Missing formal parameter on setTimeout function - javascript

I'm currently writing a script in google apps script to get a list of stores in a specific location that meet my text search. I'm trying to set a timeout function for when I'm trying to receive the next page of results from google places api, and for some reason it keeps telling me that error: setTimeout function is missing a formal parameter. I've looked at everything online and the way I have it in my code looks like all the other ways to execute that function. If anyone could help me out that would be great! Thanks!
Here is my setTimeout function
function setTimeout( function(){
while(tempPage != null){
count = count++;
var nxtUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?pagetoken=" + tempPage + "&location=41.661129,-91.530167&radius=8050&key=" + apiKey;
var tempResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(nxtUrl);
var tempJson = tempResponse.getContentText();
tempPage = JSON.parse(tempJson).next_page_token;
Logger.log("Page count: " + count);
for(var j = 0; j < 20; j++){
var tempPlace = JSON.parse(tempJson).results[j];
Logger.log("Name: " + tempPlace.name);
Logger.log("Address: " + tempPlace.formatted_address);
}// end for loop
}// end while loop
}, 3000);

Google apps script does not use the setTimeout function. The solution is to use Utilities.sleep() function instead.
while(tempPage != null){
count = count++;
var nxtUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/textsearch/json?pagetoken=" + tempPage + "&location=41.661129,-91.530167&radius=8050&key=" + apiKey;
var tempResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(nxtUrl);
var tempJson = tempResponse.getContentText();
tempPage = JSON.parse(tempJson).next_page_token;
Logger.log("Page count: " + count);
for(var j = 0; j < 20; j++){
var tempPlace = JSON.parse(tempJson).results[j];
Logger.log("Name: " + tempPlace.name);
Logger.log("Address: " + tempPlace.formatted_address);
}// end for loop
}// end while loop


how to list all local storage on page properly in javascript?

I am trying to show all my localstorage items value on my index page but for some reason it is not showing. can anyone see what I am doing wrong in my code below. In my index page script I am looping thorough the length of local storage and trying to display them on screen, only thing that display is one item. Please help. thanks for your help.
here is my code (index page script):
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
var dataFromLocalStorage = "";
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
dataFromLocalStorage =
dataFromLocalStorage + " " + localStorage.getItem(`key${i}`);
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML = dataFromLocalStorage; // Updating same thing
The other script where I load it to localStorage:
var addToTheContent = document.getElementById("canvas");
var scheduleEvent = document.getElementById("scheduleStartTime");
var candidateId = document.getElementById('candsId');
var getCandId = document.getElementById("candsId");
var displayCandId = candidateId.options[candidateId.selectedIndex].value;
var id = 1;
function addTheEvent() {
var showText = addToTheContent.innerHTML = displayCandId + " ( " + scheduleEvent.value + " ) ";
localStorage.setItem(`key${id}`, JSON.stringify(showText))
id += 1
window.location = "/";
"key${id}" is a template string, you need to use backticks `` instead of quotation marks "".
You could also loop through localStorage as you normally would for most JavaScript objects:
for(var key in localStorage) {
if(localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // ignore the prototype methods
// Do whatever you want with key and value found here
console.log(key + ": " + localStorage[key]);
Typo: Use i instead id
var dataFromLocalStorage = localStorage.getItem(`key${id}`);
var dataFromLocalStorage = `localStorage.getItem("key${i}");
Another thing, You are updating same innerHTML
var dataFromLocalStorage = "";
for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
dataFromLocalStorage =
dataFromLocalStorage + " " + localStorage.getItem(`key${i}`);
document.querySelector("#content").innerHTML = dataFromLocalStorage; // Updating same thing
// do something with localStorage.getItem(localStorage.key(i));
// missing template string 'key${id}'
var id = 1;
function addTheEvent() {
var showText = displayCandId + " ( " + scheduleEvent.value + " ) ";
localStorage.setItem(`key${id}`, JSON.stringify(showText));
id += 1;
window.location = "/";

Pass value to nested parse.com query callback

So, using parse.com, I'm doing some nested queries... basically, getting an object and then retrieving its relations and doing some operations.
success: function (results) {
var pages = [];
for (var result = 0; result < results.length; result++) {
var resArrayLength = pages.push(results[result].toJSON());
var indexOfLastPush = resArrayLength - 1;
console.log("resArrayLength = " + resArrayLength);
pages[indexOfLastPush].scrapeRules = new Array();
console.log("index of last push set to " + indexOfLastPush);
var relation = results[result].relation("RulesForPage");
//get the related scrape rules
success: function (rules) {
console.log("Found " + rules.length + " rules");
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
console.log("rule index = " + i);
console.log("Found rule " + rules[i].id);
pages[indexOfLastPush].AllRules = new Array();
console.log("pushed rule " + rules[i].get("name") + " to page at index " + indexOfLastPush);
The problem I am seeing is that I am trying to indexOfLastPush to track an array index I need, but that value has changed by the time the call back has happened.
How can I pass it to the "success" callback so I have the index I need?
UPDATE: Thanks to #cggaurav for the excellent tip. Why does it seem like the answer to every JavaScript problem is to wrap your code in an anonymous function?
You have to have what is called a closure or an anonymous function for every relation.query() you make. See "More on lexical scoping" | http://mark-story.com/posts/view/picking-up-javascript-closures-and-lexical-scoping

