Breaking a promise chain - javascript

I'm using axios response interceptor and after I cancel a request, I need to break a promise chain. I don't want to add an error check of canceled request for all requests in my application. I've tried bluebird, but it seems it's just promise cancellation, not chain breaking.
I have to process errors in the first catch. This diagram shows the problem in general. Latest then and catch are in different files.
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
// break promise here
.then((response) => {
// skip
// I don't want any extra checks here!
.catch((error) => {
// skip
// I don't want any extra checks here!

Another option is to throw a custom error that can be caught in a singular catch block at the very end like so:
const errorHandler = require('path/to/handler')
class ProcessingError1 extends Error {
constructor(message) {
super(message); = "ProcessingError1";
class ProcessingError2 extends Error {
constructor(message) {
this.message = message; = "ProcessingError2";
const process1 = async () => {
throw new ProcessingError1("Somethign went wrong");
const process2 = async () => {
return { some: "process" };
const someApiCall = async () => ({ some: "response" });
.then(process2) // process2 is not run if process1 throws an error
// ErrorHandler.js
module.exports = e => {
if (e instanceof ProcessingError1) {
// handle error thrown from process1
else if (e instanceof ProcessingError2) {
// handle error thrown from process2
else {
// handle other errors as needed..

just keep only one catch block at the end to collect all the errors triggered by your promise chain.
if one promise throws the following in the chain are not executed
.then((response) => {
.then((response) => {
// skip
// I don't want any extra checks here!
.catch((error) => {
// skip
// I don't want any extra checks here!


Why does a chained promise's .then() runs after the prior promise failed with .catch()? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Chained promises not passing on rejection
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have three functions functionA, functionB, and functionC.
Why does the .then(id)... block inside functionC run even though functionB throws an error and ends with the catch statement.
I'm sure I'm missing something important about promises.
const functionA = () => {
return fetch("http://localhost:3001/types")
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => data)
.catch((error) => error);
const functionB = (type) => {
return functionA()
.then((response) => response.filter((item) => === type))
.then((result) => {
if (result.length !== 1) { // assume for this example this is truthy
const error = new Error("no type found or found more than one");
throw error;
} else {
return result[0].id;
.catch((error) => error); // this runs as expected since we're throwing an error above
const functionC = (x, y) => {
return functionB(y)
.then((id) => { //why does this block run?
// something
.catch((error) => console.log("functionB threw an error"));
Your catch handler converts rejection into fulfillment with the error value. Just remove the .catch((error) => error); entirely, so that the rejection propagates to the caller.
This (which is basically what you have, just spread across two functions):
.then(x => { /* something with x...*/ })
.catch(error => error)
.then(y => { /* something with y...*/ });
is roughly analogous to this synchronous code:
let y;
try {
const x = doSomething();
y = /* something with x... */;
} catch (error) {
y = error;
/* something with y... */;
Catching the error and then completing normally suppresses the error.
In general, non-async code using promises should do one of two things:
Handle the error locally — this is usually only top-level entry points like your main function (if you have one) or event handlers.
Return the result of calling then without using catch, so that rejections propagate to the outermost level (where, hopefully, they're handled because of #1 above).
FYI, that's basically what async/await does automatically for you (ignoring a lot of details). Just for what it's worth, here's that code (slightly modified) using async/await, assuming functionC is the top-level entry point where errors should be handled:
const functionA = async () => {
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/types");
if (!response.ok) { // (You're missing this check)
throw new Error(`HTTP error ${response.status}`);
return response.json();
const functionB = async (type) => {
const result = (await functionA()).filter(item => === type);
if (result.length !== 1) {
const error = new Error("no type found or found more than one");
throw error;
return result[0].id;
const functionC = async (x, y) => {
// I'm assuming this is your top-level entry point, so we'll handle
// errors here
try {
const id = await functionB(y);
// something
} catch (error) {
console.log("functionB threw an error");

