cancelling out possibility of repeat display using ternary operator - javascript

I'm building a flashcard app with React to help with retaining programming concepts. So far, I have the app set up to display a card with a concept definition/explanation on the front of the card and the corresponding term/concept on the back. The user can flip the card and change to a different card with the click of a button. The problem is that currently, the onClick sometimes shows card that was shown immediately before. I want to prevent this from happening. I attempted to do so using a ternary operator but somehow, my Javascript logic is errant because I am still getting repeat displays. How do I fix this?
Here is the code:
// data and components
import { conceptArray } from "./data";
import FlashCard from "./components/FlashCard";
function App() {
const [randomCard, setRandomCard] = useState({});
const [mode, setMode] = useState(true);
// this should store the individual concept (individual items in the concept Array) to later be displayed as a card
const getCard = () => {
// this changes the card and posits that there can be no repeat display of card that was displayed immediately before
let newCard = conceptArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * conceptArray.length)];
newCard !== randomCard ? setRandomCard(newCard) : newCard = conceptArray[Math.floor(Math.random() * conceptArray.length)];
// this allows for the front of the card(ie. the definition) to be displayed
const flip = () => {
// this allows for the back of the card (ie. the term itself) to be displayed
return (
<div className="App">
<header className="App-header">
<FlashCard randomCard={randomCard} mode={mode} />
<button onClick={getCard}>Get FlashCard</button>
<button onClick={flip}>Flip</button>
export default App;

Many solutions can be applied, if you refer to this question on SOF..
kindly check this function maybe you can use it globally if you need random arrays just pass array length
const generate_random_number = (_objLength) => {
let random_array_of_integers = [];
while (random_array_of_integers.length < _objLength) {
let random_integer = Math.floor(Math.random() * _objLength);
if (!random_array_of_integers.includes(random_integer))
return random_array_of_integers;

So I ended up going with the suggestion of shuffling the conceptArray into state. I used the Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) Shuffle to do so, which can be found here: How to randomize (shuffle) a JavaScript array?. I don't completely understand the logic behind it yet but I was able to apply it to my code and get it to work. Now, the cards are being drawn in a random order and there are no immediate repeats.
As Thomas Wikman so succintly explained, this is like shuffling the items in the conceptArray similar to how one would shuffle a deck of cards. Once that happens, I use an onClick to grab the first item from that array, filter out the array to exclude the concept being grabbed and proceed to grab another one. Once I'm done to the last concept in the array, I execute the shuffle again and start over.
In case this helps someone else, here is the resulting code:
// data and components
import { conceptArray } from "./data";
import FlashCard from "./components/FlashCard";
import AddForm from "./components/AddForm";
function App() {
// Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) Shuffle
// don't completely understand it but I got it to work
const shuffle = array => {
var currentIndex = array.length, temporaryValue, randomIndex;
// While there remain elements to shuffle...
while (0 !== currentIndex) {
// Pick a remaining element...
randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
currentIndex -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element.
temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;
return array;
// puts shuffled array of concepts into state
const [cardArray, setCardArray] = useState(shuffle(conceptArray));
const [randomCard, setRandomCard] = useState({});
const [frontMode, setFrontMode] = useState(true);
const [formMode, setFormMode] = useState(false);
// stores the individual concept (individual item in the concept Array) to be displayed as a card
const getCard = () => {
// grabs the first item in the shuffled array
// filters array so that item already displayed on card cannot be shown again until array is reshuffled
setCardArray(cardArray.filter(item => item !== cardArray[0]));
// when there is only one item left in filtered array, shuffles entire array again
if (cardArray.length === 1) {
// this allows for the front of the card(ie. the definition) to be displayed
const flip = () => {
// this allows for the back of the card (ie. the term itself) to be displayed
const renderForm = () => {
// console.log(randomCard);
// console.log(conceptArrayRandomized);
// console.log(conceptArray);
return (
<div className="App">
{!formMode && <FlashCard randomCard={randomCard} frontMode={frontMode} />}
{!formMode && <button onClick={getCard}>Get FlashCard</button>}
{!formMode && <button onClick={flip}>Flip</button>}
<br />
{!formMode && <button onClick={renderForm}>Add New</button>}
{formMode && <AddForm />}
export default App;


How can I evaluate each element in array and use useState() on one condition?

