Vue, basing link in href off of the method completing first - javascript

I'm trying to figure out how to reconcile this, but I have a button in Vue calling a function, which works, but it's taking more than a few seconds to complete and the href link to the next page happens first about half the time.
Is there a way to make this so that the button called method has to get a 200 success back in order for the href link to be triggered?
<button #click="changeStatus(dateEvent)" type="button" class=" taskButton btn-default">
<a v-bind:href="'/task/' + dateEvent.taskt_id + '/progress'" style="color:white;">Accept Task</a>
methods: {
changeStatus: function(dateEvent) {
//console.log(dateEvent.status, dateEvent.taskt_id)
let data = {
id: dateEvent.taskt_id,
status: 'P'

You need programmatic navigation (vue router if you want) and async/await:
You could do it without the router in vanilla js as well:
methods: {
async changeStatus(dateEvent) {
await this.myAsyncFunction(); // your function that takes two seconds to complete
let data = {
id: dateEvent.task_id,
status: 'P'
var route = '/task/' + dateEvent.task_id + '/progress'"
<button #click="changeStatus(dateEvent)" type="button" class=" taskButton btn-default">
<a style="color:white;">Accept Task</a>


Passing the parameter via an automatically generated JavaScript link to the controller

I have a problem with passing the parameter via the link to the controller. The view in which I have a problem is to dynamically display the list of users, along with the possibility of searching for them. I did this part in js and it works fine. In this functionality in js I generate a link to the buttons, so that later, after pressing the button, you can save the selection in the database. Each link has an assigned user ID and user group ID. My problem is that when I press the button, nothing happens.
The following code represents the functionality described above. I would be very grateful for your help.
#if(ViewData[Enums.States.UserSelectWindow.ToString()].ToString() == "True")
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#UserlistCollectionId").css('height', $("#WindowUserSelectId").height() + 'px');
let users = #Html.Raw(Json.Serialize(UserModel.GetUsers()));
function Clear() {
function FillAll(users) {
for (user of users) {
$("#UserlistCollectionId").append('<li class="list-group-item"><div class="row justify-content-between"><div class="col-auto">' + + '</div><div class="col-auto"><a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" asp-action="AddUserToGroup" asp-controller="Settings" asp-route-groupId=#Model.Group.Id asp-route-userId=''>Wybierz</a></div></div></li>');
$("#SearchInputId").keyup(function () {
let searchValue = $("#SearchInputId").val();
if (searchValue === "")
else {
for (user of users) {
if ( {
$("#UserlistCollectionId").append('<li class="list-group-item"><div class="row justify-content-between"><div class="col-auto">' + + '</div><div class="col-auto"><a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" asp-route-groupId=#Model.Group.Id asp-route-userId=''>Wybierz</a></div></div></li>');
In the above code, automatic link generation is performed using JQuery as follows:
$("#UserlistCollectionId").append('<li class="list-group-item"><div class="row justify-content-between"><div class="col-auto">' + + '</div><div class="col-auto"><a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" asp-route-groupId=#Model.Group.Id asp-route-userId=''>Wybierz</a></div></div></li>');
Unfortunately it doesn't work. In the inspection of the page you can see that the tag "a" does not have the attribute "href", only automatically puts all the code in quotes:
Screen of the html fragment in the browser
Firstly, you need read the doc about what does asp-route-{value} generate the url:
Any value occupying the {value} placeholder is interpreted as a potential route parameter. If a default route isn't found, this route prefix is appended to the generated href attribute as a request parameter and value
(/home/index?value=aaa). Otherwise, it's substituted in the route template. More explantion you could refer to the document.
Secondly, you do not specify the controller and action name, so the url will generate depending on your request url. That is to say, if the tag helper exists in Home/Privacy.cshtml, it will generate to:href="/home/privacy?value=aa".
Finally, Tag Helpers are interpreted. In other words, Razor must see them as actual tags in order to replace them. So what you did in js will not follow the tag helper generation principle, it's just a JS string. You need change the url like below:
<a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" href="/home/index?groupId=' +#Model.Group.Id+'&userId=' +'">Wybierz</a>
If the url matches the default route template, the url may like below:
<a class="btn btn-sm btn-success" href="/home/index/' +#Model.Group.Id+'/' +'">Wybierz</a>

routerlink = "functionName()" invoked immediately upon page load

My component's html is this:
<div id="summary">
<div *ngFor="let question of thisSurvey">
<span class="badge">#{{question.questionNumber}}</span>
<p>Your answer: {{question.questionAnswer}}</p>
<button class="btn btn-danger yes-no-btn" routerLink="/survey">Go Back</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" [routerLink]="submitSurvey()" routerLinkActive="active">Finish</button> <!-- Issue here -->
When the page loads, submitSurvey is invoked immediately, and is then constantly invoked. This is submitSurvey:
// Send the answers back to the api for processing
submitSurvey() {
// Make sure everything is answered
const allOKClientSide: boolean = this.surveyService.checkEntireForm(this.thisSurvey);
if (allOKClientSide) {
if (this.surveyService.checkFormOnline(this.thisSurvey).subscribe()) {
return '/placeOne';
return '/placeTwo';
The method begins to hit the service immediately and continues until I kill the server. How do I keep the function from being invoked until the button is clicked? I'm new to Angular and am probably just making a rookie mistake, if so you may point that out as well. Thanks in advance.
[routerLink] is an Input, note the []. So Angular will resolve that immediately and every change detection cycle, to satisfy the template. You want to use (click) which is an Output, note the () and will only call when the button is clicked. Then instead of returning the url on the submitSurvey() function call router.navigate() (inject the router first.)
<button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="submitSurvey()" routerLinkActive="active">Finish</button>
constructor(private router: Router) { }
public submitSurvey(): void {
// Make sure everything is answered
const allOKClientSide: boolean = this.surveyService.checkEntireForm(this.thisSurvey);
if (allOKClientSide) {
if (this.surveyService.checkFormOnline(this.thisSurvey).subscribe()) {
You want your method to be called when the button is clicked. You can do this by using (clicK):
Instead of
Then you use the router in your class to do the navigation:
constructor(private router: Router) {}
submitSurvey() {
// ...

