D3 Rotate Bar Chart Values by 90 Degrees - javascript

I am completely new to Java Script and D3. I'm trying to rotate the values in the bar chart by 90 degrees. However, I cannot rotate them individually. I've tried many different ways to approach this issue but have had no luck. Below is the code.
const render = data => {
const chartTitle = 'Top 10 Most Populous Countries';
const yAxisLabel = 'Population';
const xAxisLabel = 'Country';
const margin = {
top: 100,
right: 50,
bottom: 150,
left: 150
// Dimensions: 400 x 400
// used for the initial rendering
// width to height proportion
// its preserved as the chart is resized
const width = 1200 - margin.left - margin.right;
const height = 600 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
const xValues = d => d.country;
const yValues = d => d.population;
const yScaleMaxValue = Math.ceil((d3.max(data, yValues)));
const yScaleMinValue = Math.ceil((d3.min(data, yValues)));
const xScale = d3.scaleBand().
range([0, width]);
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, yScaleMaxValue])
.range([height, 0])
const yAxisTickFormat = number => d3.format('.3s')(number)
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale).tickFormat(yAxisTickFormat);
const yValuesTextFormat = number => d3.format('.3s')(number);
const svg = d3.select('#responsivechart3').
attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right).
attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom).
call(responsivefy) // Call responsivefy to make the chart responsive
attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${margin.top})`);
.attr('class', 'rect')
.attr('x', d => xScale(xValues(d)))
.attr('y', d => yScale(yValues(d)))
.attr('width', xScale.bandwidth())
.attr('height', d => height - yScale(yValues(d)))
.attr('class', 'bar-value')
.attr('x', d => xScale(xValues(d)))
.attr('y', d => yScale(yValues(d)))
.attr('transform', `rotate(-45)`);
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${height})`)
.call(wrap, xScale.bandwidth());
.attr('fill', 'black')
.attr('fill', 'black')
.attr('fill', 'black')
.attr('transform', `rotate(-90)`);
function responsivefy(svg) {
// Container is the DOM element, svg is appended.
// Then we measure the container and find its
// aspect ratio.
const container = d3.select(svg.node().parentNode),
width = parseInt(svg.style('width'), 10),
height = parseInt(svg.style('height'), 10),
aspect = width / height;
// Add viewBox attribute to set the value to initial size
// add preserveAspectRatio attribute to specify how to scale
// and call resize so that svg resizes on page load
svg.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`).
attr('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMinYMid').
d3.select(window).on('resize.' + container.attr('id'), resize);
function resize() {
const targetWidth = parseInt(container.style('width'));
svg.attr('width', targetWidth);
svg.attr('height', Math.round(targetWidth / aspect));
function wrap(text, width) {
text.each(function() {
var text = d3.select(this),
words = text.text().split(/\s+/).reverse(),
line = [],
lineNumber = 0,
lineHeight = 1.1, // ems
y = text.attr("y"),
dy = parseFloat(text.attr("dy")),
tspan = text.text(null).append("tspan").attr("x", 0).attr("y", y).attr("dy", dy + "em");
while (word = words.pop()) {
tspan.text(line.join(" "));
if (tspan.node().getComputedTextLength() > width+25) {
tspan.text(line.join(" "));
line = [word];
tspan = text
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("dy", ++lineNumber * lineHeight + dy + "em")
data = d3.csv('data.csv').then(data => {
data.forEach(d => {
d.population = +d.population * 1000;
Any help on this would be deeply appreciated.
Ive also attached an image.
Rotated Values


How to place the bars of a bar chart in the right positions of the xAxis using d3.js?

