How express.route determined route - javascript

I'm start learning about Node.js (with Express.js) and React.js. So I have some question about Express Router
Let's see my part of code
const app = express();
const apiRouter = require("./Routes/apiRoute");
app.use("/api", apiRouter);
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log("application run on port " + 3000);
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
// Do something
.post((req,res) => {
// do something
So. My question is How express route determined which method to go.
From my example code if I send POST request like this http://localhost:3000/api/user/status
express router will see status is :id right ?
in the otherhand if I move route for /user/status up it's will go as I expected right ?
Thank you.

Express matches route in chronological order.
Express starts to match URL with the first route that has been declared in the script and then moves to the next if it does not match. This is because of the fact that Express is a Javascript framework. The function you pass to a route i.e. (req, res) => {...} is actually a js callback function that would be called if the user hit the route matching the corresponding string declared. And in Javascript, the callback that is set first for an event is called first because these callbacks are maintained in a queue. A queue is FIFO as we all know.
If you want both "/user/:id" and "/user/status" to work, you would have to declare the later one first in your code and then the first one.


Issue with multiple routes in one file - only two out of three work, the last one won't work

I'm working on making an API using express and MySQL. I'm having issues with my routes. I have it in a separate folder, requiring the different controller files and exporting the router at the end. Here's the issue. The last router.get function will not work. I can swap it and whatever is last will not work. I'll get back an empty array. I'm at a loss as to what can be wrong. Here's my code, the routes file:
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const getEmployeesController = require('../controllers/getEmployees');
const getEmployeesByIdController = require('../controllers/getEmployeesById');
const getEmployeesByFirstNameController = require('../controllers/getEmployeesByFirstName');
router.get('/', getEmployeesController.getEmployees);
router.get('/:id', getEmployeesByIdController.getEmployeesById);
router.get('/:first_name', getEmployeesByFirstNameController.getEmployeesByFirstName);
module.exports = router;
The 'first_name' router worked when it was second, after the '/', but now it won't. Same with the 'id', worked when its second, but not when it's third.
Here's the controller function, one as an example:
const mysql = require('mysql')
const pool = require('../mysql/connection')
const { handleSQLError } = require('../mysql/error')
const getEmployeesById = (req, res) => {
let sql = "SELECT ?? FROM ?? WHERE ?? = ?"
sql = mysql.format(sql, ['*', 'employees', 'emp_no',])
pool.query(sql, (err, rows) => {
if (err) return handleSQLError(res, err)
return res.json(rows);
module.exports = { getEmployeesById };
/:first_name and /:id match the exact same URLs so only the first one you register is going to get all the matching URLs. They both match /anything.
You really can't define routes like that. There's no way Express knows which route handler you want to use with /anything is the requested URL.
Instead, you need to define a route structure where those two types of URLs are different and you can design a route handler that will uniquely catch each one. I personally don't ever use top level wildcard routes like this because they match every top level URL and they prohibit you using top level URLs for any other purpose in your site.
Instead, you might change your URL design to do this:
router.get('/id/:id', ...)
router.get('/firstname/:firstname', ...);
Then, it would be completely clear from the URL what type of resource was being requested and each route would match only the appropriate URLs. io is not defined

So, I am trying to get data on my node.js file instead of directly getting it on my JS file.
I a using 2 here, Below is a snapshot of my code and this is also the first time I am using Websocket with Node.
I am doing something like
var socket = require('')
//Home Page
app.get("/", function(req, res) {
var cryto = io.connect(";
cryto.on('trades', function (tradeMsg) {
I also tried something like
var io = socket("");
var socket = require('')
var io = socket();
which was throwing errors like server.listeners is not a function and io.connect is not a function.
I am certain that I messing up stuff here so can someone guide me about the correct way of doing it?
Two things which are wrong .
First Consider using instead of
Second and very much important.
Never ever make API calls inside your routes. This will trigger a API call everytime user opens your website or webpage
You can also expect an error "Unexpected headers" or something like that.
Always, Try do declare it outside any routes in your NodeAPP.
Same goes for as well

How to extend the response timeout default time?

