HH:MM Time format RegEx inside array [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Regular expression for matching HH:MM time format
(22 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using some masked input plugin, which supports mask as the RegEx array. In my case, I want to validate 24h time format (hh:mm). I'm using now RegEx like this:
[/^([0-2])/, /([0-9])/, ':', /[0-5]/, /[0-9]/]
First 2 array elements represents hours
/^([0-2])/, /([0-9])/
Any suggestions how to validate second hour digit? Cause now 25:00 is valid but shouldn't. Need somehow to check first number and if it's 2 - replace [0-9] with [0-3].

Something like this would be more flexible
const arr = ["07:00", "25:05", "23:59", "00:00"];
const valid = arr.filter(t => {
const parts = [hh, mm] = t.split(":");
return !isNaN(hh) && +hh >= 0 && +hh < 24 && !isNaN(mm) && +mm >= 0 && +mm < 60;
console.log(valid.length, arr.length, valid.length === arr.length)


Regex for adding thousand separator WITHOUT decimals? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Enhancing regex of thousands separator?
(5 answers)
Closed 10 months ago.
I need a regular expression for adding a dot as a thousand and millon separator in Javascript. I've searched the whole web without finding the format I need.
It would return this:
I'm trying to use it in an input.
handleIdChange = (personalIdNumber) => {
this.validator.updateField("personalId", {
number: personalIdNumber
field: "personalId.number",
value: personalIdNumber
Don't use regular expressions to format numbers. Use a proper number formatter.
If you want german-style number formatting, set that as the locale.
const formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('de-DE');
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
const number = 10 ** i;

RegExp check password 6 chars + 1 number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Password REGEX with min 6 chars, at least one letter and one number and may contain special characters
(10 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I know this has been asked a million times, but I just can't seem to crack it.
I have this:
function checkPassword(strPassword)
var objPattern = new RegExp("^.*(?=.{6,})(?=.*[a-z])[a-z0-9]*$");
var blnResult = objPattern.test(strPassword);
...but it only seems to check the length, and not if there's a number?
What have I missed?
The number can be anywhere in the string, not necessarily at the end.
Keep it simple: if(strPassword.length >= 6 && /\d/.test(strPassword)) will do the work and is way more readable
If you need exactly 6 characters plus 1 number then you can use ^[A-z]{6}[0-9]{1}$ or like atleast 6 characters and atleast 1 number then use ^[A-z]{6,}[0-9]{1,}$
You can just include both tests separately in your function:
function checkPassword(strPassword){
var blnResult = /\w{6,}/.test(strPassword)
&& /\d+/.test(strPassword);
function checkPassword(strPassword){
var blnResult = /\w{6,}/.test(strPassword)
&& /\d+/.test(strPassword);
var passwords = ["zeaezee2reer", "sds2", "ssdsdsdsdsd", "12155"];
console.log(p+" ::: "+ checkPassword(p));

Convert number to list of three digits in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to format a number with commas as thousands separators?
(50 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm getting large numbers as input and want to display them with a small space for every step of thousand (every 3 digits). So I'm looking for an array of max. three digits as output.
Input: 10 Output: [10]
Input: 1234 Output: [1, 234]
Input: 24521280 Output: [23, 521, 280]
It does not matter if the output array contains strings or numbers.
What would be a most elegant (comprehensive / short) solution in Javascript ES6?
I wrote two working solutions, but I feel that they are overly complicated or that I'm missing something:
Solution 1)
function numberToThreeDigitArray(number) {
if (number / 1000 < 1) return [number];
return [
...numberToThreeDigitArray(Math.floor(number / 1000)),
number % 1000
Solution 2)
function numberToThreeDigitArray(number) {
return number.toString().split('').reverse().map((char, i) => {
return i !== 0 && i % 3 === 0
? ' ' + char
: char;
}).join('').split('').reverse().join('').split(' ');
number.toLocaleString().split(',').map(num => +num) should do it for you.
See the toLocaleString MDN docs.
const arr = (24521280).toLocaleString().split(',').map(num => +num)
// [24, 521, 280]
// or
function getNumber(n) {
return n.toLocaleString().split(',').map(num => +num)

javascript regex validate years in range

I have input field for year and I need a regex for validation it.
I have such code: ^([12]\d)?(\d\d)$.
But I want allow to validate only years in certain range (1990-2010, for example). How can I do it?
Edit. range must be 1950-2050
Try this:
1990 - 2010:
1950 - 2050:
Other examples:
1945 - 2013:
1812 - 3048:
Basically, you need to split your range into easy "regexable" chunks:
1812-3048: 1812-1819 + 1820-1899 + 1900-1999 + 2000-2999 + 3000-3039 + 3040-3048
regex: 181[2-9] 18[2-9]\d 19\d\d 2\d{3} 30[0-3]\d 304[0-8]
RegExp does not seem to be the right tool here. If you have the year values already isolated surely a simple comparison would work :
if (+yr >= 1990 && +yr <= 2010)
The +yr converts the string to a number
For a range from 1950 to 2050 you may use the following regex:
Online demo
var year = parseInt(textField.value, 10);
if( year >= 1950 && year <= 2050 ) {
This will work in your 'example case'.
Helpful website: http://utilitymill.com/utility/Regex_For_Range
Regex for Current Year(Dynamic) from 1995
var current_year = new Date().getFullYear().toString().split("");
var reg=new RegExp("^(199[5-9]|200[0-9]|[0-"+current_year[0]+"][0-"+current_year[1]+"][0-"+current_year[2]+"][0-"+current_year[3]+"])$");
if you want to check for age between for example 18 or 70 I did it like this.
my solution was
function yearRange(year) {
let now = new Date().getFullYear();
let age = now - Number(year);
if (age < 18 || age > 70) return false;
return true;
Here is a regex if you want to find a year in a film name for example.
Years b/n 1900 - 2029 and some symbols are allowed wrapping the year .-_+[(
check it out here
Note you can not start with year, because there is at least interval in front.
In the example first few lines are matching, because we have multiple lines in a single line they wont match.
even if 1917 was in range it will mark only 2019

single digit counting using numbers and letters in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Convert a number to the shortest possible character string while retaining uniqueness
I want to count something and I only have a single digit to report the result, so I want to use letters for numbers > 9. E.g.
1 => 1
5 => 5
10 => A
30 => U
55 => u // I may have an off-by-one error here -- you get the idea
>61 => z // 60 will be more than enough, so I'll use z to mean "at least 62"
What's the easiest way to do that using javascript?
Here's one of the many ways to do it:
function num2letter(num) {
if( num > 61) return "z";
if( num < 0) return num;
return "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[num];
I decided base 36 was good enough:
function oneDigit(n) {
var BASE=36;
if (n >= BASE-1) { n = BASE-1; }
return n.toString(BASE);
Another way to do it:
function parse(x)
if(x<10)return x;
else if(x<36)return String.fromCharCode(x+55).toUpperCase();
else if(x<62)return String.fromCharCode(x+29).toLowerCase();
else return "z";
And this little test:
var res="";
for(var a=-10;a<70;a++)res+=a+" -> "+parse(a)+"\n";
And a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/nD59z/4/
And the same way, but with less characters and incomprehensible:
function parse(x)
return x<10?x:(x<36?String.fromCharCode(x+55).toUpperCase():(x<62?String.fromCharCode(x+29).toLowerCase():"z"));
