Slick Carousel doesn't appear on Boostrap page - javascript

So I am kinda stuck with this Slick Carousel. It works great out of the box by itself, but when I try to incorporate it with my webpage, it just doesn't seem to show anything at all. I have no idea what is conflicting here. I tried to replicate it on CodePen and it works just fine, but not on my webpage. I have provided both the urls for your reference. Could any of you help me with this?
CodePen -
My Webpage -
(I have stripped the webpage of all other elements but the carousel)
Thanks a ton again :)

It was a silly mistake... here are the fix
The element should be <link> rather than <script> as Tom Berghuis suggested.
Forgot to define the type="text/css"


Wordpress HTML/CSS not displaying correctly - no changes made

I am having trouble identifying a problem and it is driving me crazy. If this is a poor question or in the wrong place please have mercy, I am exhausted trying to figure this out.
Here is how my website is displaying: My Site
And here is how it is supposed to look:
Archive of Page
Nothing has changed as far as I can tell. I have disabled plugins, re-uploaded them there. My mind is boggled!? It looks the same (code) but appears different. What am I missing!?
I happened to get this as well, what you should do is to redownload the layout, thats what solved my issue. I remember adding 1 line to css and removing it, the layout got stuck and refused to update, so that was my solution. I hope someone else can give you a better one though :)
you have a problem with jQuery in your website.
I think you need to update your theme.
your theme is from 6/2014 and now is 6/2016...
Your js makes all this section on home vertical align to middle. And the js doesn't work now and stay on top.
Update your theme :)

Bootstrap data toggle tab activate bootply libraries

First of all, it's my first post and I'm still kinda newbie but I'm keen on learning more and more.
I checked out this before I decided to ask here because I kinda got stucked.
So here is example of the code:
It works how I wanted it to do so but if I put it into my code and trying to test it locally I got some problems. Switching tabs by clicking on tabs work perfect, but when I try to click on the link which should move me to another tab it doesn't do so. I see the link + '#profile' or '#home' but tab and content don't show.
I don't have any errors at console debug. I included scripts in a way, a lot of people suggested here - jquery first, bootstrap after.
The question is what am I doing wrong or what libraries are preloaded on bootply?
I would be really grateful for any advices.
Seems like it works now. The problem was that I was using my own script first, then I was loading jquery and bootstrap.

JQuery carousel and template doesn't work together

First of all, I'm sorry if this is already asked. I couldn't find a answer.
I have a HTML5 template bought at themeforest and a jQuery carousel. I am not very similar with JavaScript or JQuery.
When I wanted to implement the carousel like it said in the description the JQuery/Javascript didn't work.
I found out that it could be the version of JQuery. The template(cleanstart) uses version 1.11.2 and the carousel uses 1.44.4. When I changed the carousel to that version it didn't work. When I changed the template version to 1.44.4, it didn't work either.
Then I've put the text from the carousel.js in a script tag in the HTML, and that seemed to work but then the templates jQuery didn't work...
Do you have any idea what the problem can be? Maybe a variable with the same name? I really don't know how to solve it.
Help is much appreciated!
With just this Information, It's pretty hard to help you. It could be a problem with your Implementation, a compatibility Issue or many things else.
Do you have a public page where the template and the carousel are implemented? Does the console window give you any error (if you don't have it yet, I recomend you to get Firefox and the addons Firebug and Webdeveloper Toolbar).
I have found my problem. it was a scroll section that causes the other jquery to stop. When I removed that part of the code, nothing bad with the carousel happened and the other parts worked fine!

CSS/Javascript - Div removing itself from Page

I'm currently putting together a website for a buddy and myself. I purchased a template (mind all the silly placeholders and obvious space issues) to help get the ball rolling as I didn't have very much time available to put in to the project.
On the store section of the page you have that little gallery of products, when you scroll down a bit more it removes itself from the page (page jitters, clicking from store to about works funny). This is causing an issue with my Jquery waypoints setup. I can't for the life of me figure out what's removing it from the page when I'd like to keep it there at all times.
Any help is appreciated.
For quick fix you can try to give the
style = "display:block!important";
to the 'team' class.
This will solve your issue.
This is just quick fix. Cant fix the issue without js files.

foundation section tabs not working properly

I am having an issue with foundation 4 section tabs. I copy pasted the example code to my local and tested it and it doesnt show up.
I also modified it and added some height elements to make it display properly but still I can only view on tab and clicking it doesnt actually open up the content.
I have included jquery foundation.css and foundation.min.js and also zepto.js without any luck.
If anyone could tell me what i might be doing wrong or if there is an issue with the framework that would be great.
Please close this.
I fixed the problem by adding a foundation at document load. :)
Cheers hope this helps someone in need.
$(document).foundation(); Thats the code I added right at the start of document.ready.
