The Backend has an end-point called api/Options/GetEmailMessageTemplate, it returns objects which has this schema:
messageType: string, Enum: [ ConfirmationEmail,
ConfirmationTransaction, RecoveryPassword, SetupAdminAccount, ConfirmationApiKey, ConfirmationDepositTransaction ]
language: string, Enum: [ En, Ru, Zh, Es, Et ]
subject: string,
template: string,
isUsed: boolean
e.g. response:
"messageType": 1,
"language": "En",
"subject": "string",
"template": "string",
"isUsed": true
here is another end-point to edit it api/Options/Options/UpdateEmailMessageTemplate which consumes json with the same schema as above. messageType might be either number of an element in Enum or Enum value (e.g. 'ConfirmationEmail')
On the Frontend to list all the data and be able to change it I came up with this approach:
I made an strictly ordered array:
messageTypes: [
name: 'Confirmation Email',
success: false,
Success is required to show if the change of this template was successful
I get messageTypeas a number id from backend, I just used it as index in my array (so, for this to work my array must be ordered in the exactly same way Enum of that field is ordered ), to get the name of that messageType and operate with success field
3.api/Options/Options/UpdateEmailMessageTemplate gets messageType using index of the currently being edited element (indexOf)
While this approach worked as was expected I can't help but think there was a better way to handle this.
I would like to hear if there are better practices to handle that
Based on my understanding, you are wanting a way to work with a friendly list of values as well as their id's. One approach would be to create two separate classes. This would enable you to feed the raw response to a single model and you can add whichever methods are needed to translate id > name or the other way around.
You could probably get a little more fancier and use get/set but I'm still a little foggy on the requirements. But, here's an approach that I would take:
* Create a class that knows how to translate it
* Bonus points: this could be populated via your endpoint
* that returns your enum list so you don't have to keep
* updating it if there's a change on the backend
class MessageType {
constructor(messageType) { = messageType;
const messageTypes = [
]; = messageTypes[];
* Create a class / model for your response.
* This will enable you to add any methods
* needed for translating things how you need
* them. For example, you might want a method
* to convert your model into what the backend
* expects.
class MessageTemplate {
constructor(response) {
this.messageType = new MessageType(response.messageType);
this.language = response.language;
this.subject = response.subject;
this.template = response.template;
this.isUsed = response.isUsed;
getJsonPayloadForBackend() {
const payload = { ...this };
payload.messageType =;
return payload;
// Usage
const template = new MessageTemplate({
"messageType": 2,
"language": "En",
"subject": "string",
"template": "string",
"isUsed": true
console.log('data to send to backend', template.getJsonPayloadForBackend())
I have been spending hours trying to debug this error. I am using Node, Joi and Oracledb. When I attempted to make a POST request to insert my data from the payload of the request to my table, it gives me the error: NJS-012: encountered invalid bind data type in parameter 2. Nothing I did has been productive to fix the issue. What did I do wrong to cause this issue? The code I use to update my table is in this manager:
async function create(payload) {
try {
return await MassRepublishJob.query().insertAndFetch(payload)
} catch (error) {
log.error(`Error while creating mass republish jobs with payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`, error)
This manager code is called from controller code:
async save(request, reply) {
const instance = await massRepublishJobManager.create(request.payload)
This controller is the handler of my POST route:
method: 'POST',
path: `/${root}`,
config: {
tags: ['api'],
description: 'Create new mass republish job',
notes: 'You can create a mass republish job by either sending a list of content ids or send an object of search querys',
validate: {
payload: {
counts: Joi.object().example(Joi.object({
total: Joi.number().example(1),
completed: Joi.number().example(1),
failed: Joi.number().example(0),
queued: Joi.number().example(0),
type: Joi.string().example('manual'),
content_ids: Joi.array().items(Joi.number().example(11111)),
search_query: Joi.object().example(Joi.object({
query: Joi.string().example('string'),
republishing_reason: Joi.string().example('string'),
duration: Joi.number().example(0),
And finally, I set up the table as described in this sql file, the fields "creation_date", "last_update_date", "created_by", "last_updated_by" are the field of the base model. This model extends that base models with extra fields: "counts", "type", "content_ids", "search_query", "republishing_reason", "duration"
CREATE TABLE wwt_atc_api.mass_republish_jobs (
counts CLOB DEFAULT('{}') CHECK(counts IS JSON), -- JSON object of
counts: each has completed, failed, total, queued
type VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, -- right now only support 'manual' but can be more in the future
content_ids CLOB DEFAULT('[]'),
search_query CLOB DEFAULT('{}') CHECK(search_query IS JSON), -- JSON object of query: each has field, operator, value
republishing_reason VARCHAR(255),
creation_date DATE NOT NULL,
last_update_date DATE NOT NULL,
created_by NUMBER NOT NULL,
last_updated_by NUMBER NOT NULL
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON WWT_ATC_API.mass_republish_jobs TO wwt_cf_atc_api;
Knex instance also prints out this debugging message:
method: 'insert',
options: {},
timeout: false,
cancelOnTimeout: false,
bindings: [
[ { id: 11111 } ],
ReturningHelper { columnName: 'ID' }
__.knexQueryUid: 'c5885af0-f325-11ec-a4bd-05b5ac65699c',
"REPUBLISHING_REASON", "SEARCH_QUERY", "TYPE") values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
returning "ID" into ?',
outBinding: [ [ 'ID' ] ],
returning: [ 'ID' ]
I would really appreciate any helps to get me debug this error.
The issue here is that CONTENT_IDS is not being stringified by Knex because the value is an array. This is a well known issue with Knex that occurs because its QueryBuilder does not have any metadata to determine what format it needs to convert a given binding value into in order for that value to be acceptable to underlying driver/database. Typically objects are stringified but arrays are left as is -hence the inconsistent behavior you are seeing in the bindings. The developers of Knex thus recommend stringifying all JSON values before passing them to the QueryBuilder.
In order to ensure that stringification always properly occurs on JSON values, you should define jsonAttributes on your MassRepublishJob Objection Model.
class MassRepublishJob extends Model {
static get jsonAttributes() {
return ["counts", "content_ids","search_query"];
This will ensure both that your model stringifies these values before binding and that it parses the stringified JSON when mapping rows from the database.
In addition, you can use the $parseJson or $toDatabaseJson lifecycle methods to manually modify how the Objection Model will bind arguments before any queries are run. You can further utilize objection helpers like val,raw and fn in $parseJson for fine grained control on how values for your model properties are bound.
import {fn, ...} from "objection"
class MassRepublishJobs extends Model {
$parseJson(json: Pojo, opt: ModelOptions) {
const superJson = super.$parseJson(json, opt);
superJson.job_id = randomUUID();
// will format sql with: to_date(?,?) and safely bind the arguments
superJson.creation_date = fn('to_date',new Date().toIsoString(),dateFormat);
return superJson;
EDIT: Re-structured question, cleaer, and cleaner:
I have a data object from Sequelize that is sent by node-express:
"page": 0,
"limit": 10,
"total": 4,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"title": "movies",
"isActive": true,
"createdAt": "2020-05-30T19:26:04.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-05-30T19:26:04.000Z",
"questions": [
"questionsCount": 4
The BIG question is, how do I get the value of questionsCount?
The PROBLEM is, I just can't extract it, these two methods give me undefined result:
I WAS ABLE to get it using toJSON() (From Sequelize lib I think), like so:
But I'd like to know the answer to the question, or at least a clear explanation of why do I have to use toJSON() just to get the questionsCount?
More context:
I have this GET in my controller:
exports.getCategories = (req, res) => {
const page = myUtil.parser.tryParseInt(, 0)
const limit = myUtil.parser.tryParseInt(req.query.limit, 10)
where: {},
include: [
model: db.Question,
as: "questions",
attributes: [[db.Sequelize.fn('COUNT', 'id'), 'questionsCount']]
offset: limit * page,
limit: limit,
order: [["id", "ASC"]],
.then(data => {
data.rows.forEach(function(category) {
console.log("------ May 31 ----> " + JSON.stringify(category.questions[0]) + " -->" + category.questions[0].hasOwnProperty('questionsCount'))
res.json(myUtil.response.paging(data, page, limit))
.catch(err => {
console.log("Error get categories: " + err.message)
message: "An error has occured while retrieving data."
I loop through the data.rows to get each category object.
The console.log outputs are:
------ May 31 ----> {"questionsCount":4} -->false
By default, the results of all finder methods are instances of the model class (as opposed to being just plain JavaScript objects). This means that after the database returns the results, Sequelize automatically wraps everything in proper instance objects. In a few cases, when there are too many results, this wrapping can be inefficient. To disable this wrapping and receive a plain response instead, pass { raw: true } as an option to the finder method.
