Cypress getByTestId, queryByTestId, findByTestId to check if element doesn't exist - javascript

I am trying to check if element doesn't exist in a DOM Tree with Cypress and testing-library/cypress.
If I try to do cy.getByTestId("my-button").should("not.exist") test fails because it couldn't find element.
If I do cy.findByTestId("my-button").should("not.exist") it also fails because of time out.
The test does work if I do either cy.queryByTestId("my-button").should("not.exist") or
Can someone please explain what's the difference between all 4.
getBy will throw errors if it can't find the element
findBy will return and reject a Promise if it doesn't find an element
queryBy will return null if no element is found:
This is useful for asserting an element that is not present.
looks like queryBy is your best choice for this problem

In the latest version of Cypress Testing Library they have removed queryBy.
Cypress Testing Library | Intro
If you want to check if something doesn't exist just use findBy, but put a should() straight afterwards. It won't time out in that case.
cy.findByText('My error message').should('not.exist')
Discussion on GitHub


Cypress: Test if element does not exist

I want to be able to click on a check box and test that an element is no longer in the DOM in Cypress. Can someone suggest how you do it?
// This is the Test when the checkbox is clicked and the element is there
cy.get('.check-box-sub-text').contains('Some text in this div.')
I want to do the opposite of the test above.
So when I click it again the div with the class check-box-sub-text should not be in the DOM.
Well this seems to work, so it tells me I have some more to learn about .should()
You can also search for a text which is not supposed to exist:
Here you have the result in Cypress: 0 matched elements
Reference: Docs - Assertions, Existence
Use .should('not.exist') to assert that an element does not exist in the DOM.
Do not use not.visible assertion. It would falsely pass in < 6.0, but properly fail now:
// for element that was removed from the DOM
// assertions below pass in < 6.0, but properly fail in 6.0+
.should('not.contain', 'Text')
Migration Docs here: Migrating-to-Cypress-6-0
Cypress 6.x+ Migration
According to cypress docs on Existence
The very popular attempt which is a bit naive will work until it doesn't and then you'll have to rewrite it again... and again...
// retry until loading spinner no longer exists
This doesn't really work for the title problem which is what most people will be looking for.
This works for the case that it is being removed. but in the case that you want it to never exist... It will retry until it goes away.
However, if you want to test that the element never exists in our case.
Yes lol. This is what you really want unless you want to just have your headache again another day.
// Goes through all the like elements, and says this object doesn't exist ever
.then(($imageSection) => {
$, i) => { expect($imageSection[x].getAttribute('src')).to.not.equal(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/assets/images/imageName.jpg`) });
might lead to some false results, as some error messages get hidden. It might be better to use
in that case.
Here's what worked for me:
cy.get('[data-cy=parent]').should('not.have.descendants', 'img')
I check that some <div data-cy="parent"> has no images inside.
Regarding original question, you can set data-cy="something, i.e. child" attribute on inner nodes and use this assertion:
cy.get('[data-cy=parent]').should('not.have.descendants', '[data-cy=child]')
You can use get and contains together to differentiate HTML elements as well.
<button type='button'>Text 1</button>
<button type='button'>Text 2</button>
Let's say you have 2 buttons with different texts and you want to check if the first button doesn't exist then you can use;
cy.get('button').contains('Text 1').should('not.exist')
Could be done also using jQuery mode in cypress:
I closed an element and checked should('not.exist') but the assertion failed as it existed in the DOM. It just that it is not visible anymore.
In such cases, should('not.visible') worked for me. I have just started using cypress. A lot to learn.
No try-catch flow in cypress
In java-selenium, we usually add the NoSuchElementException and do our cases. if UI is not displaying element for some Role based access cases.
You can also query for the matched elements inside the body or inside the element's parent container, and then do some assertions on its length:
cy.get("body").find(".check-box-sub-text").should("have.length", 0);
In case anyone comes across this, I was having the issue that neither .should('not.exist') nor .should('have.length', 0) worked - even worse: If the element I was querying was actually there right from the get-go, both asserts still returned true.
In my case this lead to the very strange situation that these three assertions, executed right after each other, were true, even though asserts 1+2 and 3 contradict each other:
cy.get('[data-cy="foobar"]').should('have.length', 0)
cy.get('[data-cy="foobar"]').should('have.text', 'Foobar')
After extensive testing, I found out that this was simply a race condition problem. I was waiting on a backend call to finish before running the above 3 lines. Like so:
However once the backend called finished Cypress immediately ran the first two assertions and both were still true, because the DOM hadn't yet caught up rerendering based on the backend-data.
I added an explicit wait on an element that I knew was gonna be there in any case, so my code now looks something like this:
cy.get('[data-cy="some-element"]').should('contain', 'I am always here after loading')
You can also use below code
Voted element is correct but I highly recommend not to using anti-pattern saving you from a lot of headaches. Why? Yes, because;
Your application may use dynamic classes or ID's that change
Your selectors break from development changes to CSS styles or JS behavior
Luckily, it is possible to avoid both of these problems.
Don't target elements based on CSS attributes such as: id, class, tag
Don't target elements that may change their textContent
Add data-* attributes to make it easier to target elements
<button id="main" name="submission" role="button" data-cy="submit">Submit</button>
And if you want to be more specific and want to indentify more than one selector, it is always good to use .shouldchainer.
cy.get("ul").should(($li) => {
expect($li).to.not.contain("text or another selector")
If there is no element, we can use simple line like:
In my case, Cypress was so fast, that simple .should('') was passing the test and after that, loader appears and test failed.
I've manage to success with this:
cy.get('.loader__wrapper', { timeout: 10000 })
Also nice to set the timeout on 10 seconds when your application loads more than 4s.
I would use :
This is safer than
( The element can be present in the DOM but not visible with display: none or opacity: 0 )