I'm making a blackjack hand simulation and I've encountered an issue with my code.
The game goes like this: users gets two random cards and a total of the points, clicks 'hit' to get another random card from the deck. Now that's all working but there's one more rule: if that card is an Ace, user chooses if they want to get 1 or 10 points. I implemented it before when I only had one card at a time with useEffect, however now I refactored my code and the total isn't kept in useState + the array has two cards that need to evaluated, not the most recent one.
I've tried putting my loop and if statement in a useEffect and conditionally render the Popup to let the user decide (with and without dependencies), but when I put the useState() to trigger the condition, it throws an error that there have been too many renders and I'm not sure why that is.
Here's my Home component:
import {useState, useEffect} from 'react'
import Card from '../components/Card';
import Total from '../components/Total';
import Popup from '../components/Popup'
import {shuffle} from '../hooks/shuffleCards'
import {deckArray} from '../utils/data'
export default function Home(){
const startHandSize = 2
const [starterDeck, setStarterDeck] = useState(shuffle(deckArray))
const [howManyDealt, setHowManyDealt] = useState(startHandSize)
const [triggerPopup, setButtonPopup] = useState(false)
const deal = () => {
const hit = () => !bust && setHowManyDealt(prev => prev + 1)
const usersCards = starterDeck.slice(-howManyDealt)
var total = 0
usersCards.forEach(function (arrayItem) {
if(arrayItem.card === "A"){
alert("you have an ace")
total += arrayItem.value
const bust = total > 21;
<button onClick={deal}>DEAL</button>
<button disabled={bust} onClick={hit}>HIT</button>
<button disabled={bust}>STAND</button>
<Total total={total} usersCards={usersCards}/>
<Card usersCards={usersCards}/>
{triggerPopup && <Popup total={total} setButtonPopup={setButtonPopup}/>}
and my Popup:
export default function Popup({total, setButtonPopup}){
const handleClick = (points) => {
total += points
<div className="popup">
<div className="popup-inner">
<h4>You've got an Ace. Would you like to collect 1 or 10 points?</h4>
<button className=".btn-popup" onClick={() => handleClick(1)}>1 POINT</button>
<button className=".btn-popup" onClick={() => handleClick(10)}>10 POINTS</button>
Any help much appreciated!
Good attempt. However, there seems to be a general misunderstanding about state. Consider this code:
const handleClick = (points) => {
total += points
total is a purely local variable to Popup, so this += pretty much does nothing. To change state in the caller, you'd normally pass a callback that can trigger a setState and move the new value for total into state.
Remember: any data change must happen immutably, and if you want to trigger a re-render, you have to set state. Of course, there are ways to circumvent this flow using refs and so forth, but these are escape hatches you shouldn't use if you don't have to.
However, a design with total kept in state strikes me as redundant. We already know the total based on the cards in play. A better strategy seems to be having ace values individually settable via the popup modal, assuming you don't want to auto-compute these ace values to be as high as possible without busting or use a toggle switch instead of a modal.
I kept going with my code from your previous question and added the modal. I'm treating high aces as 11 per the rules of Blackjack, but you can easily make that 10 if you want.
As before, I'm hoping you can apply the techniques here to your code. The keys are the handleAceSet callback and the new piece of state aceToSet, which is a ace the user has picked, or null if the user hasn't chosen an ace. aceToSet is like your setButtonPopup, but tracks an object or null rather than a boolean. When aceToSet isn't null, the user has selected an ace and we show the modal to let them pick a value for it.
handleAceSet may seem a bit complex, but it has to be due to immutability. It finds the index of the ace the user wants to set in the deck array, then creates a new object at this index with the new value and glues the subarray slices before and after the index back together.
// utility library "import"
const cards = (() => {
const shuffle = a => {
a = a.slice();
for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = ~~(Math.random() * (i + 1));
const x = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = x;
return a;
const frz = (...args) => Object.freeze(...args);
const suits = frz([..."HCSD"]);
const faces = frz([..."AJQK"]);
const pips = frz([...Array(9)].map((_, i) => i + 2));
const ranks = frz([...pips, ...faces]);
const cards = frz(
suits.flatMap(s => =>
rank: r,
suit: s,
str: r + s,
value: isNaN(r) ? (r === "A" ? 1 : 10) : r,
const shuffled = () => shuffle(cards);
return {shuffled};
const {Fragment, useState} = React;
const AceSetterModal = ({handleSetLow, handleSetHigh}) => (
<button onClick={handleSetLow}>Set ace low</button>
<button onClick={handleSetHigh}>Set ace high</button>
const Card = ({card, handleAceSet}) => (
{card.rank === "A" && (
{" "}
<button onClick={handleAceSet}>
Set ({card.value})
const Game = () => {
const startHandSize = 2;
const goal = 21;
const lowAce = 1;
const highAce = 11;
const [deck, setDeck] = useState(cards.shuffled());
const [cardsDealt, setCardsDealt] = useState(startHandSize);
const [aceToSet, setAceToSet] = useState(null);
const handleAceSet = value => {
setDeck(deck => {
const i = deck.findIndex(e => e.str === aceToSet.str);
return [
...deck.slice(0, i),
{...aceToSet, value},
...deck.slice(i + 1),
const deal = () => {
const hit = () => !bust && setCardsDealt(prev => prev + 1);
const cardsInPlay = deck.slice(-cardsDealt);
const total = cardsInPlay.reduce((a, e) => a + e.value, 0);
const bust = total > goal;
return (
{aceToSet ? (
handleSetLow={() => handleAceSet(lowAce)}
handleSetHigh={() => handleAceSet(highAce)}
) : (
<button onClick={deal}>Deal</button>
<button disabled={bust} onClick={hit}>
{ => (
handleAceSet={() => setAceToSet(e)}
<div>Total: {total}</div>
<div>{bust && "Bust!"}</div>
.render(<Game />);
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<script crossorigin src=""></script>
<div id="app"></div>

