Refresh buttons on paginate [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Event binding on dynamically created elements?
(23 answers)
DataTable cannot click the button after pagination
(1 answer)
datatables jquery click event not working after pagination
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am building a paginated Datatable from ajax-sourced data:
let table = $('#userTable').DataTable({
destroy: true,
"ajax": {url: url, type: 'GET', "dataSrc": ""},
"pagingType": "simple",
"columnDefs": [
// ...
"order": [[3, "desc"]],
"columns": [
{ "data": "view", "defaultContent": "" },
{ "data": "username" },
{ "data": "email", "defaultContent": ""},
{ "data": "lastActive"},
{ "data": "completed" },
{ "data": "_id" }
"fnInitComplete": function(oSettings, json) {
console.log("Finished drawing table");
$('.view-profile').on('click', getProfile);
$('.btn-delete').on('click', purgeUser);
$('.page-link').on('click', () => {
console.log("Clicked on paginate button")
$('.view-profile').on('click', getProfile);
$('.btn-delete').on('click', purgeUser);
I add buttons (.view-profile and .btn-delete) to each row, and add a listener only after the table is initialised using [fnInitComplete][2].
However, on clicking on a paginate button .page-link, the buttons are no longer clickable - how can I re-listen for clicks on paginating?
I've tried adding a timeout function to first wait for buttons to be drawn (.view-profile) and then wait for 1s after clicking on a .page-link before adding $('.view-profile').on('click', getProfile) - but this isn't working. What am I missing?
setTimeout(() => {
$('.page-link').on('click', function() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Next page")
$('.view-profile').on('click', getProfile);
$('.btn-delete').on('click', purgeUser);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);


Capture If DataTable JSON/AJAX GET Populates Correctly Using 'Success/Error'

I have a DataTable which is doing a GET but i was thinking that protection will be required to help improve UI and can display some sort of error so the user knows if the data is not displayed that an error has occurred and isn't sat watching a black screen.
Any way i know how to do this in a POST but was wondering if there is a way of doing it in a GET.
Current 'Working code
var existingRuleTable = $('#existingRulesDataTable').DataTable({
"ordering": false, // Allows ordering
"searching": false, // Searchbox
"paging": true, // Pagination
"info": false, // Shows 'Showing X of X' information
"pagingType": 'simple_numbers', // Shows Previous, page numbers & next buttons only
"pageLength": 10, // Defaults number of rows to display in table. If changing this value change the show/hide below
"dom": '<"top"f>rt<"bottom"lp><"clear">', // Positions table elements
"lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]], // Sets up the amount of records to display
"fnDrawCallback": function () {
if ($('#dialPlanListTable').DataTable().rows().count() < 11) {
$("div[class='bottom']").hide(); // Hides paginator & dropdown if less than 11 records returned
} else {
$("div[class='bottom']").show(); // Shows paginator & dropdown if 11 or more records are returned
'ajax': {
"type": 'GET',
"url": "js/dataTable.json",
"data": function (data) {
return data;
"columns": [ // Display JSON data in table
{ "data": "position" },
{ "data": "startTime" },
{ "data": "endTime" },
{ "data": "selectedDays" },
{ "data": "selectedDates" },
{ "data": "selectedMonths" },
{ "data": "timeRange" },
"data": null,
"render": function (data) {
if (buttonclicked == 'Modify') { // Displays the radio button when 'Mod' clicked
return '<label class="c-radio" style="margin-bottom: 0px">'
+ '<input type="radio" name="existingRuleActionRadioButton" value="option1">'
+ '<span class="fa fa-check"></span>'
+ '</label>';
} else if (buttonclicked == 'Delete') { // Displays the delete button when 'Del' clicked
return '<button name="deleteRuleButton" class="btn btn-danger" id="' + data.position + '">'
+ '<i class="fa fa-trash-o" style="font-size: large"></i>'
+ '</button>';
} else {
return ''; // Needed for the 'Add' button click
Things i have tried
Added this at the end which works BUT i don't know the state (success/error)
"initComplete": function(settings, json) {
alert( 'DataTables has finished its initialisation.' );
Then tried the blow AJAX which fires and dropd into the correct 'Success/Error' but this then does not render my DataTable
'ajax': {
"type": 'GET',
"url": "js/dataTable.json",
"data": function (data) {
return data;
success: function(data){
error: function(e){
Datatables provides a number of events that can be hooked into:
In this case, rather than use initComplete (which seems to be for the DataTables 'Editor' plugin), it looks like the event to hook into is the error event:
You could also look into the draw and xhr events.
It looks like using success: and error: on the ajax: property is overwriting dataTables use of those to render the table; this could be why the xhr event is exposed rather than expose the underlying ajax promise.

