Initializing web workers - javascript

It seems the only communication from host to worker is postMessgage and onmessage. If the worker requires some dynamic initialization (as in constructor, here: regular expression to use later), what is the best way to do this?
A possibility would be to let data be an object, and have e.g. an action parameter, and to check this on every run. This seems a bit kludgey.

The communication channel between different agents is very low-level, but you can easily build a higher level communication based on that. I'd use objects to communicate different "events":
{ event: "init", data: [/d/] }
Based on these events, you can create different events to represent e.g. function calls and their response:
{ event: "call-init", data: [/d/] } // >>>
{ event: "return-init", data: ["done"] } // <<<
Then you can build a wrapper around that, that sends and handles the response, something like:
async function call(name, ...args) {
channel.send("call-" + name, args);
return await cannel.once("return-" + name);
channel.init = call.bind(null, "init");
Then your code turns into something along the lines of:
const channel = new Channel(worker);
await channel.init(/d/);
await channel.doOtherStuff();
That's just to give you the basic idea.

A more ad-hoc approach than Jonas' solution abuses the Worker's name option: You can e.g. pass the regex string in this name and use it later:
var a = new Worker("worker.js", {name: "hello|world"})
a.onmessage = (x) => {
console.log("worker sent: ")
var regex = RegExp(;
onmessage = (a) => {
if (regex.test( {
} else {
postMessage("no match for " + regex);


WebSocket scaling on the client side with NodeJS

I have written the script below which creates multiple WebSocket connections with a smart contract to listen to events. it's working fine but I feel this is not an optimized solution and probably this could be done in a better way.
const PairContractHTTPUniswap = new Blockchain.web3http.eth.Contract(
const PairContractWSSUniswap = new Blockchain.web3ws.eth.Contract(
const PairContractHTTPSushiswap = new Blockchain.web3http.eth.Contract(
const PairContractWSSSushiswap = new Blockchain.web3ws.eth.Contract(
var Price_Uniswap = await getReserves(PairContractHTTPUniswap);
var Price_Sushiswap = await getReserves(PairContractHTTPSushiswap);
// subscribe to Sync event of Pair{}).on("data", (data) => {
Price_Uniswap = (Big(data.returnValues.reserve0)).div(Big(data.returnValues.reserve1));
priceDifference(Price_Uniswap, Price_Sushiswap, PAIR_NAME);
});{}).on("data", (data) => {
Price_Sushiswap = (Big(data.returnValues.reserve0)).div(Big(data.returnValues.reserve1));
priceDifference(Price_Uniswap, Price_Sushiswap, PAIR_NAME);
for (let i = 0; i < pairsArray.length; i++){
main(pairsArray[i].tokenPair, pairsArray[i].addressUniswap, pairsArray[i].addressSushiswap);
In the end, I instantiate the main function multiple times for each pair from a pair array, in a for-loop. I think this way of solving is brute force and there is a better way of doing this.
Any suggestions/opinions would be really appreciated.
Just to clear up the terms: You're opening a websocket connection to the WSS node provider - not to the smart contracts. But yes, your JS snippet subscribes to multiple channels (one for each contract) within this one connection (to the node provider).
You can collect event logs from multiple contracts through just one WSS channel using the web3.eth.subscribe("logs") function (docs), passing it the list of contract addresses as a param. Example:
const options = {
// list of contract addresses that you want to subscribe to their event logs
address: ["0x123", "0x456"]
web3.eth.subscribe("logs", options, (err, data) => {
But it has a drawback - it doesn't decode the event log data for you. So your code will need to find the expected data types based on the event signature (returned in data.topics[0]). Once you know which event log is emitted based on the topics[0] event signature (real-life example value in this answer), you can use the decodeLog() function (docs) to get the decoded values.

IndexedDB's callbacks not being executed inside the 'fetch' event of a Service Worker

I'm trying to do a couple of things in the IndexedDB database inside the 'fetch' event of a service worker, when the aplication asks the server for a new page. Here's what I'm going for:
Create a new object store (they need to be created dynamically, according to the data that 'fetch' picks up);
Store an element on the store.
Or, if the store already exists:
Get an element from the store;
Update the element and store it back on the store.
The problem is that the callbacks (onupgradeneeded, onsuccess, etc) never get executed.
I've been trying with the callbacks inside of each other, though I know that may not be the best approach. I've also tried placing an event.waitUntil() on 'fetch' but it didn't help.
The 'fetch' event, where the function registerPageAccess is called:
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
.then(function (response) {
event.waitUntil(function () {
const nextPageURL = new URL(event.request.url);
if (event.request.destination == 'document') {
if (currentURL) {
registerPageAccess(currentURL, nextPageURL);
currentURL = nextPageURL;
* some other operations
return response || fetch(event.request);
registerPageAccess, the function with the callbacks.
I know it's plenty of code, but just look at secondRequest.onupgradeneeded in the 5th line. It is never executed, let alone the following ones.
function registerPageAccess(currentPageURL, nextPageURL) {
var newVersion = parseInt(db.version) + 1;
var secondRequest =, newVersion);
secondRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (e) {
db =;
db.createObjectStore(currentPageURL, { keyPath: "pageURL" });
var transaction = request.result.transaction([currentPageURL], 'readwrite');
var store = transaction.objectStore(currentPageURL);
var getRequest = store.get(nextPageURL);
getRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
var obj = getRequest.result;
if (!obj) {
// Insert element into the database
console.debug('ServiceWorker: No matching object in the database');
const addRes = putInObjectStore(nextPageURL, 1, store);
addRes.onsuccess = function (event) {
console.debug('ServiceWorker: Element was successfully added in the Object Store');
addRes.onerror = function (event) {
console.error('ServiceWorker error adding element to the Object Store: ' + addRes.error);
else {
// Updating database element
const updRes = putInObjectStore(obj.pageURL, obj.nVisits + 1, store);
updRes.onsuccess = function (event) {
console.debug('ServiceWorker: Element was successfully updated in the Object Store');
updRes.onerror = function (event) {
console.error('ServiceWorker error updating element of the Object Store: ' + putRes.error);
secondRequest.onsuccess = function (e) {
console.log('ServiceWorker: secondRequest onsuccess');
secondRequest.onerror = function (e) {
console.error('ServiceWorker: error on the ' + secondRequest.error);
I need a way to perform the operations in registerPageAccess, which involve executing a couple of callbacks, but the browser seems to kill the Service Worker before they get to occur.
All asynchronous logic inside of a service worker needs to be promise-based. Because IndexedDB is callback-based, you're going to find yourself needing to wrap the relevant callbacks in a promise.
I'd strongly recommend not attempting to do this on your own, and instead using one of the following libraries, which are well-tested, efficient, and lightweight:
idb-keyval, if you're okay with a simple key-value store.
idb if you're need the full IndexedDB API.
I'd also recommend that you consider using the async/await syntax inside of your service worker's fetch handler, as it tends to make promise-based code more readable.
Put together, this would look roughly like:
self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) => {
event.waitUntil((async () => {
// Your IDB cleanup logic here.
// Basically, anything that can execute separately
// from response generation.
event.respondWith((async () => {
// Your response generation logic here.
// Return a Response object at the end of the function.

How do you prevent a NodeJS server from potentially exposing function code?