I'm making a bar chart but I'm having problems to match the bar positions with the xAxis. They're not in the right place, for example, by hovering the bar above the 2010 mark, you can see it shows a 2007 value. How can I fix that?
let url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freeCodeCamp/ProjectReferenceData/master/GDP-data.json";
const padding = 50;
const height = 460;
const width = 940;
const barthickness = 2.909090909090909;
var svg = d3.select('body')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
var arr = [];
var years = [];
d3.json(url, function(data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) {
arr[i] = data.data[i];
years[i] = parseInt(data.data[i][0].slice(0,4));
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(arr, (d) => d[1])])
.range([height - padding, padding]);
const xScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([d3.min(years, d => d), d3.max(years, (d) => d)])
.range([padding, width - padding]);
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + (height - padding) + ")")
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + padding + ', 0)')
.attr('fill', 'blue')
.attr('height', d => height - padding - yScale(d[1]))
.attr('width', barthickness)
.attr('x', (d, i) => padding + (3.2* i))
.attr('y', d => yScale(d[1]))
.text((d, i) => years[i] + ': ' + d[1])
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
The problem is that you are not using your x-scale to position the bars. You are using padding + (3.2* i) to set the x coordinate of the bars, which does not line up with your scale. Your chart is 840 pixels wide and has 275 bars, which would be ~3.055 pixels per bar. Your code is placing bars every 3.2 pixels, which is too far.
Typically with bar charts, rather than hard-coding a bar thickness, you use a band scale. You'll want to use your scales both in your axes and to position the bars.
Alternatively, since you are working with temporal data, you could also consider using an area chart instead of a bar chart.
Below I've provided two similarly looking charts for your data. One is a bar chart and the other an area chart.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v7.js"></script>
<div id="bar-chart"></div>
<div id="area-chart"></div>
const url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/freeCodeCamp/ProjectReferenceData/master/GDP-data.json';
d3.json(url).then(json => {
// convert the string into Date objects
const parse = d3.timeParse('%Y-%m-%d');
const data = json.data.map(d => ({ date: parse(d[0]), value: d[1] }));
function barchart(data) {
// set up
const margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 30 };
const width = 600 - margin.left - margin.right;
const height = 300 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
const svg = d3.select('#bar-chart')
.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`);
// scales
const x = d3.scaleBand()
.domain(data.map(d => d.date))
.range([0, width]);
const y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data, d => d.value)])
.range([height, 0]);
// axes
// by default, axes for band scales show tick marks for every bar
// that would be too cluttered for this data, so we override this
// by explicitly setting tickValues()
const [minDate, maxDate] = d3.extent(data, d => d.date);
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x)
// only show the year in the tick labels
.tickValues(d3.timeTicks(minDate, maxDate, 10));
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(y)
.ticks(10, '~s');
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${height})`)
// bars
// function to convert Date into string showing the month and year
const format = d3.timeFormat('%b %Y');
.attr('x', d => x(d.date))
.attr('width', d => x.bandwidth())
.attr('y', d => y(d.value))
.attr('height', d => height - y(d.value))
.attr('fill', 'steelblue')
.text(d => `${format(d.date)}: ${d.value}`)
function areachart(data) {
// set up
const margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 30 };
const width = 600 - margin.left - margin.right;
const height = 300 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
const svg = d3.select('#area-chart')
.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`);
// scales
const x = d3.scaleTime()
.domain(d3.extent(data, d => d.date))
.range([0, width]);
const y = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(data, d => d.value)])
.range([height, 0]);
// area generator
const area = d3.area()
.x(d => x(d.date))
.y1(d => y(d.value))
// axes
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x)
// only show the year in the tick labels
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(y)
.ticks(10, '~s');
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${height})`)
// area
.attr('d', area(data))
.attr('fill', 'steelblue')

