I am trying to make a button open an exe file in computer but it doesn't open and it gives me this error
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
at runExe (main.js:61)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick
here is the code for my button
<button onclick="runExe()" id="button">click</button>
and i got this code form the internet and when i remove the function runExe() the exe file opens when i start the app and i want it to only open when button is clicked.
here is the code to open the exe file
function runExe(){
var child = require('child_process').execFile;
var executablePath = "winRAR.exe";
child(executablePath, function(err, data) {
The error message says you cannot use require.
You are trying to run that code in the renderer process. If the distinction between main and renderer is new, see https://www.electronjs.org/docs/tutorial/application-architecture#main-and-renderer-processes
One way to do what you want is to instead have the rendered process send the open request to the main process, where the require will work, and where opening a child process should work.
BTW, I don't know if shell.openItem() (https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/shell) can be used to start any exe? If so, that might be the better way to do it.
I'm am on an embedded system which has an implemented webserver and a ftp-server.
Both servers are handled by a RTOS and I cannot change server-side code at the time.
I need to access and download text-files programmatically over the ftp-server from my website.
So far I am dynamically creating an ftp-link and open it inside a new window, which only shows me the text-content of the requested file.
Now I want to download this text content for serveral files I am about to open in a loop:
Open window - download textcontent - Close window
... Open Window ... and so on.
I cannot "inject" Javascript for the new window, to make it download it content if Im right?
I open the window with
from a script running on my webpage.
Is there any possibility to access and download that text content as described?
At the time I do not have the possibility to access the textfiles other than ftp, since the webserver and ftpserver are not on the same filesystem and I can not change the code on the serverside.
Now I know this is kind of hacky... yet I need a workaround for now to access the textfiles.
Thank you in advance!
If you're using node you can try node-ftp
Here's a quick example of how to use:
var Client = require('ftp');
var c = new Client();
c.on('ready', function() {
c.get('foo.txt', function(err, stream) {
if (err) throw err;
stream.once('close', function() { c.end(); });
// connect to localhost:21 as anonymous
I'm running a function which I've written in JavaScript inside a nodejs/Electron client.
This function is meant to copy a file from the users flash drive to their c:/Windows/System32 (The file is being copied there so that it can be ran from Command Prompt manually next time the computer is touched without having to switch directories)
The problem is, the files are not being copied, and copyFileSync is not throwing an error.
Here is the code I'm specifically having a problem with:
try {
console.log('copying t.bat');
fs.copyFileSync(remote.app.getAppPath() + '\\app\\files\\scripts\\files\\t.bat', 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\t.bat');
} catch(err) {
console.log('could not copy t.bat', err);
$('#mfail_title').text('Could not copy t.bat file');
return false;
As you can see, I have copyFileSync inside a TRY CATCH block. I know this code is running because in the console I get copying t.bat, but nothing else.
How can I get my files to copy, or at least throw an error when it cannot?
This client is running inside OOBE mode on various Windows 10 machines, therefore always has administrator access.
I've tried updating to the async version of copyFile, but I'm having the same issue. Here is my code
var source = remote.app.getAppPath() + '\\app\\files\\scripts\\files\\t.bat';
var destination = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\t.bat';
fs.copyFile(source, destination, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
source = remote.app.getAppPath() + '\\app\\files\\scripts\\files\\p.bat';
destination = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\p.bat';
fs.copyFile(source, destination, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
source = remote.app.getAppPath() + '\\app\\files\\scripts\\files\\p.bat';
destination = 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\p.bat';
child = spawn("powershell.exe",['-ExecutionPolicy', 'ByPass', '-File', remote.app.getAppPath() + '\\app\\files\\scripts\\' + type + '.ps1']);
This should copy a file, then when it's complete it should copy another file, once that is complete, it should run a powershell script.
Each copyFile checks for an error before moving on, but it never throws an error, and the file is never copied.
I had a similar issue earlier, In which an Antivirus(Comodo) was not allowing electron app to access the hard drive.
Copy and other file operations were successful in that case as well, because electron in such case access the corresponding sandbox
Please check this is not the case with you.
You can actually access 'fs' in console from electron and check other things in the file system.
Looks to me as if you're using fs on then renderer process (client side) which will not work (assuming that your fs is the node.js fs module and (*)). Your first script seems to use jQuery (hints for renderer) and the second one uses remote in the first line.
fs can only (*) be used on the main process and you'll need to create an IRC channel and do something like:
ircRenderer.sendSync('copy-file-sync', {from: '/from/path', to: '/to/path'})
and, of course, implement the handler for that quickly invented 'copy-file' channel on the main process.
(*) Edit: I haven't played around a lot with nodeIntegration = true, so fs may or may not work on the renderer process with that flag set on the BrowserWindow. But the irc messaging should definitely work and if not, the problem is outside electron, probably related to file permissions.
I'm trying to trigger some sort of Folder Selection Dialog, I have a working model with nodejs and the powershell but it only works when the server and client are on the same machine. I need the prompt to occur on the client side triggered from the browser. From what i understand I can not trigger Powershell from Chrome? So is there an alternative or am i just screwed?
