I'm struggling to determine what dropdown element is selected - javascript

I am trying to display input fields when the user selects a certain element from the dropdown component. I tried to do this by adding an eventListener onto the dropdown component but this does not seem to work.
When I inspect the page and go to sources -> event listener breakpoint I see that it detects the mouse click event but when I try to add an eventListener I get the following error "Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null". This is the code for the dropdown component:
PlaceHSolder: "",
Name:"The color of the car",
Label: 'The color of the car',
Fields: ['id', 'color'],
{"id":"1", "color":"red",id: '1red'},
{"id":"2", "color":"blue",id: '2blue'},
{"id":"3", "color":"green",id: '3green'}
LabelField: 'color',
ValueField: 'id',
IsSingle: true,
triggerAction: 'all' ,
queryParam: 'q',
queryMode: 'remote',
listeners: {
select: function () {
console.log( this.getValue());
renderTo: document.body
Required: false
I am unsure as to what exactly is wrong in my code as I am relatively new. To give a more clear explanation of what I want to do, here is a picture:
In this picture I have a dropdown component where I want to select the blue element. After that I am planning to let go the dropdown and show various other labels and components depending on which text the user selects.
Using the inspection tool in Google Chrome shows me the following error:
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Ext JS Grid Filters in Header checkbox not working

I am trying to implement filtering in my grid.Panel component. The filtering works fine (date, string and numbers) but I can not uncheck the "Filters" checkbox by clicking on it. As far as I have seen in the Ext js documentation there is nothing that I should add extra to be able to uncheck the Filters checkbox (see image below)
When I click on the Filters checkbox, nothing happens, no error also. The only way to disable this particular "Wholesaler" filter is if I go to the text box and remove the entry. This of course would be just fine, but at the date filters, I also can not click the checkbox and thus can not remove the filter once applied (see image below) The only way to remove it is to refresh the page.
I am using Ext JS version 5.1.2, and here is the sample code:
dataIndex: 'Wholesaler',
text: 'Wholesaler',
filter: {
type: 'string'
And the Panel componenet itself:
Ext.apply(this, {
region: 'center',
api: new Dextop.api('sample'),
border: false,
plugins: 'gridfilters',
columns: sample.getController().getGridColumns(),
storeOptions: {
autoLoad: false
Any help is appreciated!

EXTJS 5.1 TreeGrid / TreeStore appendChild

I have a tree grid displaying groups and their children (there isn't nested groups inside groups, just plain children).
One column of the tree grid is a widget column. I saw in the documentation that the 'widget' property of a widget column could be a Ext.Widget or any Ext.component.
As I needed to display two buttons and one combobox in the column, I specified the widget of the widget column to be like this:
widget: {
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'column',
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
xtype: 'combo',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'id'
xtype: 'button'
This works just fine. Now I use some custom filters by applying them on the treeStore of the treeGrid.
But sometimes (and I can't manage to know when exactly), I have this error in the console, and I can't open any groups anymore :
The console error (in yellow the calls to my custom filter methods on the tree store) :
The extjs code that caused the error:
Do you have any guess what this error could be, or by what it could be caused?
I don't have any guess about what could cause this as I am to new with extjs :/ !
Thanks a lot in advance !

KendoUI Grid: How to programmatically make a specific column non editable

I want to make a KendoUI Grid column programmatically non editable.
The information which column should be non editable, I will get after the grid was created and filled with data in my application. Thats why I have to set it programmatically.
First I created the grid on this way:
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
field1: {
editable: true,
field2: {
editable: true,
editable: true,
dataSource: dataSource,
columns: [{
field: 'field1',
title: 'First column'
field: 'field2',
title: 'Second column'
Then I add some data (I know its not realy necessary to show this here):
var grid = $(domNode).data('kendoGrid');
field1: 'Some value',
field2: 'Some other value'
Later in my application, I will get the information which column should be non editable. Then I've tried the following:
grid.dataSource.options.schema.model.fields['field1'].editable = false;
grid.dataSource.read(); // No changes, cloumn is still editable
grid.refresh(); // No changes, cloumn is still editable
grid.setDataSouce(grid.dataSouce); // No changes, cloumn is still editable
I'm desperately. Whats the correct way to porogrammaticly make a column non editable?
I would suggest two approaches:
Define an editor function for each field and when invoked decide on how to render it it if should be an input or a plain div / span. This might be a lot of work since you need to repeat this for each field that can be both editable and not editable depending on that information that you receive latter.
Whenever you receive the information about which fields are editable, create a new grid that contains the actual information about which fields are editable and which ones are not. You might opt for destroying the previous grid definition or just hide it and make the new one visible in the same place.
Unless there are just a few fields which might be editable or not, I would go with the second approach.

ExtJs 4 GridPanel with CellEditing: data entered is lost on failed validation

I am using a ExtJs Grid with the CellEditing plugin. It works perfectly except that invalid values are lost when it fails the validation I imposed on it.
For example, if I have a editable textfield in the grid that doesn't allow values over 10 characters, and the user enters "olympicssucks" the validation will fail and a red box will appear around the textfield. When the user clicks out of the field the value "olympicssucks" will be lost.
I want the grid to still save the invalid data, and keep the red box around it.
Another (maybe more clear) example:
Try editing the first cellvalue: "Adder's-Tongue" and make it empty. Notice the red box and validation message. Now click out of the box. The failed validation will revert the cell back to its original value, Adder's-Tongue.
tl;dr: My question, restated, is that I want to keep the invalid value, and yet still have validation displaying a red box around it. I'm sure its possible, but how is it done?
What I've tried:
I've looked into Ext.Editor and it seems promising because it has a config property called revertInvalid that does exactly what I want. Unfortunately, it seems that the CellEditing plugin does not seem to use Ext.Editor. I've tried providing a Ext.Editor into the Editor field of the grid column, but that produced un-editable text.
I've tried placing revertInvalid everywhere I could but this was always a far-shot.
var cellEditing = Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
var grid = {
xtype: 'grid', store: dataStore, plugins: [cellEditing],
columns: [
text: 'Items', dataIndex: 'items', flex: 1, sortable : false,
editor: {
xtype: 'textfield',
validator: function(value) { //custom validator to return false when value is empty and other conditions}
tbar: [{
xtype: 'button', text: 'Add ' + type,
handler: function() {
dataStore.insert(0, {items: 'New ' + type});
cellEditing.startEditByPosition({row: 0, column: 0});
This worked for me (Extjs 4.2):
Ext.override(Ext.Editor, { revertInvalid: false });
It very may well be that Sencha has not yet fully developed the revertInvalid field, and that its simple functionality does not yet work. To those looking for a workaround, you may have to mess with the CSS of the grid cell itself to custom-mark it as invalid.
see http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?271318-Ext.Editor-revertInvalid-false-what-is-the-expected-behavior&p=994118#post994118
to me it is a bug in ExtJs that you can fix by overriding the completeEdit function of Ext.editor

dijit.form.FilteringSelect does not display any value

I create a filtering select like so:
var lensMapServiceFS = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({
displayedValue: this.layerNames[0],
value: this.layerNames[0],
name: "lensMapServiceFS",
required: false,
store: lensMapServiceOptions,
searchAttr: "name",
style: {'width': '100px', 'fontSize': '8pt'}
}, this.id + ".lensMapService");
But when my page loads, nothing is displayed in the filtering select. All the values from my store display when you cilck the drop down but nothing is actually displayed in the filtering select. If I call getValue() or getDisplayedValue() from the firebug or chorme console the correct value is returned. Any ideas?
Well, it turned out to be a simple css issue. The value was actually there, but the text color was white on a white background. I added 'color': '#444' to the style property in the constructor and all is well.