Fetching results from LinkedIn API through javascript

First of all thank you for reading this. I am having some trouble fetching the data given by the Linkedin sign-in API with javascript. Here is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLinkedInAuth() {
function displayProfiles(profiles) {
member = profiles.values[0];
document.getElementById("name").value = member.firstName +" "+ member.lastName;
document.getElementById("pos").value = member.headline;
document.getElementById("city").value = member.location.name;
document.getElementById("sum").value = member.summary;
var i=0;
do {
var oldHTML = document.getElementById('para').innerHTML;
var newHTML = oldHTML + "<tr><td>" + member.educations.values[i].schoolName + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById('para').innerHTML = newHTML;
var v=0;
do {
var oldHTML = document.getElementById('tara').innerHTML;
var newHTML = oldHTML + "<tr><td>" + member.skills.values[v].skill.name + "</td></tr>";
document.getElementById('tara').innerHTML = newHTML;
document.getElementById("educ").value = member.educations.values[1].schoolName;
document.getElementById("skills").value = member.skills.values[0].skill.name;
It's a very basic script to get the user infos and, among it, the educational and professional background of the user. The thing is that member.educations.values[i].schoolName and member.skills.values[v].skill.name can have multiple values and I want to gather them all.
It works as long as the specified fields are not empty but then it outputs an error saying that member.skills.values[v] is undefined and it does not run the second loop.
I know the error is really basic but I'm not that great in javascript.
Thanks for your help anyways, have a good day!
You should check the length of the returned values and then loop through them as needed. Something along the lines of:
var educations = member.educations;
if(educations._total > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < educations._total; i++) {
document.getElementById("educ").value += (i > 0) ? ', ' : '';
document.getElementById("educ").value += educations.values[i].schoolName;

Javascript for loop problems

So I have the following code which i basically just a JSON string I am using eval to convert to an object. Now, this object has an array of elements that gets displayed to the screen via a for loop:
function DisplayListing(str)
var obj = eval("(" + str + ")");
var div = document.getElementById('Response');
for(i=0; i<obj.files.length; i++)
div.innerHTML += '<span id="listing' + i + '" class="displayNone"><img src="' + obj.files[i].icon + '"/>' + obj.files[i].name + '</span><br />';
This works just fine. However, what I want it to do is wait a set interval of time before it continues to the next element. I want to it basically call a function with a timeout, so each element fades onto the screen individually. All attempts so far on cause the last element to execute a function. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
var obj = {files: [1, 2, 3]}; // sample object - use JSON.parse by the way
var div = document.getElementById('Response');
for(var i=0; i<obj.files.length; i++) { // use var!
setTimeout((function(i) {
return function() { // i changes, so create a new function in which i does not change
div.innerHTML +=
'<span id="listing' + i +
'" class="displayNone">' + i +
'</span><br />';
})(i), i * 1000); // set timeout to 1000 ms for first item, 2000 for second etc.
you have manually create a sleep function something like the below:
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){
or you create an empty function and use the setTimeout on it
function sleep()
setTimeout(Func1, 3000);

Jquery help needed- infinite loop?

i have a problem with this code:
var par = [];
$('a[name]').each(function() {
if (($(this).attr('name')).indexOf("searchword") == -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < par.length; i++) {
$(".content").append('<a id="par" href="#' + par[i] + '">' + par[i] + '</a><br />');
It causes ie and firefox to popup the warning window "Stop running this script". But it happens only when there is a very very large amount of data on page. Any ideas how to fix it?
Your code should look like this:
var par = [];
$('a[name]').each(function() {
if (($(this).attr('name')).indexOf("searchword") == -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < par.length; i++) {
$(".content").append('<a id="par" href="#' + par[i] + '">' + par[i] + '</a><br />');
There is no reason for the second loop to be inside the first - that will just cause a lot of unneeded work.
You can make this code a bit simpler by removing the par array and the second loop, and just creating the content inside the first loop:
$('a[name]').each(function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
if (name.indexOf("searchword") == -1) {
$(".content").append('<a id="par" href="#' + name + '">' + name + '</a><br />');
Browsers run all javascript (and most page interaction) on a single thread. When you run a long loop like this with no interruptions, the UI is totally frozen. You should try to make your algorithm have to do less, but in case that's not possible you can use this trick where you do a bit of work, then pause and give the browser control of the UI thread for a bit, then do more work.
var $targets = $('a[name]');
var current = 0;
var i = 0;
function doSomeWork() {
if (i == $targets.length) return;
var $t = $targets[i];
if (($t.attr('name')).indexOf("searchword") == -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < par.length; i++) {
$(".content").append('<a id="par" href="#' + par[i] + '">' + par[i] + '</a><br />');
window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);
This does one iteration of your loop in a function before yielding. It might be a good idea to do more than just one in a function call, but you can experiment with that. An article on this idea: http://www.julienlecomte.net/blog/2007/10/28/
