Plugins in IBM/HCL Connections 5 CR6 with TinyMCE editor - javascript

I installed the TinyMCE editor on a vanilla Connections 5 CR6 installation and now want to add plugins. HCL told us that we have the pro version of TinyMCE licenced together with Connections. One example of the pro-plugins is the checklist, which I want to install.
So I add the plugin-files of the checklist as well as the lists (required as dependency) in the externalPlugins array of the config.js file:
externalPlugins: [
name: "checklist",
url: pluginBaseDir + "checklist/plugin.min.js",
off: []
name: "lists",
url: pluginBaseDir + "lists/plugin.min.js",
off: []
and added checklist to the toolbar:
toolbar: [
label: "group.insert",
items: [
id: "insert",
label: "menu.insert",
items: [
Where pluginBaseDir is set to /connections/resources/web/tiny.editors.connections/tinymce/plugins/. The requested JS files are accessable, I verified this using curl.
But the button isn't shown. I tried
Adding the checklist in the first level
toolbar: [
// ...
Adding tmce prefix
Read about this in the example config.js file:
toolbar: [
// ...
Testing procedure
After each change on config.js, I restart the Common application by stopping and starting them using jython wsadmin script. This works, which could be easily verified using the postCreateTextboxio method, which can be included in the config object:
postCreateTextboxio: function(editor) {
console.log("custom.js revision #2");
So I got the console output after re-starting the Common application.

The plugin was loaded, with could be verified in the browser console:
> tinyMCE.editors[0].settings.plugins.indexOf('toc')
Ephox caused the problem: While adding the plugin directly works with the original TinyMCE, we have Ephox in HCL Connections. It acts as a middleware to have a shared configuration file between multiple editors supported by Connections (TinyMCE, and CKEditor).
With Ephox, we need to prefix plugin names with tmce- when referencing in the toolbar:
label: "Test",
items: ["table", "tmce-toc"]

The checklist plugin is already included with the Tiny Editors for Connections integration so you can leave off the externalPlugins entry but it is not included in the default toolbar because it requires additional CSS.
Currently the checklist plugin does not register a menu item so it can not be added to the insert menu, however you can add it to the toolbar with the following config:
toolbar: [
label: "group.insert",
items: [
id: "insert",
label: "menu.insert",
items: [
The reason why you could not add checklist at the first level is that all first level items are groups of toolbar items. You can create an anonymous group with the square brackets. Note that this syntax was chosen because it was backwards compatible with and changing it to be TinyMCE specific would break the configuration for our pre-existing customers.
Once you have the checklist plugin button showing you need to add the CSS it uses to connections so that it will render.
.tox-checklist > li:not(.tox-checklist--hidden) {
list-style: none;
margin: .25em 0;
position: relative;
.tox-checklist > li:not(.tox-checklist--hidden)::before {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,");
background-size: 100%;
content: '';
cursor: pointer;
height: 1em;
left: -1.5em;
position: absolute;
top: .125em;
width: 1em;
.tox-checklist li:not(.tox-checklist--hidden).tox-checklist--checked::before {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,");
CSS required for checklist plugin
How to add CSS to Connections
We are currently working on a shim for the checklist plugin to allow it to work in Connections without requiring the global CSS change and to work better in the activity stream where styles and classes are stripped. I expect this will be in the 4.2.0 release.


Triggering an event from a custom formatter

I want to generate a table from a JSON objects array. Each object represents an application and has 4 properties: name, package, versions, and users.
name and package are textual, and users is numeric. versions, however, is an array of arrays: each internal array contains a version name and a version code. Here is a sample JSON:
"name": "Angry Birds",
"package": "oldgames",
"versions": [
["alpha", 0.1],
["beta", 0.2],
["release", 1]
"users": 800
"name": "Temple Run",
"package": "oldgames",
"versions": [
["beta", 0.7],
["release", 2]
"users": 130
"name": "Snake",
"package": "veryoldgames",
"versions": [
["release", 0]
"users": 2
The table requirements are as follows:
There should be 4 columns corresponding to the mentioned properties: Name, Package, Version (singular), and Users.
The Version column should contain a dropdown (an HTML select), with each option referring to a specific version. In addition, each dropdown contains an "All" option to refer to all the versions of the app.
The text of each option is the version name, and the value is the version code.
When a specific version is selected, an external function is called and returns the number of users that uses this specific version. Then, the row's Users cell is updated with the new number.
(I know it's a bit convoluted, and that there are probably better ways to visualize the data, but right now this is the architecture I have to implement and I can't change it)
To create the dropdown, I tried using the built-in List editor. I soon found out this is the wrong approach since the List editor is constructed with predefined values - identical values ​​for each and every row in the table, while I need every row to have a unique dropdown.
After researching a bit, I realized I needed to use a Custom Formatter. I take the versions array and manually construct a select. Here is a demo:
const data = [
"name": "Angry Birds",
"package": "oldgames",
"versions": [["alpha", 0.1], ["beta", 0.2], ["release", 1]],
"users": 800
"name": "Temple Run",
"package": "oldgames",
"versions": [["beta", 0.7], ["release", 2]],
"users": 130
"name": "Snake",
"package": "veryoldgames",
"versions": [["release", 0]],
"users": 2
new Tabulator("#example-table", {
data: data,
layout: "fitColumns",
height: 107,
columns: [
title: "Name",
field: "name",
title: "Package",
field: "package"
title: "Versions",
field: "versions",
formatter: function (cell, formatterParams, onRendered) {
const select = document.createElement("select");
const options = select.options;
options.add(new Option("all", "all"));
const value = cell.getValue();
for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
options.add(new Option(value[i][0], value[i][1]));
return select;
title: "Users",
field: "users"
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<div id="example-table"></div>
The data is displayed properly. Initially, I planned to bind a change event listener to the select, but the documentation recommends not doing that: is a bad idea to try to use code outside of Tabulator to
directly alter or bind events to DOM elements inside the table,
because there is a good chance that the element you are trying to
manipulate will be destroyed on the next scroll.
Instead, the documentation recommends using its predefined events:
Tabulator has a wide range of callbacks, formatters and other
functions that allow you to manipulate the table contents in a way
that is safe and won't be affected by the rows being recreated.
The closest event I could find is cellEditing. However, I don't know how to trigger it when the value of the select changes.
What is the recommended way to implement these requirements?

