Protractor automation button click inside '_ngcontent-c6' - javascript

My application has a button, with _ngcontent-c6 and i am unable to click on it.
The parent of button -span >class="ng-star-inserted" is being located.
Failed: No element found using locator: By(css selector, button[class*='primary-btn'])
<span _ngcontent-c6="" title="" class="ng-star-inserted">
<button _ngcontent-c6="" class="button primary-btn">
Create New Request

Try locator by xpath :
element(by.xpath("//*[#class='button primary-btn' and contains(text(),'Create New Request')]")).click()

element(by.buttonText("Create New Request"))
If none of solutions provided above won't work (xpath by #Sameer and #Frian or my) make sure to wait until your button is interactive using Protractor Expected Conditions

You can try with below code snippet as well.


The drop down element is not locating

Requirement : Click on the drop down and the drop down should open.
<span class="select2 select2-container select2-container--default select2-container--below select2-container--open" dir="ltr" data-select2-id="3522" style="width: 208.328px;" xpath="1">
<span class="selection">
<span class="select2-selection select2-selection--single" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="true" tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false" aria-labelledby="select2-_ID-container" aria-owns="select2_ID-results" aria-activedescendant="select2_ID-result-pwlg-2">
<span class="select2-selection__rendered" id="select2_ID-container" role="textbox" aria-readonly="true" title="Choose Inco Term">Choose Inco Term</span>
<span class="select2-selection__arrow" role="presentation">
<b role="presentation"></b>
The element is located on the UI:
But when I use the same id on the code as below:
Then I get the following error:
Timed out retrying: Expected to find element: #select2_ID-container, but never found it.
I also tried {force: true}:
There is a different id shown above, perhaps you want
Perhaps you are looking for role="combobox", since this is likely to be the dropdown.
#select2_ID-container is the selector for the first option in the dropdown list which is Choose Inco Term. You can use this to open the drop down.
Or, You can also use the text to find and click.
cy.contains('Choose Customer').click()
The jQuery select2 has a visible textbox which can be clicked to show the options.
If you're having trouble with the ID, this is how I would approach the test
cy.get('.select2 [title="Choose Inco Term"]')
.as('select2') // alias the textbox
.click() // open the options list
// Options now open
cy.contains('li.select2-results__option', 'TextOfOption').click() // choose an option
// Verify
.find('li.select2-selection__choice') // choice is listed under textbox
.should('contain', 'TextOfOption') // check the text
// Remove
.find('.select2-selection__choice__remove') // remove button
.should('not.contain', 'TextOfOption') // check text has gone
Sometimes cypress requires a mouse move. Try this too:
Also make sure the element is present / not timedout by checking the command logs :
Finally I found a solution to this. I tried all of the above solutions, but neither worked for me. This was due to the version issue. I simple updated the Cypress to the latest version 10.0.1 and ran the test and it worked. Also the dropdown is not located because the page was not loaded properly. The click action was performed on the automation before the page loads completely. So I added cy.wait(10000) before clicking the dropdown. I think the version is not the main problem. The main problem is the page load.
Thank you all for your time. :)

Selenium No Such Element Exception - Python

I need to automate some stuff behind some hyperlinks from my university's SAP Portal. I figured using Selenium is the way to go here. But it turns out most of the web elements there are faked and created from JavaScript, that is probably why webdriver cannot SEE them.
Here is what I have to click:
<a class="urLnkDragRelate" id="Link6c5f851b" ct="LN" st="" tabindex="0" ti="0" title="Feedback Form" onkeydown="return (sapUrMapi_Link_activate('Link6c5f851b',event))" href="javascript:void(0)" target="" onclick="return htmlbDoEvent(this,'C','onclick','0','htmlb_222143_0',6,1,'',0);">
<span class="urFontStd">
<span ct="TV" class="urTxtStd">Feedback Form</span>
Here is the page source :
Screenshot for understanding:
I tried to use a workaround, by using ActionChains to open up developer console, and inject an artificial CLICK on the desired element, but even that failed because when I try to inject JavaScript at the end, the link here changes each time.
Something like this:
assert "Feedback Form" in driver.page_source
# open up the developer console
# inject the JavaScript...
How do I go forward with this?
The solution was to switch to the iframe which totally went unnoticed and then find the element using its relative XPath from the iframe.
I think link id is dynamic here and if you want to click on a element then please use below xpath.
locateClick= WebDriverWait(driver, 15).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.XPATH,"//a[contains(text(),'Link')]")));

Can't click button with selenium

I'm a newcomer when it comes to javascript and selenium. I have created a simple add to cart project, but the one i am currently working on im having some troubles. The HTML code is:
<div class="buttons-set" id="shipping-method-buttons-container">
<button type="button" class="dark" onclick="" onkeypress="">Continue</button>
<span id="shipping-method-please-wait" class="please-wait icon icon--notch" style="display:none;">
Loading next step... </span>
I can't seem to figure out anyway where i can click the Continue button. I have tried things such as
and many other combinations but none seemed to work.
Try getting the element by its class name:
I believe you have used implicit wait. If not we need to add it.
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Also try this below xpath.
Hope this helps. Thanks.
Try this below code using cssSelector locator.
Try to click the button using java-script executor.
WebElement continue_button = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("button[class='dark'][type='button']"));
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", continue_button);

How to resolve NoSuchElement exception in selenium?

I had one link initially. Now I received the requirement of showing button instead of a link for A/B testing. I have to make their ids same since I don't want to write a new test for the button.
To decide which to display I added two unique classes in the li item. This is working fine.
But on testing it starts failing, giving the message "Subscriber link is not available" although button is present there.
I thought that it might failing because of two same ids are there so i added two same classes and change the selector from id to class. But it still failing.
<li class="not_subscriber subscriber-text-link " style="display:none">
<a class="link-orange subscribe" href="" id="subscribe_link"> Subscribe </a>
<li class="not_subscriber subscriber-orange-btn " style="display:none">
<a class="btn-orange subscribe" href="" id="subscribe_link" > Subscribe </a>
#FindBy(css = ".subscribe")
#NoSuchElementDescription("Subscriber link is not available")
protected WebElement _subscribeLink;
Is there any way such that i dont have to write new test and change ids and test will start passing??
Can you please try below Xpath:-
//li[#class='not_subscriber subscriber-orange-btn ']/a[#class='btn-orange subscribe']
Hope it will help you :)
Change the selector to xpath. Almost every element has an xpath. And be sure to replace the double quotes to single quotes. It should be more reliable than class or id selectors. - click specific button

I'm trying to click specific button but with no result yet.
Using Python 3.4.2 and
<a class="button" title="" ref="1" id="details" href="javascript:void(0);">
This code is under many div's and li's.
The simplest answer is welcomed!
You can evaluate a line of Javascript with and use the click method on the appropriate DOM element you get with getElementById:
page, resources = ghost.evaluate("document.getElementById('details').click();", expect_loading=True)
To get the link by class use the following line
ghost.evaluate("document.getElementsByClassName('button')[0].click();", expect_loading=True)
There is another version you can use to select and click the first link with an ref="1" attribute on your page:
ghost.evaluate("document.querySelector('a[ref="1"]').click();", expect_loading=True)