Adding an element within a td in jQuery datatable

I have a js data table that I have implemented for pagination of data. It uses the jQuery data table. The data is being displayed correctly. However, I want to add an element within the first row of the data table.
Before I added it like this : <td>#Html.ActionLink(item.CarId, "Detail", "Cars", new { id = item.CarId},null)
<span class="dt-expand-btn js-expand-btn">+</span></td>
What I want to add within the td of the js is : <span class="dt-expand-btn js-expand-btn">+</span>
var carsDataTable = $('.js-cars-lists').DataTable({
"ajax": {
"url": "/Cars/CarsPagination",
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"language": {
"paginate": {
"previous": '<i class="material-icons">chevron_left</i>',
"next": '<i class="material-icons">chevron_right</i>'
"order": [0, "asc"],
"type": "POST",
"datatype": "json"
"columns": [
"data": "CarId", "name": "CarId", "autowidth": true,
"render": function (data, type, row, meta) {
$(row.CarId).css('color', 'red');
return '' + row.CarId + '';
{ "data": "CarName", "name": "CarName", "autowidth": true },
Could someone please help me to achieve this ? Also, paginate icons are not appearing. Please help.
jQuery DataTable has a function of render it accepts 4 parameters function(data, type, row) which you can control the rendering of your rows. You can now check the rows of a table and add your element in it.
You can use columnDefs method and then render:
columnDefs: [{
"render": function(data, type) {
return '<span class="dt-expand-btn js-expand-btn">+</span>';
"targets": 0
targets refers to the index of the table column (since you are referring to the 1st column) set it to 0

Jquery Datatables Checkbox selected append to input field

the btnSearchName will open a Modal with table of the search result, then it has checkbox per row to select, then after I click the btnSubmit, the Modal will close and must put the selected ssn_or_tin column in an input field like '123, 645, 936, 743', I already tried many codes but not working, please help
$('#btnSearchName').on("click", function() {
Namestable = $('#NamesDatatable').DataTable({
"processing": true,
'select': {
'style': 'multi'
'order': [[1, 'asc']],
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6'f>>" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
"ajax": {
"url": '/Home/GetAllCusname',
"type": "POST",
"datatype": "json",
"data": function (d) {
d.searchParameters = {}; = $('#txtName').val();
"columns": [
defaultContent: '',
className: 'select-checkbox',
'checkboxes': {
'selectRow': true
orderable: false
{ "data": "ssn_or_tin", "autoWidth": true },
{ "data": "name", "autoWidth": true }
$('#btnSubmit').on("click", function () {
var rows_selected = Namestable.column(0).checkboxes.selected(); //i have not tested this line of code yet if it's working,
maybe there is another way of getting the selected checkbox, maybe by their class if they have the 'selected' class
$.each(rows_selected, function () {
//I don't know what code to put here, it must append the
'ssn_or_tin' values like '123, 953, 673' in the input field with
the id 'txtSSNTIN'
You could have try Onrowbound in DataTable. You dont have to specify these things