Selenium with Mocha/Chai - How to return false is item does not exist in DOM

I'm currently using selenium-webdriver with Mocha & Chai in a JavaScript environment & I'm looking for a way to return a false value if an item does not exist in the DOM; basically to see if a user is logged in or not.
If they are logged in then the following exists in the DOM (and doesn't exist at all if your not signed in).
<a class="account-panel-controls__link" role="link" id="sign-out-nav" data-log-out="">Sign out</a>
I'm looking for a way to find out if it exists & click it if present, otherwise I want to click something else (which only exists when the other snippet above does not).
<a class="account-panel-controls__link" role="link" id="registration-sign-in-nav" data-log-out="">Sign in</a>
I've tried a few variations of the follow but it's gotten me nowhere. It works fine if the element with Id 'sign-out-nav' is present initially but if it's not then the test fails, saying that it was unable to find that element (I'm guess because it's not in the DOM at all?).
driver.findElement('sign-out-nav')).isDisplayed().then(function (displayed) {
if (displayed) {
I've search a number of posts & tried stuff like .getSize() & seeing if it's over 0 but can't get anything to run that way. I've also tried using 'findElements' together with .length but it also returns a value of [Object object] and a length of 1 so I can't seem to tell the values apart.
Is there something I'm missing?
Not sure if this helps in your instance, but using a webdriverio + mocha + assertjs + selenium, I used the following:
assert.doesNotThrow(() => { browser.getText('#registration-sign-in-nav') });
This works for the stack I work with, because when the element doesn't exist, it throws an error.
To find elements on a page it is recommended to use .findElements():
// find an element on the page sample:
driver.findElements('sign-out-nav')) .then(found => console.log('Element found? %s', !!found.length));
Now if the .length > 0 the element is found, you can continue with .elementIsVisible() & .elementIsEnabled() for additional validation and then do the clicks (as per your example) or anything you need.
Oh, not to forget, depending of what you want to do you might need to use indexes if there are multiple elements found either to the .findElement() in case you have only one.
Selenium is really, really fickle when it is trying to find page elements. Surround your driver.findElement with a driver.wait() and see if that allows it to be found.

Referencing HTML elements with JavaScript: getElement* after querySelector*

The task in a JavaScript textbook: find element with the "info[0]" name that's inside the form with the "search-person" name on this page.
My variant of the solution was:
But every time I run the code in Firefox console the error pops up:
TypeError: document.querySelector(...).getElementsByName is not a function
The actual answer for the task
document.querySelector('form[name="search-person"] [name="info[0]"]');
is simpler than mine, but I can't understand why my version provoke the error anyway because my similar code for the previous task - find the first "input" element inside the "search" form - works fine:
but I can't understand why my version provoke the error anyway because
my similar code for the previous task
As suggested by the error itself.
Element doesn't have a method getElementsByName.
and document.querySelector returns an element.

How can I perform a double click on an element with Protractor?

I would like to double click on an element but I could not find a way to do this in the document API. I found some references dating back to 2013 but I know things have changed a lot.
Can someone help and tell me how I can perform a double click.
Always remember that protractor is a wrapper around webdriverjs.
doubleClick() is available in browser.actions():
For anyone looking at this in 2019, this still works. Just know thatProtractor selectors use the Locator object to find elements. The above solution uses the webElement object. So if you're using Protractor to find your element, you'll need to do something like browser.actions().doubleClick(myElement.getWebElement()).perform();
var el=element('id'));
browser.executeAsyncScript(function() {
var evt=new MouseEvent('dblclick', {bubbles: true,cancelable: true,view: window});
var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
await browser.actions().mouseMove(Element).doubleClick().perform();
await browser.actions().doubleClick(Element.getWebElement()).perform();
the above 2 codes works properly to double click on any element when it's visible on screen.
Here Element is
"let Element = element(by.xpath("locator"));"
Below code did not works as a msg is shown saying
"Failed: JavaScript error: arguments[0].dblclick is not a function"
whereas when checked in console similar scripts did worked to double click the item: "$($x(element(by.xpath("locator")))).dblclick()".
Will update my comment if able to find the exact JavaScript syntax to make below code run.
await browser.executeScript("arguments[0].dblclick();",

Unit test Javascript with HTML context

I'm currently writing a javascript game module that takes the following parameter as constructor argument:
gameId : "string for unique game id",
cssSelector: "selector for target (used to initialze game)"
I have found a way to get around this, see new comment below
I have a pretty good test coverage on everything else, but I can't figure out how to write the following Jasmine test:
describe("Initialization of game", function() {
it("Should throw expection if css selector is not found", function() {
// what goes here?
//negative scenario
var game = new Game({gameId : '1', cssSelector : "#not-found"});
}).toThrow("Cannot find the element corresponding to cssSelector");
//positive senario
var game = new Game({gameId : '1', cssSelector : "#found"});
}).not.toThrow("Cannot find the element corresponding to cssSelector");
I say "solution", because it feels a bit like a hack to get around this. I use the fact that the test is run in HTML and that I can manipulate the environment. So what I did was:
In the negative scenario, use a specifier that is not found. The first expectation will then not fail.
In between on the positive and negative test case, I used jQuerys .append() method to add a div with id "found" to the body
That's it!
If you need more in depth DOM testing, Jasmine won't do it alone.
For a simple DOM requirements and single test, you can continue doing what you're doing.
For simple, but repeated tests, use beforeEach and afterEach to set up and destroy the DOM elements you need during testing.
For anything but the most simple DOM tests, you could use something like: to extend Jasmine in to the DOM.
Maybe because you are missing a ); after the "#not-found"}?
In jQuery this will work.
If there's such DOM node it will have length greater than 0.
var exists = $('cssSelector').length > 0;