d3js beeswarm with force simulation

I try to do a beeswarm plot with different radius; inspired by this code
The issue I have, is that my point are offset regarding my x axis:
The point on the left should be at 31.7%. I don't understand why, so I would appreciate if you could guide me. This could be improved by changing the domain of x scale, but this can't match the exact value; same issue if I remove the d3.forceCollide()
Thank you,
Data are available here.
Here is my code:
$(document).ready(function () {
function tp(d) {
return d.properties.tp60;
function pop_mun(d) {
return d.properties.pop_mun;
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, left: 40},
width = 1280 - margin.right - margin.left,
height = 300 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("viewBox", `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
var z = d3.scaleThreshold()
.domain([.2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7])
.range(["#35ff00", "#f1a340", "#fee0b6",
"#ff0000", "#998ec3", "#542788"]);
var loading = svg.append("text")
.attr("x", (width) / 2)
.attr("y", (height) / 2)
// .attr("dy", ".35em")
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text("Simulating. One moment please…");
var formatPercent = d3.format(".0%"),
formatNumber = d3.format(".0f");
d3.json('static/data/qp_full.json').then(function (data) {
features = data.features
//1 create scales
var x = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain([0, d3.max(features, tp)/100])
.range([0, width - margin.right])
var y = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, 0.1]).range([margin.left, width - margin.right])
var r = d3.scaleSqrt().domain([0, d3.max(features, pop_mun)])
.range([0, 25]);
//2 create axis
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom(x).ticks(20)
.attr("class", "x axis")
var nodes = features.map(function (node, index) {
return {
radius: r(node.properties.pop_mun),
color: '#ff7f0e',
x: x(node.properties.tp60 / 100),
y: height + Math.random(),
pop_mun: node.properties.pop_mun,
tp60: node.properties.tp60
function tick() {
for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
var node = nodes[i];
node.cx = node.x;
node.cy = node.y;
setTimeout(renderGraph, 10);
function renderGraph() {
// Run the layout a fixed number of times.
// The ideal number of times scales with graph complexity.
// Of course, don't run too long—you'll hang the page!
const NUM_ITERATIONS = 1000;
var force = d3.forceSimulation(nodes)
.force('charge', d3.forceManyBody().strength(-3))
.force('center', d3.forceCenter(width / 2, height/2))
.force('x', d3.forceX(d => d.x))
.force('y', d3.forceY(d => d.y))
.force('collide', d3.forceCollide().radius(d => d.radius))
.on("tick", tick)
.attr("cx", d => d.x)
.attr("cy", d => d.y)
.attr("r", d => d.radius)
.style("fill", d => z(d.tp60/100))
.on("mouseover", function (d, i) {
d3.select(this).style('fill', "orange")
.attr("id", "t")
.attr("x", function () {
return d.x - 50;
.attr("y", function () {
return d.y - 50;
.text(function () {
return [x.invert(i.x), i.tp60]; // Value of the text
.on("mouseout", function (d, i) {
d3.select("#t").remove(); // Remove text location
d3.select(this).style('fill', z(i.tp60/100));

change the range of yAxis ticks D3

I need to change the range for yAxis ticks in my d3 chart. Currently, it has a range of 2M and looks like this:
The majority of data is spread between 0 and 4M. I would like to have a smaller range for ticks up until 4M and then a bigger range. So I would have ticks for 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M and then 8M, 12M, 16M. Here is the code:
const width = 1000;
const height = 700;
const padding = 120; // between title and svg borders
const marginTop = 120;
// Min and max for y axis for Revenue values
const maxRevenue = d3.max(dataset, (d) => d[1]);
const minRevenue = d3.min(dataset, (d) => d[1]);
const yScale = d3
.domain([minRevenue, maxRevenue])
.range([height - padding, marginTop]);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
.attr("transform", `translate(${padding}, 0)`)
.call(yAxis); // if need to move the chart to the right (for yaxis)
My recommendation is to use a "split" y-axis. Something like this:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
/* set the CSS */
.bar {
fill: steelblue;
<!-- load the d3.js library -->
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v6.min.js"></script>
// set the dimensions and margins of the graph
var margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 100 },
width = 500 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 500 - margin.top - margin.bottom,
pbottomsize = 0.66,
ptopsize = 0.25;
// set the ranges
var xd = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
var x = d3.scaleBand().range([0, width]).padding(0.1).domain(xd);
var y = d3.scaleLinear().range([height * pbottomsize, 0]).domain([0, 20]);
var y1 = d3.scaleLinear().range([height * ptopsize, 0]).domain([1000000, 2000000]);
var svg = d3
.attr('width', width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom);
var g1 = svg
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + (margin.top + height * 0.33) + ')');
var g2 = svg
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ',' + margin.top + ')');
var data = d3.range(1, 100).map(function (d, i) {
return {
x: xd[Math.floor(Math.random() * xd.length)],
y: Math.random() < 0.75 ? Math.random() * 20 : (Math.random() + 1) * 1000000,
var data0 = data.filter(function(d){
return d.y < 1000000;
var data1 = data.filter(function(d){
return d.y > 1000000;
// append the rectangles for the bar chart
.attr('cx', function (d) {
return x(d.x) + (x.bandwidth() / 2);
.attr('r', 10)
.attr('cy', function (d) {
return y(d.y);
.style('fill', 'steelblue');
.attr('cx', function (d) {
return x(d.x) + (x.bandwidth() / 2);
.attr('r', 10)
.attr('cy', function (d) {
return y1(d.y);
.style('fill', 'red');
// add the x Axis
.attr('transform', 'translate(0,' + (height * pbottomsize) + ')')
// add the y Axis
var g3 = svg.append('g')
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + 70.5 + ',' + 136 + ')')
.attr('d', 'M 10 10 Q 20 0, 30 10 T 50 10 M 30 10 L 30 -2')
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('fill', 'none');
.attr('d', 'M 10 20 Q 20 10, 30 20 T 50 20 M 30 20 L 30 32')
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('fill', 'none');

