I'm trying to test an API with jest. Originally all my tests wherein one file and all tests where passing. I wanted to separate my tests into different files. To do this I'm trying to use a global setup file with beforeEach and afterEach. The problem is that sometimes I run the tests and they pass and other times they fail (different test pass and different fail each time).
"jest": {
"verbose": true,
"bail": false,
"preset": "#shelf/jest-mongodb",
"setupFilesAfterEnv": [
"globals": {
"authHeaders": {},
"authId": null
const app = require("./index")
const supertest = require("supertest")
const request = supertest(app)
const db = require("./src/db")
const jwtDecode = require("jwt-decode")
const getAuthToken = require("./src/utils/getAuthToken")
let token
let decodedJwt
const getAuthHeaders = token => ({
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
beforeEach(async done => {
//setup globals available in all tests
token = await getAuthToken()
token = JSON.parse(token)["access_token"]
decodedJwt = jwtDecode(token)
authId = decodedJwt.sub
authHeaders = getAuthHeaders(token)
// Ensure that we have a users collection with our test user
// who can then call the api
await request
.send({ email: "test#example.com" })
afterEach(async done => {
// Delete the users collection
await db.instance.dropUsers()
await db.instance.dropAgencies()
const app = require("../../../../index")
const supertest = require("supertest")
const request = supertest(app)
const faker = require("faker")
describe("/v1/users/:id", () => {
test("should return an error when the users do not have a mutual agency", async done => {
if (!authHeaders || !authId) {
let testUserId = null
let email = faker.internet.email()
await request
.send({ email })
.then(({ body }) => (testUserId = body._id))
await request
.get("/v1/users/" + testUserId)
.then(({ body }) => {
I can run the above once and it will pass and run again moments later and it will fail.
After further investigation it seems that the issue is something to do with the afterEach function not dropping the Users collection. When I console log the response of the request made in the beforeEach in the jest.setup.js file I'm getting an error response saying that the user for the given email already exists.
The issue was caused by multiple tests running at the same time, adding the --runInBand flag (which forces test to be run serially) fixes the issue.
The error in my thinking was I assumed it was safe to add a user record to the database beforeEach and delete it afterEach without considering that if two tests run at the same time one would always fail as a user would already exist in the database.
In light of this I think it would be an idea to refactor my setup file so that my test user is only created once for all tests but I need to consider the implications of doing this.
I have found that I can run test successfully without the runInBand flag by switching out my atlas cloud database in favour of mongodb-memory-server during tests.
I'm trying to mock a function using Frisby and Jest.
Here are some details about my code:
axios: "^0.26.0",
dotenv: "^16.0.0",
express: "^4.17.2"
frisby: "^2.1.3",
jest: "^27.5.1"
When I mock using Jest, the correct response from API is returned, but I don't want it. I want to return a fake result like this: { a: 'b' }.
How to solve it?
I have the following code:
// (API Fetch file) backend/api/fetchBtcCurrency.js
const axios = require('axios');
const URL = 'https://api.coindesk.com/v1/bpi/currentprice/BTC.json';
const getCurrency = async () => {
const response = await axios.get(URL);
return response.data;
module.exports = {
// (Model using fetch file) backend/model/cryptoModel.js
const fetchBtcCurrency = require('../api/fetchBtcCurrency');
const getBtcCurrency = async () => {
const responseFromApi = await fetchBtcCurrency.getCurrency();
return responseFromApi;
module.exports = {
// (My test file) /backend/__tests__/cryptoBtc.test.js
const frisby = require("frisby");
const URL = "http://localhost:4000/";
describe("Testing GET /api/crypto/btc", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('Verify if returns correct response with status code 200', async () => {
const fetchBtcCurrency = require('../api/fetchBtcCurrency').getCurrency;
fetchBtcCurrency.mockImplementation(() => (JSON.stringify({ a: 'b'})));
const defaultExport = await fetchBtcCurrency();
expect(defaultExport).toBe(JSON.stringify({ a: 'b'})); // This assert works
await frisby
.expect('status', 200)
.expect('json', { a: 'b'}); // Integration test with Frisby does not work correctly.
I hid the lines to save screen space.
->>>>>>> does not contain provided JSON [ {"a":"b"} ]
This is a classic lost reference problem.
Since you're using Frisby, by looking at your test, it seems you're starting the server in parallel, correct? You first start your server with, say npm start, then you run your test with npm test.
The problem with that is: by the time your test starts, your server is already running. Since you started your server with the real fetchBtcCurrency.getCurrency, jest can't do anything from this point on. Your server will continue to point towards the real module, not the mocked one.