(emphasis by me)
Or directly in the source code,
#returns {Promise<{count: number, rows: Model[]}>}
So the thing is that you get an array of Model objects which you could navigate with their get() method. It's an unfortunate coincidence that you expected an array, and got an array so you thought it is "that" array. Try the {raw:true} thing, I guess it looks something like this:
where: {},
include: [
model: db.Question,
as: "questions",
attributes: [[db.Sequelize.fn('COUNT', 'id'), 'questionsCount']]
offset: limit * page,
limit: limit,
order: [["id", "ASC"]],
raw: true // <--- hopefully it is this simple
}) [...]
toJSON() is nearby too,
* Convert the instance to a JSON representation.
* Proxies to calling `get` with no keys.
* This means get all values gotten from the DB, and apply all custom getters.
* #see
* {#link Model#get}
* #returns {object}
toJSON() {
return _.cloneDeep(
plain: true
So it worked exactly because it did what you needed, removed the get() stuff and provided an actual JavaScript object matching your structure (POJSO? - sorry, I could not resist). I rarely use it and thus always forget, but the key background "trick" is that a bit contrary to its name, toJSON() is not expected to create the actual JSON string, but to provide a replacement object which still gets stringified by JSON.stringify(). (
try to do so[0].questions.questionCount
As mentioned by others already, you need[0].questions[0].questionCount.
Let me add to that by showing you why. Look at your object, I annotated it with how each part would be accessed:
category = { // category
"page": 0,
"limit": 10,
"total": 2,
"data": [ //
{ //[0]
"id": 1,
"title": "movies",
"createdAt": "2020-05-30T19:26:04.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-05-30T19:26:04.000Z",
"questions": [ //[0].questions
{ //[0].questions[0]
"questionCount": 2 //[0].questions[0].questionCount
"questionsCount": "newValue here!"
try this[0].questions[0].questionCount
the reason why you have to use toJSON is because it's sometimes it is used to customise the stringification behavior. like doing some calculation before assinging the value to the object that will be returned , so it is most likley been used here to calculate the "numb of questions and then return an object with the property questionscount and the number calculated
so the object you retreived more or less looks like this
var cathegory = {
data: 'data',
// some calulation here to get the questionsCount
toJSON () {
return {"questionsCount":this.result}
console.log(cathegory.questions[0].toJSON().questionsCount) //4
console.log(JSON.stringify(cathegory)) // {"data":"data","questions":[{"questionsCount":4}]}
console.log("------ May 31 ----> " + JSON.stringify(cathegory.questions[0]) + " -->" + cathegory.questions[0].hasOwnProperty('questionsCount')) //false
I have a JSONB column in DB.
I'd like to have request to DB where I can check if some value in this JSON it true or false:
FROM table
WHERE ("json_column"->'data'->>'data2')::boolean = true AND id = '00000000-1111-2222-3333-456789abcdef'
So, my sequelize request:
const someVariableWithColumnName = 'data2';
where: {
[`$("json_column"->'data'->>'${someVariableWithColumnName}')::boolean$`]: true,
id: someIdVariable,
order: [/* some order, doesn't matter */],
And sequelize generate bad result like:
FROM table
WHERE "(json_column"."->'data'->>'data2')::boolean" = true AND id = '00000000-1111-2222-3333-456789abcdef'
Split my column by . and add " to every element.
Any idea how to get rid of adding " to the column in where condition?
Here is my query with sequelize.literal():
const someVariableWithColumnName = 'data2';
where: {
[sequelize.literal(`$("json_column"->'data'->>'${someVariableWithColumnName}')::boolean$`)]: true,
id: someIdVariable,
order: [/* some order, doesn't matter */],
You can use Sequelize.literal() to avoid spurious quotes. IMHO, wrapping the json handling in a db function might also be helpful.
I just came across a similar use case.
I believe you can use the static sequelize.where method in combination with sequelize.literal.
Here is the corresponding documentation in sequelize API reference:
And here is an example (although I will admit hard to find) in the regular documentation:
In the end for your specific sit try something like this:
const someVariableWithColumnName = 'data2';
where: {
[Op.and]: [
// We provide the virtual column sql as the first argument of sequelize.where with sequelize.literal.