Let's imagine you're building a banking app backend. You want to respond to a user with a string that returns the balance but you forgot to add ().
class User {
constructor() {console.log("ctor")}
balance() { console.log("secret balance code")}
Then when referencing the user, instead of writing this:
const userA = new User();
return `Your balance is $${userA.balance()}`;
I accidentally write this:
const userA = new User();
return `Your balance is $${userA.balance}`;
Which sadly outputs:
'Your balance is balance() { console.log("secret balance code")}'
Which leaks the source code.
You do not need to worry about it, if you forget something, then testing will help to find it. Nobody deploy in production without testing when he has a serious project. It is better to write tests than to try to correct language behavior.
One workaround is to override all functions' toString like so:
> Function.prototype.toString = () => {return "bla"}
> '' + new User().balance
When responding to a request, you're undoubtedly going to be running the response through some sort of serializer. JSON, CBOR, etc. Handle it on that layer.
Fortunately for you, if you're returning JSON data, it's already handled:
// undefined
If you really are returning plain text strings, you can still have such a layer that ensures you're not putting out functions.
I've a solution which is definitely slower than raw templates, but here it goes.
So basically I just send a context object which has all the string I want to resolve. And before the actual string replacement, I just check for the types of arguments.
function resolveTemplates(str, args){
if(args && Array.isArray(args) && args.length){
args.forEach((argument) => {
// check here for any unwanted types
if(typeof arg === 'function'){
throw new Error('Cannot send function to create raw Strings')
const rx = /\{([^{}]*)\}/g;
let match = {};
let matches = [];
while(match = rx.exec(str)){
const key = match[1];
const index = match.index;
str = str.slice(0, index) + args[key] + str.slice(index + 2 + key.length)
return str;
resolveTemplates('Hello! My name is {firstName} {lastName}', {firstName: 'Shobhit', lastName: 'Chittora'})
PS: Instead of throwing errors for functions as arguments, you can call the functions. But binding the functions to the correct context can be a overhead to think about and generally not suggested.

Cucumber Js callback issue? or feature issue?

I'd like to write a feature like this:
Scenario: new Singleton create
When a new, unmatchable identity is received
Then a new tin record should be created
And a new bronze record should be created
And a new gold record should be created
which would tie to steps like this:
defineSupportCode(function ({ Before, Given, Then, When }) {
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var chanceGenerator = require('./helpers/chanceGenerator')
var request = require('./helpers/requestGenerator')
let identMap;
// reset identMap before each scenario
Before(function () {
identMap = [];
// should generate a valid identity
// persist it in a local variable so it can be tested in later steps
// and persist to the db via public endpoint
When('a new, unmatchable identity is received', function (callback) {
request.pubPostIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback);
// use the local variable to retrieve Tin that was persisted
// validate the tin persisted all the props that it should have
Then('a new tin record should be created', function (callback) {
request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback);
// var self = this;
// request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], callback, () => {
// console.log('never gets here...');
// self.callback();
// callback();
// });
// request.pubGetIdentity(identMap[identMap.length-1], (callback) => {
// console.log('never gets here...');
// self.callback();
// callback();
// });
The issue that I'm having is that I can't do anything in the Then callback. That is where I'd like to be able to verify the response has the right data.
Here are relevant excerpts from the helper files:
var pubPostIdentity = function (ident, callback) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '' + ident.platform + '/' + ident.platformId,
headers: {
'X-Consumer-Custom-Id': ident.botId + '_' + ident.botId
body: JSON.stringify(ident)
console.log('ident: ', ident);
request(options, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
console.log('pubPostIdentity: ', err);
console.log('pubPostIdentity: ', response.statusCode);
// accept an identity and retrieve from staging via identity public endpoint
var pubGetIdentity = function (ident, callback) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: '' + ident.platform + '/' + ident.platformId,
headers: {
'X-Consumer-Custom-Id': ident.botId + '_' + ident.botId
request(options, (err, response) => {
if (err) {
console.log('pubGetIdentity: ', err);
console.log('pubGetIdentity: ', response.body);
Something that we are considering as an option is to re-write the feature to fit a different step definition structure. If we re-wrote the feature like this:
Scenario: new Singleton create
When a new, unmatchable 'TIN_RECORD' is received
Then the Identity Record should be created successfully
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'tin'
Then a new 'tin' should be created
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'bronze'
Then a new 'bronze' should be created
When the Identity Record is retreived for 'gold'
Then a new 'gold' should be created
I believe it bypasses the instep callback issue we are wrestling with, but I really hate the breakdown of the feature. It makes the feature less readable and comprehensible to the business.
So... my question, the summary feature presented first, is it written wrong? Am I trying to get step definitions to do something that they shouldn't? Or is my lack of Js skills shining bright, and this should be very doable, I'm just screwing up the callbacks?
Firstly, I'd say your rewritten feature is wrong. You should never go back in the progression Given, When, Then. You are going back from the Then to the When, which is wrong.
Given is used for setting up preconditions. When is used for the actual test. Then is used for the assertions. Each scenario should be a single test, so should have very few When clauses. If you want, you can use Scenario Outlines to mix several very similar tests together.
In this case, is recommend to take it back to first principles and see if that works. Then build up slowly to get out working.
I suspect in this case that the problem is in some exception being thrown that isn't handled. You could try rewriting it to use promises instead, which will then be rejected on error. That gives better error reporting.

