Local Storage issue - javascript

I'm trying to use local storage so that my invites stay on the page when refreshed. How would I go about implementing this into my code. I really don't know where to start and I'm really struggling with it. Please cans someone just show me how to implement this into my code. Ive been creating child elements and appending them to the UL in the HTML.
const form = document.getElementById("registrar");
const input = form.querySelector("input");
const mainDiv = document.querySelector(".main");
const ul = document.getElementById("invitedList");
const div = document.createElement('div');
const filterLabel = document.createElement('label');
const filterCheckBox = document.createElement('input');
filterLabel.textContent = "Hide those who havent responded";
filterCheckBox.type = 'checkbox';
mainDiv.insertBefore(div, ul);
This creates a checkbox to see you has confirmed if they are coming
to the event or not.
filterCheckBox.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
const isChecked = e.target.checked;
const lis = ul.children;
if (isChecked) {
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
let li = lis[i]
if (li.className === 'responded') {
li.style.display = '';
} else {
li.style.display = 'none';
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < lis.length; i += 1) {
let li = lis[i]
li.style.display = '';
This function creates new list items (the invites).
createLi = (text) => {
createElement = (elementName, property, value) => {
const element = document.createElement(elementName);
element[property] = value;
return element;
appendElement = (elementName, property, value) => {
const element = createElement(elementName, property, value);
return element;
const li = document.createElement("li");
appendElement("span", "textContent", text);
appendElement("label", "textContent", "Confirmed")
.appendChild(createElement("input", "type", "checkbox"));
appendElement("button", "textContent", "edit");
appendElement("button", "textContent", "remove");
return li;
form.addEventListener("submit", (event) => {
const text = input.value;
input.value = "";
const li = createLi(text);
ul.addEventListener("change", () => {
const checkbox = event.target;
const checked = checkbox.checked;
const listItem = checkbox.parentNode.parentNode;
if (checked) {
listItem.className = "responded";
} else {
listItem.className = "";
ul.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
if (e.target.tagName === 'BUTTON') {
const button = e.target;
const li = button.parentNode;
const ul = li.parentNode;
const action = button.textContent;
const nameActions = {
remove: () => {
edit: () => {
const span = li.firstElementChild;
const input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'text';
input.value = span.textContent;
li.insertBefore(input, span);
button.textContent = 'Save';
Save: () => {
const input = li.firstElementChild;
const span = document.createElement('span');
span.textContent = input.value;
li.insertBefore(span, input);
button.textContent = 'edit';

I only can give you an idea for this, if you are planning to save any big data to localStorage, you can save your data to string and remake it to JSON object!
Here's an exmaple for saving data set
var toSave = [ ];
var whatToSave = (Your invites data List, maybe a "text" var for your code?, organize
to array or loop for your "UL" tag)
for(var i=0;i<whatToSave.length;i++){
var obj = [];
obj[i] = {
var saveToString = JSON.stringify(toSave);
localStorage.setItem('invites', saveToString); //your invite data saved in local
//after refreshing or when you need to use your saved data
var cameBack = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('invites'));
//this will return same data again
//and make function to make UL using retured data array
you don't really need to for loop and push if you already organized needed data to array, just wrote it to make you understand an idea to save data in localStorage. I don't know if this will help you but get an idea and implement it to your project :)