Post row datas from DataTable to an Ajax Form

I have a set of JSON data that are displayed using datatables. In one of the columns, I add a button and a text box only if the value in that column and another column meets a certain condition. this is the bit of code I used to do this:
$(document).ready(function (){
var alertTable = $('#alert-table').DataTable({
"jQueryUI": true,
"order": [ 3, 'desc' ],
"columns": [
{ "data": "source", "visible": false },
{ "data": "host" },
{ "data": "priority" },
{ "data": "ack", "render": function( data, type, row ) {
if (row.ack == "0" && row.priority > "2") {
return '<form><input class="ackname" type="text" value="Enter your name"><input class="ackbutton" type="button" value="Ack Alert" onclick="<get all items for that row and POST to a URL>"></form>';
return data;
"language": {
"emptyTable": "No Alerts Available in Table"
This works fine by adding a button and text in the cell. What I am looking to achieve is, when any of the button is been clicked, it should POST all the values for that row including what is typed in the text box to a URL which has another function that would extract those details and update the database and send back the refreshed data. I am new to datatables and jquery, any guide would be highly appreciated.
Have made some changes to the code, instead of form you can use div.
$(document).ready(function (){
var alertTable = $('#alert-table').DataTable({
"jQueryUI": true,
"order": [ 3, 'desc' ],
"columns": [
{ "data": "source", "visible": false },
{ "data": "host" },
{ "data": "priority" },
{ "data": "ack", "render": function( data, type, row ) {
if (row.ack == "0" && row.priority > "2") {
return '<div><input class="ackname" type="text" value="Enter your name"><input class="ackbutton" type="button" value="Ack Alert"></div>';
return data;
"language": {
"emptyTable": "No Alerts Available in Table"
$(document).on("click",".ackbutton",function() {
var currentIndex = $(this).parent().parent().index();
var rowData = alertTable.row( index ).data();
//extract the textbox value
var TextboxValue = $(this).siblings(".ackname").val();
var objToSave = {}; //Create the object as per the requirement
//Add the textbox value also to same object and send to server
objToSave["TextValue"] = TextboxValue;
url: "url to another page"
data: JSON.stringify({dataForSave : objToSave}),
type: "POST",dataType: "json",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(datas) {
//Your success Code
error: function(error) {
Since both the pages are in same project, you can also do it using single ajax, passing all the values to server at once and then calling the other page internally from server and passing in the values using query string.
This is not a running code, rather to give you a basic idea on how to proceed.
Hope this helps :)

Datatables Jquery Ajax

I have an issue with the reinitialisation of my datatable. My code below works by pulling in a json from getOrderStatus.php and upon success of this puts all the json data into javascript variables and then from this i can set these variables to div tags and display the data i need on my webpage. However the Datatable cannot be reinititalised once the ajax loop runs and displays the following error message "DataTables warning: table id=mytable - Cannot reinitialise DataTable". I believe i need a way to kill the table and recreate it upon the ajax refresh however i cant seem to find a way to do this ?
$(document).ready(function ajaxLoop(){
url: 'getOrderStatus.php', // Url of Php file to run sql
data: "",
dataType: 'json', //data format
success: function updateOrder(data) //on reciept of reply
var OrdersSubmitted = data.OrderStatus[0].SUBMITTED; //get Orders Submitted Count
var OrdersFulfilled = data.OrderStatus[0].FULFILLED; //get Orders Fulfilled count
var LastTransaction = data.LastTransaction[0]; //get Last Transaction
// 3) Update html content
$('#OrdersFulfilled').html(OrdersFulfilled); //Set output html divs
"data": LastTransaction,
"aging": false,
"searching": false,
"columns": [
{ "title": "ORDER_ID" }, // <-- which values to use inside object
{ "title": "STATUS" },
{ "title": "ACC_NUMBER" },
{ "title": "SORT_CODE" }
setTimeout(ajaxLoop, 2000);
Did you try using "bDestroy": true.
"data": LastTransaction,
"aging": false,
"searching": false,
"bDestroy": true,
"columns": [
{ "title": "ORDER_ID" }, // <-- which values to use inside object
{ "title": "STATUS" },
{ "title": "ACC_NUMBER" },
{ "title": "SORT_CODE" }
Another way is if you check if datatable is already init. on your table
var table = $('#mytable');
if ($.fn.DataTable.fnIsDataTable(table)) {
//It's already a datatable
//clear and destroy
**It seems your are using latest datatable version:**
then option should be destroy:true (aging should be changed to paging):
"data": LastTransaction,
"paging": false,
"searching": false,
"destroy": true,
"columns": [
{ "title": "ORDER_ID" }, // <-- which values to use inside object
{ "title": "STATUS" },
{ "title": "ACC_NUMBER" },
{ "title": "SORT_CODE" }
and check on existing datatable would be:
