Detect when the end of a div is visible - javascript

I need to know if the end of a div element is currently visible in the users' browser.
I tried something I saw on the web, but scrollTop() always gave me zero in my Browser. I read something about an issue in Chrome, but I didn't understand quite well.
function($) {
$('#flux').bind('scroll', function() {
if ($(this).scrollTop() + $(this).innerHeight() >= $(this)[0].scrollHeight) {
alert('end reached');
My idea is the following:
1- User loads page and sees a Bar (sticky div at bottom visible page) with some information.
2- After scrolling a bit, and reaching the end of a div element, this bar will position there, after the div. This is the bar's original position
I wasn't really able to know when I was at the end of the div element. Eventually I found this code:
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= $('#block-homepagegrid').offset().top + $('#block-homepagegrid').outerHeight() - window.innerHeight) {
} else {
I see that it's working, but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what it does.
I know the following:
1. $(window).scrollTop();
this gives me the amount of pixels the user has scrolled, pretty self explanatory.
2. $('#block-homepagegrid').offset().top;
I THINK this is the distance between the start of the page and the start of the div. I know it's the current coordinates, but what is top exactly here?
3. $('#block-homepagegrid').outerHeight();
this gives the height of the element, I know there are 3, like
height(), innerHeight() and outerHeight(), if you want to take into
account border, margin, padding, which is the better to use?
4. window.innerHeight;
I understand this is what the user sees, but I'm having troubles understanding why does it matter for my situation.

You may be interested in the native JavaScript IntersectionObserver API. It automatically figures out what percentage of a given element is visible in the window and triggers callbacks based on that. So then you can do this:
function visibleHandler(entries) {
if (entries[0].intersectionRatio >= 1.0) {
// The whole element is visible!
} else {
// Part of it is scrolled offscreen!
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(visibleHandler, {threshold: 1.0});
Now, whenever the element with ID flux is 100% in view, it will trigger the visibleHandler. It will also trigger again if it's scrolled back out of view; that's why the function checks the ratio of visibility to see if it just hit 100% or just got reduced from 100%. You could be more fancy and use the observer entry's insersectionRect, which gives you the rectangle containing the visible portion of the element, and use that to determine top/bottom visibility.


Hide a div until scrolled to the bottom of the page

I am making a web page (kind of like those music release pages, here is an example), and I would like certain div's at the bottom not to be shown until the user has scrolled to the bottom of the page, delay a second or two, then pop up. Kind of like a hidden feature thing.
You can also think of it like an infinite scroll, like when you drag down your Instagram feed at the top it refreshes it, and new posts show up. That's the user experience I'm looking for, only in my case it is a "finite scroll", just with some div's hidden by default.
I currently have two implementations of it, neither fully achieves the desired experience. Both used jQuery Slim.
In both implementations, #hidden is the id of my hidden-by-default div, it has style="display: none;" inline, on the div tag.
The first one looks like this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
var x = $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 20;
if( $(window).scrollTop() > x ) {
else {
The problem with this one is that when the div shows up it changes the document height, so when you get to the bottom of the page it kind of flickers (due to recomputing the document height), and sometimes goes back to being hidden. Really bad user experience.
The second one looks like this:
$(window).scroll(function() {
if( $(window).scrollTop() > 75 ) {
else {
This one got rid of the flickering problem by keeping the threshold static altogether, slightly better user experience, but not really flexible, in the case that my page gets longer I'll have to set a new threshold for the div to show up.
In neither of the above solutions did the delay(1000) work. The div showed up as soon as the page gets scrolled to the bottom.
Is it possible to make this design work out?
You can try this code:
$(window).on("scroll", function() {
var scrollHeight = $(document).height();
var scrollPosition = $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop();
if ((scrollHeight - scrollPosition) / scrollHeight === 0) {