Why Apply Button does not Work in Ag-grid Filter (agSetColumnFilter)?

I am trying to use Apply and Reset button with agSetColumnFilter in my application but it does not work as expected.
Scenario: When we try to add some text in the search box and click on Apply it does not filter. I have added a link feel free to modify.
{ field: 'country', filter: 'agSetColumnFilter',
filterParams: {
buttons: ['reset', 'apply']
According to AgGrid documentation, If you want the same behavior then you have to add 'excelMode': 'windows' in the filterParams.
columnDefs: [
// set filters
field: 'athlete',
filter: true,
filterParams: {
buttons: ['reset', 'apply'],
excelMode: 'windows',
Below links are given for your reference.
Working code as expected:

why css class is not included in bundle css?

I am using postcss-purgecss plugin to remove unused css file.I am facing one issue my one class is not preserve in bundle why ?
here is my configuration file
"plugins": [
"autoprefixer": {
"flexbox": "no-2009"
"stage": 3,
"features": {
"custom-properties": false
"content": [
"safelist": [
".f20 [class^='icn-']:before,.f20 [class*=' icn-']"
why this class is not preserved ".f20 [class^='icn-']:before,.f20 [class*=' icn-']" it should be present in bundle.
Steps to follow to check build
Close the terminal and run npm run build.
It create .next folder inside this there is static folder inside there is css folder where you check the output
any update ?

ckeditor do not work when i add extraPlugins

i have uploaded codesnippet plugin inside /ckeditor/plugins/ directory.
My config.js file codes are:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) {
config.toolbar = [
{ name: 'basic', items: [ 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline' ] },
{ name: 'font', items: [ 'Font' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items: [ 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Blockquote' ] },
{ name: 'links', items: [ 'Link', 'Unlink' ] },
{ name: 'insert', items: [ 'Image', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule' ] },
{ name: 'last', items: [ 'Maximize' ] }
config.extraPlugins = 'codesnippet';
config.format_tags = 'p;h1;h2;h3;pre';
config.entities = false;
config.removeDialogTabs = 'image:advanced;link:advanced;table:advanced';
config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;
But when i add config.extraPlugins = 'codesnippet'; line then editor do not work even i can't see textarea field.
And when i remove config.extraPlugins = 'codesnippet'; line then editor works perfectly.
Use the online builder to add the codesnippet plugin to your editor. Most probably your editor is missing dependencies.
Most plugins in CKEditor require some additional plugins to operate. If you download manually plugin A, there is a chance that you need to download dependencies for plugin A... and plugin B, which is required by plugin A. And sometimes you will need to download dependencies for plugin C, which was required by plugin B. Sounds like a nightmare, this is why we created online builder and why package managers exist.

CKEditor appears gray in internet explorer

I visited a lot of websites to find a solution.
My editor works in almost every browser except internet explorer.
In internet explorer the space(textarea) to change the content isnt showing up, the rest of the editor is visible. Does anyone knows a solution? I didn't find it on the internet.
Updating the editor maybe is a solution, but it took me a while to configure it together with ckfinder, so I'm afraid that it ckfinder isn't working after an update.
The editor worked a few months ago, but I didn't work on the website for a few months.
<textarea id="textarea" name='text' class='editor'></textarea>
To show my editor.
function() {
/* callback code */
language : 'nl',
uiColor : '#e9eaee',
toolbarStartupExpanded : false,
toolbar :
{ name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks', 'Source'] },{ name: 'document', items : ['DocProps','Preview','Print','-','Templates' ] },
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
{ name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','-','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
{ name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] },
{ name: 'styles', items : [ 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize' ] },
{ name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
{ name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar' ] }
height: '225',
extraPlugins : 'tableresize'
} );
Try to disable your add-ons, and if the problem was solved, enable add-ons one by one to find the one which cause the problem.
Based on the comments on the previous answer, the problem is with IE10, right? Sounds like a version issue. IE10 is not supported for CKFinder 2.2.2, so you could try updating CKF.
It would help if you include the CKFinder, CKEditor and Browser versions in the question :).
It could be a config or general JS issue too - do you have a JSfiddle or other link we could check out? Also, have you checked what the Developer tools for IE10 reports, there could very well be informative errors there.