Removing input from the DOM and local storage with vanilla JavaScript

I'm creating a ToDo app in vanilla JavaScript.
My goal is to be able to remove the input data from local storage when the corresponding "X" button has been clicked.
So far, when you click on an X button, the corresponding input field and checkbox are removed from the DOM with this function I created -
function removeToDoInput(button, input1, input2, input3) {
if (allToDoInputs.length > 2) {
button.addEventListener("click", () => {
for (let toDoInput = 0; toDoInput < allToDoInputs.length; toDoInput++) {
for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
localStorage.removeItem("ToDo " + toDoInput);
This works fine. But like I mentioned I also need to remove the corresponding input data from local storage.
Here is the 'add-to-do' button functionality. You'll notice the removeToDoInput is called which I don't think is good -
function createToDoInput() {
const newToDoInputCheckbox = document.createElement("INPUT");
newToDoInputCheckbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
const newToDoInput = document.createElement("INPUT");
const newXBtn = document.createElement("SPAN");
newXBtn.innerHTML = "X";
newXBtn.addEventListener("click", removeToDoInput(newXBtn, newToDoInputCheckbox, newToDoInput, newXBtn));
And here is the save button functionality -
function saveToDoInputs() {
localStorage.setItem("Title", toDoListTitle.value.trim());
for (let toDoInput = 0; toDoInput < allToDoInputs.length; toDoInput++) {
if (createToDoInput) {
localStorage.setItem("ToDo " + toDoInput, allToDoInputs[toDoInput].value.trim());
Both of these last functions I mentioned are attached to buttons through click event listeners.
How can I delete the input from local storage as well as the DOM?
This is incorrect and will be called immediately you assign the event handler
newXBtn.addEventListener("click", removeToDoInput(newXBtn, newToDoInputCheckbox, newToDoInput, newXBtn));
you need
newXBtn.addEventListener("click", function() { removeToDoInput(newXBtn, newToDoInputCheckbox, newToDoInput, newXBtn)});
or similar
I have redesigned your code and now it
wraps the elements in their own container
delegates click and change to the list container
use relative addressing (closest)
gives the todo a unique ID and stores it in an object
retrieves the object from local storage when loading
adds the object to localStorage when changed
I also added a select all and delete selected
NOTE I have commented the localStorage interaction out because stacksnippets do not allow access to localStorage. Just uncomment them on your page
let todos = {};
// const saveTodos = localStorage.getItem("ToDo");
// if (saveTodos) todos = JSON.parse(saveTodos);
const toDoInputContainer = document.getElementById("toDoInputContainer");
const toggleSelDel = () => {
document.getElementById("seldel").classList.toggle("hide",Object.keys(todos).length===0); // show if there are actual entries - we can toggle on existense of checkboxes instead
const saveAndToggle = (id,why) => {
// localStorage.setItem("ToDo",JSON.stringify(todos));
console.log(id, why);
const saveTodo = (id, text) => {
todos[id] = text;
const removeTodo = id => {
if (todos[id]) {
delete todos[id];
saveAndToggle(id,"deleted"); // toggle anyway
function createToDoInput() {
const todoContainer = document.createElement("div");
todoContainer.id = 'todo' + new Date().getTime(); // unique ID
const newToDoInputCheckbox = document.createElement("INPUT");
newToDoInputCheckbox.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
const newToDoInput = document.createElement("INPUT");
const newXBtn = document.createElement("SPAN");
newXBtn.innerHTML = "X";
toDoInputContainer.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
const tgt = e.target;
if (tgt.classList.contains("X")) {
const parent = tgt.closest("div")
toDoInputContainer.addEventListener("change", function(e) {
const tgt = e.target;
if (tgt.classList.contains("to-do-input")) {
const id = tgt.closest("div").id;
if (tgt.value === "") removeTodo(id);
else saveTodo(id, tgt.value);
document.getElementById("add").addEventListener("click", createToDoInput);
toggleSelDel(); // possibly show the select all button
document.getElementById("selAll").addEventListener("click", function() {
const checked = this.checked;
[...toDoInputContainer.querySelectorAll("[type=checkbox]")].forEach(chk => chk.checked = checked)
document.getElementById("delAll").addEventListener("click", function() {
[...toDoInputContainer.querySelectorAll("[type=checkbox]:checked")].forEach(chk => {
const parent = chk.closest("div");
.hide { display: none; }
<button id="add">Add</button>
<div id="seldel" class="hide"><label>Select all<input type="checkbox" id="selAll"/></label><button type="button" id="delAll">Delete selected</button></div>
<div id="toDoInputContainer"></div>