Try...catch vs .catch

So I have this user service functions in service.ts which includes database stuffs.
export const service = {
async getAll(): Promise<User[]> {
try {
const result = await query
return result
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e)
And query.ts file for some reasons, eg: caching, business logic, etc.
export const query = {
async index(): Promise<User[]> {
try {
const result = await service.getAll()
return result
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(e)
And another upper layer for routers and resolvers, because I want to see all routes in one file.
export const resolver = {
Query: {
users: (): Promise<User[]> => query.index(),
Do I need to wrap try...catch in all functions? Or can't I just add .catch at the very top layer like this:
export const resolver = {
Query: {
users: (): Promise<User[]> => query.index().catch(e => e),
Do I need to wrap try...catch in all functions?
No, you don't, not unless you want to log it at every level for some reason. Just handle it at the top level.
In an async function, promise rejections are exceptions (as you know, since you're using try/catch with them), and exceptions propagate through the async call tree until/unless they're caught. Under the covers, async functions return promises and reject those promises when a synchronous exception occurs or when a promise the async function is awaiting rejects.
Here's a simple example:
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function outer() {
// ...
await delay(10);
console.log("before calling inner");
await inner();
console.log("after calling inner (we never get here)");
async function inner() {
// ...
await delay(10);
console.log("inside inner");
// Something goes wrong;
.catch(e => {
console.log("Caught error: " + e.message, e.stack);
Just as a side note: If you do catch an error because you want to do X before the error propagates and you're going to re-throw the error after you do X, best practice is to re-throw the error you caught, rather than creating a new one. So:
} catch (e) {
// X...
throw e; // <== Not `throw new Error(e);`
But only do that if you really need to do X when an error occurs. Most of the time, just leave the try/catch off entirely.

Run secondary action after promise regardless of outcome?