D3.js bar chart, bars extending from top to bottom, instead of bottom to top

Barchart image
D3.js bar chart, bars extending from top to bottom, instead of bottom to top.
I am not sure what attributes i should be changing to correct this.
I have posted my code and an image of the resulting chart.
const marketCataRender = marketCataData => {
const marketCataSVG = d3.select('.marketCataChart').append('svg')
marketCataSVG.attr('class', 'marketCataSVG')
.attr('height', marketCataHeight)
.attr('width', marketCataWidth);
// x y values
const xValue = d => d.loc_start_str;
const yValue = d => d.total_matched;
// x y scales
const xScale = d3.scaleBand()
.range(\[0, innerWidth\]);
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(marketCataData, yValue))
.range(\[innerHeight, 0\])
// x y axis
const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale)
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale)
// set chart group to make it easier to transform
const g = marketCataSVG.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${margin.top})`);
// x y axis groups
const xAxisG = g.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${innerHeight})`)
.style('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('transform', `rotate(-90)`)
.attr('x', -7)
const yAxisG = g.append('g')
// Apply bar chart rectangle to chart
const marketCataRect = g.selectAll('rect')
.attr('x', d => xScale(xValue(d)))
.attr('height', d => yScale(yValue(d)))
.attr('width', xScale.bandwidth());
You haven't declared the Y coordinates for your rectangles.
You need to scale the y coordinate of your rectangles.
const marketCataRect = g.selectAll('rect')
.attr('x', d => xScale(d.loc_start_str) )
.attr('y', d => yScale(d.total_matched) ) // set y
.attr('height', d => marketCataHeight - yScale(d.total_matched)) // find height by subtracting y value from height of the chart.
.attr('width', xScale.bandwidth());
example here: https://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/8952219
Try to always provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve
I tried to do this by taking your code and adding dummy data etc. and then modifying it
The result is this (Demo here- https://codepen.io/Alexander9111/pen/gObEZym):
<div class="marketCataChart"></div>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js"></script>
const marketCataHeight = 800;
const marketCataWidth = 2000;
const innerWidth = 1500;
const innerHeight = 500;
const margin = {
top: 30,
left: 30,
bottom: 30,
right: 30
const marketCataRender = marketCataData => {
const marketCataSVG = d3.select('.marketCataChart').append('svg')
marketCataSVG.attr('class', 'marketCataSVG')
.attr('height', marketCataHeight)
.attr('width', marketCataWidth);
// x y values
const xValue = d => d.loc_start_str;
const yValue = d => d.total_matched;
// x y scales
const xScale = d3.scaleBand();
.range([0, innerWidth]);
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear();
yScale.domain(d3.extent(marketCataData, yValue))
.range([innerHeight, 0])
// x y axis
//const xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale)
const xAxis = d3.axisTop(xScale) //change to axisTop
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale)
// set chart group to make it easier to transform
const g = marketCataSVG.append('g')
.attr('transform', `translate(${margin.left}, ${margin.top})`);
// x y axis groups
const xAxisG = g.append('g')
.attr('class', 'x-axis')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${0})`) // no longer need to translate by innerHeight as the x-axis is on the top
.style('text-anchor', 'middle')
.attr('transform', `rotate(-0)`) //-90
.attr('x', -7)
const yAxisG = g.append('g')
.attr('class', 'y-axis');
// Apply bar chart rectangle to chart
const marketCataRect = g.selectAll('rect');
.attr('x', d => xScale(xValue(d)))
.attr('height', d => yScale(yValue(d)))
.attr('width', xScale.bandwidth());
//Optional - add chart border:
.attr('x', 0)
.attr('y', 0)
.attr('width', innerWidth)
.attr('height', innerHeight)
.attr('stroke', 'black')
.attr('stroke-width', '1px')
.attr('fill', 'none')
.attr('class', 'chart-boarder');
const marketCataData = [
{loc_start_str: "example0", total_matched: 0},
{loc_start_str: "example1", total_matched: 100},
{loc_start_str: "example2", total_matched: 200},
{loc_start_str: "example3", total_matched: 300},
{loc_start_str: "example4", total_matched: 400},
Most important lines were: const xAxis = d3.axisTop(xScale) and const xAxisG.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${0})`)