// We provide the matching condition as the second argument of sequelize.where, with the usual sequelize syntax.
sequelize.where(sequelize.literal(`$("json_column"->'data'->>'${someVariableWithColumnName}')::boolean$`), { [Op.eq]: true }),
{ id: someIdVariable }
I'm trying to achieve a "getOrCreate" behavior using "findAndModify".
I'm working in nodejs using the native driver.
I have:
var matches = db.collection("matches");
users: {
$all: [ userA_id, userB_id ]
lang: lang,
category_id: category_id
[[ "_id", "asc"]], //order
$setOnInsert: {
users: [userA_id, userB_id],
category_id: category_id,
lang: lang,
status: 0
}, function(err, doc){
//Do something with doc
What i was trying to do is:
"Find specific match with specified users, lang and category... if not found, insert a new one with specified data"
Mongo is throwing this error:
Error getting/creating match { [MongoError: exception: cannot infer query fields to set, path 'users' is matched twice]
name: 'MongoError',
message: 'exception: cannot infer query fields to set, path \'users\' is matched twice',
errmsg: 'exception: cannot infer query fields to set, path \'users\' is matched twice',
code: 54,
ok: 0 }
Is there a way to make it work?
It's impossible?
Thank you :)
It's not the "prettiest" way to handle this, but current restrictions on the selection operators mean you would need to use a JavaScript expression with $where.
Substituting your vars for values for ease of example:
"$where": function() {
var match = [1,2];
return this.users.filter(function(el) {
return match.indexOf(el) != -1;
}).length >= 2;
"lang": "en",
"category_id": 1
"$setOnInsert": {
"users": [1,2],
"lang": "en",
"category_id": 1
"new": true,
"upsert": true
function(err,doc) {
// do something useful here
As you might suspect, the "culprit" here is the positional $ operator, even though your operation does not make use of it.
And the problem specifically is because of $all which is looking for the possible match at "two" positions in the array. In the event that a "positional" operator was required, the engine cannot work out ( presently ) which position to present. The position should arguably be the "first" match being consistent with other operations, but it is not currently working like that.
Replacing the logic with a JavaScript expression circumvents this as the JavaScript logic cannot return a matched position anyway. That makes the expression valid, and you can then either "create" and array with the two elements in a new document or retrieve the document that contains "both" those elements as well as the other query conditions.
P.S Little bit worried about your "sort" here. You may have added it because it is "mandatory" to the method, however if you do possibly expect this to match "more than one" document and need "sort" to work out which one to get then your logic is slightly flawed.
When doing this to "find or create" then you really need to specifiy "all" of the "unique" key constraints in your query. If you don't then you are likely to run into duplicate key errors down the track.
Sort can in fact be an empty array if you do not actually need to "pick" a result from many.
Just something to keep in mind.
I have a remote schema "person.json", saved on another file.
"properties": {
"name": {"type":"string"},
"gender": {
"enum":["m", "f"]
"age": {"type":"number"}
"additionalProperties": false
And I have a "man.json" schema, being this one my original schema.
"properties": {
"required": ["name"],
"additionalProperties": false
I want to use the properties: "name, gender, etc" from person.json at the same level as the properties: "beard, moustache" from man.json.
Example for validation
name: 'John',
gender: 'm',
age: 29,
beard: false,
moustache: true
I want to validate the previously shown example, as you see, with all the properties at the same level (not nested).
Is this possible? If yes, how? Thank you very much.
You want to use the allOf keyword, combined with $ref:
"id": "/schemas/man.json",
"allOf": [{"$ref": "person.json"}],
(Note: This is v4. In v3, the same thing was called extends.)
In plain English, it says "Every instance following Man schema must also follow the Person schema".
The bigger issue is in fact your use of additionalPropeties. Since person.json bans additional properties, any instance with a "beard" property is actually not a valid Person. If you're going to be extending Person, I advise you remove the constraint banning additional properties.
(Note: this behaviour is the subject of some conflict in the JSON Schema community, but this is what's in the specs.)
I'm guessing a piece of data cannot satisfy two schemas at once, so you'll need to create a third schema which combines them and validate against that.
var personSchema = JSON.parse(person_json);
var manSchema = JSON.parse(man_json)
for (var personProp in {[personProp] =[personProp];
var manPersonSchema = JSON.stringify(manSchema);