I found this previous thread (How to perform same action regardless of promise fulfilment?), but it's 5 years old and references winjs is a kludge.
What I would like to do is load a list of data elements. I've got local copies of the list and local copies of the elements -- but they may have changed on the server side.
That process should work like this: load the LIST from the database into the local storage (Comparing against the local) --> THEN load the (multiple) DATA ELEMENTS from the database that are listed in the LIST.
So if the "loadList" async function succeeds... I want to run the "loadElements" async function. If the loadList function rejects... I STILL want to run the "loadElements" function (Which fires off multiple fetch requests - one for each element).
"Use 'finally'" I hear you say... but I want to pass the results of the "loadList" resolve/reject and "loadElements" resolve/reject functions to the calling function. 'finally' doesn't receive or pass properties as far as I know.
The reason I want to pass the results to the calling function is to see if the rejection reasons are acceptable reasons and I can trust the local copy as the authoritative copy or not (for example, if the DB doesn't contain the LIST, I can trust that the local list is the authoritative version)... so I need a way to analyze the 'failures' within the calling function.
Here is what I have:
export function syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB(username) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dispatch(loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
.then((msg) => {
console.log("loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB RESOLVED: ", msg);
.then(() => {
dispatch(pushLinkTableToDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
.catch((allPromReasons) => {
console.log("loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB REJECTED: ", allPromReasons);
allReasonsAcceptable = true;
allPromReasons.forEach(reason => {
if (!isAcceptableLoadFailureReasonToOverwrite(reason)) {
allReasonsAcceptable = false;
if (allReasonsAcceptable) {
//TODO: DO push of local to DB
// eventually return results of the push to DB...
} else {
export function loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB(tableType, username) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dispatch(loadLinkTableFromDB(tableType, username))
.then(successMsg => {
resolve(Promise.all([successMsg, dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)).catch(err=>err)]))
.catch(err => {
reject(Promise.all([err, dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)).catch(err=>err)]))
export function loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let linkTable = getStationsLinkTable(username); // get the local link table
if (linkTable && Array.isArray(linkTable.stations)) { // if there is a local station list
let loadPromises = => dispatch(loadStationFromDB(stationID)).catch((err) => err));
.then((allReasons) => {
let allSuccesses = true;
allReasons.forEach(reason => {
if (!reason.startsWith(SUCCESS_RESPONSE)) {
allSuccesses = false;
if (allSuccesses) {
resolve(SUCCESS_RESPONSE + ": " + username);
} else {
} else {
return reject(NO_LINK_TABLE_AVAILABLE + ": " + username);
loadStationFromDB and loadLinkTableFromDB do what you'd expect... try to load those things from from the DB. I can include their code if you think it's worthwhile.
----------- EDIT -----------
To clarify what I'm trying to accomplish:
I'm trying to sync local storage with a database. I want to do this by pulling the data from the database, compare the time/datestamps. This will make the local storage version the authoritative copy of all the data. After the loads from the DB, I'd like to then push the local storage version up to the DB.
I need to care for the fact that the database will often simply not have the data at all, and thus might 'reject' on a pull... even though, in the instance of a sync, that rejection is acceptable and should not stop the sync process.
Per suggestions below, I've modified my code:
export function loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB(tableType, username) {
console.log("loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB(", tableType, username, ")");
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
dispatch(loadLinkTableFromDB(tableType, username))
.then(successMsg => {
console.log("loadLinkTableFromDB RESOLVED: ", successMsg)
resolve(Promise.all([successMsg, dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)).catch(err => err)]))
.catch(err => {
console.log("loadLinkTableFromDB REJECTED: ", err)
reject(Promise.all([err, dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)).catch(err => err)]))
export function syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB(username) {
console.log("syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB(", username, ")");
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch(loadLinkTableFromDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
.then((successLoadLinkTableMsg) => {
console.log('Successfully loaded link table: ', successLoadLinkTableMsg)
return dispatch(pushLinkTableToDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
.catch((rejectLoadLinkTableReason) => {
console.log("Failed to load link table from DB: " + rejectLoadLinkTableReason);
if (allReasonsAcceptableForOverwrite(rejectLoadLinkTableReason)) { // some rejection reasons are accectable... so if failed reason is okay....
console.log("Failure to load link table reasons were acceptable... pushing local link table anyway");
return dispatch(pushLinkTableToDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
} else {
console.log("Throwing: ", rejectLoadLinkTableReason);
throw rejectLoadLinkTableReason;
.then((successPushLinkTaleMsg) => {
console.log("Successfully pushed link table: " + successPushLinkTaleMsg);
return dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)); // I want this to occur regardless of if the link table stuff succeeds or fails... but it must occur AFTER the loadLinkTableFromDB at least tries...
.catch((rejectPushLinkTableReason) => {
console.log("Failed to push link table: " + rejectPushLinkTableReason);
return dispatch(loadAllUsersStationsFromDB(username)); // I want this to occur regardless of if the link table stuff succeeds or fails... but it must occur AFTER the loadLinkTableFromDB at least tries...
.then((successLoadAllUserStationsMsg) => {
console.log("Successfully loaded all user stations: " + successLoadAllUserStationsMsg);
return dispatch(pushAllUserStationsToDB(username))
.catch((rejectLoadAllUserStationsReason) => {
console.log("Failed to push all users stations: " + rejectLoadAllUserStationsReason);
if (allReasonsAcceptableForOverwrite(rejectLoadAllUserStationsReason)) { // some rejection reasons are accectable... so if failed reason is okay....
console.log("Load users stations reasons are acceptable...");
return dispatch(pushAllUserStationsToDB(username))
} else {
console.log("throwing: ", rejectLoadAllUserStationsReason);
throw rejectLoadAllUserStationsReason;
.then((successPushAllUserStationsMgs) => {
console.log("Successfully pushed all users stations: " + successPushAllUserStationsMgs);
return Promise.resolve();
.catch((rejectPushAllUserStationsReason) => {
console.log("Failed to push all users stations: " + rejectPushAllUserStationsReason);
throw rejectPushAllUserStationsReason;
export function syncAllWithDB(username) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
// other stuff will occur here...
dispatch(syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB(username)) // *** Error here ***
.then((successMsg) => {
console.log("Successful sync for : " + successMsg);
.catch(allReasons => {
console.warn("Link tables and elements sync error: ", allReasons);
// });
Unfortunately, I'm now getting getting 'TypeError: dispatch(...) is undefined' on the dispatch in the syncAllWithDB function. This function hasn't changed...
I don't entirely follow what you're trying to accomplish (more on that below), but the first thing to do here is to clean up the flow and not wrap an extra new Promise() around existing promises. There is never a reason to do this:
function someFunc() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
callSomething.then(result => {
doSomethingElse(result).then(result2 => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
That is a well-known promise anti-pattern. You don't need the extra manually created promise wrapped around your function that already makes a promise. Instead, you can just return the promise you already have. This is called "promise chaining". From within the chain you can reject or resolve the chain from anywhere.
function someFunc() {
return callSomething.then(result => {
// return promise here, chaining this new async operation
// to the previous promise
return doSomethingElse(result).then(result2 => {
return result2;
}).catch(err => {
// after doing some processing on the error, rethrow
// to keep the promise chain rejected
throw err;
}).catch(err => {
reject err;
Or, you can even flatten the promise chain like this:
function someFunc() {
return callSomething.then(result => {
return doSomethingElse(result);
}).then(result2 => {
return result2;
}).catch(err => {
throw err;
As an example of that, you can simplify syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB() like this:
export function syncLinkTablesAndElementsWithDB(username) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
return dispatch(loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username)).then((msg) => {
console.log("loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB RESOLVED: ", msg);
dispatch(pushLinkTableToDB(STATIONS_LINK_TABLE_TYPE, username))
// have msg be the resolved value of the promise chain
}).catch((allPromReasons) => {
console.log("loadLinkTableAndElementsFromDB REJECTED: ", allPromReasons);
let allReasonsAcceptable = allPromReasons.every(reason => {
return isAcceptableLoadFailureReasonToOverwrite(reason);
if (allReasonsAcceptable) {
//TODO: DO push of local to DB
// eventually return results of the push to DB...
} else {
// have promise stay rejected
throw allPromReasons;
As for the rest of your question, you're asking this:
So if the "loadList" async function succeeds... I want to run the "loadElements" async function. If the loadList function rejects... I STILL want to run the "loadElements" function (Which fires off multiple fetch requests - one for each element).
But, there are not functions in your code called loadList() and loadElements() so you lost me there so I'm not sure how to make a specific code suggestion.
Inside a .then() handler in a promise chain, you can do three things:
Return a value. That value becomes the resolved value of the promise chain.
Return a promise. That promise is attached to the promise chain and the whole promise chain (the top-most promise that a caller would be watching) will eventually resolve/reject when this promise you are returning resolves/rejects (or anything that is also chained onto it resolves/rejects).
Throw an exception. All .then() handlers are automatically watched for exceptions and if any exception is throw, then the promise chain is automatically rejected with the exception value set as the reject reason.
So, that gives you the ultimate flexibility to finish the promise chain with a value or an error or to link it to another promise (more asynchronous operations).