D3 combination of bar and area chart

I am wondering is it possible to achieve the combination of area and bar chart in the way shown in the screenshot below?
Along with making the area in between clickable for some other action.
It would be really helpful if you can guide me to some of the examples to get an idea how to achieve the same.
I posted a codepen here. That creates a bar chart, and then separate area charts between each bar chart.
const BarChart = () => {
// set data
const data = [
value: 48,
label: 'One Rect'
value: 32,
label: 'Two Rect'
value: 40,
label: 'Three Rect'
// set selector of container div
const selector = '#bar-chart';
// set margin
const margin = {top: 60, right: 0, bottom: 90, left: 30};
// width and height of chart
let width;
let height;
// skeleton of the chart
let svg;
// scales
let xScale;
let yScale;
// axes
let xAxis;
let yAxis;
// bars
let rect;
// area
let areas = [];
function init() {
// get size of container
width = parseInt(d3.select(selector).style('width')) - margin.left - margin.right;
height = parseInt(d3.select(selector).style('height')) - margin.top - margin.bottom;
// create the skeleton of the chart
svg = d3.select(selector)
.attr('width', '100%')
.attr('height', height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ', ' + margin.top + ')');
xScale = d3.scaleBand().padding(0.15);
xAxis = d3.axisBottom(xScale);
yScale = d3.scaleLinear();
yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale);
.attr('class', 'x axis')
.attr('transform', `translate(0, ${height})`);
.attr('class', 'y axis');
.attr('class', 'x label')
.attr('transform', `translate(10, 20)`)
.domain(data.map(d => d.label))
.range([0, width])
.domain([0, 75])
.range([height, 0]);
rect = svg.selectAll('rect')
.style('fill', d => '#00BCD4')
.attr('y', d => yScale(d.value))
.attr('height', d => height - yScale(d.value))
.attr('x', d => xScale(d.label))
.attr('width', xScale.bandwidth());
// call the axes
// rotate axis text
.attr('transform', 'rotate(45)')
.style('text-anchor', 'start');
if (parseInt(width) >= 600) {
// level axis text
.attr('transform', 'rotate(0)')
.style('text-anchor', 'middle');
(d, i) => {
if (data[i + 1]) {
x: d.label,
y: d.value
x: data[i + 1].label,
y: data[i + 1].value
areas = areas.filter(
d => Object.keys(d).length !== 0
a => {
const area = d3.area()
.x((d, i) => {
return i === 0 ?
xScale(d.x) + xScale.bandwidth() :
.y1(d => yScale(d.y));
.attr('class', 'area')
.style('fill', d => '#B2EBF2')
.attr('d', area)
.on('click', d => {
console.log('hello click!');
return { init };
const myChart = BarChart();
#bar-chart {
height: 500px;
width: 100%;
<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3#5.2.0/dist/d3.min.js"></script>
<div id="bar-chart"></div>
After creating the bar chart, I repackage the data to make it conducive to creating an area chart. I created an areas array where each item is going to be a separate area chart. I'm basically taking the values for the first bar and the next bar, and packaging them together.
(d, i) => {
if (data[i + 1]) {
x: d.label,
y: d.value
x: data[i + 1].label,
y: data[i + 1].value
areas = areas.filter(
d => Object.keys(d).length !== 0
I then iterate through each element on areas and create the area charts.
The only tricky thing here, I think, is getting the area chart to span from the end of the first bar to the start of the second bar, as opposed to from the end of the first bar to the end of the second bar. To accomplish this, I added a rectangle width from my x-scale to the expected x value of the area chart when the first data point is being dealt with, but not the second.
I thought of this as making two points on a line: one for the first bar and one for the next bar. D3's area function can shade all the area under a line. So, the first point on my line should be the top-right corner of the first bar. The second point should be the top-left corner of the next bar.
Attaching a click event at the end is pretty straightforward.
a => {
const area = d3.area()
.x((d, i) => {
return i === 0 ?
xScale(d.x) + xScale.bandwidth() :
.y1(d => yScale(d.y));
.attr('class', 'area')
.style('fill', d => '#B2EBF2')
.attr('d', area)
.on('click', d => {
console.log('hello click!');
In the example below, I have combined a simple bar chart (like in this famous bl.lock) with some polygons in between. I guess it could also be achieved with a path.
const data = [
{ letter: "a", value: 9 },
{ letter: "b", value: 6 },
{ letter: "c", value: 3 },
{ letter: "d", value: 8 }
const svg = d3.select("#chart");
const margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 40 };
const width = +svg.attr("width") - margin.left - margin.right;
const height = +svg.attr("height") - margin.top - margin.bottom;
const xScale = d3.scaleBand()
.rangeRound([0, width]).padding(0.5)
.domain(data.map(d => d.letter));
const yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.rangeRound([height, 0])
.domain([0, 10]);
const g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", `translate(${margin.left},${margin.top})`);
.attr("class", "axis axis--x")
.attr("transform", `translate(0,${height})`)
.attr("class", "axis axis--y")
.attr("class", "bar")
.attr("x", d => xScale(d.letter))
.attr("y", d => yScale(d.value))
.attr("width", xScale.bandwidth())
.attr("height", d => height - yScale(d.value));
// Add polygons
.attr("class", "area")
.attr("points", (d,i,nodes) => {
if (i < nodes.length - 1) {
const dNext = d3.select(nodes[i + 1]).datum();
const x1 = xScale(d.letter) + xScale.bandwidth();
const y1 = height;
const x2 = x1;
const y2 = yScale(d.value);
const x3 = xScale(dNext.letter);
const y3 = yScale(dNext.value);
const x4 = x3;
const y4 = height;
return `${x1},${y1} ${x2},${y2} ${x3},${y3} ${x4},${y4} ${x1},${y1}`;
.on("click", (d,i,nodes) => {
const dNext = d3.select(nodes[i + 1]).datum();
const pc = Math.round((dNext.value - d.value) / d.value * 100.0);
alert(`${d.letter} to ${dNext.letter}: ${pc > 0 ? '+' : ''}${pc} %`);
.bar {
fill: steelblue;
.area {
fill: lightblue;
.area:hover {
fill: sandybrown;
cursor: pointer;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/4.13.0/d3.min.js"></script>
<svg width="400" height="300" id="chart"></svg>