Check this illustration: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/heyset/a554f9fe4f34101430e1ec0d53f52fa3/raw/9556a9dbd767def0ac9dc2b54662b455cc4bd01d/illustration.svg
The reason the assertion on the import inside the test works is because that import is made after the mock replaces the real file.
You didn't share your app or server file, but if you are creating the server and listening on the same module, and those are "hanging on global" (i.e: being called from the body of the script, and not part of a function), you'll have to split them. You'll need a file that creates the server (appending any route/middleware/etc to it), and you'll need a separate file just to import that first one and start listening.
For example:
const express = require('express');
const { getCurrency } = require('./fetchBtcCurrency');
const app = express()
app.get('/api/crypto/btc', async (req, res) => {
const currency = await getCurrency();
module.exports = { app }
const { app } = require('./app');
app.listen(4000, () => {
console.log('server is up on port 4000');
Then, on your start script, you run the server file. But, on your test, you import the app file. You don't start the server in parallel. You'll start and stop it as part of the test setup/teardown.
This will give jest the chance of replacing the real module with the mocked one before the server starts listening (at which point it loses control over it)
With that, your test could be:
const frisby = require("frisby");
const URL = "http://localhost:4000/";
const fetchBtcCurrency = require('./fetchBtcCurrency');
const { app } = require('./app');
describe("Testing GET /api/crypto/btc", () => {
let server;
beforeAll((done) => {
server = app.listen(4000, () => {
afterAll(() => {
it('Verify if returns correct response with status code 200', async () => {
fetchBtcCurrency.getCurrency.mockImplementation(() => ({ a: 'b' }));
await frisby
.expect('status', 200)
.expect('json', { a: 'b'});
Note that the order of imports don't matter. You can do the "mock" below the real import. Jest is smart enough to know that mocks should come first.
I'm trying to create a Telegram bot but when I run the code I get these errors:
"node-telegram-bot-api deprecated Automatic enabling of cancellation of promises is deprecated
In the future, you will have to enable it yourself.
See https://github.com/yagop/node-telegram-bot-api/issues/319. internal\modules\cjs\loader.js:1063:30"
"error: [polling_error] {"code":"ETELEGRAM","message":"ETELEGRAM: 409 Conflict: terminated by
other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running"}"
I have no idea what that means. I've followed the link but I still don't know how to solve the problem, please help me, I don't know what to do.
Here is my bot.js code if that helps:
const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
const axios = require('axios');
const parser = require('./parser.js');
const token = process.env.TELEGRAM_TOKEN;
let bot;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
bot = new TelegramBot(token);
bot.setWebHook(process.env.HEROKU_URL + bot.token);
} else {
bot = new TelegramBot(token, { polling: true });
// Matches "/word whatever"
bot.onText(/\/word (.+)/, (msg, match) => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
const word = match[1];
.get(`${process.env.OXFORD_API_URL}/entries/en-gb/${word}`, {
params: {
fields: 'definitions',
strictMatch: 'false'
headers: {
app_id: process.env.OXFORD_APP_ID,
app_key: process.env.OXFORD_APP_KEY
.then(response => {
const parsedHtml = parser(response.data);
bot.sendMessage(chatId, parsedHtml, { parse_mode: 'HTML' });
.catch(error => {
const errorText = error.response.status === 404 ? `No definition found for the word: <b>${word}</b>` : `<b>An error occured, please try again later</b>`;
bot.sendMessage(chatId, errorText, { parse_mode:'HTML'})
Install this package npm I dotenv
Create a file called .env at the root of your project.
Add to that file this NTBA_FIX_319=1
Add to the top of your index.js file (or whatever file that contains your bot instance): require('dotenv').config()
Restart your bot.
So your code will look like
const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api');
// replace the value below with the Telegram token you receive from #BotFather
const token = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN';
// Create a bot that uses 'polling' to fetch new updates
const bot = new TelegramBot(token, {polling: true});
bot.on('message', (msg) => {
const chatId = msg.chat.id;
// send a message to the chat acknowledging receipt of their message
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Received your message');
1) Get rid of the promise cancellation warning
The simplest, is to add that line at the top of your bot file:
process.env.NTBA_FIX_319 = 1 // this line SHOULD be above all imports
const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api')
// ...rest of your telegram bot code
2) The 409 conflict error
In short, there are two version of your telegram bot running at the same time, so:
check if there is not multiple instance of your server running your bot, which can be the case when using workers, pm2...
check that your bot script is not started twice
Other causes and explanations can be found here and here
I would like to have a AuthWrapper Service that wraps the AngularFireAuth Service. Something like this.
// EDIT: Adding some import statements.
import {TestBed} from '#angular/core/testing';
import { AuthWrapperService } from './auth-wrapper.service';
import {AngularFireModule} from '#angular/fire';
import {AngularFireAuth, AngularFireAuthModule} from '#angular/fire/auth';
import {environment} from '../environments/environment';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthWrapper {
constructor(public afAuth: AngularFireAuth) { }
isAuthenticated(): Observable<firebase.User> {
return this.afAuth.user;
createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: string, password: string): Promise<String> {
let authPromise: Promise<firebase.auth.UserCredential> =
this.afAuth.auth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
return authPromise
.then((value) => {
return value.user.email;
.catch(function(error) {
return error.message;
I want a wrapper, so that I can test my connection to AngularFireAuth. Other tests mock the AuthWrapper.
( Reason for not mocking AngularFireAuth: Say I mock AngularFireAuth, then I am determining the mock's return values. Then I am saying that I understand what these values would look like. It is not safe to assume this without ever testing these by calling the backend. Say google changes how the results of the real AngularFireAuth's methods, I would then be forced to change the results of each of my AngularFireAuth mocks. Instead it is better to wrap AngularFireAuth in a wrapper, and just change that wrapper's methods to conform to google's changes. )
My tests in Karmine and Jasmine result in an "Async callback was not invoked within 5000ms error." I know the user is signed it because the first expect passes, but how do I get the second expect to work?:
describe('AuthWrapperService', () => {
let fireAuthService: AngularFireAuth;
let password = "dcbA4321!";
beforeEach(() => {
imports: [
providers: [AngularFireAuth, AuthWrapperService],
declarations: []
fireAuthService = TestBed.get(AngularFireAuth);
it('should sign in user', async() => {
const email = "anyemail#gmail.com";
let authWrap = new AuthWrapperService(fireAuthService);
let userEmail = await authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
let obs = authWrap.isAuthenticated();
let promise = obs.toPromise();
let user = await promise.then((result) => {return result});
I haven't seen any Angular testing code, where the AngularFireAuth isn't mocked.
These are the tests that worked for me with a time interval of 5000ms. I did test them with "bad#gmail.com" in the expect lines to make sure the expect lines were actually running, and yes, the expect lines are actually passing. I intend to only run the AuthWrapperService tests periodically since they hit the database. I will mock the AuthWrapperService in other tests. Before I run these tests I delete the existing users in the firebase database manually through the firebase console. I do run both of these tests in one go, (inside one describe block).
it('should create new user', async() => {
const annEmail = "ann#gmail.com";
let authWrap = new AuthWrapperService(fireAuthService);
await authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(annEmail, password).then(
((testEmail) => {
await fireAuthService.auth.signOut();
it('should return error message when user already exists', async() => {
const email = 'ben#gmail.com';
const error = 'already in use';
let authWrap = new AuthWrapperService(fireAuthService);
await authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((value: String) => {
await fireAuthService.auth.signOut();
await authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password)
.then((value: String) => {
expect(value).toContain('already in use');
await fireAuthService.auth.signOut();
I decided to use fireAuthService.auth.currentUser.email instead of the AuthWrapperService's isAuthenticated() method to directly test that my AuthWrapperService's createUserWithEmailAndPassword() method creates a user in firebase.
I realize that this is not a unit test, but I have decided that it is better to have an integration test than to mock methods that I don't own.
The following test also worked for me within 5000ms and uses the isAuthenticated() method.
it('should create user cat', async() => {
const catEmail = "cat#gmail.com";
let authWrap = new AuthWrapperService(fireAuthService);
let userEmail = await authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(catEmail, password);
await authWrap.isAuthenticated().subscribe({
next(user) {
console.log("cat, timeinterval: " + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL);
await fireAuthService.auth.signOut();
The following "dan test" resulted in time outs. I tried 29000ms once and it ran out of time. Most runs of this test were 10 seconds. Many times, but not always, this test passes correctly if the user is already a user before the test is run (so it's not really creating a user during the test). One time this test passed correctly when the user had not been created before the test, but I ran this many times without the user existing before the test and it failed. I'm not sure why that would be.
it('should create user dan', done => {
const datEmail = "dan#gmail.com";
let authWrap = new AuthWrapperService(fireAuthService);
authWrap.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(datEmail, password);
console.log("dan, timeinterval: " + jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL);
As discussed in comments, its not a good practice to not mock dependencies in case of unit testing. Any cohesive unit should be tested in isolation. And let say if our dependency has number of other dependencies then we cannot provide them all.
When you test the code with the actual dependency, you are not doing unit testing; you are doing integration testing.