Reload changed content created via ng-repeat without refreshing whole page

I'm currently trying to do the following, unfortunately without any success:
Basically, I have an array of objects, where for every object a button is created dynamically via the ng-repeat directive. When clicking a button, a new object is appended to the mentioned array (data will be sent to the server via api calls, the server will update the list internally and send the new array with the new object appended back to the view).
The same goes for deleting elements from that array.
Here's a little sample code of what I mean:
<span ng-repeat="x in allElements">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="elementButtons">{{}}</button>
There will be as many buttons as elements in $scope.allElements.
Then there's also this button, which basically causes the array to be reset to 0 elements:
<button id="clearAllElements" type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
data-toggle="button" ng-click="deleteAllElements()">Clear all</button>
The $scope.deleteAllElements() function calls the api to delete all elements from the server and fetches the new (empty) array from the server assigning it to $scope.allElements.
Now, how can I update the view without having to refresh the whole page such that only the created buttons are reloaded?
Thanks for any answers in advance,
This is the function that is called when an element is to be added:
$scope.addElement = function(elementName) {
if ($scope.checkElementName(elementName)) {
var data = {"name": elementName.toUpperCase(),
"type": /*retrieve type of element from html element*/}
$"api/addElement/", JSON.stringify(data))
.then(function(response) {
$scope.allElements =; //the api call adds the element in the backend and returns an array with all elements appended the new one. This SHOULD refresh the view of all element buttons, but doesn't.
.catch(function(response) {
console.log("something went wrong adding element " + elementName);
.then(function(response) {
$('#newElementModal').modal('hide'); //#newElementModal is the modal that pops up when clicking a button to add a new element. here the name and type of the element are set and used in the api call above to add the element. Basically, when the modal hides, the view of all buttons should be refreshed.
} else {
console.log("invalid identifier of element.");
As far as I've understood, the .then() calls are asynchronous. But, if there are only .then() calls following the api call, this should not be a problem, right?
You should not have to worry about resfreshing the page. If your view is connected to the controller whose $scope is updated by the API calls adding and deleting elements, your view will adapt and display the new content.
For what it's worth, here's a snippet showing how it could work. Minus the API calls that add / delete data.
angular.module('dummyApp', [])
.controller('DummyController', function($scope) {
$scope.allElements = [
{ id : 1, name : "Joe"},
{ id : 2, name : "John"},
{ id : 3, name : "Jane"},
{ id : 4, name : "Alice"},
$scope.deleteAllElements = function () {
// deleting elements empties the $scope.allElements array
$scope.allElements.length = 0;
$scope.addElement = function () {
var element = {
id : generateId(),
name : 'whatever'
// new elements are pushed into the $scope.allElements array
function generateId() {
return Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="dummyApp" ng-controller="DummyController">
<span ng-repeat="x in allElements">
<button class="btn btn-primary" id="elementButtons">{{}}</button>
<button id="clearAllElements" type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
data-toggle="button" ng-click="deleteAllElements()">Clear all</button>
<button id="clearAllElements" type="button" class="btn btn-danger"
data-toggle="button" ng-click="addElement()">Add</button>
use trackby to update the view without refreshing the whole page
Just assign new response data from your server to $scope.allElements and it will be refreshed without reloading page.

Dynamic attribute value element locator in Protractor

When I add a new button with some value it gets dynamically added into DOM. Non-Angular HTML element for this button is:
<li class="ui-state-default droppable ui-sortable-handle" id="element_98" data-value="2519">
25.19 EUR
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default removeParent">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" aria-hidden="true">
Once I remove this button I want to check it is not present anymore. Element that I'm searching for is data-value="2519"and this could be anything I set, like for example 2000, 1000, 500, 1050,...
In page object file I have tried to use the following:
this.newValueButtonIsNotPresent = function(item) {
newValueButton = browser.element("containerQUICK_ADD_POINTS")).all(by.css('[data-value="' + item + '"]'));
return newValueButton.not.isPresent();
And in spec file I call this function as follows:
var twentyEurosButtonAttributeValue = '2000';
it ("...
I know this is not correct, but how I can achieve something like that or is there another way?
Stupid me, I found a simple solution. Instead dynamically locating an element I located the first on the list, which is always the one, which was newly added and then checked if it's text does not match:
Page object file:
this.newValueButtonIsNotPresent = function() {
newValueButton = browser.element("containerQUICK_ADD_POINTS")).all(by.tagName('li')).first();
return newValueButton.getText();
Spec file:
// verify element 20.00 EUR is not present
predefined.newValueButtonIsNotPresent().then(function(value) {

Bootsrap 3 Remote Modal Send Variable

currently I am working on modification Remote Modal (show href in modal).
<a id="btnAdd" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" role="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#DetailModal" data-tot="60" href="http://urlmodal">
on javascript I have
$('#DetailModal').on("", function (e) {
I wanna to catch variable "data-tot" in link (button), but it result undefined. either $(e.relatedTarget).data('tot') or $(e).data('tot') result undefined.
Found it, I need to iterate show then loaded to catch then put in remote modal
$('#DetailModal').on("", function (e) {
var dtot = $(e.relatedTarget).data('tot');
$('#DetailModal').on("", function (e) {