Whenever the page gets reloaded, an item in a list gets duplicated in javascript

I’m a newbie started js like 2 weeks ago.
I have been making a to-do list.
There are key toDos & finished in localStorage.
I want the value in toDos to go to finished, getting class name “done” if I click the finBtn. Also it should move to the bottom.
At first it works. However, every time the page gets refreshed, the stuff in finished gets duplicated.
This problem’s been bothering me for a week.
Thank you for reading.
const toDoForm = document.querySelector(".js-toDoForm"),
toDoInput = toDoForm.querySelector("input"),
toDoList = document.querySelector(".js-toDoList");
const TODOS_LS = "toDos";
const FINISHED_LS = "finished";
const NOTSTART_CN = "notStart";
const DONE_CN = "done";
let toDos = [];
let toDosDone = [];
function saveToDos(){
localStorage.setItem(TODOS_LS, JSON.stringify(toDos));
function updateToDos(){
localStorage.setItem(FINISHED_LS, JSON.stringify(toDosDone));
function deleteToDo(event){
const btn = event.target;
const li = btn.parentNode;
const cleanToDos = toDos.filter(function(toDo){
return toDo.id !== parseInt(li.id);
toDos = cleanToDos;
function finish(event){
const btn = event.target;
const li = btn.parentNode;
const oldToDos = localStorage.getItem(TODOS_LS);
const parsedOldToDos = JSON.parse(oldToDos);
const btnNum = parseInt(li.id) - 1;
const finishedStuff = parsedOldToDos.splice(btnNum, 1);
finishedStuff[0].class = DONE_CN;
toDos = parsedOldToDos;
toDosDone = finishedStuff;
function makeToDos(text){
const li = document.createElement("li");
const span = document.createElement("span");
const delBtn = document.createElement("button");
const finBtn = document.createElement("button");
const newId = toDos.length + 1;
delBtn.addEventListener("click", deleteToDo);
finBtn.innerText = "✔";
finBtn.addEventListener("click", finish);
span.innerText = text;
li.id = newId;
const toDoObj = {
text: text,
id: newId,
function handleSubmit(event){
const currentValue = toDoInput.value;
toDoInput.value = "";
function loadToDos(){
const loadedToDos = localStorage.getItem(TODOS_LS);
const loadedFinToDos = localStorage.getItem(FINISHED_LS);
if(loadedToDos !== null || loadedFinToDos !== null){
const parsedToDos = JSON.parse(loadedToDos);
const parsedFinToDos = JSON.parse(loadedFinToDos);
} //else
} //ends of loadToDos
function init(){
toDoForm.addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit);
Your localStorage is not cleaning up on page refresh, you should do localStorage.clear(); Each time page load using

