Set initial state for material ui dialog - javascript

I have a MaterialUI dialog that has a few text fields, drop downs, and other things on it. Some of these elements need to be set to some value every time the dialog opens or re-opens. Others elements cannot be loaded until certain conditions exist (for example, user data is loaded).
For the 'resetting', I'm using the onEnter function. But the onEnter function doesn't run until entering (duh!)... but the render function, itself, still does - meaning any logic or accessing javascript variables in the JSX will still occur. This leaves the 'onEnter' function ill-equipped to be the place I set up and initialize my dialog.
I also can't use the constructor for setting/resetting this initial state, as the data I need to construct the state might not be available at the time the constructor loads (upon app starting up). Now, I could super-complicate my JSX in my render function and make conditionals for every data point... but that's a lot of overhead for something that gets re-rendered every time the app changes anything. (the material UI dialogs appear run the entire render function even when the 'open' parameter is set to false).
What is the best way to deal with initializing values for a material ui dialog?
Here is a super-dumbed-down example (in real life, imagine getInitialState is a much more complex, slow, and potentially async/network, function) - let's pretend that the user object is not available at app inception and is actually some data pulled or entered long after the app has started. This code fails because "user" is undefined on the first render (which occurs BEFORE the onEnter runs).
constructor(props) {
getInitialState = () => {
return {
user: {username: "John Doe"}
onEnter = () => {
render() {
const { dialogVisibility } = this.props;
return (
<Dialog open={dialogVisibility} onEnter={this.onEnter}>
Hi, {this.state.user.username}
</Dialog> );
My first instinct was to put in an "isInitialized" variable in state and only let the render return the Dialog if "isInitialized" is true, like so:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isInitialized: false
getInitialState = () => {
return {
user: {username: "John Doe"}
onEnter = () => {
() => this.setState({isInitialized:true})
render() {
const { dialogVisibility } = this.props;
if(!this.state.isInitialized) {
return null;
return (
<Dialog open={dialogVisibility} onEnter={this.onEnter}>
Hi, {this.state.user.username}
</Dialog> );
As I'm sure you are aware... this didn't work, as we never return the Dialog in order to fire the onEnter event that, in turn, fires the onEnter function and actually initializes the data. I tried changing the !this.state.inInitialized conditional to this:
if(!this.state.isInitialized) {
return null;
and that works... but it's gives me a run-time warning: Warning: Cannot update during an existing state transition (such as withinrender). Render methods should be a pure function of props and state.
That brought me to a lot of reading, specifically, this question: Calling setState in render is not avoidable which has really driven home that I shouldn't be just ignoring this warning. Further, this method results in all the logic contained in the return JSX to still occur... even when the dialog isn't "open". Add a bunch of complex dialogs and it kills performance.
Surely there is a 'correct' way to do this. Help? Thoughts?

What you need conceptually is that when you are freshly opening the dialog, you want to reset some items. So you want to be able to listen for when the value of open changes from false to true.
For hooks, the react guide provides an example for keeping the "old" value of a given item with a usePrevious hook. It is then simply a matter of using useEffect.
function usePrevious(value) {
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
function MyDialog({ dialogVisibility }) {
const prevVisibility = usePrevious(dialogVisibility);
useEffect(() => {
// If it is now open, but was previously not open
if (dialogVisibility && !prevVisibility) {
// Reset items here
}, [dialogVisibility, prevVisibility]);
return <Dialog open={dialogVisibility}></Dialog>;
The same thing can be achieved with classes if you use componentDidUpdate and the previousProps parameter it receives.
export class MyDialog extends Component {
public componentDidUpdate({ dialogVisibility : prevVisibility }) {
const { dialogVisibility } = this.props;
if (dialogVisibility && !prevVisibility) {
// Reset state here
public render() {
const { dialogVisibility } = this.props;
return <Dialog open={dialogVisibility}></Dialog>;

You should use componentDidUpdate()
This method is not called for the initial render
Use this as an opportunity to operate on the DOM when the component has been updated
If you need data preloaded before the dialog is opened, you can use componentDidMount():
is invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the tree)
if you need to load data from a remote endpoint, this is a good place to instantiate the network request
React guys added the useEffect hook exactly for cases like the one you are describing, but you would need to refactor to a functional component.

This can be solved by doing leaving the constructor, getInitialState, and onEnter functions as written and making the following addition of a ternary conditional in the render function :
render() {
const { dialogVisibility } = this.props;
return (
<Dialog open={dialogVisibility} onEnter={this.onEnter}>
{this.state.isInitialized && dialogVisibility ?
Hi, {this.state.user.username}
</DialogTitle> : 'Dialog Not Initialized'}
</Dialog> );
It actually allows the dialog to use it's "onEnter" appropriately, get the right transitions, and avoid running any extended complex logic in the JSX when rendering while not visible. It also doesn't require a refactor or added programming complexity.
...But, I admit, it feels super 'wrong'.


creating a Boolean flag for onclick method

I am having some OOP issues that are probably pretty simple. I have a class that renders some html. However it has an onClick that calls a function that sets a flag inside the class if the image is clicked. Now here is the issue, when I render this class object and click the button from a separate js file, it stays false. I want it to permanently change the flag to true when clicked. here is the class...
class Settings extends React.Component {
handleClick() {
this.flag = true;
<img src="./img/leaf.png" alt="" onClick={() => this.handleClick()}/>
and here is the code that calls it from a separate file...
const settingsObj = new Settings();
I want the flag to be false until the button is clecked and then it permamently changes to true. But it only goes true until my page rerenders as new data comes in and it resets to false. I have tried constructors and a few other techniques with no success.
Normal OOP design principles don't always apply directly to React components. Components don't usually have instance properties, they mostly just have props and state (there are a few exceptions where you do use an instance property, like Animation objects in react-native, but these are rare).
You're kind of mixing the two things in a way that doesn't quite make sense here. Settings is a React component that renders an image, but it's also an object which you instantiate by calling new Settings(). If there are other components which depend on the value of flag, you might want to separate the accessing and storing of the flag from the render component, passing a value and a callback to the renderer.
const Settings = ({setFlag}) => {
<img src="./img/leaf.png" alt="" onClick={() => setFlag(true)}/>
You've suggested that you like the Context API as a solution for making the flag value globally available. There are a few ways to set this up, but here's one.
Outside of any component, we create a FlagContext object that has two properties: a boolean value flag and callback function setFlag. We need to give it a default fallback value, which is hopefully never used, so our default callback just logs a warning and does nothing.
const FlagContext = createContext<FlagContextState>({
flag: false,
setFlag: () => console.warn("attempted to use FlagContext outside of a valid provider")
This FlagContext object gives up Provider and Consumer components, but it's up to us to give a value to the FlagContext.Provider. So we'll create a custom component that handles that part. Our custom FlagProvider uses a local state to create and pass down the value. I've used a function component, but you could use a class component as well.
const FlagProvider = ({children}) => {
const [flag, setFlag] = useState(false);
return (
<FlagContext.Provider value={{
We want to put the entire App inside of the FlagProvider so that the whole app has the potential to access flag and setFlag, and the whole app gets the same flag value.
When you want to use the value from the context in a component, you use either the useContext hook or the Consumer component. Either way, I like to creating an aliased name and export that rather than exporting the FlagContext object directly.
export const FlagConsumer = FlagContext.Consumer;
export const useFlagContext = () => useContext(FlagContext);
With the Consumer, the child of the consumer is a function that takes the value of the context, which in out case is an object with properties flag and setFlag, and returns some JSX.
This is usually a function you define inline:
const SomePage = () => {
return (
{({flag, setFlag}) => (<div>Flag Value is {flag.toString()}</div>)}
But it can also be a function component. Note that when using a function component as the child, you must pass the component itself ({Settings}) rather than an executed version of it (<Settings />).
const Settings = ({ setFlag }) => {
return <img src="./img/leaf.png" alt="" onClick={() => setFlag(true)} />;
const SomePage = () => {
return <FlagConsumer>{Settings}</FlagConsumer>;
The preferred method nowadays is with hooks. We call useFlagContext() inside the body of the function component and it returns our context object.
const SomePage = () => {
const {flag, setFlag} = useFlagContext();
return <Settings setFlag={setFlag}/>
Both the consumer and the hook only work if they are inside of a flag context provider, so that's why we put it around the whole app!
const App = () => {
return (
<SomePage />
Complete example on CodeSandbox
For this kind of interactions, I highly recommend you to use Redux
Another think I'm sure you will benefit from, is switching to hooks and function components: less boilerplate and much flexible code.
Back to the goal, using Redux your code would look similar to this:
const Settings = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const flag = useSelector(state => state.yourStoreObj.flag);
handleClick() {
dispatch(yourCustomAction("UPDATE_FLAG", true));
<img src="./img/leaf.png" alt="" onClick={() => handleClick()}/>
First of all, spend 15 mins and get used to React Redux. Here's a good practical article to start with. If you're not familiar with hooks, start learning them as that will change a lot, while you don't need to change a single line of what you've done so far.
We suppose there's a property in the store that is the "flag" property of that specific element. In this way, the property can be read by the component itself with the useSelector() operator, or can be read anywhere in your application with the same methodology from any other component.
In the same way, you can change the value by dispatching a change (see dispatch() function) and in the same way, you can do that from any other components.
So, let's say you want to change that property when a click occurs on a completely different component, this is how the other component may looks like
const OtherCoolComp = (props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
handleClick() {
dispatch(yourCustomAction("UPDATE_FLAG", true));
<button onClick={() => handleClick()}>
Click me!
So you're dispatching the same action, setting it to the value you prefer, from a component that doesn't know who is displaying that value.

How to access current state of component from useEffect without making it a dependency?

I've got the following component (simplified) which, given a note ID, would load and display it. It would load the note in useEffect and, when a different note is loaded or when the component gets unmounted, it saves the note.
const NoteViewer = (props) => {
const [note, setNote] = useState({ title: '', hasChanged: false });
useEffect(() => {
const note = loadNote(props.noteId);
return () => {
if (note.hasChanged) saveNote(note); // bug!!
}, [props.noteId]);
const onNoteChange = (event) => {
setNote({ ...note, title:, hasChanged: true });
return (
<input value={note.title} onChange={onNoteChange}/>
The issue is that within the useEffect I use note, which is not part of the dependencies so it means I always get stale data.
However, if I put the note in the dependencies then the loading and saving code will be executed whenever the note is modified, which is not what I need.
So I'm wondering how can I access the current note, without making it a dependency? I've tried to replace the note with a ref, but it means the component no longer updates when the note is changed, and I'd rather not use references.
Any idea what would be the best way to achieve this? Maybe some special React Hooks pattern?
You can't get the current state because this component does not render on the app render that removes it. Which means your effect never runs that last time.
Using an effect cleanup function is not a good place for this sort of thing. That should really be reserved for cleaning up that effect and nothing else.
Instead, whatever logic you have in the app that changes the state to close the NoteViewer should also save the note. So in some parent component (perhaps a NoteList or something) you'd save and close like:
function NoteList() {
const [viewingNoteId, setViewingNoteId] = useState(null)
// other stuff...
function closeNote() {
if (note.hasChanged) saveNote(note)
return <>{/* ... */}</>

React.js: Parent state values not passing into child properties + Fetch API data cannot be accessed

I am encountering several issues in a very basic color harmony picker I am developing. I am still a beginner in React and JSX. I initially had it put up on GitHub so the full files are on there, but I moved it over to Codepen instead.
Here is the Codepen
I made a lot of comments so sorry if they're a bit much, but hopefully they help. My problems don't begin until line 41, the displayHarmonies() method of the DataStore class. The values passed to it come from my App (parent) component:
displayHarmonies(color, harmony) {
//color and harmony pass in dynamically just will not return anything, not even "undefined"
console.log(color + " is the color and " + harmony + " is the harmony...and dataStore.displayHarmonies says: " +; => {
let result = "not green"; //result and resultHex will be determined with an underscore statement that will associate the color & harmony choice (primary + foreign key concept) and will return correct harmony color(s)
let resultHex = "#HEX";
appState.harmonyColor = result;
appState.harmonyHex = resultHex;
//call to app component's onDataChange() method, where new states will be set using the the appState data we just set in lines 49 and 50
As you can see from my first comment, the only part that doesn't log to the console is, which is set in the constructor for the DataStore:
constructor(data) {
//store that data in the object
//data is not being received from object instance of dataStore on line 187 = data;
On line 187 I make an instance of the DataStore and pass it a variable named data. Prior to being used, this variable is initialized and then assigned to parsed JSON data via Fetch API:
let data = [];
//use polyfill for older browsers to do Ajax request
fetch("data/data.json").then((response) => {
//if we actually got something
if (response.ok) {
//then return the text we loaded
return response.text();
}).then((textResponse) => {
data = JSON.parse(textResponse);
If I console out the data in the second fetch .then() method, the JSON comes back just fine. As soon as I try to use the data variable anywhere else in the application, it returns nothing, as shown in the displayHarmonies() method's console.log(). So that's my first issue, but before I wanted to get to that, I wanted to solve the other issue I was having.
After the appState object (initialized prior to the DataStore, under the fetch statement) values get set to the result variables, displayHarmonies() runs watcher.onDataChange() (in the App component/parent) where the harmonyColor and harmonyHex states get assigned to the new appState values:
onDataChange() {
console.log("onDataChange() in App called");
harmonyColor: appState.harmonyColor,
harmonyHex: appState.harmonyHex
If I log these states out to the console, they are the right values, so that's not the problem. I then pass my states to the Display child component to be used as properties:
<Display colorChoice={this.state.currentColor} harmonyChoice={this.state.currentHarmony} harmonyColor={this.state.harmonyColor} harmonyHex={this.state.harmonyHex} />
I then set the Display component states in the constructor, assigning them to the props that are being sent to it with each new rendition of the application. I then display the data onto the DOM with the Display component's render method. What's odd is that the application will display the initial states (color: red, harmony: direct, harmonyColor: green, etc.) just fine, but as soon as a change is made, the data on the DOM does not update. The initial data is loaded in the same way though: by passing the parent's states into the child's properties. I have a few console.log()s in place that seem to prove why this should work, however, it does not. So what am I doing wrong?
Thanks, and hope this is not too much for one question!
First a bit to your current code, at the end of the post, I have added an alternative solution, so if this is tl;dr; just skip to the snippet at the end :)
A first remark would be on the data variable that you wish to pass on to your DataStore, nl (I left out some parts, as they are irrelevant to the discussion)
let data = [];
fetch("data/data.json").then(( response ) => {
data = JSON.parse( response.text() );
//... later down the code
var store = new DataStore(data);
Here you are reassigning the data variable inside the then promise chain of your fetch call. Although the assignment will appear to work, the data that now is on will be an empty array, and the global variable will data will now contain the parsed response.text(). You should probably just push in the data you have just parsed (but in my example, I didn't even include the DataStore so this is just for future reference)
In your CodePen, you seem to mixing props & state for your Display component. That is in essence a no-op, you shouldn't mix them unless you really know what you are doing. Also note, that by calling this.setState inside the componentWillReceiveProps life cycle method, the app will automatically re-render more than needed. I am referring to this code:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
color: nextProps.colorChoice,
harmony: nextProps.harmonyChoice,
harmonyColor: nextProps.harmonyColor,
harmonyHex: nextProps.harmonyHex
But you are then rendering like this:
render() {
return (
{/* these aren't changing even though states are being set */}
<p><b>Color:</b> {this.state.color}</p>
<p><b>Harmony:</b> {this.state.harmony}</p>
<p><b>Harmony Color(s):</b> {this.state.harmonyColor} ({this.state.harmonyHex})</p>
Here you should remove the componentWillReceiveProps method, and render values from this.props as you are passing these along from your App.
Alternative solution
As mentioned in the comments, your code currently is doing a lot more than it should do to pass state between parent and child components.
One thing you should keep in mind, is that when a component state gets changed, react will re-render the component automatically. When it sees that the virtual DOM has discrepancies with the real DOM it will automatically replace those components.
In that sense, your DataStore is not necessary. Depending on how you want to manage state, the component will react on those changes.
Since your app uses Component State (which is fine for small applications, once you want to move to bigger applications, you will probably want to move on to something like Redux, or MobX), the only thing you need to do, is to make sure that you set the correct components state to trigger the rendering.
As an example, I remade your code in a cleaner way:
const Choice = ({ header, values, onChange, activeValue }) => {
return <ul>
<li><h1>{ header }</h1></li>
{ (value, key) => <li
className={classNames( { active: value === activeValue, item: true } )}
onClick={() => onChange( value )}>{ value }</li> ) }
const colors = ['red', 'green', 'black', 'blue', 'yellow'];
const harmonies = ['direct', 'split', 'analogous'];
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(...args) {
this.state = {
activeColor: undefined,
activeHarmony: undefined
onColorChanged( color ) {
this.setState({ activeColor: color });
onHarmonyChanged( harmony ) {
this.setState({ activeHarmony: harmony });
render() {
let { activeColor, activeHarmony } = this.state;
return <div>
header="Choose color"
onChange={(...args) => this.onColorChanged(...args)} />
header="Choose harmony"
onChange={(...args) => this.onHarmonyChanged(...args)} />
ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.querySelector('#container'));
h1 { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
ul {
list-style-type: none;
.item {
cursor: pointer;
padding: 5px;
.active { background-color: lightgreen; }
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>
Now, there are some things in this sample code that might need some explanation. For one, this code has 2 component types, 1 presentational component called Choice which is stateless, and one container component called App which delegates it's state to it's children.
A bit more information about container & presentational components can be found on the blog of Dan Abramov (redux creator)
The essence of the above concept is just this, the App component is responsible for the state, and for sharing it with it's children. So, all state changes need to be made on the App component. As you can see in the render, the App simply passes its state along:
render() {
let { activeColor, activeHarmony } = this.state;
return <div>
header="Choose color"
onChange={(...args) => this.onColorChanged(...args)} />
header="Choose harmony"
onChange={(...args) => this.onHarmonyChanged(...args)} />
The App passes a change handler along to the Choice component that can be called when a selection should occur, this gets forwarded to the App, the state changes, and app re-renders, allowing the Choice component to update it's elements.
const Choice = ({ header, values, onChange, activeValue })
Based on the props passed into it, the Choice component can decide which is the active item at the moment of rendering. As you can see, the props are destructed. header, values, onChange and activeValue are all properties on the props of the component, but to save time, we can assign these values at ones to a variable and use them in the rendering.
I tried cloning your repo, but it seems to be nested in another repo. With your current setup, this may work:
In your App component, you can put this lifecycle method to fetch the data, and then set the state with the received data.:
fetch("data/data.json").then((response) => {
//if we actually got something
if (response.ok) {
//then return the text we loaded
return response.text();
}).then((textResponse) => {
data : JSON.parse(textResponse);
In the return statement, you can render the data store as a child so App can pass the data like this:
return (
<div className="App">
<DataStore data={} />
<h1>Color Harmonies</h1>
{/* assigns this.colorChosen() & this.harmonyChosen() methods as properties to be called in Picker component */}
<Picker colorChosen={this.colorChosen.bind(this)} harmonyChosen={this.harmonyChosen.bind(this)}/>
{/* give Display component props that are dynamically set with states */}
<Display colorChoice={this.state.currentColor} harmonyChoice={this.state.currentHarmony} harmonyColor={this.state.harmonyColor} harmonyHex={this.state.harmonyHex} />
Then, your data store should receive the data as a prop, so you can use it like this:
displayHarmonies(color, harmony) {
//color and harmony pass in dynamically just will not return anything, not even "undefined"
console.log(color + " is the color and " + harmony + " is the harmony...and dataStore.displayHarmonies says: " +; //data is received in the properties so you can use it.
//other code
Doing this, you should also be able to remove from the constructor of the DataStore component.
Also in Data store, youll want to to allow it to accept props like this:

React render() is being called before componentDidMount()

In my componentDidMount() I am making an API call to fetch some data, this call then sets a state object that I use in my render.
componentDidMount() {
const { actions } = this.props;
this.increase = this.increase.bind(this);
// api call from the saga
// set breadcrumb
actions.setBreadcrumb([{ title: 'Score' }]);
In my render function I pass some prop values onto the view file:
render() {
const { global, gallery, survey_answers, survey, survey_actual_answers } = this.props;
if (global.isFetching) {
return <Loading />;
return this.view({ gallery, survey_answers, survey, survey_actual_answers });
The problem I am having is that the survey_actual_answers prop is not being set the first time that the page is loaded, however when I refresh the page the prop returns the data fine and the rest of the script will run. It's only the first time that it returns an empty array for that prop value.
This is how I have passed my props in:
Score.propTypes = {
actions: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
global: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
survey: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
survey_answers: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
gallery: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
survey_actual_answers: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
survey_score_system: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
survey_styles: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
survey_general_doc_data: PropTypes.object.isRequired
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return {
survey: state.survey,
survey_actual_answers: state.survey.survey_actual_answers,
survey_answers: state.survey.survey_answers,
survey_score_system: state.survey.survey_score_system,
survey_styles: state.survey.survey_styles,
survey_general_doc_data: state.survey.survey_general_doc_data,
isFetching: state.isFetching
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
actions: bindActionCreators({
}, dispatch)
Does anyone know why this is happening? It's almost as if it's not calling componentDidMount at all.
This is happening because of how React works fundamentally. React is supposed to feel fast, fluent and snappy; the application should never get clogged up with http requests or asynchronous code. The answer is to use the lifecycle methods to control the DOM.
What does it mean when a component mounts?
It might be helpful to understand some of the React vocabularies a little better. When a component is mounted it is being inserted into the DOM. This is when a constructor is called. componentWillMount is pretty much synonymous with a constructor and is invoked around the same time. componentDidMount will only be called once after the first render.
componentWillMount --> render --> componentDidMount
How is that different than rerendering or updating?
Now that the component is in the DOM, you want to change the data that is displayed. When calling setState or passing down new props from the parent component a component update will occur.
componentWillRecieveProps --> shouldComponentUpdate-->componentWillUpdate
It is also good to note that http requests are usually done in componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate since these are places that we can trigger a rerender with setState.
So how do I get the data before the render occurs?
Well, there are a couple of ways that people take care of this. The first one would be to set an initial state in your component that will ensure that if the data from the http request has not arrived yet, it will not break your application. It will use a default or empty state until the http request has finished.
I usually don't like to have a loading modal, but sometimes it is necessary. For instance, when a user logs in you don't want to take them to a protected area of your site until they are finished authenticating. What I try to do is use that loading modal when a user logs in to front load as much data as I possibly can without affecting the user experience.
You can also make a component appear as loading while not affecting the user experience on the rest of the site. One of my favorite examples is the Airbnb website. Notice that the majority of the site can be used, you can scroll, click links, but the area under 'experiences' is in a loading state. This is the correct way to use React and is the reason why setState and HTTP requests are done in componentDidMount/componentDidUpdate.
Using setState in componentdidmount. This my code:
async componentDidMount() {
danhSachMon = await this.getDanhSachMon();
render() {
return (
renderItem={({ item }) =>
<View >
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
componentWillMount is deprecated. Now you need to use "DidMount" and as soon as it finishes and changes the DOM on render, react will handle everything else.
Make sure you update and use the correct variables/state/props in the render.
componentDidMount() {
const { applicationId } = this.props;
if (applicationId) {
ApplicationService.getQuotesByApplicationId(applicationId).then((response) => {
const quotes = _.get(response, '');
render() {
const quotes = _.get(this.state, 'quotes', null);
return (
<div className="application">
<h4 className="application__sub">Application</h4>
<h1 className="application__title">Quote Comparison</h1>
<div className="form-wrapper">
<div />
Here I get the quotes from the API and as soon as it finishes it set a variable in the state, then the render and react do their work.

Why componentWillMount is called after rendering?

I am working with React and I am trying to understand the lifecycle. I am doing a componentWillMount method in order to get the props I need before the render occurs. I need to know how to update the state when the view loads.
All I am trying to do is a GET request in order to get a list of dealers for a Casino Game. Basically, I am missing 1 or 2 steps which are for render the dealers's list in the DOM
I will show what I am doing with my code and after that I will explain what I want
Actions part
class GetDealersActions {
constructor () {
this.generateActions('dealerDataSuccess', 'dealerDataFail');
getDealers (data) {
const that = this;
.then(function success (response) {
then we move to the stores
class GetDealersStore {
constructor () {
this.state = {
dealerData : null,
dealerDataSuccess (data) {
dealerData : data,
in this case that console.log(this.state.dealerData); returns something like this which is exactly what I need
Object {dealersData: Array[3]}
the problems comes in the component part, honestly because I don't know how to handle the data here
export default class Dealers extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
router : React.PropTypes.func,
constructor (props) {
this.state = {}
static getStores () {
return [ GetDealersStore ];
static getPropsFromStores () {
return GetDealersStore.getState();
componentWillMount () {
console.log('###', this.props);
render () {
console.log('>>>', this.props);
let content;
if (this.state.dealerData) {
content = => {
return <div key={item.CardId}>{item}</div>;
} else {
content = <div>Loading . . .</div>;
return (
all I get here <div>{content}</div> is Loading . . . because this.state is coming like this Object {}
A weird situation I am getting here, is that this view is rendering twice, the 1st time is rendering, and the console.log('>>>', this.props); returns this >>> Object {params: Object, query: Object} and the second time it renders, fires this >>> Object {params: Object, query: Object, dealerData: Object} which is what I need.
So, why componentWillMount is waiting the render method in order to get fired ?
It's not weird at all. componentWillMount will fire before render, and in the first-pass you are invoking an action to get the dealers GetDealersActions.getDealers(); which is basically an async command. Since it is async, the component will render once before it gets data, and then again after the store publishes a changed event, which will re-trigger rendering.
Here is an approximation of the sequence of actions happening in your example:
componentWillMount invokes getDealers command (which is async)
initial render with default component state
Async operation completed in action creator and store is set with dealer data
store publishes a changed event, which re-triggers rendering
second render invoked with the dealer data in component state.
The problem is that React will run it's lifecycle methods in a certain sequence, not caring about you invoking some async method. So basically you don't have a way to stop rendering just because you invoked a command to get the dealers. That is a limitation of react (or a feature), which surfaces when combined with async programming and you should accept it as is.
If you accept the fact that React will render twice, you can utilize that in your favor, so on first render you could just show a loading indicator (e.g. a spinning wheel) and when the data loads you just display it in the second render.
However, if you are not convinced and still want to avoid double-rendering in the initial load, you could do prefetching of the data before you mount the application component, which would ensure that initial data is loaded in the store before the first render, which would mean that you wouldn't have to invoke getDealers in componentWillMount since the data would already be in the store on the first render.
As a reminder, double-rendering is not a significant performance problem, like it would be in Angular.js or Ember.js, since React is very efficient at DOM manipulation, but it could produce some UX issues if not handled properly.
