I am trying to refresh my page on delete and refresh button, it gets new data but the issue is new data will add to old ones I need to clear old data before adding new data.
addresses: any[] = [];
// loads first time data
this.addressService.getAddresses().subscribe((res) => {
for (let address of res['data']) {
// refresh list items
doRefresh(event) {
console.log('Begin async operation');
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Async operation has ended');
// get new items in list
this.addressService.getAddresses().subscribe((res) => {
for (let address of res['data']) {
}, 2000);
//remove item and renew list items
removeAddress(id: string){
data => {
//getting items (renew)
this.addressService.getAddresses().subscribe((res) => {
for (let address of res['data']) {
error => {
I think that I need to clear addresses: any[] = []; before getting
new items in my doRefresh(event){..} and removeAddress(id:
string){...} functions to avoid duplicates.
Any idea?
Assuming your refresh function works,
add this code before you get new items from your api
this.addresses =[];
this.addresses.length = 0;
For implementation wise, in regards to delete function, you can delete from your backend , clear your array and pull a fresh set of data which might be costly if you have a huge dataset.
You might want to consider updating your backend (delete that specific data) and removing that specific index from your array (when your delete function returns success)
For update, you can do a comparison and update those those array objects that has been modified. Else you can just clear your array and retrigger your retrieve api function.
I would like to check if axios request already fetched certain data.
On first call i get 10 elements and store them in array. On second request i would like to check if existing data is in array, if yes do not add them again and if they are not in array add them.
It is written in Vuejs.
.then((response) => {
this.receivedData = response.data
for( let i = 0; i < this.receivedData.length; i++) {
let receivedDataArray = [];
if(!receivedDataArray.includes(this.receivedData.id)) {
receivedDataArray = this.receivedData;
But i can not find an error. Please advise.
You are overwriting the values you pushed into receivedDataArray on
receivedDataArray = this.receivedData;
Basicly, resetting it on every loop, so after the for ends, you have the response.data in receivedDataArray
Edit: Also you are not using the [i] index inside your if
I have added comments to help follow my logic below. I believe all issues I can see with the code have been pointed out in other comments, so will just provide my solution to this answer.
It is untested, but hope that it helps.
.then((response) => {
// If data has not already been added to receivedData, this is the first loop.
if (!this.receivedData) {
// So store the response
this.receivedData = response.data;
} else {
for(const item of reponse.data) {
if(!this.receivedData.includes(response.data[item])) {
// If not, push it to the array
I have an INDEXEDDB database that i've created with two object stores: 'games' and 'plays' (in reference to football). I am letting IDB create the keys for each store via 'autoincrement'. The 'games' store can have multiple games and likewise, there will be multiple plays for each game. Later, i export these stores via JSON to PHP and am attempting to correlate the plays that took place in game 1 (for example) to that game and so on. I am using a 'foreign key'-like value (a gameID attribute) in the plays store to indicate that the play goes with a certain game. However, upon JSON export of the two stores, i have found that the 'games' store does not have its key value exported and therefore, i cannot for sure connect a play (which has a reference to 'gameID') to a particular game (which does not contain the reference within its structure).
So, i thought the answer to be simple: create a value called 'gameID' within the 'game' store and once i have that id, update the record in the store with the gameID value.
The problem is that i've written IDB 'update' code or 'put' code which seems to be 'successful', yet when i go get the game in question later, the value is not correct. I'm finding that my updates are not updating the data structures as i would expect to see them in Chrome Developer tools. Below is an example of what i am talking about:
Object in question in Chrome Developer tools
Above you can see graphically the issue and i'm not sure what is happening. You'll see that in the areas marked "A" and "C", there are the updated values listed (i do a similar update later to mark a game 'complete' at the end of a game). However, the actual data structure in IDB (indicated with "B") shows the old values that i "thought" that i'd updated successfully. So, i'm not at all sure how to read this structure in Chrome Developer, which seems to report the updates that were made separately from the object itself.
I've tried doing this update thru passing the gameID in question and via cursor.
function putGameID (conn, thisGameID) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const tx = conn.transaction(['gamesList'], 'readwrite');
const gameStore = tx.objectStore(['gamesList']);
const gameRequest = gameStore.get(thisGameID);
gameRequest.onsuccess = () => {
const game = gameRequest.result;
game.gameID = thisGameID;
const updateGameRequest = gameStore.put(game);
updateGameRequest.onsuccess = () => {
console.log("Successfully updated this game ID.");
It appears the record was updated, just not in the manner i would expect.
I've also attempted this using a cursor update to similar effect:
function putGameID (conn, thisGameID) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const tx = conn.transaction(['gamesList'], 'readwrite');
const gameStore = tx.objectStore(['gamesList']);
gameStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
const cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) {
if (!cursor.value.gameID) {
const updatedGame = cursor.value;
updatedGame.gameID = thisGameID;
const request = cursor.update(updatedGame);
Can someone help me to understand:
(1) how to read the structure in the CDT? Why are the updated values not part of the object's structure?
and ...
