Ensure space between Cards on colapse to small screen in react - javascript

Am trying to make sure that when I view my react website on a small screen my cards have space in between them. Right now when I view on a large screen the cards are spaced evenly, however, on a small screen, they are not spaces. Has anyone encountered that issue?
Here is my code
<Row gutter={16} justify="space-between" align="middle">
{this.state.news.slice(0,4).map((item, key) => (
<Col span={12} md={{span:6}} lg={{span:6}} style={{paddingTop:15,marginTop:10}}>
style={{ width: 230 }}
cover={<img alt="example" src={item.imageurl} />}
<a href={item.url} target="_blank" > Read News</a>,
<div style={{fontSize:10,paddingRight:5}}>
<Meta title={item.title} description={item.categories} />
cards on a big screen
cards on a small screen

You have style={{ width: 100 }},This will keep the width fixed for all screen. take it out and try.
// style={{ width: 100 }}
cover={<img alt="example" src={i.picture.large} />}
<a href='#' target="_blank" > Read News</a>,


Skeleton-Avatar and ImageButton in MUI React are forced to oval background shapes

When using mui Stack I get weird side effect of geting all the background shapes of Skeleton Avatar and background area smeared to oval|elipsoid shapes. I tried setting equal width and height for Avatar but id does not help.
How can I fix it throguh sx mui component property or css?
code fragment
noValidate autoComplete="off"
sx={{ marginLeft: '15%','& .MuiTextField-root': { m: 2, width: '25ch' }}}>
<form onSubmit={onSubmit} >
{formFields.map((form, index) => {
return (
<Fade in={true} sx = {{width: '95%'}} {...{ timeout: 500 }}>
<Stack direction="row" borderRadius="0" spacing={2} key={index} style ={{marginLeft: '-50px', }}>
{form.img? <Avatar alt="release img" src={form.img} sx={{ width: 56, height: 56 }} /> : <Skeleton animation={false} variant ='circular'> <Avatar sx={{ width: 56, height: 56}} /> </Skeleton>}
<TextField {/* ... */}/>
<IconButton onClick={() => removeFields(index)}><DeleteIcon /</IconButton>
<IconButton onClick={addFields} color={'warning'}> <AddCircleOutlineOutlinedIcon /></IconButton>
<Button onClick={onSubmit} color={'warning'} variant="contained" endIcon= {<SendIcon/>} > Search links </Button>
Normally, the default value of align-items for flex items will be stretch, that's why you see your icon is stretched in the cross axis
The solution is simple, set alignItems prop in Stack to a different value rather than normal/stretch. Here I use center
alignItems="center" // this line
style={{ marginLeft: "-50px" }}
CSS align-items

Make elements on same line

I'm making a blog app using React, Material UI and Tailwindcss.
I made a grid of posts, but every postcard has a different height.
The question is: how to make all cards have the same height and all children in the same line?
Like This:
My Code:
function Posts({ posts }) {
return (
<div className="mt-10">
<Container maxWidth="lg">
{posts.map((post, index) => (
<Grid key={index} item xs={12} sm={12} md={6} lg={4}>
<div className="flex flex-col ">
<Avatar>{post?.username?.substring(0, 1)}</Avatar>
color: "primary.dark",
<Typography variant="h6" color="primary.main">
<Divider variant="middle" className="bg-[#fcfcfc]" />
<MdFavorite className="text-red-500" />
export default Posts;
You could try targeting the root <img> element directly by using the sx property. <CardMedia> would be updated like this:
sx={ {
['&.MuiCardMedia-root.MuiCardMedia-media.MuiCardMedia-img']: {
maxHeight: '194px'
} }
As for making all children in the same line, you could:
set a maxHeight on the <CardHeader> and <CardContent> components, and
if you do not have control over the character length of the text in the header and content, use overflow: 'hidden', and textOverflow: 'ellipsis' to prevent long text strings from vertically expanding the <CardHeader> and <CardContent> components.
Try adding a fixed height on your tag. Also if the size of the images vary for each card it might cause a difference in the height of the whole card. If it doesn't work, try changing the height on your image to height: '194' to height: '194px'. Maybe this is what is causing an error.

div height doesn't adjust when Accordion is collapsed

I have two charts on top of each other that extend to the bottom of the screen. The first is collapsible via an Accordion.
However, if I do the following two things in sequence:
Make my browser window bigger
Then, collapse the Accordion (i.e., minimize the first graph).
Then there will be unwanted whitespace below the second graph.
<Flex direction="column" height="calc(100vh)" className="flex-wrapper">
<Box fontSize={["sm", "md", "lg", "xl"]}>Font Size</Box>
<Flex className="flex-wrapper0">
<Box className="accordion-box-container">
<Accordion className="accordion-wrapper" allowToggle>
<h2 className="accordion-title">
_focus={{ boxShadow: "none" }}
_focus={{ boxShadow: "none" }}
<AccordionIcon />
<AccordionPanel p="0">
<Box height="30vh">
<ThreeDataPoint />
<div className="graph-wrapper">
<ThreeDataPoint />
It seems like some interaction problem between browser resizing and css? I think I need to force a re-rendering of <ThreeDataPoint /> whenever the accordion button is pressed so that it can pick up the new height that it's supposed to be using. I wonder how to force such a re-rendering?
Here's codesandbox:
And the app URL:
It was because of this !important flag causing troubles in the css file:
.graph-wrapper div {
height: 100% !important;
After commenting this out, it worked as expected.