Message Manager API sendAsyncMessage callback

I can return a value if I send a sync message:
// frame script
var chromeBtnText = sendSyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText");
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener(message) {
return document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
How do I achieve this with a callback with sendAsyncMessage?
I was hoping to do something like:
// frame script
function myCallback(val) {
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("getChromeToolbarButtonText", null, myCallback);
There is no callback for replies. In fact, there is no reply at all. The return value from the chrome message listener is simply ignored for async messages.
To do fully async communication, you'd have to send another message containing the reply.
Frame script
addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonTextReply", function(message) {
messageManager.addMessageListener("getChromeToolbarButtonText", function(message) {
var btnText = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
// Only send message to the frame script/message manager
// that actually asked for it.
{btnText: btnText}
PS: All messages share a namespace. So to avoid conflicts when another piece of code wants to use the same name getChromeToolbarButtonText, you better choose a more unique name in the first place, like prefixing your messages with your add-on name my-unique-addoon:getChromeToolbarButtonText or something like that. ;)
I was also hoping to do something similar:
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", null, myCallback);
I'm going the other direction so the myCallback would be in chrome but it's exactly the same principle.
I'd used similar approaches to #Noitidart and #nmaier before but in this new case I wanted to bind to some local data so myCallback can behave differently based on the application state at the time the first message was sent rather than at the time the callback is executed, all while allowing for the possibility of multiple message round-trips being in progress concurrently.
let someLocalState = { "hello": "world" };
let callbackName = "my-addon-somethingUnique"; // based on current state or maybe generate a UUID
let myCallback = function(message) {
messageManager.removeMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
// == "bar"
//someLocalState.hello == "world"
}.bind(this); // .bind(this) is optional but useful if the local state is attached to the current object
messageManager.addMessageListener(callbackName, myCallback);
messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-framescript-message", { callbackName: callbackName } );
let messageHandler = function(message) {
let responseData = { foo: "bar" };
sendAsyncMessage(, responseData);
addMessageListener("my-addon-framescript-message", messageHandler);
There's a real-world example here:
It should be possible for Firefox to be improved to encapsulate this functionality in the built-in messageManager one day but in the mean-time this approach works well and with a surprisingly small amount of boiler-plate code.
in this snippet below. i add the callback before sendAsyncMessage('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarbuttonText'... as i know it will send back. Then I remove it after callback executes. I know I don't have to but just to kind of make it act like real callback, just to kind of show people, maybe it helps someone understand.
/////// frame script
function CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText(val) {
removeMessageListner('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //remove the callback
var chromeBtnText = val;
if (chromeBtnText == 'blah') {
alert('tool is blah');
addMessageListener('my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonTextCallbackMessage', CALLBACK_getChromeToolbarButtonText); //add the callback
var chromeBtnText = sendAsyncMessage("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", null);
////// chrome script
messageManager.addMessageListener("my-addon-id#jetpack:getChromeToolbarButtonText", listener);
function listener() {
var val = document.getElementById('myChromeToolbarButton').label.value;
