with Splitter or Merger nodes, spacify the input/output channel. This is how you split and Merge to audio data.
You can see in this example how I load audio data, split it into 2 channels, and control the left/right output. Notice the 2nd and 3rd parameter of the connect() method:
const audioUrl = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/858/outfoxing.mp3";
const audioElement = new Audio(audioUrl);
audioElement.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; // cross-origin - if file is stored on remote server
const audioContext = new AudioContext();
const audioSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audioElement);
const volumeNodeL = new GainNode(audioContext);
const volumeNodeR = new GainNode(audioContext);
volumeNodeL.gain.value = 2;
volumeNodeR.gain.value = 2;
const channelsCount = 2; // or read from: 'audioSource.channelCount'
const splitterNode = new ChannelSplitterNode(audioContext, { numberOfOutputs: channelsCount });
const mergerNode = new ChannelMergerNode(audioContext, { numberOfInputs: channelsCount });
splitterNode.connect(volumeNodeL, 0); // connect OUTPUT channel 0
splitterNode.connect(volumeNodeR, 1); // connect OUTPUT channel 1
volumeNodeL.connect(mergerNode, 0, 0); // connect INPUT channel 0
volumeNodeR.connect(mergerNode, 0, 1); // connect INPUT channel 1
let isPlaying;
function playPause() {
// check if context is in suspended state (autoplay policy)
if (audioContext.state === 'suspended') {
isPlaying = !isPlaying;
if (isPlaying) {
} else {
function setBalance(val) {
volumeNodeL.gain.value = 1 - val;
volumeNodeR.gain.value = 1 + val;
<h3>Try using headphones</h3>
<button onclick="playPause()">play/pause</button>
<button onclick="setBalance(-1)">Left</button>
<button onclick="setBalance(0)">Center</button>
<button onclick="setBalance(+1)">Right</button>
P.S: The audio track isn't a real stereo track, but a left and right copy of the same Mono playback. You can try this example with a real stereo playback for a real balance effect.
Here's some working splitter/merger code that creates a ping-pong delay - that is, it sets up separate delays on the L and R channels of a stereo signal, and crosses over the feedback. This is from my input effects demo on webaudiodemos.appspot.com (code on github).
var merger = context.createChannelMerger(2);
var leftDelay = context.createDelayNode();
var rightDelay = context.createDelayNode();
var leftFeedback = audioContext.createGainNode();
var rightFeedback = audioContext.createGainNode();
var splitter = context.createChannelSplitter(2);
// Split the stereo signal.
splitter.connect( leftDelay, 0 );
// If the signal is dual copies of a mono signal, we don't want the right channel -
// it will just sound like a mono delay. If it was a real stereo signal, we do want
// it to just mirror the channels.
if (isTrueStereo)
splitter.connect( rightDelay, 1 );
leftDelay.delayTime.value = delayTime;
rightDelay.delayTime.value = delayTime;
leftFeedback.gain.value = feedback;
rightFeedback.gain.value = feedback;
// Connect the routing - left bounces to right, right bounces to left.
// Re-merge the two delay channels into stereo L/R
leftFeedback.connect(merger, 0, 0);
rightFeedback.connect(merger, 0, 1);
// Now connect your input to "splitter", and connect "merger" to your output destination.