Please see this for difference between Integration testing and Unit testing - https://angular.io/guide/testing#use-e2e-end-to-end-to-test-more-than-a-single-unit
You are facing this error because your async spec finishes after the default time out that jasmine has specified, which is 5 seconds. Please find the jasmine documentation on this. URL - https://jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html#section-42
You need to manipulate the jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL as per your need, assign it some large value as shown in below example:
describe("long asynchronous specs", function() {
var originalTimeout;
beforeEach(function() {
originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 60000; // 60 second (use value as per need)
it("takes a long time", function(done) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 9000);
afterEach(function() {
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
It still depend on the network as well how fast your promise returns the value. I would suggest you to change the value for jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL only in test where you are working with actual dependecies.
I hope this will help.
I'm using NestJS CQRS recipe in order to manage interactions between two entities: User and UserProfile. The architecture is an API Gateway NestJS server + a NestJS server for each microservice (User, UserProfile, etc.).
I have already set up basic interactions through User and UserProfile modules on API Gateway with their own sagas/events/commands:
When a user is created, a user profile is created
When the user profile creation fails, the previously created user is deleted
In details:
In User module, CreateUser command raises a UserCreated event that is intercepted by User saga, which will trigger CreateUserProfile command (from UserProfile module).
If the latter fails, a UserProfileFailedToCreate event is raised and intercepted by UserProfile saga, which will trigger DeleteUser command (from User module).
Everything works fine.
If the CreateUser command fails, I resolve(Promise.reject(new HttpException(error, error.status)) which indicates to the end user that something went wrong during the user creation.
My problem is that I cannot replicate the same behavior for the CreateUserProfile command since the HTTP request promise has already been resolved from the first command, obviously.
So my question is: is there any way to make a command fail if a subsequent command fails in the saga? I understand that the HTTP request is totally disconnected from any subsequent commands triggered by a saga, but I want to know if anybody has already played with events or something else here to replicate this data flow?
One of the reasons I'm using CQRS, besides having a much cleaner code for data interactions among microservices, is to be able to rollback repositories actions in case any of the chained commands fails, which works fine. But I need a way to indicate to the end user that the chain went through an issue and was rollbacked.
async createUser(#Body() createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<{user: IAuthUser, token: string}> {
const { authUser } = await this.authService.createAuthUser(createUserDto);
// this is executed after resolve() in CreateUserCommand
return {user: authUser, token: this.authService.createAccessTokenFromUser(authUser)};
async createAuthUser(createUserDto: CreateUserDto): Promise<{authUser: IAuthUser}> {
return await this.commandBus
.execute(new CreateAuthUserCommand(createUserDto))
.catch(error => { throw new HttpException(error, error.status); });
async execute(command: CreateAuthUserCommand, resolve: (value?) => void) {
const { createUserDto } = command;
const createAuthUserDto: CreateAuthUserDto = {
email: createUserDto.email,
password: createUserDto.password,
phoneNumber: createUserDto.phoneNumber,
try {
const user = this.publisher.mergeObjectContext(
await this.client
.send<IAuthUser>({ cmd: 'createAuthUser' }, createAuthUserDto)
.then((dbUser: IAuthUser) => {
const {password, passwordConfirm, ...publicUser} = Object.assign(dbUser, createUserDto);
return new AuthUser(publicUser);
resolve(user); // <== This makes the HTTP request return its reponse
} catch (error) {
authUserCreated = (event$: EventObservable<any>): Observable<ICommand> => {
return event$
map(event => {
const createUserProfileDto: CreateUserProfileDto = {
avatarUrl: '',
firstName: event.authUser.firstName,
lastName: event.authUser.lastName,
nationality: '',
userId: event.authUser.id,
username: event.authUser.username,
return new CreateUserProfileCommand(createUserProfileDto);
async execute(command: CreateUserProfileCommand, resolve: (value?) => void) {
const { createUserProfileDto } = command;
try {
const userProfile = this.publisher.mergeObjectContext(
await this.client
.send<IUserProfile>({ cmd: 'createUserProfile' }, createUserProfileDto)
.then((dbUserProfile: IUserProfile) => new UserProfile(dbUserProfile)),
} catch (error) {
const userProfile = this.publisher.mergeObjectContext(new UserProfile({id: createUserProfileDto.userId} as IUserProfile));
resolve(Promise.reject(new HttpException(error, 500)).catch(() => {}));
userProfileFailedToCreate = (event$: EventObservable<any>): Observable<ICommand> => {
return event$
map(event => {
return new DeleteAuthUserCommand(event.userProfile);
async execute(command: DeleteAuthUserCommand, resolve: (value?) => void) {
const { deleteAuthUserDto } = command;
try {
const user = this.publisher.mergeObjectContext(
await this.client
.send<IAuthUser>({ cmd: 'deleteAuthUser' }, deleteAuthUserDto)
.then(() => new AuthUser({} as IAuthUser)),
} catch (error) {
resolve(Promise.reject(new HttpException(error, error.status)).catch(() => {}));
In DDD terms your creation of User and UserProfile constitutes a business transaction - a group of business operations/rules that must be consistent - that spans multiple microservices.
In that case returning the database User before the UserProfile has been created means you return data in an inconsistent state. This is not necessarily wrong, but you should handle this appropriately in the client if you do it like that.
I see three possible ways to deal with this scenario:
You let the Sagas run until they have executed commands that indicate the business transaction has ended, only then resolve an outcome for the client indicating either success or failure (e.g. in error details you can report which steps succeeded and which did not). So you do not yet resolve in CreateAuthUserCommand.
If it can take a long time for the UserProfile to be created (it could even have to be manually validated by a Moderator) then you might want to resolve the User in CreateAuthUserCommand and then subsequently have the client subscribe to UserProfile-related events. You need a mechanism for that, but it decouples the client from the running transaction, and it can do other stuff.
Alternatively you could break up the business transaction into two parts for which the client sends separate requests: one creates/returns the authenticated User, and the other returns the created UserProfile. Though it seems that User + UserProfile belong to the same bounded context, the fact that they reside in two different microservices may indicate they are not (in this case I think the first microservice really is for Authentication and the other for UserProfiles which indicate different bounded contexts to me). Best-practice is to have a microservice implement their own encapsulated bounded context.
(Note: Answered an old question in hopes it is informative to others)
I want to test a a cloud function that creates users.
In normal cases, inside the browser i generate an idToken and i send it to server via headers: Authorization : Bearer etcIdToken
But I want to test this function without the browser. In my mocha tests i have:
before(done => {
firebase = require firebase.. -- this is suppose to be like the browser lib.
admin = require admin..
idToken = null;
uid = "AY8HrgYIeuQswolbLl53pjdJw8b2";
.createCustomToken(uid) -- admin creates a customToken
.then(customToken => {
return firebase.auth() -- this is like browser code. customToken get's passed to the browser.
.signInWithCustomToken(customToken) -- browser signs in.
.then(signedInUser => firebase.auth() -- now i want to get an idToken. But this gives me an error.
.then(idToken_ => {
idToken = idToken_
.catch(err => done(err));
The error i'm getting is:
firebase.auth(...).currentUser.getIdToken is not a function - getting the idToken like this works on client - and is documented here.
I tried directly with signedInUser.getIdToken(). Same problem:
signedInUser.getIdToken is not a function - not documented. just a test.
I think this is because firebase object is not intended for node.js use like i'm doing here. When signing in - stuff get's saved in browser local storage - and maybe this is why.
But the question still remains. How can i get an idToken inside node.js in order to be able to test:
return chai.request(myFunctions.manageUsers)
.set("Authorization", "Bearer " + idToken) --- i need the idToken here - like would be if i'm getting it from the browser.
displayName: "jony",
email: "jony#gmail.com",
password: "123456"
am I approaching this wrong? I know that if i can get the idToken it will work. Do i rely need the browser for this? Thanks :)
From Exchange custom token for an ID and refresh token, you can transform a custom token to an id token with the api. Hence, you just have to generate a custom token first from the uid, then transform it in a custom token. Here is my sample:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const config = require('config');
const rp = require('request-promise');
module.exports.getIdToken = async uid => {
const customToken = await admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid)
const res = await rp({
url: `https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyCustomToken?key=${config.get('firebase.apiKey')}`,
method: 'POST',
body: {
token: customToken,
returnSecureToken: true
json: true,
return res.idToken;
L. Meyer's Answer Worked for me.
But, the rp npm package is deprecated and is no longer used.
Here is the modified working code using axios.
const axios = require('axios').default;
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const createIdTokenfromCustomToken = async uid => {
try {
const customToken = await admin.auth().createCustomToken(uid);
const res = await axios({
url: `https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyCustomToken?key=${FIREBASE_API_KEY}`,
method: 'post',
data: {
token: customToken,
returnSecureToken: true
json: true,
return res.data.idToken;
} catch (e) {
curl 'https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyPassword?key=<FIREBASE_KEY>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'--data-binary '{"email": "test#test.com","password":"test","returnSecureToken":true}'
If this curl doesn't run, try running the same thing on Postman. It works!