My current Powershell script
param([string]$Description="Select Folder",[string]$RootFolder="Desktop")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") |
$objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$objForm.Rootfolder = $RootFolder
$objForm.Description = $Description
$Show = $objForm.ShowDialog()
If ($Show -eq "OK")
Return $objForm.SelectedPath
Write-Error "Operation cancelled by user."
$folder = Select-FolderDialog # the variable contains user folder selection
write-host $folder
My javascript function
async function asyncfindDir() {
//executes powershell script
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const Shell = require('node-powershell');
const ps = new Shell({
executionPolicy: 'Bypass',
noProfile: true
.then(output => {
var shelloutput = output;
console.log (shelloutput + '^^from external script');
.catch(err => {
console.log('please select a directory path')
Is there anyway to get that working locally?
Is there a trigger i'm not aware of to access that kind of dialog from the browser? I know i'm not the only person with this issue but i have yet to see a real solution.
Short answer: No.
Longer answer, is best illustrated by rephrasing your question with a different script name:
Using my browser, can I click on a link to visit a website, and have it run a random
PowerShell script called Delete_All_Files.ps1?
Answers why you will never be able to run a PowerShell script from a browser, on a remote machine, and why browsers will deliberately block you from doing it, because people usually don't want to have all their files deleted when they click on a random link in their email.
If you want to run PowerShell scripts on remote machines, then you should look into PSRemoting and Enter-PSSession.
#kuzimoto is right. If you just want to display a folder dialog box, there are easier ways to do that and Fine Uploader is an easier way.
Replying to your comment: If you want to specify a directory name, the reason you can't do it is because you are essentially asking:
Using my browser, can I click on a link to visit a website, and have
it run a script that will enumerate through all the files and folders
in my C:\ so that it can choose the folder C:\users\Justin
Miller\Desktop\SECRET FILES\?
The reason both operations do not work is because both operations require local computer access. i.e. local script execution access, and local directory knowledge access. Security-wize, we, in general, don't want to visit a random website and have it execute random code, or know what files/folders I have on my machine, which is why you won't be able to do what you want to try to do.
I would like to automate the process of visiting a website, clicking a button, and saving the file. The only way to download the file on this site is to click a button. You can't navigate to the file using a url.
I have been trying to use phantomjs and casperjs to automate this process, but haven't had any success.
I recently tried to use brandon's solution here
Grab the resource contents in CasperJS or PhantomJS
Here is my code for that
var fs = require('fs');
var cache = require('./cache');
var mimetype = require('./mimetype');
var casper = require('casper').create();
casper.start('http://www.example.com/page_with_download_button', function() {
casper.then(function() {
casper.on('resource.received', function (resource) {
"use strict";
for(i=0;i < resource.headers.length; i++){
if(resource.headers[i]["name"] == "Content-Type" && resource.headers[i]["value"] == "text/csv; charset-UTF-8;"){
casper.on('load.finished', function(status) {
for(i=0; i< cache.cachedResources.length; i++){
var file = cache.cachedResources[i].cacheFileNoPath;
var ext = mimetype.ext[cache.cachedResources[index].mimetype];
var finalFile = file.replace("."+cache.cacheExtension,"."+ext);
I think the problem could be caused by my cachePath being incorrect in cache.js
exports.cachePath = 'C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Ofi Labs/PhantomJS';
Should I be using something in adition to the backslashes to define the path?
When I try
casperjs --disk-cache=true export_script.js
Nothing is downloaded. After a little debugging I have found that cache.cachedResources is always empty.
I would also be open to solutions outside of phantomjs/casperjs.
I am not longer trying to accomplish this with CasperJS/PhantomJS.
I am using the chrome extension Tampermonkey suggested by dandavis.
Tampermonkey was extremely easy to figure out.
I installed Tampermonkey, navigated to the page with the download link, and then clicked New Script under tampermonkey and added my javascript code.
Now every time I navigate to the page in my browser, the file is downloaded. I then created a batch script that looks like this
set date=%DATE:~10,4%_%DATE:~4,2%_%DATE:~7,2%
chrome "http://www.example.com/page-with-dl-button"
timeout 10
move "C:\Users\user\Downloads\export.csv" "C:\path\to\dir\export_%date%.csv"
I set that batch script to run nightly using the windows task scheduler.
Your button most likely issues a POST request to the server.
In order to track it:
Open Network tab in Chrome developer tools
Navigate to the page and hit the button.
Notice which request led to file download. Right click on it and copy as cURL
Run copied cURL
Once you have cURL working you can schedule downloads using cron or Task Scheduler depending on operation system you are using.
Hi im insstall phantom js and create local.js file contains next code
var page = new WebPage(),
system = require('system'),
if(system.args.length < 2){
console.log("need adress");
} else{
console.log("im running")
but wwen im runnin code in comand line im have error
phantomjs> local.js
expected an indentifier but found 'local' insted
phantomjs://repl-input:1 in global code
You're not running your script file but you're trying to access a variable called local which would be an object with a property js. When you run phantomjs this way is like a JavaScript console: you're executing JavaScript code.
If you want to run a script file you need to use the command-line interface (CLI) as follows:
phantomjs local.js