I'm looking for an easier way to look at product images.
Currently I individually search for them from a spreadsheet list. This feels tedious so I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically generate this list as main product images in a html file just. I'd just need to reference the website and the list of codes to crawl then.
Thanks for your help
J :)
I don't have any specific js hoping you have some cool idea
here is a screenshot of the spreadsheet
I can’t get my purchased script to work, and I don’t know what to do.
On menu page "Célula" I need to display a map with locations exactly like this one: http://www.igrejabatistadobosque.com.br/mapa-de-localizacao/
What have I done so far:
Bought the plugin at CodeCanyon
Upload the files to the server
Activate the plugin in wordpress admin panel
Get the key at google places API
Set the database info for connection
Set the database field names / mapping
Click “save” in every item from de POI Admin panel
And after all this it still doesn't work. The CSS files didn't load by itself. I had to manually add the file at my code. The js files looks the same.
When I manually add this script at the head of my code the map is shown but in the middle of the ocean and without the configuration I have made in the admin page:
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&language=pt-BR"></script>
The parallax effect on the quote blocks stops when I add this line above.
Can someone help me? The support hasn't answered my questions.
I would like to embed a chart in a wordpress post.
I am using the script generated by using the publish function in google sheets.
If I add the generated script to a generic html page, I can see the chart.
If I add the generated script to a wordpress post, I get the following error:
"All series on a given axis must be of the same data type×"
Do I need to modify the script or something else in the wordpress page to correctly visualize the chart?
here is the code generated by Google-sheets:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/static/modules/gviz/1.0/chart.js"> {"dataSourceUrl":"//docs.google.com/spreadsheet/tq?key=0AgtmZPWzQ7lldEt2S2VLajBRQVNFLV9pRFY2bTRQLVE&transpose=0&headers=1&range=A2%3AB1010&gid=0&pub=1","options":{"titleTextStyle":{"bold":true,"color":"#000","fontSize":16},"curveType":"","animation":{"duration":500},"width":1270,"lineWidth":2,"hAxis":{"useFormatFromData":true,"title":"Data","minValue":null,"viewWindowMode":null,"viewWindow":null,"maxValue":null},"vAxes":[{"useFormatFromData":true,"title":"\u00b5g/m\u00b3","minValue":null,"logScale":false,"viewWindow":{"max":null,"min":null},"maxValue":null},{"useFormatFromData":true,"minValue":null,"logScale":false,"viewWindow":{"max":null,"min":null},"maxValue":null}],"booleanRole":"certainty","title":"Via Ariosto, SO2","height":469,"interpolateNulls":false,"legend":"right","focusTarget":"series","useFirstColumnAsDomain":false,"tooltip":{"trigger":"none"}},"state":{},"view":{},"isDefaultVisualization":false,"chartType":"LineChart","chartName":"Chart 1"} </script>
Another option is to use a WordPress plugin explicitly designed for integrating with the Google Charts API. The Inline Google Spreadsheet Viewer plugin for WordPresss uses a Google Spreadsheet as a datasource and lets you easily display that data in any of a number of Google Charts and graph visualizations.
SHORT: my python code generates a webpage with a table. i'm considering rewriting it to generate a js file instead, that holds the table contents in an array ... and then let the table be generated client-side. I am not sure of the pros and cons. Anyone care to offer their experience/insight? Are there other solutions?
LONG: the web page contains a single table and an embedded gmap. the table is a set of locations with several columns of location-stats and also two navigation columns. one nav column consists of onclicks that will recenter embedded gmap to the lat,lon of the location. the other nav column consists of hrefs that open a new window with a gmap centered on the lat,lon.
Until recently, my python code would do some number crunching on a list of files, and then generate the html file. also i wrote a js file that keeps the webpage liquid upon browser window resizing.
Recently, I modified my python code so that it:
placed the lat,lon info in a custom attribute of the tr elements
no longer produced the nav column tds
and then wrote a js function that
loops through the trs onLoad
reads the lat,lon from the custom attribute
inserts the nav tds
fwiw, this reduced the size of the html file by 70% while increasing the js by 10%.
ok, so now I am debating if I should go all the way and write my python code to generate 2 files
an essentially abstract html file
a js file containing a js array of the locations and their stats
If your API can output a JSON document with your data, you gain significant flexibility and future-proofing. This might even be something your users will want to access directly for their own external consumption. And of course your JS code can easily generate a table from this data.
However nobody here can tell you whether this is worth doing or not, as that depends entirely on the scope of your project and opportunity cost of time spent re-architecting.
I need a script in Jquery for select a sub-menu in another special javascript menu.Every sub-menu there are new content,and for this that I would like make an automatic switcher. Naturally in that page (Of the menu) there are some scripts embed:
functions.js -> link text
util.js -> link text
JSONREQUEST.js -> link text
category.js -> link text
I think that solution is in category.js, because there's a function named updatepage()
P.S: I can use also the 'function' of browser, javascript: "SCRIPT FOR SWITCH";
Images below:
Its seems actually similar to pagination using jquery/php/mysql.
i am considering it to be like jquery/php/mysql,
When you click the number, it try to pull data from db using php and send it back to javascript. javascript will load the content on fixed area asynchronously. every thing number change produce called again.
here are some quick tutorials
Pagination with jQuery, MySQL and PHP.
How To Create A Simple Pagination System Using jQuery, PHP and mySQL
Ajax Pagination With Jquery,PHP,Mysql