I want to randomize the css classes the items in a grid using React with hooks

I've created a grid component in React. I have an array of strings named 'availableColors' in which I am storing the css class names I want to use.
In the 'RandomColorGrid' component I'm setting the initial colors of each grid item in 'useState', assigning an index from 'availableColors' to each item.
Each item in the grid calls 'changeColors()' onClick. Inside that method I reassign the calue of each 'box' in 'colors' with a new randomly chosen index from 'availableColors'.
This works well enough but feels a little clunky. There are two things I am trying to improve but am getting stuck.
First; I would like to use each color only once when the 'changeColors()' function is called. Currently it's possible for the same color to be used on more than one grid item and I would like them to be four unique colours each time.
Second; I would like for no item to be the same color twice in a row. So for any given item I would line to exclude that item's current color from the possible random choices.
I've been trying to achieve this by taking the color index of the current color and forming a new array of colors to randomly select from for each item and then another array to try and track the colors that have already been used in order to avoid duplicates but in doing so have gotten into a real mess. This leads me to believe that my design is probably bad from the start.
How can I improve on this?
import React, { useState } from "react";
const availableColors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"];
const changeColors = (colors, setColors) => {
colors.box1 = availableColors[randomNumber(colors.box1)];
colors.box2 = availableColors[randomNumber(colors.box2)];
colors.box3 = availableColors[randomNumber(colors.box3)];
colors.box4 = availableColors[randomNumber(colors.box4)];
setColors({ ...colors });
const randomNumber = (currentColour) => {
let indices = [0, 1, 2, 3];
indices.splice(availableColors.indexOf(currentColour), 1);
return indices[Math.floor(Math.random() * indices.length)];
export const RandomColorGrid = () => {
let [colors, setColors] = useState({
box1: availableColors[0],
box2: availableColors[1],
box3: availableColors[2],
box4: availableColors[3],
return (
<div className="grid">
onClick={() => changeColors(colors, setColors)}
onClick={() => changeColors(colors, setColors)}
onClick={() => changeColors(colors, setColors)}
onClick={() => changeColors(colors, setColors)}
Your problems come from not respecting the immutability of objects.
You change an object and rely on the object not changing in the next line (in changeColors)
The solution would be to copy new arrays of the available colors, and using .filter to make sure we dont repeat the same colors twice by replacing the new currentlyAvailableColors array to only include colors that are ok to use
const changeColors = (colors, setCurrentColours) => {
const nextColors = {};
let currentlyAvailableColors = [...availableColors];
nextColors.box1 = getRandomOption(colors.box1, currentlyAvailableColors)
currentlyAvailableColors = currentlyAvailableColors.filter(col => col !== nextColors.box1);
nextColors.box2 = getRandomOption(colors.box2, currentlyAvailableColors)
currentlyAvailableColors = currentlyAvailableColors.filter(col => col !== nextColors.box2);
nextColors.box3 = getRandomOption(colors.box3, currentlyAvailableColors)
currentlyAvailableColors = currentlyAvailableColors.filter(col => col !== nextColors.box3);
nextColors.box4 = getRandomOption(colors.box4, currentlyAvailableColors)
currentlyAvailableColors = currentlyAvailableColors.filter(col => col !== nextColors.box4);
setCurrentColours({ ...nextColors });
Heres a working codepen

cart count is not getting updated properly

screeen record of the issue:
it is working fine in local but once deployed to production(vercel), it is not working. i have tried sooo many different things like having a separate state in cart, useEffect with totalQuantity in dependency array and nothing seems to work. Ideally when the totalQuantity inside the context is updated, the components using it should rerender as mentioned in react doc which is happening from n to 2 except for 1. can someone please help :(
my code for the cart icon in nav bar:
function Cart(props) {
const { enableCart, totalQuantity } = useContext(AppContext);