(2) how can i modify my approach to get the results that i wish to achieve?
As per requested, this is the code that originally creates the two object stores and it is called upon entry into the form:
async function idbConnect(name, version) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request = indexedDB.open(DBName, DBVersion);
request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
//if (!request.objectStoreNames.contains('gamesList')) {
console.log('Doing indexeddb upgrade');
db = request.result;
/*Create the two stores - plays and games. */
playObjectStore = db.createObjectStore('playsList',{keyPath: "id", autoIncrement:true});
gameObjectStore = db.createObjectStore('gamesList',{keyPath: "gameID", autoIncrement:true});
/* Create indexes */
playObjectStore.createIndex("playIDIdx","id", {unique:false});
playObjectStore.createIndex("gamePlayIDIdx","gameID", {unique:false});
playObjectStore.createIndex("playCreatedDateIdx","createdDate", {unique:false});
gameObjectStore.createIndex("gameIDIdx","gameID", {unique:true});
gameObjectStore.createIndex("gameCreatedDateIdx","createdDate", {unique:false});
//return db;
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result);
request.onerror = () => reject(request.error);
request.onblocked = () => { console.log('blocked'); };
This code makes the call to add the game:
try {
conn = await idbConnect(DBName,DBVersion);
game = await addGameIDB(conn);
// Understand what is going on in the line below.
//Saving the game ID to populate.
globalGameID = game.gameID;
// Here is where i'm attempting to update the gameID....
await putGameID(conn, globalGameID);
Once the stores are created, the following code adds a game:
function addGameIDB(conn) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// some irrelevant stuff to format dates, etc....
let newGame = [
gameID: null, // What i'd like to populate....
gameDate: thisGameDate,
gameTime: thisGameTime,
team1Name: thisTeamOne,
team2Name: thisTeamTwo,
gameCompleted: false,
createdDate: d
db = conn.transaction('gamesList','readwrite');
let gameStore = db.objectStore('gamesList');
let gameRequest = gameStore.add(newGame);
gameRequest.onsuccess = (ev) => {
console.log('Successfully inserted an game object');
const newGameRequest = gameStore.get(gameRequest.result);
newGameRequest.onsuccess = () => {
gameRequest.onerror = (err) => {
console.log('error attempting to insert game object' + err);
I see that someone has given me a minus 1. I am a 55 year old mother who has no experience. I have many skills but this is not one of them. I am absolutely desperate and have bust myself to get this far. If you cannot help, I accept that, but please do not be negative towards me. I am now crying. Some encouragement would be much appreciated.
I have a page which displays items from a database on a repeater. The code searches the items using several drop down filters, which are populated from the database. Intermittently, seemingly randomly (no pattern is emerging despite extensive testing) the code is failing to populate random drop down filters (one or more of the drop down filters show the default settings rather than those self populated from the database). I discovered this by either repeatedly visiting the page or by repeatedly refreshing the page. Often the code works, then every 3 or 4 times, one or more of the drop down filters shows its default settings rather than those self populated from the database (then the next time it goes wrong, it might be the same or a different one or set of filters which do not work)
This is the code. On this page, there are 3 drop down filters but I have several pages like this, each displaying and searching a different database, with up to 10 drop down filters on each page, and they all have this intermittent problem...
import wixData from "wix-data";
$w.onReady(function () {
let lastFilterTitle;
let lastFilterCounty;
let lastFilterGeog;
export function iTitle_change(event, $w) {
filter($w('#iTitle').value, lastFilterCounty, lastFilterGeog);
export function iCounty_change(event, $w) {
filter(lastFilterTitle, $w('#iCounty').value, lastFilterGeog);
export function iGeog_change(event, $w) {
filter(lastFilterTitle, lastFilterCounty, $w('#iGeog').value);
function filter(title, county, geog) {
if (lastFilterTitle !== title || lastFilterCounty !== county || lastFilterGeog !== geog) {
let newFilter = wixData.filter();
if (title)
newFilter = newFilter.eq('title', title);
if (county)
newFilter = newFilter.eq('county', county);
if (geog)
newFilter = newFilter.eq('geog', geog);
.then(() => {
if ($w('#dataset1').getTotalCount() ===0) {
else {
.catch((err) => {
lastFilterTitle = title;
lastFilterCounty = county;
lastFilterGeog = geog;
// Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
// Get the max possible results from the query
.then(results => {
let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
// unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Psychologists'});
//Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
$w("#iTitle").options = distinctList
function buildOptions(items) {
return items.map(curr => {
//Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle, valueuniqueTitle}
return { label: curr, value: curr };
// Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
// Get the max possible results from the query
.then(results => {
let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
// unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Counties'});
//Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
$w("#iCounty").options = distinctList
function buildOptions1(items) {
return items.map(curr => {
//Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle1, valueuniqueTitle1}
return { label: curr, value: curr };
// Run a query that returns all the items in the collection
// Get the max possible results from the query
.then(results => {
let distinctList = buildOptions(results.items);
// unshift() is like push(), but it prepends an item at the beginning of an array
distinctList.unshift({ "value": '', "label": 'All Regions'});
//Call the function that builds the options list from the unique titles
$w("#iGeog").options = distinctList
function buildOptions2(items) {
return items.map(curr => {
//Use the map method to build the options list in the format {label:uniqueTitle2, valueuniqueTitle2}
return { label: curr, value: curr };
export function button45_click(event, $w) {
//Add your code for this event here:
filter($w('#iTitle').value='', $w('#iCounty').value='', $w('#iGeog').value='');
My experience and knowledge is very limited, so the answer may well be very simple. Any help would be much appreciated as I will have to abandon my project if I can't find a solution.Thank you
For context: I have a cron-job.org that fires an https function in my firebase project.
In this function, I have to go through all docs inside a collection and update a counter (each doc might have a different counter value). If the counter reaches a limit, I'll update another collection (independent from the first one), and delete the doc entry that reached the limit. If the counter is not beyond the limit, I simply update the doc entry with the updated counter value.
I tried adapting examples from the documentation, tried using transactions, batch, but I'm not sure how to proceed. According to transactions' description, that's the way to go, but examples only show how to edit a single doc.
This is what I have (tried adapting a realtime db sample):
function updateCounter() {
var ref = db.collection('my_collection_of_counters');
return ref.get().then(snapshot => {
const updates = {};
snapshot.forEach(child => {
var docData = child.data();
var newCounter = docData.counter+1;
if (newCounter == 10) {
// TO-DO: add to stock
updates[child.key] = null;
} else {
docData.counter = newCounter;
updates[child.key] = docData;
// execute all updates in one go and return the result to end the function
return ref.update(updates);
It doesn't work, collections don't have an update method. What is the best approach to updating each doc in a collection? One-by-one? Transaction? Is there an example?
PS: updateCounter is a function being called by the https trigger. Cron+trigger is working fine.
When an item reaches the threshold, I want to update another collection, independent from the counter one. Is nested transactions a good solution?
Modified code:
function updateCounter() {
var ref = db.collection('my_collection_of_counters');
var transaction = db.runTransaction(t => {
return t.get(ref)
.then(snapshot => {
let docs = snapshot.docs;
for (let doc of docs) {
var item = doc.data();
var newCounter = item.counter + 1;
if (newCounter == 10) {
console.log("Update my_stock");
// ADD item.quantity to stock collection
t.update(doc.ref, {counter: newCounter});
.then(result => {
console.log('Transaction success');
.catch(err => {
console.log('Transaction failure:', err);
As you already noted yourself, you'll want to do this in a transaction to ensure that you can update the current counter value in a single operation. You can also create the new document, and delete the existing one, in that same transaction once your counter reaches its threshold. I don't see any benefit of doing this for all documents in a single transaction, since the operation on each doc seems unrelated to the others.
In a Firestore transaction, you perform the operations on a Transaction object as shown in the documentation. In your case you'd:
Get the current document with transaction.get().
Get the counter from the document.
Increment the counter.
If the new value is below your threshold:
Call transaction.update() to write the new counter value into the database
If the new value if above your threshold:
Call transaction.create on the new collection to create the document there.
Call transaction.delete on the existing document, to delete it.
For more, I recommend scanning the reference documentation for the Transaction class.
If I change my delete function to this:
function deleteResNote(reservation, note_idx) {
realm.write(() => {
reservation.notes.splice(note_idx, 1)
Everything works fine. No errors, and the UI updates accordingly.
Why do I need to delete my notes through my reservation object? Why doesn't realm allow me to delete my Notes objects directly?
My app deals with Tasks, which have Reservations, which have Notes. I'm working on the ability to delete a note.
My notes render in a ListView. When the cell is tapped, I pass the Note object (Realm Object) through to my deletion method, and ultimately call:
function deleteResNote(noteObj) {
realm.write(() => {
After this delete, this method triggers the following error:
Error: Accessing object of type Notes which has been deleted
The component which holds my ListView is set up to listen for the realm change event, and the same method used to render for the first time is used again to re-render the updated notes. I think it's important to point out that in this method, Notes are accessed through the parent Task object.
handleReservationNotes = taskId => {
let dataBlob = {}
let sectionIDs = []
let rowIDs = []
let reservations = []
const details = Tasks.getTask(taskId)
Object.values(details.reservations).forEach((reservation, i) => {
reservations.push({ id: reservation.id, lead: reservation.lead_name })
// manage our sections
dataBlob[reservation.id] = reservation.lead_name
// manage our rows
rowIDs[i] = []
Object.values(reservation.notes).forEach((note, j) => {
dataBlob[`${reservation.id}:${j}`] = note
dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRowsAndSections(dataBlob, sectionIDs, rowIDs),
It seems as though I'm properly deleting the note from the database, but my Reservation object seems to be still holding on to it.
How can I successfully delete a Note while updating all the appropriate relationships?