Keep Todo Results after browser refreshing

I created a todo app to add and remove tasks on the page.
however i would like to keep todo results when browser refreshed .
Is that possible to make this like storing data on db or any storage to save these results?
any idea to make this to save data ??
Now I posted the complete code hereee! because i cant posted code here before
let menu = document.querySelector(".bs");
let btn1 = document.querySelector(".btn");
let btn2 = document.querySelector(".btn3");
let irp = document.querySelector(".date");
let inp = document.querySelector(".input");
let bsd = document.querySelector(".sss");
let brs = document.querySelector(".marker");
let addBr = () => {
btn1.addEventListener("click", addBr);
let br = document.createElement("DIV");
let dd = document.createElement("H1");
dd.innerHTML = (inp.value);
br.className = "red";
var bn = document.createElement("H1");
bn.innerHTML = (irp.value);
if( inp.value == "") {
else {
if( irp.value == "") {
dd.innerHTML = "Albenis";
else {
let ttt = document.createElement("BUTTON");
ttt.className = "marker";
ttt.innerHTML = "Remove";
// This is the important change. Part of creating the .ttt element
// is setting up its event listeners!
ttt.addEventListener('click', () => br.remove());
btn1.addEventListener("click", addBr);
// Call `addBr` once to add the initial element
<div class="bs">
<input type="text" class="input">
<input type="date" class="date">
<button class="btn">
TL;DR: use localStorage to read the items at page load and write the items when they change, like in the final version
To keep your todo entries, you need to store it in a Database. This can be either a local database in the website like localStorage. Or you need to build a backend which is connected to a Database and send and load the Data from there.
localStorage example:
const items = [{ name: "My Todo" }, { name: "My Todo 2" }];
const setItems = () => {
localStorage.setItem("items", JSON.stringify(items));
const getItems = () => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("items"));
Including your code:
const getItems = () => {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("items"));
const items = getItems() || [];
const setItems = () => {
localStorage.setItem("items", JSON.stringify(items));
let addBr = (item) => {
let br = document.createElement("DIV");
let dd = document.createElement("H1");
dd.innerHTML = (item ? item.name : inp.value);
br.className = "red";
var bn = document.createElement("H1");
bn.innerHTML = (item ? item.name : irp.value);
if (!item) {
items.push({ name: inp.value });
if( inp.value == "") {
else {
if( irp.value == "") {
dd.innerHTML = "Albenis";
else {
let ttt = document.createElement("BUTTON");
ttt.className = "marker";
ttt.innerHTML = "Remove";
// This is the important change. Part of creating the .ttt element
// is setting up its event listeners!
ttt.addEventListener('click', () => br.remove());
for (const item of items) {
btn1.addEventListener("click", () => addBr());

How do I create an edit function inside of a list?

Currently I have a delete function already which is shown by a cross
So how I am doing this is by using a function that renders in the information from another database, into this list.
function renderCafe(doc){
let li = document.createElement('li');
let name = document.createElement('span');
let city = document.createElement('span');
let cross = document.createElement('div');
li.setAttribute('data-id', doc.id);
name.textContent = doc.data().name;
city.textContent = doc.data().city;
cross.textContent = 'x';
// deleting data
cross.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
let id = e.target.parentElement.getAttribute('data-id');
So how do I create the edit button function like this delete one? Should it also be an EventListener that occurs when clicked?
I was thinking to have an edit button, when clicked, changes into "Update", while the static information turns into a text box with the current values.
Then when the "Update" is being clicked, it then saves the information.
I am a student, and have no prior knowledge in javascript, i took these codes from tutorials that I can find online.
Here's a possible solution, similar to your style.
Replace the alert with a database update.
Make sure you're listening for document changes, and updating your UI accordingly, so that the new name and city will replace your old ones.
const cafeList = document.getElementById('cafe-list');
const sampleCafes = [
{ data: () => ({ name: 'new cafe', city: 'new city'}), id: 'sample-cafe' },
sampleCafes.forEach(cafe => renderCafe(cafe));
function renderCafe(doc){
let li = document.createElement('li');
let name = document.createElement('p');
let city = document.createElement('p');
let nameInput = document.createElement('input');
let cityInput = document.createElement('input');
let edit = document.createElement('div');
let submit = document.createElement('div');
let cross = document.createElement('div');
li.setAttribute('data-id', doc.id);
name.textContent = doc.data().name;
city.textContent = doc.data().city;
nameInput.value = name.textContent;
cityInput.value = city.textContent;
nameInput.hidden = true;
cityInput.hidden = true;
edit.textContent = 'edit';
submit.textContent = 'submit';
submit.hidden = true;
cross.textContent = 'x';
// deleting data
cross.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
let id = e.target.parentElement.getAttribute('data-id');
// editing data
edit.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
nameInput.hidden = false;
cityInput.hidden = false;
submit.hidden = false;
name.hidden = true;
city.hidden = true;
edit.hidden = true;
// submitting new data
submit.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const id = e.target.parentElement.getAttribute('data-id');
nameInput.hidden = true;
cityInput.hidden = true;
submit.hidden = true;
name.hidden = false;
city.hidden = false;
edit.hidden = false;
const newName = nameInput.value;
const newCity = cityInput.value;
alert(`TODO: update doc '${id}' to\n{name: '${newName}', city: '${newCity}'}.`);
<ul id="cafe-list"></ul>