How to fix button to be interacted with, in carousel?

When I try to import a layer/button onto one of these cards it does not allow it to be clicked or interacted with. I believe the problem is with the carousel. What is a way I can fix this? The "CenterLayer" is supposed to act as a button and is the one I am having problems with. When I put this code the layer appears on the card as a footer but it's not allowed to be clicked. Is there anyone that can help me with this, please?
import React from "react";
import {
} from "grommet";
import {CenterLayer} from "./EventsButton";
import { MainFooter } from "../Footer/Footer";
const Card0 = () => (
<Card pad="large" background="dark-1" gap="medium">
<Box height="small" width="small">
<Image src="./images/Photo.jpg" />
<CardBody>The Stranahan High School Graduation</CardBody>
<Box direction="row" round gap="xlarge">
<CenterLayer />
const Card1 = () => (
<Card pad="large" background="dark-1" gap="medium">
<Box height="small" width="small">
<Image src="./images/Photo.jpg" />
<CardBody>Card1 The Stranahan High School Graduation</CardBody>
const Card2 = () => (
<Card pad="large" background="dark-1" gap="medium">
<Box height="small" width="small">
<Image src="./images/Photo.jpg" />{" "}
<CardBody>Card2 The Stranahan High School Graduation</CardBody>
const Events = () => (
<Heading textAlign="center" size="large" alignSelf="center" level="2" margin={{ left: "xlarge",
top: "large",}}>Upcoming Events</Heading>
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card0 />
<Card1 />
<Card2 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Card2 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card2 />
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Card2 />
<Heading textAlign="center" size="large" alignSelf="center" level="2" margin={{ left: "xlarge",
top: "large",}}>Past Events</Heading>
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card0 />
<Card1 />
<Card2 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Card2 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card2 />
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Box direction="row" pad="large" round gap="small">
<Card1 />
<Card0 />
<Card2 />
<Box direction="row" pad="xlarge" round gap="xlarge">
<Box height="medium" width="medium" margin={{left: "xlarge"}}>
<Calendar fill daysOfWeek />
<Box margin={{left: "xlarge", top:"large"}}>
<Card background={'orange'} >
<CardBody height="medium" width="medium" margin={{right: "medium", bottom: "medium", left: "medium", top: "medium"}}>
<Text>At SEEF we take every opportunity to help the Stranahan community. We hope that our impact will lead others to do the same.</Text>
< MainFooter />
export default Events
import React from 'react';
import { Add } from 'grommet-icons';
import { Box, Button, Grommet, Heading, Layer, Select, Text } from 'grommet';
import { grommet } from 'grommet/themes';
export const CenterLayer = () => {
const [open, setOpen] = React.useState();
const onOpen = () => setOpen(true);
const onClose = () => setOpen(undefined);
return (
<Grommet theme={grommet} >
<Box fill align="center" justify="center">
icon={<Add />}
<strong>More Information</strong>
{open && (
<Layer position="center" onClickOutside={onClose} onEsc={onClose}>
<Box pad="medium" gap="small" width="medium">
<Heading level={3} margin="none">
The Stranahan High School Graduation
<Text>This event will be taken place at City Hall in Fort Lauderdale</Text>
<Text>This event will be taken place on 3/25/2021 at 3:00PM</Text>
pad={{ top: 'medium', bottom: 'small' }}
<Text color="white">
CenterLayer.storyName = 'Center';
CenterLayer.parameters = {
chromatic: { disable: true },
export default {
title: 'EventsButton',
Carousel is an interactive element, i.e. it has its own focus and navigation behavior, and for UX & accessibility reasons you shouldn't place nested interactive elements inside of each other, hence I'd try to avoid a button inside of a card, inside of a Carousel.
That being said, the button you've placed in the card is placed 'behind' the Carousel, so moving up its z-index would solve the problem.
Add this style to a Card and it should do trick
<Card style={{ zIndex: "100" }} ... >
I chose 100 as a random number, feel free to make it smaller according to your app behavior.

How to make responsive React bootstrap cards that are vertically aligned?

I have a card component:
<Card className="m-5 border-0 shadow" style={styles.card}>
<Card.Img src={props.image} style={styles.cardImage}/>
<Card.Title as="h1">
<Card.Text as="h4" style={styles.cardText}>
props.link &&
<Button style={styles.button} href={props.url}>Read More</Button>
The card is wrapped in a fluid <Container> and <CardGroup> component from react-bootstrap:
<Container fluid className="text-center">
<CardGroup className="m-5 d-block">
<Card />
On desktop device it looks like this:
But it looks like this on mobile device:
Here are the styles:
const styles = {
card: {
backgroundColor: '#B7E0F2',
borderRadius: 55,
padding: '3rem'
cardImage: {
height: '100%',
objectFit: 'cover',
borderRadius: 55
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
Try this. For the <Row> component class with className row in css file assign property as follows:
.row {
display: flex,
Try this one
<Card >
<Card.Title style={{textAlign:"center"}}>title</Card.Title>
<Card.Text style={{textAlign:"left"}}>
<Card.Text style={{textAlign:"right"}}>Link</Card.Text>
For more details check out this Link