Return or skip from catch in async function

I have a async function whose output (resolve/reject) I translate with then/catch.
I want to end the outer function with return but I can only return within catch somehow.
How can I skip/quit/return on the outside of catch or await?
await this.authService.auth(this.oldUser).then( resolve => {
//went in authService and resolve can be used
}).catch( reject => {
//in catch as authService rejected and want to return to outer
//Second attempt should only be done if first attempt "resolved"
await this.authService.auth(this.newUser).then( resolve => {
}).catch( reject => {
You can have the .then and .catch return something meaningful that distinguishes them, and then test that distinguishing factor. For example:
const result = await this.authService.auth(this.oldUser).then((authorizedUser) => {
// do stuff with authorizedUser
return authorizedUser;
}).catch((err) => {
// handle errors, if needed
return { err };
if (result.err) {
// there was en error, return early:
// rest of the code that depends on the first request being successful goes here
await this.authService.auth(this.newUser).then(...)
Note that if you're using await, it might make a bit more sense to use try/catch rather than .thens and awaits:
try {
const authorizedUser = await this.authService.auth(this.oldUser)
// do stuff with authorizedUser
// rest of the code that depends on the first request being successful goes here
const newAuthorizedUser = await this.authService.auth(this.newUser);
// do stuff with newAuthorizedUser
} catch(err) {
// handle errors, if needed
private async authenticate(oldUser: User) {
try {
await this.authService.auth(this.oldUser).toPromise();
} catch (reject) {

Unhandled rejection Error. Even though tests are passing

I'm testing this function:
UserController.prototype.getDashboard = function getDashboard(req, res, next) {
let pages, user;
return this.User.findById(
.then(dbUser => {
user = dbUser;
return FB.getAsync('me/accounts')
.then(fbPages => {
pages =;
return Promise.all( => {
return FB.getAsync(`${}/events`)
.then(events => events)
.catch(e => next(Boom.wrap(e)));
.then(events => {
let entity = {
pages:, (page, i) => _.assign({}, page, { events: events[i].data }))
return res.send(entity);
.catch(err => next(Boom.wrap(err)));
But when I test it, even though it passes, I get Unhandled rejection Error
This is my test:
it('handles errors', (done) => {
let mockError = new Error('test-error');
let mockRequest = { user: { id: mockUser._id }};
let mockNext = td.function();
let capture = td.matchers.captor();
td.replace(FB, 'getAsync');
// Promise rejection was handled asynchronously
.thenDo(() => { done() });
controller.getDashboard(mockRequest, _.noop, mockNext);
The weird part, is that it passes. So the mockNext is being called with what I expected but I get a log in the console with the unhandled rejection. I've tried to handle .catch for each value of the mapping, but it still shows the same error (warning?).
I'm using Bluebird promises, mongoose(promisified) and testdouble. BTW this is the log from the console afte running the test:
Unhandled rejection Error: test-error
✓ handles errors
After a lot of trial and error I found what was going on. The problem had to do with testdouble API .thenReturn().
The error appeared if .thenReturn(Promise.reject(...)) I configured td to use Bluebird promises and used their API for promises .thenReject(...). The result test code would be:
td.config({ promiseConstructor: require('bluebird') });
it('handles errors', (done) => {
let mockError = new Error('test-error');
let mockRequest = { user: { id: mockUser._id }};
let mockNext = td.function();
let capture = td.matchers.captor();
td.replace(FB, 'getAsync');
.thenDo(() => { done() });
controller.getDashboard(mockRequest, _.noop, mockNext);
This test would work with no warnings.
I guess the problem is with
in case the getAsync function is never called and the rejected promise is never used (and no error handler is chained to it). You can tell it to ignore this by adding a handler yourself however:
function ignore(e) {}
function ignoredRejection(e) {
var p = Promise.reject(e);
return p;