Add style color to an appended li - Javascript

When adding a new item to the list i would like it to change color based on the input value.
How do i add the input.value to my new appended li item?
I have created a codepen if anyone would be able to help
const toggleButton = document.querySelector('#toggleList');
const listDiv = document.querySelector('.list');
// User INPUT
const userInput = document.querySelector('.userInput');
const button = document.querySelector('button.description');
const p = document.querySelector('p.description');
let listItem = document.querySelectorAll('li');
const addItemInput = document.querySelector('.addItemInput');
const addItemButton = document.querySelector('button.addItemButton');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
for (let i = 0; i < listItem.length; i++) {
listItem[i].style.color = userInput.value;
p.innerHTML = userInput.value + ':';
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (listDiv.style.display == 'none') {
listDiv.style.display = 'block';
toggleButton.textContent = 'Hide list';
} else {
listDiv.style.display = 'none';
toggleButton.textContent = 'Show list';
addItemButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
let list = document.querySelector('ul');
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = addItemInput.value;
let appendedItem = list.appendChild(li);
for (let i = 0; i < appendedItem.length; i++) {
appendedItem[i].style.color = userInput.value;
console.log(appended item);
addItemInput.value = '';
Here is the new one :
const toggleButton = document.querySelector('#toggleList');
const listDiv = document.querySelector('.list');
var lastPickedColor = "black"; // it will store the last picked color
//User INPUT
const userInput = document.querySelector('.userInput');
const button = document.querySelector('button.description');
const p = document.querySelector('p.description');
let listItem = document.querySelectorAll('li');
const addItemInput = document.querySelector('.addItemInput');
const addItemButton = document.querySelector('button.addItemButton');
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
lastPickedColor = userInput.value;
for(let i = 0; i < listItem.length; i++) {
listItem[i].style.color = lastPickedColor;
p.innerHTML = userInput.value + ':';
toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
if (listDiv.style.display == 'none') {
listDiv.style.display = 'block';
toggleButton.textContent = 'Hide list';
} else {
listDiv.style.display = 'none';
toggleButton.textContent = 'Show list';
addItemButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
let list = document.querySelector('ul');
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.style.color = lastPickedColor; // so it will add li with last picked color
li.textContent = addItemInput.value;
let appendedItem = list.appendChild(li);
for(let i = 0; i < appendedItem.length; i++) {
appendedItem[i].style.color = userInput.value;
addItemInput.value = '';
I added lastPickedColor variable to top of the page whenever you change the color, it will store the lastPickedColor and all list add with this color.
The answer is quite simple.
You're defining the initial list when the js is executed, but the new element is created dynamically. Therefore, you'll have to create a new nodelist based on all elements, including the new one. You can simply redefine it inside the current click event:
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
listItem = document.querySelectorAll('li');
for(let i = 0; i < listItem.length; i++) {
listItem[i].style.color = userInput.value;
p.innerHTML = userInput.value + ':';
To give it the same color as the existing ones, change this function to apply the styling directly on the latest added element:
addItemButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
let list = document.querySelector('ul');
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = addItemInput.value;
let appendedItem = list.appendChild(li);
appendedItem.style.color = userInput.value;
addItemInput.value = '';
Working codepen example
so I have made 2 changes for your code to work. Please see
First change
addItemButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
let list = document.querySelector('ul');
let li = document.createElement('li');
li.textContent = addItemInput.value;
let appendedItem = list.appendChild(li);
appendedItem.style.color = list.firstElementChild.style.color; //The newly appended item is given the color of the first list element. In your case, this would be whatever color the user chose last.
Second Change:
I added
inside your event handler for the color change button so that each time, the length of the new list is calculated.
