Getting all the Google Ads Labels from MCC. Also the onces created by other users within a client account - javascript

Google Ad Scripts makes it possible to get the labels of child/client accounts. But not the onces, who are created by a client itself. Is there a way to get ALL the labelnames?
I tried serveral script, but all are returning the MCC labels
function getAllAccountLabels() {
var labelIterator = AdsManagerApp.accountLabels().get();
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
Logger.log('Label with id = %s and text = %s was found.', label.getId().toFixed(0), label.getName());

There is a difference in handling the MCC labels.
AdsManagerApp.accounts().withCondition( 'LabelNames CONTAINS "test"' ).get();
var accountIterator = AdsManagerApp.accounts().get();
while (accountIterator.hasNext()) {
var account =;
var accountName = account.getName();
var labelIterator = account.labels().get();
while (labelIterator.hasNext()) {
var label =;
var labelName = label.getName();
if( labelName.match(/test/i) ) {
Logger.log( accountName+" "+labelName );
WithCondition is not returning the user-level label names!


how to getRange of more than one cell in same row in a script

Im trying to make a script that sends email alert when specific fields reaches certain values. It works fine for one field, but how Do I do it so it sends alert when any of the fields in specific row range reaches that value.
Im using this code:
function CheckSales() {
// Tikrinam laukelio value
var monthSalesRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("reportai").getRange("A15");
var monthSales = monthSalesRange.getValue();
// tikrinam value
if (monthSales < 200){
// pasiimam email adresa
var emailRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet1").getRange("B2");
var emailAddress = emailRange.getValue();
// Siuncima email.
var message = 'Mazas likutis: ' + monthSales; // Second column
var subject = 'Mazas Likutis';
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message);
I tried using .getRange("A15:E15") but still it send alert only when A15 reaches value less than 200, its not reacting to B15, C15 ect.
You need to iterate the values in A15:E15 with a loop. Try this:
function checkSales() {
const monthSalesRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange('reportai!A15:E15');
const emailAddress = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getRange('Sheet1!B2').getValue();
const subject = 'Mazas Likutis';
let message = 'Mazas likutis: ';
const alerts = [];
.forEach(sales => {
if (Number(sales) && sales < 200) {
if (alerts.length) {
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, message + alerts.join(', '));
Some of the best resources for learning Google Apps Script include the Beginner's Guide, the New Apps Script Editor guide, the Fundamentals of Apps Script with Google Sheets codelab, the Extending Google Sheets page,, Mozilla Developer Network and Apps Script at Stack Overflow.

If GoogleJsonResponseException: then skip and move to next row

I have a working script. need to improvise to have no manual interruption. We have multiple Profiles in Analytics, sometimes we lose access and sometimes we have. So when i run the Script, If we lost access to 1 of 60 profiles, i have to delete that entry manually then rerun the script.
What i want is, If there is below error, Then skip and continue with next row
"GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: User does not have sufficient permissions for this profile."
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dashboard = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
for(var i=52;i<65;i++){
var viewId = dashboard.getRange(i,13).getValue(); // Your Google Analytics view ID
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = {'segment': 'gaid::-5'};
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
var metric = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'];
var metric2 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'];
var metric3 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3'];
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Current document
var sheet = doc.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
} }
try it this way:
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sh = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
var sheet = doc2.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
const vs = sh.getRange(52, 13, 13).getValues();
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = { 'segment': 'gaid::-5' };
for (var i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
var viewId = vs[i][0]; // Your Google Analytics view ID
try {
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
if (result) {
sheet.getRange(i + 52, 14, 1, 3).setValues([[result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'], result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'], result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3']]]);
Without the benefit of working data some of this may not be correct but using setValues and getValues should speed it up considerably and the try catch blocks should help with not getting result consistently. Also you want to avoid making unnecessary declarations in loops.
I might understand the question incorrectly (if so, please clarify) but it sounds to me like you just need to add...
function GoogleAnalytics() {
var doc2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dashboard = doc2.getSheetByName("Dashboard");
for(var i=52;i<65;i++){
try { //...this line and...
var viewId = dashboard.getRange(i,13).getValue(); // Your Google Analytics view ID
var metric = 'ga:metric, ga:metric2, ga:metric3';
var option = {'segment': 'gaid::-5'};
var result = Analytics.Data.Ga.get(viewId, metric, option);
var metric = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric'];
var metric2 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric2'];
var metric3 = result.totalsForAllResults['ga:metric3'];
var doc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); // Current document
var sheet = doc.getActiveSheet(); // Current sheet
} catch(e) { //...this part
console.log(e); //optional, catch(e){} is perfectly valid as well, or any code you might want to execute on error
} }

getChild of body of gmail email using Goole Apps Scripts (GAS)

I have automated emails coming to me with particular client details in them. I have the repetitive task of repling to each email with a template. I am wanting to automate the process utilising Google Apps Scripts.
Where I'm up to
I have worked out how to collect the body of the email I am replying to. I'm trying to get the third paragraph info and store this in a variable.
Here is my code:
function autoReply() {
//Capturing the automated email
var queryInbox = "is:unread from:(";
var locatedEmail =;
for (var i in locatedEmail){
var thread = locatedEmail[i];
var messages = thread.getMessages();
var msgBody = messages[i].getBody();
var clientsEmail = msgBody.getChild('p')[3]; //Attempting to obtain the third paragraph of the body.
if(messages.length === 1) {
var body = "<p> The clients email is: " + clientsEmail + "</p>";
var options = { name: "Temp Name",htmlBody: body };
thread.reply(body, options);
Note: Img attached for context.
I believe your goal as follows.
When the thread has one message, you want to retrieve the body of email.
You want to retrieve the 3rd paragraph from the message of email.
You want to reply the message including the retrieved 3rd paragraph.
Modification points:
At for (var i in unread){, I thought that you might use locatedEmail.
When you want to reply the message with messages.length === 1, var msgBody = messages[i].getBody(); is required to be modified. Because in your for loop, the index i is used for var thread = locatedEmail[i]; and var msgBody = messages[i].getBody();.
In your case, I think that getPlainBody() instead of getBody() might be suitable.
When above points are reflected to your script, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
function autoReply() {
var queryInbox = "is:unread from:(";
var locatedEmail =;
locatedEmail.forEach(thread => {
var messages = thread.getMessages();
if (messages.length === 1) {
var msgBody = messages[0].getPlainBody();
var clientsEmail = msgBody.split("\n")[2]; // Here, the 3rd paragraph is retrieved.
var body = "<p> The clients email is: " + clientsEmail + "</p>";
var options = { name: "Temp Name",htmlBody: body };
thread.reply(body, options);

Function works as expected when called from function using XMLHttpRequest, but fails when called from a function using EventSource. Why is this?

I'm working on creating a basic messenger using Javascript. I have three functions in a separate js file called loadMessage, messageListener, and displayMessage.
The function loadMessage makes a call to my database for all existing messages, and then calls displayMessages to construct some divs which I use to show the messages I got from the server. These divs are created to appear under each other, with the bottom div being the newly created one showing the latest message.
Once all the messages have been created loadMessage then calls messageListener. This function 'listens' for any new messages which might appear on the database. If any appear then messageListener calls displayMessage. I expect this to create a new div at the bottom of my other divs as before, however when it calls displayMessage the behaviour is completely different than when loadMessage calls displayMessage.
Specifically, it does not create a new div but instead just changes the text in an existing div which appears anywhere within the newly created divs (for example, the div which displays the first message or one somewhere in the middle).
My HTML and PHP files all behave as expected, so I think my issue is somewhere in these three functions.
How can I fix this to behave as expected?
// Loads chat messages history and listens for upcoming ones.
function loadMessages(userID, contactID) {
contactIDGlobal = contactID;
//load existing messages
var today = new Date();
var date = today.getFullYear()+'-'+(today.getMonth()+1)+'-'+today.getDate();
var param = "userID="+userID+"&contactID="+contactID+"&date="+date;
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST","Interface-getMessage.php?", true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
//retrives a string of all past messages
var messageString = xmlhttp.responseText;
//parse string to get messages.
var parseMessageString = messageString.split('-');
for (var i = 0; parseMessageString[i] !== null && parseMessageString[i] !== ''; i = i+5){
var contactID = parseMessageString[i];
var senderID = parseMessageString[i+1];
var message = parseMessageString[i+2];
var time = parseMessageString[i+3];
var mID = parseMessageString[i+4];
displayMessage(userID, senderID, contactID, message, date, time, mID);
//listen for new messages
messageListener(userID, contactID);
function messageListener(userID, contactID){
if(typeof(EventSource)!=="underfined") {
var newMessage = new EventSource("testerfile.php?userID="+userID+"&contactID="+contactID);
newMessage.onmessage = function(event) {
var newMessageData =;
var parseNewMessage = newMessageData.split('-');
//sender ID may be different to the userID due to the way that messages are stored on the server. Received messages have a different sender.
var senderID = parseNewMessage[0];
var contactID = parseNewMessage[1];
var message = parseNewMessage[2];
var date = parseNewMessage[3];
var time = parseNewMessage[4];
var messageID = parseNewMessage[5];
displayMessage(userID, senderID, contactID, message, date, time, messageID);
}else {
document.getElementById("messages").innerHTML = "Your browser does not support this";
// Displays a Message in the UI.
function displayMessage(userID, senderID, contactID, nMessage, date, time, id){
var messageListElement = document.getElementById('messages');
var messageInputElement = document.getElementById('message');
// If an element for this message already exists, then get it
var id = id;
var div = document.getElementById(id);
// If an element for that message does not exists yet we create it.
if (!div) {
var container = document.createElement('div');
if (userID == senderID){
container.innerHTML = MESSAGE_TEMPLATE;
div = container.firstChild;
div.setAttribute('id', id);
for (var i = 0; i < messageListElement.children.length; i++) {
var child = messageListElement.children[i];
messageListElement.insertBefore(div, child);
var messageElement = div.querySelector('.message');
messageElement.textContent = nMessage;
// Replace all line breaks by <br>.
messageElement.innerHTML = messageElement.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// Template for messages.
'<div class="sender_message-container">' +
'<div class="message"></div>' +
'<div class="message-container">' +
'<div class="message"></div>' +
The problem was coming from the date being returned as y-m-d, and the parser using "-". This mean I was creating a time var which was the month of my date, and the message ID as the day. I made the alteration below to fix this...
var newMessageData =;
var parseNewMessage = newMessageData.split('-');
//sender ID may be different to the userID due to the way that messages are stored on the server. Received messages have a different sender.
var senderID = parseNewMessage[0];
var contactID = parseNewMessage[1];
var message = parseNewMessage[2];
var date = parseNewMessage[3]+"-"+parseNewMessage[4]+"-"+parseNewMessage[5];
var time = parseNewMessage[6];
var messageID = parseNewMessage[7];

Trying to understand getThreads in GAS

I am new to app script and I am trying to read an email from my inbox. I thought that getThreads would do the job but I still don't fully understand how to use it. When I try to execute the code I wrote below it comes up with a null error.
Looking at the documentation of getThreads(), they use the example:
// Log the subject lines of the threads labeled with MyLabel
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("MyLabel");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
what does "MyLabel" stand for?
This is the code i tried that failed
function myFunction() {
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName('');
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var t in threads) {
var thread = threads[t];
// Gets the message body
var message = thread.getMessages()[0].getPlainBody();
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'hola', message)
MyLabel is the label of the email. It depends whether you added a label to a specific email or not. You can use the search method instead.
function myFunction(){
var label = 'yourLabel'; // if no label, remove the label in search
// it would be better if you add a label to a specific email for fast and more precise searching
var searchEmail ='from:me subject:"' + subject + '" label:' + label + '');
var threadId = searchEmail[0].getId(); // get the id of the search email
var thread = GmailApp.getThreadById(threadId); // get email thread using the threadId
var emailMsg = thread.getMessages()[0]; // get the content of the email
var emailContent = emailMsg.getPlainBody(); // get the body of the email
// check using log
// how to open log
// Ctrl + Enter
// Run this function before checking the log