return (
{enableCart ? (
<Link href="/cart" passHref>
<a aria-label="Shopping cart" title="Shopping cart">
<Badge count={totalQuantity} offset={[0, 5]}>
<ShoppingCartIcon className="w-7 h-7" />
) : null}
Update quantity - code in appContext:
import { useCookies } from "react-cookie";
export const AppProvider = (props) => {
const [cartItems, updateCart] = useState([]);
const [totalQuantity, setTotalQuantity] = useState(0);
const [cookies, setCookie] = useCookies(["cart"]);
const cookieCart = cookies.cart;
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const calculateAmountQuantity = (items) => {
let totalCount = 0;
let totalPrice = 0;
items.forEach((item) => {
totalCount += item.quantity;
totalPrice += item.price * item.quantity;
const cartOperations = async (items) => {
if (items !== undefined) {
} else if (cookieCart !== undefined) {
} else {
const addItem = (item) => {
let items = cartItems;
let existingItem;
if (items) existingItem = items.find((i) => ===;
if (!existingItem) {
items = [
...(items || []),
Object.assign({}, item, {
quantity: 1,
setTotalAmount(totalAmount + item.price * 1);
setTotalQuantity(totalQuantity + 1);
} else {
const index = items.findIndex((i) => ===;
items[index] = Object.assign({}, item, {
quantity: existingItem.quantity + 1,
setTotalAmount(totalAmount + existingItem.price);
setTotalQuantity(totalQuantity + 1);
i am storing the cart content in cookie.
code for AppContext is here in github, full nav bar code
Live url:
Goto Products, add few items to cart, then try removing one by one from the cart page. (i have enabled react profiler in prod as well)
EDIT: This issue is completely specific to antd library. I was able to debug further based on the below 2 answers and there is nothing wrong with react context or re-render. i tried using a custom badge for cart and it is working perfectly fine. Yet to fix the antd issue though. I can go with custom one, but antd's badge is better with some animations.
As pointed out by #hackape, when setting the value of state to something that depends on the previous value of that state, you should pass a function to the setState instead of a value.
So instead of setTotalQuantity(totalQuantity + 1);, you should say setTotalQuantity(previousQuantity => previousQuantity + 1);.
This is the safe way of doing that, so for example if we are trying to do it twice simultaneously, they both get taken into account, instead of both using the same initial totalQuantity.
Other thing that I would think about changing is that you are setting those quantities and amounts in multiple places, and relying on the previous value. So if it goes out of sync once, it's out of sync also on the next action, and so on.
You could use the useEffect hook for this. Every time the cartItems change, calculate those values again, and do that based only on the new cartItems array, not on the old values.
Something like this for example:
useEffect(() => {
setTotalAmount(cartItems.reduce((total, currentItem) => total + (currentItem.price * currentItem.quantity), 0));
setTotalQuantity(cartItems.reduce((total, currentItem) => total + currentItem.quantity, 0));
}, [cartItems]);
Or if you prefer calling it like you do now, I would still replace the value with the reduce from my example, so it get's calculated based on the whole cart instead of previous value.
A shopping cart is usually something that contains less than 100 entries, so there is really no need to worry about the performance.
From looking at the renders and from seeing that after a refresh the cart shows as empty as should be, it's probably a lifecycle issue.
I'd suggest creating another useEffect hook that listens to totalQuantity or totalAmount (logically the bigger of the two though by the state values it looks either should be fine) and in the hook call change the cart icon based on the updated sum
misread your inter-component imports, because Cart (from components/index/nav.js) should listen for changes from the context.provider you would use a context.consumer on Cart with the totalQuantity value (not just with importing the variable from the context as that rides on the application rendering from other reasons)
see example in consumer docs and in this thread, and check this GitHub issues page for other's detailed journey while encountering this issue more directly

How to delete an element from array in react?

I have two functions , one of them adds an item in array and the other one delete from that array using React JS (hooks).[Both are handler of click event].
What I have works incorrectly.
``id`` comes from ``contact.length`` and I deleted it with``contacts.splice(id, 1)``.
I dont have any idea why it has this problem.
it doesnt delete what would be clicked but a random one.
function handleAddRecord(nameValue, phoneValue) {
setContacts([...contacts , {
id : contacts.length,
name : nameValue,
phone : phoneValue
function handleDelete(id) {
console.log("manager", id);
const newContacts = contacts.splice([id],1);
One of the issue on the implementation is id generation keeping it array length could lead to issue as you delete and add elements there could be scenarios where there is same id for multiple items.
One of most widely used generator is uuid
const uuid = require("uuid");
uuid.v4(); // ⇨ '9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d'
Now use this in your implementation
Add Operation:
const handleAddRecord = (nameValue, phoneValue) => {
const newRecord = {
id: uuid.v4(), // This should be unique at all times
name: nameValue,
phone: phoneValue,
setContacts([...contacts, newRecord]);
Delete Operation:
Use filter rather than splice as for splice you'll need to find the index of the element with id. But with Filter it can be done is a single line
const handleDelete = (id) => {
setContacts(contacts.filter(item => !== id));
Here we're assuming that id is the index of the element to be removed.
The splice function returns the removed elements, thus is not useful to take its result. Instead, make a copy of the array first, then remove the undesired element:
function handleDelete(id) {
console.log("manager", id);
const newContacts = [...contacts];
That's because splice alters the array itself.
More here:
Ok, id return index of current map?
Follow this example:
const assoc = [...contacts];
assoc.splice(id, 1);
You can delete the item by finding its index from array.
For Example:
function handleDelete(id) {
console.log("manager", id);
const index = contacts.findIndex((x) => === id);
const newContacts = [
...contacts.splice(0, index),
...contacts.splice(index + 1),
You need undestand, every time when i'll remove a item from a array of a index, that this index has use unique key... When React remove a item 6 (a example) this is remove of array first, and when react re-render function react can delete another component, because a array exist key 6, wehn you have more 6 item from array... Understand?
Follow a example:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function User(data) { // data is a array
const [contacts, setContacts] = useState(data); // data return a list of contacts
/* contacts result a array object and has the following attributes
name: 'Cael',
tel_number: '+55 11 9999-999',
e_mail: '',
! moment: "2021-06-15T05:09:42.475Z" // see this a date in ISO string
// about moment atribute:
// this atribute result when use `new Date().toISOString()`
// and this value is added in the moment that create a object in array list
// It's mean that every time result a unique key
const deleteFn = (val) => { // val result index of component and item array
const assoc = [...contacts];
assoc.splice(val, 1);
return (
{!!contacts.length &&, i) => { // variable i result in your id
const { moment, name, e_mail, tel_number } = assoc; // moment use a unique key
return (
<li key={moment}>
<button type="button" onClick={() => deleteFn(i)}>Delete</button>
export default User;
I hope, this helpfull you!