How can I create overlapping images that reveal themselves as you scroll

I am looking to create a scrolling effect similar to that shown here:
However I am unable to achieve the desired effect, and inspecting the sites code gives me no hints. Quite difficult to google for as it is also quite difficult to describe. The closest I can get to finding a solution is this JSFiddle:
/* Store the original positions */
var d1 = $('.one');
var d1orgtop = d1.position().top;
var d2 = $('.two');
var d2orgtop = d2.position().top;
var d3 = $('.three');
var d3orgtop = d3.position().top;
var d4 = $('.four');
var d4orgtop = d4.position().top;
/* respond to the scroll event */
/* get the current scroll position */
var st = $(window).scrollTop();
/* change classes based on section positions */
if (st >= d1orgtop) {
} else {
if (st >= d2orgtop) {
} else {
if (st >= d3orgtop) {
} else {
if (st >= d4orgtop) {
} else {
However I am not sure that is going in the right direction, this pulls images up and covers the previous image, but notice on the Seaham Hall site the images don't appear to move up at all, they are stationary and become revealed as you scroll.
How do I recreate this effect? My initial thought was to have the first image shrink as you scroll from 1000px down to 0px, and the second image grow to 1000px, and as you continue to scroll this image then shrinks and the third grows, and so on. However this means that after the first image all the other images have a starting size of 0px and there would technically be no scrolling on the page to begin with, so that is an issue.
My second thought is that perhaps the second image is fixed to the page, the first image slides up revealing the second as you scroll, the second image would not appear to move. Once the first image has gone off the top of the page the second image is detached from the page and allowed to move up with scrolling, while the third image is attached and revealed as the second moves up, this would give the exact effect seen in the Seaham website but I have no clue of it is the correct answer.
If anyone can point me to tutorials or a JSFiddle with a basic concept I can probably figure it out from there. Just stumped what direction to approach this from.
That's a nice effect. Here's one way to do it.
Put each image in a fixed position div, which takes up the entire viewport (initially) and has overflow:hidden.
Set each div's z-index to be higher than the next div's.
As the window scrolls, adjust the height of the divs as a function of the window height times the div's position (index) in the DOM, minus the window's scrollTop:
$(window).scroll(function() {
$('.D').each(function(index) {
height: $(window).height()*(index+1) - $(window).scrollTop()
Additional content will need a higher z-index than the image divs. And note that z-index works with positioned elements only.
Your desired effect isn't technically a parallax background, but it's close enough that parallax jQuery frameworks should work for you.
I would suggest you research jQuery Parallax plugins as they'll likely provide the functionality you'd like without much custom work. Of course since you're dealing with large images it's also best to keep an eye on the resource management; a good plugin should be fairly efficient but others may be slow or resource intensive.
Check this jquery plugin:ScrollMagic
usage: taken from github
The basic ScrollMagic design pattern is one controller, which has several scenes attached.
Each scene has a definite start and end position and defines what happens when the container is scrolled to the specific offset.
Basic workflow example
// init controller
var controller = new ScrollMagic();
// assign handler "scene" and add it to controller
var scene = new ScrollScene({duration: 100})
.setPin("#my-sticky-element") // pins the element for a scroll distance of 100px
.addTo(controller); // add scene to controller
// adding multiple scenes at once
var scene2 = new ScrollScene();
var scene3;
scene3 = new ScrollScene({duration: 200}), // add scene and assign handler "scene2"
new ScrollScene({offset: 20}) // add anonymous scene

Maintaining page view on window resize in a responsive website

Suppose we are reading the content somewhere down the page that is built to be responsive. Suppose also that we resize the browser window to a smaller size and that some content above get extended down due to the thinner width, hence making the whole page longer. Then as we resize, whatever content we are looking at will get pushed down the page accordingly.
Suppose we were to look at the Helper classes section in this page. Then shrinking/expanding the window a sufficient amount moves the bit we were reading down/up the current view.
Is there any way we can fix this? I.e. maintain our current view of the page regardless of what happens to the contents above it when we resize the window.
I am thinking that we could at least start with javascript and put an event on window resize. Then automatically scroll the page to the top-most element that was in our view on event fire. I don't know how this will affect the performance, however, especially in bigger pages.
There's also the problem of refering to the top-most element in current view. The top of our current view might be cutting off the top portion of some elements, not to mention that there's usually more than 1 element layered on top of one another at any point within the page. The notion of top-most element I've mentioned is not very well-defined :(
Also rather than a problem of responsive design in general, instead it seems to me like this is a problem with the default scrolling behaviour of web browsers? Or perhaps I am missing some circumstances where the current behaviour is desirable.
Edit 2 4
Updated fiddle (see fullscreen result) based on Rick Hitchcock's solution's solution.
With jQuery:
var scrollAmount;
if (topNode.getBoundingClientRect().top >= 0) {
scrollAmount = $(topNode).offset().top - topNode.getBoundingClientRect().top;
} else {
scrollAmount = $(topNode.offset().bottom - topNode.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
The fiddle is acting a bit weird even in the same browsers, I've uploaded the same script using a free hosting here.
Still need to incorporate the IE, Opera and Safari fix for elementFromPoint.
Edit 3
Thanks for all the help, Rick Hitchcock. Welcome to stackoverflow, by the way :)
The discussion is turning into cross-browser compatibility issues so I've accepted your answer since we've pretty much got the answer to the original question. I'll still be fixing up my implementation though. The focus being cross-browser issues, topNode criteria, and topNode cut-off handling.
An edge case
While playing around with it, I noticed that when we were at the bottom of the page in a small viewport, then switch to a larger viewport (let us assume now that some more elements that were originally above the element we saw now came into view due to shorter container from wider viewport) the window cannot always lock the topNode to the top of the viewport in such a case since we've reached the scroll bottom. But then switching back to the small viewport now uses a new topNode that got into the viewport during the switch.
Although this should be expected from the behaviour being implemented, it is still a weird side-effect on scroll bottom.
I will also be looking into this in due course. Initially, I am thinking of simply adding a check for scroll bottom before we update topNode. I.e. to keep the old topNode when we've reached scroll bottom until we've scrolled up again. Not sure how this will turn out yet. I'll make sure to see how Opera handle this as well.
Here's what I've come up with:
var topNode;
window.onscroll=function() {
var timer;
timer= setTimeout(
function() {
var testNode;
topNode= null;
for(var x = 0 ; x < document.body.offsetWidth ; x++) {
testNode= document.elementFromPoint(x,2);
if(!topNode || testNode.offsetTop>topNode.offsetTop) {
topNode = testNode;
window.onresize=function() {
var timer;
if(topNode) {
timer= setTimeout(function(){topNode.scrollIntoView(true)},10);
If there were a window.onbeforeresize() function, this would be more straightforward.
Note that this doesn't take into account the scrolled position of the element's textNode. We could handle that if only the height of the window were resized. But resizing the width would generally cause reformatting.
This works in Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari.
How it works
The code's closures make variables private, and the timers prevent the code from running constantly during scrolling/resizing. But both tend to obfuscate the code, so here's another version, which may aid in understanding. Note that the onscroll timer is required in IE, because elementFromPoint returns null when it used in onscroll event.
var topNode;
window.onscroll=function() {
function() {
var testNode;
topNode= null;
for(var x = 0 ; x < document.body.offsetWidth ; x++) {
testNode= document.elementFromPoint(x,2);
if(!topNode || testNode.offsetTop>topNode.offsetTop) {
topNode = testNode;
window.onresize=function() {
if(topNode) {
topNode maintains the screen's top-most element as the window scrolls.
The function scans the screen left to right, along the 3rd row: document.elementFromPoint(x,2)*
It doesn't scan along the 1st row, because when IE does scrollIntoView, it pushes the element down a couple pixels, making the top-most screen element the previous element. (Figured this out through trial and error.)
When the window is resized, it simply positions topNode at the top of the screen.
[*Originally, onscroll scanned left to right along the 11th row (in pixels) until it found an element with just one child. The child would often be a textNode, but that wouldn't always be the case. Example:
The div has only one child – the ul. If the window were scrolled to the 50th li, scanning left to right would incorrectly return the div due to the inherent padding of lis.
The original code has been updated.

