Here is my page:
<script src = "//"></script>
var chat = new Chat();
How can I retrieve the url of the script inside the Chat class?
(answer : //
I tried:
window.location.origin; gives me the url of the current page
document.getElementsByTagName('script') : do not provide url
You can access it by going through <head>.
You could give the script an id
<script id = "myScript" src = "//"></script>
var element = document.getElementById('myScript');
Can't see any reason why that wouldn't work.
Here is 2 ways to do this :
<script src= "http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"></script>
I have mentioned the code below which I have been trying. I am successfully able to open a url in a new tab but unable to access the content using DOM. so someone please suggest me any ideas how to access the data...
Thank you in advance.
var url = "";
var Tab =;
var Name = Tab.document.getElementsByClassName('uniquename').innerHTML;
You can use onLoad event in this case as:
var url = "";
var Tab =;
Tab.onload = function () {
var elems = Tab.document.getElementsByClassName('uniquename');
But your URL in the child window should be in same domain.
I'd like to pull data from my HTML code into my dataLayer (Google Tag Manager).
The html code is something like this:
<body class="portal sessions" data-place="hun">...</body>
And the Javascript Code is something like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var lang_log = document.getElementsByClassName("portal");
What I'd try is to give to the lang_log variable the "hun" value and I'd try:
<script type="text/javascript">
var lang_log = document.getElementsByClassName("portal")['data-place'];
But it's not working.
Any ideas?
Any help or advice is apprecaited, Thank you in advance.
document.getElementsByClassName("portal") returns an array-like collection of elements.
You can get the first element of this collection with document.getElementsByClassName("portal")[0].
To access the data attribute, use document.getElementsByClassName("portal")[0]
var AdataLayer = [];
var lang_log = document.getElementsByClassName("portal")[0];
<body class="portal sessions" id="portal" data-place="hun">...</body>
Found the solution:
the JS should be:
<script type="text/javascript">
var lang_log = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].getAttribute("data-locale");
Still investigating in why the first version did not work!
Am trying to create a facebook share code in just html and javascript
I would want the link to be exactly like this:
But the problem now is, how can I get the page title through the help of ONLY javascript and then add it to the link at t=PAGETITLE.
I think you just want to append a "?t=" parameter to the query string passed into the FB share link with the document.title. If that is correct, you can do
var shareURL = fbShareURL + encodeURIComponent(linkURL + "?t=" + document.title));
which will make a URL like
which will include the page title as a query string parameter in url-encoded form. It's up to you what you do with that query string parameter, though. Using jQuery, you can update the share link dynamically:
var fbShareURL = "";
var title = document.title; // The current page
var linkURL = "";
$link = $("<a>");
$link.attr("href", fbShareURL + encodeURIComponent(linkURL + "?t=" + title));
// Add the link to your page
Here is full, working HTML code as requested:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>How to get current page title and add it to link directly as variable in JavaScript</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
// Begin demo code
var fbShareURL = "";
var title = document.title; // The current page
var linkURL = "";
$link = $("<a>");
$link.attr("href", fbShareURL + encodeURIComponent(linkURL + "?t=" + title));
// Add the link to your page
// End demo code
sharer.php only takes the URL as parameter, the rest of the data will come from the Open Graph tags:
a href="">Share</a>
Btw, you should urlencode the shared URL.
I did something like this
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<title><script>trans("Configuration: Status - Software")</script></title>
However the web title looks like
trans("Configuration: Status - Software")
Why is the js not working here,What should modify to make it work?
Here's what tran.js look like
function trans(key)
function getkey(key)
var text;
text = lang_pack[key];
if (text == undefined || text == "")
text = key;
I'm not sure you can use a script inside of a title tag -- can you move it into a different block?
It's unclear exactly what trans.js is, but you can try:
document.title = trans('Configuration: Status -Software');
You should try setting the title in javascript like
document.title = trans('Configuration: Status - Software');
var temp = document.getElementsByTagName("title").innerHTML;
temp[0].innerHTML = "your new title";
Try including the src in the same script tag as the function call:
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript">trans("Configuration: Status - Software")</script></title>
Try this:
<script src="trans.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>document.title = getkey("Configuration: Status - Software")</script>
You mean this?
<title>This is Test 1st</title>
var field = "This is Test 2nd";
you need is a jquery library.
I need to output a DIV width into a URL for an iframe but am having some trouble. I have managed to get java to output the div width, but encounter a problem when getting this into the URL. Below is the code I am using (notice the width=
<iframe src="<script language='javascript'>var e = document.getElementById('Single2');
This outputs the URL as: e = document.getElementById('Single2');
As you can see the URL has the full javascript in, not just it's output.
Ideally the URL should be as such (lets assume the DIV width is 650px).
Any ideas how I can get this working?
You should do this in the following way (pseudo code)
<iframe id="myIframe"></iframe>
document.getElementById("myIframe").src = ... // construct URL here
Let me know if you need a working example.
Here is a working example
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeContent()
console.log("changing src");
var myIframe = document.getElementById("guy");
myIframe.src = "" + myIframe.offsetWidth;
<iframe id="guy"></iframe>
document.onload = changeContent();
If you track the network, you will see the width passing..
You can't put <script> tag in src, it will be treated as String.
<iframe id="myiframe"></iframe>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var e = document.getElementById('Single2');
var url = "" + e.offsetWidth;