React JS Card Game, counting values in state

I am making a card game in React JS that requires 3 sets of unique cards.
The way the format works is there are ingredient cards that can create potions. The ingredients are dealt in the Top Row of the game, so I have the component called TopRow.
Since these are not normal playing cards I had to generate arrays with 10 of each of 5 different cards for the deal. ( shuffle(a) )
Then I am splicing the deal to only get 5 cards ( a.splice(5); )
So I want the value of the ingredients to increment based on the number of times the ingredients appear, example: function handleHoneyIncrement should increase countHoney by 1.
I've tried a couple different things and I guess I am having a brain fart on how to make a for loop for this.
function TopRow(props) {
let a=["Honey0", "Bone0", "Herbs0", "Mushroom0", "Seeds0",
"Honey1", "Bone1", "Herbs1", "Mushroom1", "Seeds1",
"Honey2", "Bone2", "Herbs2", "Mushroom2", "Seeds2",
"Honey3", "Bone3", "Herbs3", "Mushroom3", "Seeds3",
"Honey4", "Bone4", "Herbs4", "Mushroom4", "Seeds4",
"Honey5", "Bone5", "Herbs5", "Mushroom5", "Seeds5",
"Honey6", "Bone6", "Herbs6", "Mushroom6", "Seeds6",
"Honey7", "Bone7", "Herbs7", "Mushroom7", "Seeds7",
"Honey8", "Bone8", "Herbs8", "Mushroom8", "Seeds8",
"Honey9", "Bone9", "Herbs9", "Mushroom9", "Seeds9"
function shuffle(a) {
for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i]];
return a.splice(5);
let imageIngredients = => {
return <img key={image} src={require(`../pngs/${image}.png`)}
alt="ingredients" className="img-responsive"
style={{width:"15%", float:"left"}}
let handleHoneyIncrement = () => {
if (shuffle.length= "Honey0" ||"Honey1" ||"Honey2" ||"Honey3" ||"Honey4" ||"Honey5" ||"Honey6" ||"Honey7" || "Honey8" || "Honey9" ){
this.setState({countHoney: this.state.countHoney + 1})
return (
<div className="row" id="topRow"
style={{WebkitBorderRadius:2, WebkitTextStrokeColor: "red", width:"90%", maxHeight:"30%", padding:0}} >
<div className="col-6-md">
<img src={require('../pngs/IngredientBacks.png')} alt="ingredientsBack" style={{width:"15%", float:"left"}} />
<div className="col-6-md">
export default TopRow;
Not 100% sure if this is what you were going for, but it sounds like you just need to turn the ingredients list into a collection of ingredient/count pairs?
const ingredientCounts = a.reduce((obj, curr) => ({
[curr]: obj[curr] ? obj[curr] + 1 : 1
}), {})
ingredientCounts["Honey0"] // 1
If you're looking to count all Honeys together like Honey0 + Honey1, etc., this should work:
const ingredientCounts = a.reduce((obj, curr) => {
const keys = ["Honey", "etc"]; // maybe this list should be somewhere else, IDK
const key = keys.find(k => curr.includes(k)); // missing null check :)
return {
[key]: obj[key] ? obj[key] + 1 : 1
}, {})
ingredientCounts["Honey"] // 10
Then we can set state for all of them like:
counts: ingredientCounts
And have a state of counts like:
Honey: 10,
etc: 0
I'm not 100% sure that I understand your goals correctly, but I think a simplified version is that you want to show:
5 random cards from your deck
A button or trigger that shuffles the deck and displays a new hand of 5 cards from the same deck
A count of the total number of honey cards accumulated as the hand is updated
There are a number of confusing things in your code sample, so rather than try to make corrections I threw up a quick demo of how I would approach that problem with some comments explaining what I did differently, given these assumptions.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
// The deck of cards is probably a constant whose values never change directly.
// It's possible that I'm wrong and the deck *does* change, but even so I imagine
// it would come from a prop or context from a parent component. Either way the
// cards array should not be mutable.
const CARDS = [
"Honey0", "Bone0", "Herbs0", "Mushroom0", "Seeds0",
"Honey1", "Bone1", "Herbs1", "Mushroom1", "Seeds1",
"Honey2", "Bone2", "Herbs2", "Mushroom2", "Seeds2",
"Honey3", "Bone3", "Herbs3", "Mushroom3", "Seeds3",
"Honey4", "Bone4", "Herbs4", "Mushroom4", "Seeds4",
"Honey5", "Bone5", "Herbs5", "Mushroom5", "Seeds5",
"Honey6", "Bone6", "Herbs6", "Mushroom6", "Seeds6",
"Honey7", "Bone7", "Herbs7", "Mushroom7", "Seeds7",
"Honey8", "Bone8", "Herbs8", "Mushroom8", "Seeds8",
"Honey9", "Bone9", "Herbs9", "Mushroom9", "Seeds9"
const initialCards = [];
function TopRow(props) {
// Keep the current hand of cards in state rather than mutating an array
// directly in the function body. React function components should be pure,
// with all side effects occurring inside of effect hooks.
let [cards, setCards] = useState(initialCards);
let [honeyCount, setHoneyCount] = useState(
countSubstrings(initialCards, "Honey")
let imageIngredients = => (
style={{ width: "15%", float: "left" }}
function shuffleCards() {
// Reset your hand of cards with the original array (the deck)
// Return all state to initial values
function reset() {
setHoneyCount(countSubstrings(initialCards, "Honey"));
// Any time our cards are updated, we want to increment the number of Honey
// cards in our hand. useState accepts a lazy initializer to access the
// previous state, which is very useful for effects like this!
useEffect(() => {
setHoneyCount(count => count + countSubstrings(cards, "Honey"));
}, [cards]);
return (
WebkitBorderRadius: 2,
WebkitTextStrokeColor: "red",
width: "90%",
maxHeight: "30%",
padding: 0
<button onClick={shuffleCards}>
{cards.length ? "Shuffle" : "Deal"}
<button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>
<hr />
<div className="col-6-md">
alt="Back of ingredient card"
style={{ width: "15%", float: "left" }}
<div className="col-6-md">
<hr />
<strong>TOTAL HONEY COUNT:</strong> {honeyCount}
export default TopRow;
// I put these utility functions outside of the component body since there is no
// real reason to recreate them on each render.
* #param {any[]} array
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
// Use slice instead of splice here to prevent mutating the original array
return array.slice(0, 5);
* #param {string[]} array
* #param {string} subs
function countSubstrings(array, subs) {
return array.filter(card => card.includes(subs)).length;