Make a div appear when scrolling past a certain point of a page

My goal is to make a fixed div appear at the top of a page once someone scrolls a certain amount of pixels down the page. Basically once the header section is out of view, this div will appear.
I've looked at code similar to what I want; however, haven't seen anything that would allow me to easily modify the pixel count from the top of the page (if possible).
Here is a piece of code I saw dealing with making divs appear by scrolling.
// Get the headers position from the top of the page, plus its own height
var startY = $('header').position().top + $('header').outerHeight();
function checkY(){
if( $(window).scrollTop() > startY ){
// Do this on load just in case the user starts half way down the page
I just want to know how to make it appear. If someone knows of a piece of code already in tact with a slide up and slide down animation, that would be greatly appreciated as well but not required.
window.addEventListener("scroll",function() {
if(window.scrollY > 500) {
else {
Brandon Tilley answered my question in a comment...
You would change the first line, with the startY, to be the specific Y
position you need, rather than calculating based on the header's
position and height. Here's an updated fiddle:
window.addEventListener("scroll",function() {
$('.fixedDiv')[(window.scrollY > 500)?"slideDown":"slideUp"]();

HTML CSS fixed element only when body reaches a particular point

Not sure what the method is or how its achieved. But I'm interested in knowing about it to possibly use it in an upcoming project. What I am referring to is when a block element is at a particular X/Y axis it seems it stops acting as though it were a fixed position element otherwise the element acts as a fixed position element.
I most commonly see this with navigation, where the header and footer are large and the element will stop acting as a fixed element when it reaches the bottom of the header or top of the footer
You can do something like this,
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 250){
A better approach would be,
var top = $('#top');
if ($(this).scrollTop() > 250){
if(top.css('position') !== 'fixed'){
if(top.css('position') !== 'static'){
There are plugins that will do this for you; this is one I've used before: link with relative success. Has great examples, too.
But if you want to do it yourself, it's not too difficult. The concept is slightly convoluted; if you change something's position to fixed, then it will not take up space, as it would if it was static.
When I came across this issue, I created a second item in the same place (or not, depending where you want it to appear), which is invisible. Then you implement a load/scroll event that checks if the window's scrollTop is greater than the top coordinate of the non-fixed object. If it is, show the fixed object.
Something like this:
$("#yourObject").each(function() { // The ID should be the FIXED object.
var $me = $(this);
var $heightRival = $("#anotherObject"); // This ID should be the non-fixed object.
$me.hide(); // Hide your fixed div.
$(window).bind("load scroll",function() {
var offset = $heightRival.offset(); // Get the document offset of the base object.
var height = $heightRival.outerHeight(); // Get the height of the base object.
if ($(window).scrollTop() >
$; // Can be a fade in, slide in, whatever.
$target.hide(); // Can be a fade out, etc.
This is just a rudimentary code but it should set you on the right track.
Take a look at this plugin, or the others like it:
