How can I draw a 2d diamond with paper.js - javascript

I want to draw a diamond using paper.js. The shape and colors of the diamond should change randomly everytime I re-run the function. How do i go about this task

Here is a sketch demonstrating a possible implementation.
// Diamond random size settings
const MIN_RADIUS = 10;
const MAX_RADIUS = 50;
// Draw first diamond.
let diamond = drawDiamond(;
// Display instructions.
new PointText({
content: 'Click to draw a new diamond',
point: + [0, -80],
justification: 'center'
// Draws a random diamond around the given point and returns it.
function drawDiamond(point) {
// Get random radiuses.
const verticalRadius = getRandomRadius();
const horizontalRadius = getRandomRadius();
// Calculate diamond points.
const top = point + [0, -verticalRadius];
const bottom = point + [0, verticalRadius];
const left = point + [-horizontalRadius, 0];
const right = point + [horizontalRadius, 0];
// Build path.
return new Path({
segments: [top, right, bottom, left],
fillColor: Color.random()
function getRandomRadius() {
return MIN_RADIUS + Math.random() * (MAX_RADIUS - MIN_RADIUS);
// On mouse down...
function onMouseDown() {
// ...delete existing diamond...
// ...and draw a new one.
diamond = drawDiamond(;

var diamond = new Path.RegularPolygon(new Point(x,y), 4, 50);
diamond.fillColor = '#e9e9ff';
diamond.selected = true;
x,y -> your coordinates
to generate random color have a look at this Random color generator
as of your final code should look something like this
function diamonds(){
var diamond = new Path.RegularPolygon(new Point(x,y), 4, 50);
diamond.fillColor = getRandomColor();
diamond.selected = true;
function getRandomColor() {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF';
var color = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)];
return color;


drawing different shapes with geometry along a curved linestring causes issue while modifying using openlayers & turf

I'm working recently to draw some shapes (svg images) along a curved linestring, i managed to draw the shapes using geometry by adding the styles for each shape. And now, i need to modify this linestring feature it means i want that the shapes move also when modifying the line and later the shapes will be changed with other images (circles..).
i have created my own function modify that recreate the feature and called drawShape function but it's heavy and not working correctly.
so is there any other solution to facilitate the draw of the shapes to facilate modify function also the other tasks (edit segment: change shapes), add segment...
Thanks in advance.
Some parts of code are passed here
// that function map the poignees passes the id( number of segment ) to drawShapes function
const drawShapesAll = function(feature){
poingees.forEach((elm, id) => {
if(id === poingees.length -1) return;
drawShapes(feature, id+1, elm.src); // id+1 : represent the number of segment
//drawShapes funtion: draw shapes for one segment
const drawShapes = function(feature, coordsSeg, src){
//src : svg image that i want to add it (triangle)
const styles = feature.getStyle();
const index0 = getClosestPointToCoords(coords, poignees[numSeg-1]);
const index1 = getClosestPointToCoords(coords, poignees[numSeg]);
const coordsSeg = []; //coordsSeg: represent coordinates (geometry) for segment i (the curved line from poigne i to poigne i+1)
for(var j=index0; j<= index1; j++) {
const coordsTrans = => (transform(coord, "EPSG:3857", "EPSG:4326"))); // get coordinates tranformed for each segment
const num = turf.distance(coordsTrans[0], coordsTrans[coordsTrans.length -1]) / 200; // calculate the distance for segment i then devide it by 200 to get the number of shapes for that segment (200 represent the distance between each shape)
let line = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": coordsTrans
while(i < number ){ // a loop function that draw shapes with number equal = num
let {point,rotation:rotation2} = getPointInCurve(line, coordsSeg, 200 * i); //
let pointGeo = new Point(point);
styles.push(new Style({
geometry: pointGeo,
image: new Icon (({
rotation: - rotation2,
offset: [1, 1],
anchor : [0.9, 0.9],
src : src,
scale: 0.3
// getPointInCurve : get point geometry(coordinates) and rotation along the segment
function getPointInCurve(line, coords, distance){
//that function call bezier function , get the curved coordinates ,
// i used along to get the position of each shape which has distance = 200*i
const curved = turf.bezier(line);
const along = turf.along(curved, distance);
const alongCoordTrans = convertCoordinates(along.geometry.coordinates[0], along.geometry.coordinates[1]);
const prev = coords[closestPoint(coords, alongCoordTrans).index];
const dx = alongCoordTrans[0] - coords[coords.indexOf(prev) - 5][0] ; // calculate dx and dy
const dy = alongCoordTrans[1] - coords[coords.indexOf(prev) - 5][1];
const rotation2 = Math.atan2(dy, dx); // calculate rotation of that shape
const min = getClosestPointToCoords(coords, alongCoordTrans);
const closetPoint = coords[min];
return {point:closetPoint, rotation:rotation2}; // return the point coordinates and rotation of shape i,

How to draw clickable line in PIXI.js using PIXI.Graphics?

I have got the following code:
const linksGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
const update = () => {
linksGraphics.alpha = 1;
if (forceLinkActive) {
data.links.forEach(link => {
let { source, target } = link;
linksGraphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000);
linksGraphics.moveTo(source.x, source.y);
linksGraphics.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
} }
app.ticker.add( () => update() );
Where data.links is an array of edge data {source: number, target: number}. If I understand right, all lines are part of the PIXI.Graphics object. But what I need:
every line should have own opacity
every line should have an event for mouse over
Any ideas how modify my code?
It's been a while but can make a suggestion. Lines do not react to mouse/pointer over events in pixijs.
Instead you may want to accompany a transformed rectangle with alpha value 0 and listen mouse/pointer with this rectangle.
For example lets, change the alpha value of the line when mouse/pointer hovers the accompanying rectangle.
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
backgroundColor: 0x283230
// Coordinates of the end points of a line
let x0 = 100;
let y0 = 100;
let x1 = 200;
let y1 = 200;
// Find midpoint for translation
let xmid = 0.5*(x0+x1);
let ymid = 0.5*(y0+y1);
// Length of the line
let length = Math.hypot(x0-x1, y0-y1);
// Alignment angle of the line, i.e. angle with the x axis
let angle = Math.atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0));
// 2. LINE
line = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Arbitrary line style, say we have a non-white background
line.rectangle = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Since we are going to translate, think of 0,0 is the center point on the rectangle
// Width of the rectangle is selected arbitrarily as 30
const width = 30;
line.rectangle.alpha = 0;
line.rectangle.interactive = true;
line.rectangle.on("pointerover", reactOver);
line.rectangle.on("pointerout", reactOut);
// Apply transformation
line.rectangle.setTransform(xmid, ymid,1,1,angle);
// Add rectangle to the stage too.
// Let's change alpha value of the line when user hovers.
function reactOver(){
line.alpha = 0.5;
function reactOut(){
line.alpha = 1;
To the PEN, Hover a line in pixijs
We can expand this logic to a rectangle for instance. But this time you need two accompanying rectangles (with alpha=0) where one of them is wider and the other is narrower than the unfilled rectangle. For example,
const app = new PIXI.Application({
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
backgroundColor: 0x283230
const x = 100;
const y = 100;
const width = 150;
const height = 100;
const hoverWidth = 20;
const rect = new PIXI.Graphics();
rect.lineStyle(4, 0xffffff,1);
rect.outer = new PIXI.Graphics();
rect.inner = new PIXI.Graphics();
// Fill outer
rect.outer.alpha = 0;
rect.outer.drawRect(x-hoverWidth/2, y-hoverWidth/2, width+hoverWidth, height+hoverWidth);
// Fill inner
rect.inner.alpha = 0;
rect.inner.drawRect(x+hoverWidth/2, y+hoverWidth/2, width-hoverWidth, height-hoverWidth);
// Add interaction and listeners
rect.outer.interactive = true;
rect.inner.interactive = true;
rect.outer.on("pointerover", pOverOuter);
rect.outer.on("pointerout", pOutOuter);
rect.inner.interaction = true;
rect.inner.on("pointerover", pOverInner);
rect.inner.on("pointerout", pOutInner);
// Listeners
let overOuter = false;
let overInner = false;
function pOverOuter(){
overOuter = true;
// rect.alpha = 0.5;
function pOutOuter(){
overOuter = false;
function pOverInner(){
overInner = true;
// rect.alpha = 1;
function pOutInner(){
overInner = false;
// rect.alpha = 0.5;
function changeAlpha(){
rect.alpha = (overOuter && !overInner)? 0.5: 1;
To the PEN, Hover a rectangle in pixijs
For your first requirement, try creating separate graphics objects for drawing each line and set alpha for each line.
For your second requirement, You need to set the interactive property of graphics (linksGraphics) object to true like below,
linksGraphics.interactive = true;
and then attach a function to be executed on mouseover event like below,
var mouseOverAction = function () {
//Some code
linksGraphics.on('mouseover', mouseOverAction);
You can define a hitArea on a graphic. And with getBounds() you can make a line clickable. After you do that you can also assign pointerEvents to the graphic.
const linksGraphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
const update = () => {
linksGraphics.alpha = 1;
if (forceLinkActive) {
data.links.forEach(link => {
let { source, target } = link;
linksGraphics.lineStyle(2, 0x000000);
linksGraphics.moveTo(source.x, source.y);
linksGraphics.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
//A line itself is not clickable
linksGraphics.hitArea = linksGraphics.getBounds();
app.ticker.add( () => update() );

Pixi.js - Draw Rectangle with Gradient Fill

I'm using the Pixi.js v4 graphics library to make a game with JavaScript. I know that I can draw a black + rounded rectangle like so:
const rectangle = new pixi.Graphics();
rectangle.beginFill(0); // Color it black
100, // Make it 100x100
5, // Make the rounded corners have a radius of 5
How do I draw a rounded rectangle with a gradient from white to black?
How do I draw a rounded rectangle that has gradual opacity such that it fades in from left to right?
It looks like it's not possible to implement what you need with pixi.js without additional code, but we can do some magic to make it happen. Here's the result of what I've got:
The bottom color is a pure red with 0.2 alpha.
I would split the whole process to the next steps:
Drawing the gradient
Masking the gradient with the rounded mask
Here is the code itself:
var app = new PIXI.Application(800, 600, {
antialias: true
// Functions
// param color is a number (e.g. 255)
// return value is a string (e.g. ff)
var prepareRGBChannelColor = function(channelColor) {
var colorText = channelColor.toString(16);
if (colorText.length < 2) {
while (colorText.length < 2) {
colorText = "0" + colorText;
return colorText;
// Getting RGB channels from a number color
// param color is a number
// return an RGB channels object {red: number, green: number, blue: number}
var getRGBChannels = function(color) {
var colorText = color.toString(16);
if (colorText.length < 6) {
while (colorText.length < 6) {
colorText = "0" + colorText;
var result = {
red: parseInt(colorText.slice(0, 2), 16),
green: parseInt(colorText.slice(2, 4), 16),
blue: parseInt(colorText.slice(4, 6), 16)
return result;
// Preparaiton of a color data object
// param color is a number [0-255]
// param alpha is a number [0-1]
// return the color data object {color: number, alpha: number, channels: {red: number, green: number, blue: number}}
var prepareColorData = function(color, alpha) {
return {
color: color,
alpha: alpha,
channels: getRGBChannels(color)
// Getting the color of a gradient for a very specific gradient coef
// param from is a color data object
// param to is a color data object
// return value is of the same type
var getColorOfGradient = function(from, to, coef) {
if (!from.alpha && from.alpha !== 0) {
from.alpha = 1;
if (!from.alpha && from.alpha !== 0) {
to.alpha = 1;
var colorRed = Math.floor( + coef * ( -;
colorRed = Math.min(colorRed, 255);
var colorGreen = Math.floor( + coef * ( -;
colorGreen = Math.min(colorGreen, 255);
var colorBlue = Math.floor( + coef * ( -;
colorBlue = Math.min(colorBlue, 255);
var rgb = prepareRGBChannelColor(colorRed) + prepareRGBChannelColor(colorGreen) + prepareRGBChannelColor(colorBlue);
return {
color: parseInt(rgb, 16),
alpha: from.alpha + coef * (to.alpha - from.alpha)
var startTime =;
console.log("start: " + startTime);
// Drawing the gradient
var gradient = new PIXI.Graphics();
var rect = {
width: 200,
height: 200
var round = 20;
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFF00FF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0xFF0000, 0.2);
var stepCoef;
var stepColor;
var stepAlpha;
var stepsCount = 100;
var stepHeight = rect.height / stepsCount;
for (var stepIndex = 0; stepIndex < stepsCount; stepIndex++) {
stepCoef = stepIndex / stepsCount;
stepColor = getColorOfGradient(colorFromData, colorToData, stepCoef);
gradient.beginFill(stepColor.color, stepColor.alpha);
rect.height * stepCoef,
// Applying a mask with round corners to the gradient
var roundMask = new PIXI.Graphics();
roundMask.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height, round);
gradient.mask = roundMask;
var endTime =;
console.log("end: " + endTime);
console.log("total: " + (endTime - startTime));
The interesting thing is that it takes only about 2-5 ms for the whole process!
If you wan't to change colors of the gradient to white>black (as described in the question), just change the next params:
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFF00FF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0xFF0000, 0.2);
var colorFromData = prepareColorData(0xFFFFFF, 1);
var colorToData = prepareColorData(0x000000, 0.2);
Not full answer but some extra information
As far I know, you can't use gradient for PIXI.Graphics even for sprites you need extra canvas
Just draw the gradient you want to a canvas:
Then use that canvas as a texture: Texture.fromCanvas(canvas);
Look at this article.
For gradual opacity, Alpha Mask can help
P.S Maybe phaser.js can do more
Did you ever figure this out? I couldn't find a solution online either, so I implemented it myself using a filter. Have a look:
Some of the pixi code:
function newGradientPoly(poly, fill, fillSize){
var container = new PIXI.Sprite();
var shape = new PIXI.Graphics();
.lineStyle(1, 0x333333)
var mask = new PIXI.Graphics();
mask.beginFill(0xffffff, 1)
container.mask = mask;
var fshaderCode = document.getElementById("fragShader").innerHTML;
fogShader = new PIXI.Filter(null, fshaderCode);
fogShader.uniforms.resolution = [width, height];
fogShader.uniforms.segments = poly.slice();
fogShader.uniforms.count = poly.length/2;
fogShader.uniforms.gSize = fillSize;
fogShader.uniforms.fill = fill;
I've created a pixi plugin for displaying vector drawings in Pixi. The main limitation is that you need to draw your rectangle in the vector art program Omber first, so you need to know the size of your rectangle beforehand (since everything is vector-based, you could theoretically scale things later, but then the rounded corners would end up being a little uneven). The workflow is similar to using sprites: 1. draw your rectangles in Omber 2. export them to gltf 3. load the gltf files in your Pixi program 4. position the rectangles where you want them.
Another possibility is that you could create the gradient as a separate object, and then you can mask it out with a polygon. Here's an example. In that example, I'm using a vector drawing for the gradient, but since gradients don't become blurry when resized, you could probably use a sprite for that as well. I'm not sure if masks have good performance, but if you just need a few of them, then it's probably fine.

PaperJS random point

I've got this code. What I want the code to do is to make the ball move and when the ball goes over a grey spot (holes) it goes back to the starting point. I've done that by creating a random place for the grey holes. I simply need to find a way to define the position of these holes even though they are randomized.
var startPoint = new Path.Circle(new Point(40, 40), 40);
startPoint.fillColor = "green";
var finishPoint = new Path.Circle(new Point(1300, 600), 40);
finishPoint.fillColor = "red";
var ball = new Path.Circle(new Point(40, 40), 20);
ball.fillColor = "black";
var path = new Path(new Point(20, 20), new Point(20, 23)); = {
strokeColor: 'grey',
strokeWidth: 70,
strokeCap: 'round'
var holes = new Symbol(path);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var placement = view.size * Point.random();
var placed =;
var vector = new Point(0, 0);
function onFrame(event) {
ball.position += vector / 100;
var moves = new Point(100, 1);
function onKeyDown(event) {
if (event.key === "s") {
vector.y += 10;
if (event.key === "d") {
vector.x += 10;
if (event.key === "a") {
vector.x -= 10;
if (event.key === "w") {
vector.y -= 10;
var ballPlace = ball.position;
if (ballPlace.isClose(finishPoint.position, 40) == true) {
var text = new PointText(;
text.content = 'Congratulations'; = {
fontFamily: 'Courier New',
fontWeight: 'bold',
fontSize: 100,
fillColor: 'gold',
justification: 'center'
if(ballPlace.isClose(placement.position, 40) == true) {
ball = new Point(40, 40);
and I want the ball to go back to Point(40, 40) when it goes over a grey hole (var holes) but I can't get it to work. Any idea how to fix this?
You want to test the ball's position against the holes to see if the ball goes back to the starting position. The simplest way I can think of to do this is to create a group of the holes then test the position of the ball against that group. In the following code the ball's position is simulated via the onMouseMove function and the holes are flashed red to indicate when the ball would be returned to the the starting position.
var holes = [];
var hole;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
hole = new Path.Circle(view.size * Point.random(), 10);
hole.fillColor = 'grey';
holes = new Group(holes);
onMouseMove = function(e) {
if (holes.hitTest(e.point)) {
holes.fillColor = 'red';
} else {
holes.fillColor = 'grey';
Here's an implementation: sketch. It should be straightforward to replaced onMouseMove with onFrame, move the ball as you currently do, and then test to see if it falls into a hole.
In order to test if the ball is over a hole you can remove on the onMouseMove function and replace it with:
onFrame = function(e) {
ball.position += vector / 100;
if (holes.hitTest(ball.position)) {
// move the ball wherever you want to move it, position text,
// etc. you might have to loop through the array to find which
// hole was hit.
#Luke Park is right about using an array.
Trial each new point, by ensuring it is a distance from all other existing points. Example below (not scaled to view.size).
p = Point.random();
while ( isTooClose(p, points) ) {
p = Point.random();
It's possible for this to loop infinitely, but if you're populating the area sparsely, there should be no problem.
isTooClose tests each point in array p, where distance = sqrt(dxdx + dydy). If you have many points, you can optimise by avoiding sqrt(), by testing whether the raw dx and dy values are smaller than the test radius.
You can also use a similar function on each frame, to test for collision.

Animating multiple items in Paper.js while anchored to a path

I have five rectangles placed at different points along a circle like this -
Upon clicking any rectangle i want the circle to move to the left of the screen, gradually scaling down it's radius until the circle's center reaches x=0. I'd like the five rectangles to move along with the circle while its being scaled down and also adjust their own positions and scale on the circle so that they are within the view's bounds, like this -
I'd appreciate any help on how to go about doing this. Heres my code for getting to the 1st image and animating the circle:
var radius = 300;
var center =;
var circle = new Path.Circle({
radius: radius,
strokeColor: 'black',
name: 'circle'
var path = new Path.Rectangle({
size: [230, 100],
fillColor: '#1565C0'
var rectText = ['Text 1',
'Text 2',
'Text 3',
'Text 4',
'Text 5'
var symbol = new Symbol(path);
var corners = [
new Point(center.x, center.y - radius),
new Point(center.x - radius, center.y - radius / 2),
new Point(center.x + radius, center.y - radius / 2),
new Point(center.x - radius, center.y + radius / 2),
new Point(center.x + radius, center.y + radius / 2)
var rectClicked = false;
var clickedRect = null;
var rectClick = function(event) {
rectClicked = true;
clickedRect = this;
function onFrame(event) {
// Your animation code goes in here
if (rectClicked) {
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
var item = project.activeLayer.children[i];
if ( == 'circle') {
if (item.position.x < 0) {
rectClicked = false;
} else {
item.position.x -= 10;
// Place the instances of the symbol:
for (var i = 0; i < corners.length; i++) {
var placedSymbol =[i]);
placedSymbol.onMouseDown = rectClick;
var rText = new PointText({
point: placedSymbol.bounds.topLeft + 20,
content: rectText[i],
fontSize: '20',
fillColor: 'white'
Paper.js provides rotations around a pivot out of the box.
var pivotPoint = new Point(10, 5);
Here is the docs reference for this behaviour and here is a very basic Sketch example to illustrate this
The above snippet will rotate a circle(you can change this to rectangle in your case) by 30 degrees around a pivot point at coordinates 10,5 on the x/y axis.
Thus what you describe is certainly doable as long as the path that your elements will follow is always circular.
Bear in mind that in order for the pivot rotation to work the way you want them to you need to update the pivotPoint and reinitiate the rotation again.
Note: In case you want to move along an arbitrary shape instead of circular path, you should search for Paper.js animation-along-a-path which is something that I've seen been done before without much difficulty - e.g this simple Sketch by the creator of Paper.js himself.
The sketch I provided above is a basic example of rotation around a pivot point.
I'm dumping the Sketch code here in case the link goes dead:
//Create a center point
var centerCircle = new Path.Circle(, 100);
centerCircle.strokeColor = 'black';
centerCircle.dashArray = [10, 12];
//Create the circles
var circle1Radius = 30;
var circle1 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle1Radius, circle1Radius);
circle1.fillColor = '#2196F3';
var circle2Radius = 40;
var circle2 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle2Radius, circle2Radius);
circle2.fillColor = '#E91E63';
var circle3Radius = 40;
var circle3 = new Path.Circle((centerCircle.position-centerCircle.bounds.width/2)+circle2Radius, circle2Radius);
circle3.fillColor = '#009688';
var i=0;
var animationGap = 125; //how long to move before animating the next circle
var rotationSpeed = 2;
function onFrame(event) {
