JS Conditional Template in Column - javascript

I'm pretty new to JavaScript and it makes this even more difficult for me.
I'm trying to put a condition in my column template but I can't get it to work.
The code is this:
template: '#viewMode' == "EDIT" ? '<input class="equipDropDownEditor"/>' : "#:PROMOTION_TYPE#",
This almost shows what I want. The problem is that if the Promotion_Type field is null, it shows null on the screen.
So, the condition that I want to implement is: If the viewmode is "edit", it will return the equipDropDownEditor.
In case it is not, it shows the field PROMOTION_TYPE. But, in case that Promotion_Type returns a null, I don't want it to show anything (empty string, for example.
This is what I have tried. Still got the null on the screen when the "viewMode" is not "EDIT".
template: '#viewMode' == "EDIT" ? '<input class="equipDropDownEditor"/>' : ("#:PROMOTION_TYPE#" == null ? " " : "#:PROMOTION_TYPE#"),

To help someone in the future, I got it working with: template:
'#viewMode' == "EDIT" ? '<input class="equipDropDownEditor"/>' : ("#:PROMOTION_TYPE#" == null ? " " : "#:PROMOTION_TYPE#" == "#:PROMOTION_TYPE#"),
Thanks anyway #Bertrand Le Roy


How to access object property in angular using string interpolation?

I have this object in my component ts file that looks like this:
someData = {
someValue: null,
unit: "centimeters"
In my template (html file) I have to verify the value of "someValue" property. If its value is null then display the unit, else display the value of someValue and unit together. I have the below code but it doesn't seem to work. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
<div>{{ someData?.someValue === null ? someData?.someValue.unit : someData?.someValue someData?.unit }}</div >
You can use ngif to check the condition and show the data:
<div *ngIf="someData?.someValue === null">{{someData.unit}}</div>
<div *ngIf="someData?.someValue!= null">{{someData.someValue}} {{someData.unit}}</div>
Your two values at the end aren't going to render right, because it's executable javascript, not HTML when inside the double brackets.
I would suggest splitting this into two lines of HTML.
<div *ngIf="someData?.someValue; else unit_only">{{someData.someValue}} {{someData.unit}}</div>
<ng-template #unit_only>{{someData?.unit}}</ng-template>
Or you could try sticking with your original approach...
<div>{{ someData?.someValue === null ? someData?.unit : someData?.someValue + ' ' + someData?.unit }}</div>

Double false for Inline If-Else with Conditional Operator

I am trying to hide an input field if the td doesn't have a value.
I know we can have a condtition like this:
${condition ? true : false}
but how can I have an inline operator like this?
${condition ? true : false && false}
${JsonObject ? JsonObject.Description : " " && $('#textbox').removeattr("style").hide()}
The html is similar to this:
${JsonObject ? JsonObject.Description : " " && $('#textbox').removeattr("style").hide()}
`<div><input id="textbox"></div>
If I'm understanding you right, you want the truthy result to be the description, and the falsy result to be " " and to have the side-effect of removing the style attribute from #textbox and hiding it.
I strongly recommend not doing that. Side-effects like that are extremely hard to debug and maintain.
But if you really want to, make the side-effect first:
${JsonObject ? JsonObject.Description : $('#textbox').removeattr("style").hide() && " "}
`<div><input id="textbox"></div>
That works because hide returns the jQuery object, which is truthy, so the (object) && " " expression results in " ". Or as James Long points out, you could use the comma operator instead, and then the return value of hide wouldn't matter: ${JsonObject ? JsonObject.Description : ($('#textbox').removeattr("style").hide(), " ")} (you don't actually need those (), but it's already confusing enough, and it's even more confusing without them, so...).
But again, I wouldn't. Instead, I'd just do:
${JsonObject ? JsonObject.Description : " "}
`<div><input id="textbox"></div>
...and then just before or just after this template literal, have
if (!JsonObject) {

ng-style with 2 if and else condition

Hello I'm trying to use two conditions for ng-style for angular. trip.reviewed (true/false) and trip.approval (true/false). here is my try below but I get errors. I cant find the correct format.
[ngStyle]="{'background-color': trip.approval? '#80ff80' : '#ff8080'} : {'background-color': trip.reviewed? '' : '#D3D3D3'}"
just use it:
[ngStyle]="{'background-color': tripReviewed ? (tripApproval ? '#80ff80' : '#ff8080') : '#D3D3D3'}"
Demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rmaxnt

How to Check Two condition in populate in mongodb

I am able to check one condition when performing populate with this query
populate(path : 'nextschema' , match : {'company.brand' : 'ABC'})
but want to check two condition when populating.
'company.brand' : 'ABC' && 'company.brand.length == 1'
i am stuck here , please someone help me.
it works perfectly.
$match : {$and : [{'potent_substance.name' : {$size : 1}},
{'potent_substance.name' : molecule}]}

Angular Ui-Grid Conditional CellTemplate

I need to show a button in my ui-grid as long as the field value is NOT an empty string. I tried using ng-if but it is not working. Here is the code in my grid options:
{ field: 'ReleaseStatus',
width: 125,
displayName: 'Release Status',
'<div ng-if="row.entity.ReleaseStatus != """>
<button id="editBtn"
class="btn btn-default"
Without the ng-if the button displays and works great. However, because some records have an empty string for the field ReleaseStatus, the button should not appear.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
you should write it this way:
'<div ng-if="row.entity.ReleaseStatus !== \'\'">'
you can also put the ng-if directly on the buttom you are trying to hide.
however be careful of using ng-if because it creates a new scope everytime.
Solution 1:
There is a simple way to do this, please have a look on this example.
name: 'nameishere', displayName: 'Display Name', cellTemplate:
'<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-if="grid.appScope.haveFile(row.entity.nameishere)"><a href="' + apiURL + '/InvalidFiles/{{row.entity.nameishere}}" download="{{row.entity.nameishere}}" >{{ row.entity.nameishere}}</a></div>'+
'<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-if="grid.appScope.haveNotFile(row.entity.nameishere)">{{ row.entity.nameishere}}</div>'
and create multiple functions OR use a function with if-else
$scope.haveFile = function (data) { return data == 'No File to Display' };
$scope.haveNotFile = function (data) { return data != 'No File to Display' };
Solution 2: You should write it this way, string and integer handle in a different way.
cellTemplate:'<div ng-if="row.entity.status !== \'Your String Here\'">'
cellTemplate:'<div ng-if="row.entity.status !== 23>'
Solution 3: Use ng-if like this
cellTemplate:'<div>{{row.entity.status == 0 ? "Active" : (row.entity.status == 1 ? "Non Active" : "Deleted")}}</div>';