I'm having a little problem with thread blocking algorithms.
I have a route that generates a zip with huge size files.
The flow works like this:
GetUrls > ObtainHugeSizeBuffer > GenerateZIP > UploadZIPToCloud
I cannot modify the timeout response default time of 2 minutes with the express-timeout module. I've also been trying to break the loopholes in the .nextTick() function.
I've even tried to look over queueing but I don't think that applies in this situation.
Do you guys have any idea how to expand the response time? - I strictly need to for one route only.
// start the server
const server = app.listen(8080);
// increase the timeout to 4 minutes
server.timeout = 240000;
This is the easiest way to extend server timeout, but it affects everything, not just one method.
In your case (you wan't it only for on specific route):
'use strict';
const ms = require('ms');
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
function setConnectionTimeout(time) {
var delay = typeof time === 'string'
? ms(time)
: Number(time || 5000);
return function (req, res, next) {
exports.router = router;
Not my code, found it in this thead: Node Express specific timeout value per route
You need to google better :)

NodeJS Modulization

So, I was told that passing around the request and or response variable in nodeJS is "bad practice". But this means that most of your code has to be in the server.js file, making it cluttered and kind of ugly.
How can you modularize your nodejs server, passing around req/res appropriately and be able to organize your code into separate files?
For example, I would like to split my socket routing, .get and .post into different files, but still be able to use the callback parameters like so:"disconnect", function(req,res) { <--- these params
db.query("UPDATE player_data SET online=0 WHERE id="+mysql.escape(req.session.user));"event", {msg:req.session.username+" has logged out!"});"reloadXY");
As of right now they're all in one file and I don't like that.
I think what the person meant by 'passing around' was something like this (in plain express):
app.get('/kittens', function(req, res) {
That is, passing around the two variables beyond the first function. This is bad because it becomes increasingly difficult to figure out where the call actually ends. One little res.end(500) in updateSomethingElse can cause the whole house of cards to come tumbling down.
It's perfectly ok (in fact, standard to the point of being the default in express) to declare that callback elsewhere (usually the /routes directory of your project.)
// app.js
var user = require('./routes/user')
, kittens = require('./routes/kittens');
// express stuff...
app.get('/settings', user.getSettings);
app.get('/fur', kittens.shed);
Then, in routes/user.js:
exports.getSettings = function(req, res) {
// Note how we're passing around properties of req/res, not the objects themselves.
db.getUserSettings( {
res.render('settings', settings);
This video from TJ Holowaychuk (the guy who wrote Express and a ton of other Node infrastructure that we all use) helped me take Express modularization to the next level. Basically you can make individual apps in their own folders and consume them as middleware very easily. I have managed to extend this technique to with some tricks.
You should not pass req and res to another modules but pass callbacks from another modules to route.
It should look like.
var someModule = require("./someModule")
app.get("/someAction", someModule.handleSomeAction) ;
If You want to have post and get in another modules You should pass reference to app (from express()) once to that module and operate on that.
For example :
var express = require("express") ;
var app = express();
var get_handler = require("./get_handler ")
var post_handler = require("./post_handler ")
and in post/get_handler :
var app;
exports.init = function( eApp){
app = eApp;
// operate on app

Is it possible to automate routing in Express?

Is it possible to automate routing in Express, so I don't have to list out all the routes?
For example: going to URL '/users/first_example' should automatically use the "users.first_example" module.
app.get('/users/:name', function(req,res){
return eval('users.'; //failed attempt
There's got to be something I'm missing, and it would make my code look a lot more elegant.
Much appreciated.
var users = require('./users');//a module of route handler functions
app.get('/users/:name', function(req,res){
var handler = users[];
if (typeof handler === 'function') {
return handler(req, res);
You might want to check this earlier answer on stackoverflow -
A little more code but abstracts routing to the next level and also gives you a cleaner main file.
I have been working on something like this, focused on REST routes. Take a look at
If your routes are RESTful:
var booster = require('booster'), express = require('express'), app = express(), db = require('./myDbSetup');
You just need to wire up the database/persistence connection layer. You can choose to customize the controller routes, or the models, or any part of it, but all optional.
